Viser innlegg med etiketten 24 weeks. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten 24 weeks. Vis alle innlegg

søndag 8. februar 2009

24 weeks - #5 Upside Down

Inspired by my Art Therapy week I'd like to challenge you to join me in an Upside Down-week. Here is a list of different kinds of challenges, and you choose which one (or five) to make. The point is to shake'n sture our usual way of thinking.

1. Find a well known painting (like Mona Lisa, The Scream... or any other...) and print it out. Glue the picture in your AJ - Upside down. Then it's time to play! Try not to focus on the motif on the picture, but more on the shapes and lines. You can add paint, wax crayons, stamps, paper... that's entirely up to you. I can't wait to see your version of the painting :)

2. Use a quote and turn the meaning of it upside down. Use your new quote to make a page in your AJ.

3. Take one of your habits and turn it upside down - at least in your AJ.

4. Draw upside down. Who said that a person always has to walk on it's feet?

5. Paint an abstract paint. Let it dry and then glue it in your AJ upside down. It's possible that you'll find some interesting things in the picture that you didn't know about.

torsdag 29. januar 2009

24 weeks - My colors (all finished)

I've managed to finish up my pages from last week's challenge. I like the way it all turned out. Working with these tiny pieces of art is great on days with limited time or days when being creative feels a bit overwhelming. Tiny pieces have tiny surface to decorate :)

Thursday is turquoise, and turquoise is for me the color of selfconfidence. It's that color I choose when I need to strengthen the feeling of being proud of myself - and love myself just the way I am.

This Friday was a blue one. Blue is awareness. An open mind.

Saturday. The air is full of expectations. Lilac butterflies. Easygoing, playfull and even sensual...

søndag 25. januar 2009

24 weeks - #4 Glam, Glitter & Glory

Yesterday the first Norwegian part of this year's European Song Contest 2009 was shown on TV. And I know that many of us have strong feelings for this show - we either hate it or we love it. But, if we focus on other parts of the show than the singing itself, it actually fascinates me. Especially the HUGE glam factor. I love it! I love how the artists dress theirselves up in the most glamorous ways. With diamonds, gold and sequins, ultra short dresses and outfits that make the audience gasp...

I also watched Trinny & Susannah yesterday, and their big campaign: Bring back glamour. Sitting in my sofa, dressed up in a soft and really comfortable tights and a baggy and well used sweather, I actually felt a bit embarassed... I was not even close to being described as glamorous... Not at all...

I have decided to dedicate this week to the beauty of Glamour! I want to be glamorous! I want to dress myself up in nice ( 'n sexy) clothes, use bijoutery that glimmer and shine. Not because I want to make impression on somebody, but because I want to enjoy the good feeling the Glamour gives me :) Who said that Glam is just for the famous artists or the Queens and Princesses? We're all beautiful women that deserve some Glam, Glitter & Glory in our lives!

I challenge you girls! I challenge you to join this week's glamorous challenge. It contains four parts:

1. Make a glamorous self portrait. Show yourself off - with Glam, Glitter & Glory! Show off your hidden Princess. Celebrate your beauty. Be proud!

2. Use different kinds of glam & glitter & shiny stuff on your pages. There are tons of special products you can buy that give glimmery 'n shiny effects. But, I'm sure you can find some stuff in your house too... You can use different kind of make up, cheap single earrings, aluminium foil, leaf gold... I challenge you to go hunting! Be creative, play and try out stuff you've never used before. Fill your pages with glam!

3. Give yourself some glam! Let each day bring you some glam. You can put on a cute skirt, a nice colored lipstick, some shiny earrings, high heeled shoes... Let's praise the femininity :)

4. At least once a day I'd like you to say out loud: I'm gorgeous! And keep a smile on your face while you say the beautiful words :)

