Friday, April 3, 2015

0 Frivolous Friday 4/3/15 (Vacation, Sale and PURPLE Necklace)

I am going on VACATION!!  I am so excited!! My best friend is getting married and I get to 'give her way'!! For me it will be a time away from beading, but time spent with one of my dearest friends!!  So, I will be gone Mon - Thursday next week, however, you can still purchase from my studio (at 40% off on sale) and it will be mailed out on Friday!!  

I also hope to have the site up and running by  4/13/15 for a GRAND OPENING celebration!!  SO, I hope that you enjoy your week.....I know I will!! :)  I'll see you when I get back!!! 

Here it is, just a simple beadwoven necklace strap with nothing on it.  What do you think?

And since you all know I just love that stitch, I am going to do another color on color strap....PINK this time!   I hope you'll come over  to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page  were I post 'working' photos throughout the day.


I am not sure if you have heard of #ONESpark before, but here it is talked about A LOT!!  It is a great organization to help business get started and grow!!  Well, I have been invited by KATY Cube - Miniature Storefronts to be a part of this amazing festival!!  I am so excited!! I am not sure of ALL the details yet, but I will tell you more as I can!!!  Keep watching for the news!!

Today I would like to leave you with this thought;

I am HERE to LIVE OUT LOUD! ~Emile Zola

Thursday, April 2, 2015

2 Traditional Thursday 4/2/15 (Blue Peacock, Studio Sale and UNU Charger)

It is another day of BEADING, creating and moving items over to my site....I am so excited about this move!!  I hope that you can see/feel the excitement!!  Between everything...the happy dance goes on all day long as I don't spill my beads!! :)  ha ha ha ha :)  

I don't have a brand new creation to show off this morning, but I thought I'd show off this one my studio....remember, grab them up at 40% off before I move them over to the new site!!

Were you watching yesterday?  Did you see this one start and grow?   I hope you'll come over  to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page  were I post 'working' photos throughout the day.


Check this out, I was asked to review this amazing case from UNU for them.  I was given the case, however I was NOT paid for this review.  It is my honest and truthful opion!

Here is what I wrote;

This case is amazing!! I just love the feel, size and style of it!!  There are a couple of things that I like/dislike the same!  Sound strange?  Well, the volume, mute and standby button are 'open' on this case.  This means that to hit these buttons you must go 'in' a little on the case!  This is one of my best/worst features!!  It is the best because when I use the phone or put the phone in my purse I don't accidentally hit these buttons (which I was doing often).  It is also the worst because sometimes I have issues getting my finger in there to turn it off or adjust the volume.  But, for me, I would say the BEST part out-ways the other!! 

The battery life and ease to charge this case is AMAZING!! THANK YOU for making such great products!! I have been a fan and will continue to be! ~KM

I have increased the discount, taken off the need of a code and I'm just wating for you to grab up what creations you want!!  I am moving more and more each day!! :)

Today I would like to leave you with this thought;  

A woman that knows her worth doesn't measure herself against another woman but stands stong, calmed, and self-confient!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

0 What's New Wednesday 4/1/15 (Ms Blue Bell, PURPLE and OneSpark)

What's NEW?  Well, what isn't!!!  I have been so busy!!  I finished one creation last night, get to start a new creation this morning.  Moving creations over to my own web page...I know that you don't see it yet, but it will be amazing!!  Making wedding jewelry for my best friends wedding....creating something BIG for


Here she is....Ms. Blue Bell!  What do you think??

I get to start something NEW today! I have pulled the colors and I'll be kicking off this morning.  I hope you'll come over  to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page  were I post 'working' photos throughout the day.

I have increased the sale to 40%, taken off the need for a code and now, I am hoping that you grab up what you want!  I am moving more items each day....the new site will be up and running in about a week and then....

I am not sure if you have heard of #ONESpark before, but here it is talked about A LOT!!  It is a great organization to help business get started and grow!!  Well, I have been invited by KATY Cube - Miniature Storefronts to be a part of this amazing festival!!  I am so excited!! I am not sure of ALL the details yet, but I will tell you more as I can!!!  Keep watching for the news!!

Today I would like to leave you with this thought;

Some say BOSSY, I prefer Benevolent OVERLORD!! (April Fools) :) 

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Designed By: Wacky Jacqui's Designs