Let's all be glamorous! I can't wait to see this week's pages :)

onsdag 21. januar 2009

My colors - Wednesday

Jeg trenger en oransje dag i dag. En dag fyllt av styrke, guts og energi. Og velvære. Dagen started definitivt ikke i et oransje lys, men jeg skal bruke denne lille AJ-biten til å trylle litt. *sim sala bim - oransje dag* I need this day to be orange. Filled with strength, guts and energy. And well-being. The day is not starting in the beautiful orange color at all, but I've decided to use this little piece of art to do some magic. *sim sala bim - orange day*

tirsdag 20. januar 2009

My colors - Tuesday

Dette er morsomt... Denne utfordringen får meg faktisk til å tenke i farger. Det føles helt naturlig å gi dagen min en farge. Faktisk så er det en av de første tankene jeg har når jeg våkner: "Hmmm.... hvilken farge har dagen i dag?" Og så langt har det vært veldig enkelt å finne den riktige fargen. Dagen i dag er brun. Brun. Jordnær. Naturlig. Ekte. I dag kjenner jeg behov for å lande. Komme ned fra svevende sfærer og bare være her. Beina godt plantet. It's funny... Doing this challenge makes me full of colors. It feels so natural to give my day a color. Actually, it's one of the first thoughts that pop into my head when I wake up: "Hmmm... what color has this day?" And so far I've had no problem finding the right color. This day, tuesday, is brown. No doubt. Brown, 'down to earth'-kind of feeling. Natural. Real. I feel a strong need for a landing, after beeing up in the spiritual clouds for some days.

mandag 19. januar 2009

My colors - Monday

Mandag er varm burgunder. Det er hjertedagen. Pusterommet. Dagen for den gode klemmen. For hverdagsengler. Monday is warm red. Or burgundy. Monday is Warm Hearts Day. The day for the warm hug. It's the day for celebrating our Everyday Angels.
Og noen bilder av sidene mine - så langt. Du får iallfall et bilde av hvordan jeg monterer hjertene mine. Here are some pictures of my page - so far. At least you'll get an idea of how I'm mounting my hearts.

Hvilken farge har dagen din? Blå? Brun? Rød? Jeg håper du legger igjen en hilsen her hvis du har noe du vil vise frem. How is your day colored? Blue? Brown? Red? I hope you leave a comment when you have something you want to show me :)

søndag 18. januar 2009

My colors - Sunday

Her er en trinn for trinn av både de dekorerte sidene mine og min første lille kunstbit. Jeg håper du blir med meg på denne utfordringen. Here's a tutorial for my decorated pages and my first tiny piece of art. I hope you'll join me in this challenge :)

Jeg malte sidene med hvit Gesso, og litt Lumiere maling (gull). I painted the pages with white Gesso, mixed with some Lumiere paint (Gold).
Og noen gamle boksidebiter... Some old scraps...
...som jeg limte på sidene. ... glued on to the pages.
For å få litt tekstur på sidene har jeg brukt litt bølgepapp og tyll. Begge deler har jeg bare limt rett på. To get some more texture, I also used some corrugated paper and a piece of tulle, both just glued on.

For å myke opp overgangene litt, har jeg brukt hvit maling. To soften the edges I painted with some white gesso.
Jeg har også fått siden til å glitre og skinne, ved hjelp av H2O Shimmering Mist. I also wanted my pages to glimmer & shimmer... with H2O Shimmering Mist.

Og litt glitter. And finally some glitter.
For å få bakt inn småbitene mine, har jeg brukt Cuttlebug til å stanse ut 7 hjerter i stiv kartong. Alle er malt i gull. To incorporate my tiny art, I used my Cuttlebug to make 7 hearts in heavy cardstock. All got painted in Gold.
For å elde hjertene litt, har jeg brukt sort fettfarge langs kantene. I used my black colored wax crayon on the edges, to make it look abit antique.
Jeg glemte å ta bilde av de ferdige sidene og hvordan jeg har tenkt å montere hjertene... Vi får se om det kommer noen bilder av det i morra. Nå, over til mitt første lille kunstverk... I forgot to take a picture of the finished pages, to show how I intend to mount the 7 pieces... I'll try to show you tomorrow... Then, to my first piece of (he)art *smile*
Jeg har valgt å gjøre søndagen min hvit. Jeg er i et rolig humør i dag. Stabil. Som en bjørn som ligger i vinterdvale. Sovende mens han samler energi og gjør seg klar for en ny vår. I chose to make Sunday green. I’m in a relaxed mood. Calm. Like a bear having it’s winter nap, relaxing, collecting energy and getting ready for a new Spring.
Jeg har ikke hvit Crackle Paint, så jeg måtte bruke den lyseste jeg hadde... den er slett ikke hvit, men den krakelerer i det minste... I don't have the white Distress Crackle Paint, so I had to use the Weathered Wood... It's not white at all, but it gives the fun crackle effect...

Og så er det mulig å male det hvitt med vanlig maling etterpå... And it's possible to paint it in white later on... with ordinary white paint.
For å få det til å skinne, har jeg malt det med Lumiere Pearl. To make it shine, I used the white Lumiere paint.
Her er hjertet ferdig - montert med en splittbinders på et av gullhjertene. My finished heart - mounted with a brad on one of the golden hearts.
Jeg har også printet ur teksten min og limt den slik at den er gjemt bak det minste hjertet. I've also printed my text and glued it so that it is hidden behind the white heart.

24 weeks - #3 "My colors"

Mine farger
7 farge – 7 dager

Jeg har skrevet om farger ørten ganger i denne bloggen allerede – og jeg er visst ikke ferdig med det ennå… Jeg er så glad i jobbe bevisst med farger. Jeg liker å bruke farger til å uttrykke både humør, følelser og opplevelser. Denne uka vil jeg utfordre deg til å lage et lite kunstverk hver dag. Du bestemmer selv størrelse og fasong. Her er utfordringen:

* Dekorer en dobbeltside (oppslag) i AJ-boka di og lag den slik at det er enkelt å ’bake inn’ 7 små kunstverk.

* Finn én farge hver dag som passer til nettopp den dagen (til humøret ditt, en spesiell følelse du har, en eller annen opplevelse, en sang, en egenskap du har…) Ett eller annet som symboliserer den aktuelle dagen. Vi starter med dagen i dag – søndag, og ender opp på lørdag. 7 dager – 7 forskjellige farger.

* Prøv å ikke bruke den samme fargen flere ganger. Jeg er klar over at vi kan ha en lang rekke rosa dager hvis vi er nyforelska, eller grå dager når vi er deprimerte. Likevel ber jeg deg om å finne en ny farge hver dag. Prøv å skifte fokus. Har du basert den ene dagen på en farge fra en følelse, kan du prøve å basere den neste dagen på for eksempel en opplevelse. Da er det ikke sikkert at fargen vil være den samme som dagen før likevel, til tross for at du er like nyforelska og rosa.

* Skriv noen ord hver dag. Prøv å forklare hvorfor du har gitt dagen nettopp den fargen du har gitt den.

My colors
7 colors – 7 days

I’ve been preaching about colors several times in this blog – and it looks like I’m not quite finished yet… I love working with colors. I love using different colors to express both mood, feelings and happenings. This week I’d like to challenge you to make a tiny piece of art each day. You decide shapes and sizes. Here is the challenge:

* Decorate a double page in your AJ and design it in a way that it’s easy to incorporate 7 tiny pieces of art.

* Each day I’d like you to find ONE color that fits your day (your mood, a special feeling you have that day, an occasion/happening, your talents, a song…) Anything that symbolizes our day. Start with today – Sunday, and we’ll end up with Saturday. 7 days – 7 different colors.

* Try not to use one color more than one day. I know that we can have several pink days in a row if we are in love or grey days if we’re being depressed. But I still challenge you to find a new color. Try to focus on new stuff. If you chose red on Monday based on an angry feeling, and Tuesday also is a day where your anger is strong, try to focus on other things than feelings.

* Write some words each day. Try to explain why you chose that color that day.


Noen linker som kan inspirere litt / Some links that may inspire you:

The meanings of colors

Color Meanings

Color: Meaning, Symbolism and Psychology

torsdag 15. januar 2009

A letter to me - my pages

Here are my two pages for this week's challenge. And - sorry - when I made the first page, the one with the window, I totally forgot that using words wasn't 'allowed'... I don't even know why I put on these exact words... Okey, sorry about that. And on my second page I used tons of words since I already had screwed it all up *lol* But my pages are made and the letter is written. I'll ask a dear friend of mine to keep it for me.
This time I have a lot of pictures... I hope most of them are self instructive. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, okey?

A picture from a mag - perfect for my page!
I cut out the windows...
... and found some new pictures I wanted to add.
This is my window collage:
The finished page:
The second page - the one with the envelope. I found a mag page that had the right colors to match the first page.
Like this:
Then I decorated the envelope with scraps from my first page.
Like this:
And softened the colors with some white paint.
I painted the 'flip' in green and blue.

The finished envelope:
And my pages - so far:
I've closed the envelope with a brad and a anchor.
Some writing and doodling...

The final result:
And how are you doing? Did you find this week's challeng to challenging? If yes, please let me know. If no - hey, I'd love to get a glipms of your pages :)