torsdag 22. januar 2015


A little belated
A year...
...since my last post...!
I can hardly believe it's been so long,
but sadly, it is true.

I've been reading blogs briefly, 
not commenting much...
I use Bloglovin, but I deeply miss the good(for me), old google reader.  I'm not too
happy with Bloglovin, but I use it.

Like many others I also spend some time on FB and IG...!

But here I am again, 
feeling a bit rusty in the bloggingsphere, 
trying to write a post! 

In this past year I've been working on different projects.
I am good at starting new projects,
but sadly not so good at finish them!
Hopefully I'll be better at this this year, cause I have a lot of
beautiful projects in the making!

 ...I have been doing something...

Made this tablerunner for the 17th of May...

...been playing with EPP and pentagons in various sizes...

...made myself a Sew Together Bag, which I love...
And there's more...
...but I need to save something for later!

Take care!
May Kristin

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hi May you have made lots of beautiful things,well done xx

Leanne sa...

I've been a hopeless blogger also. Love your bag.

Chookyblue...... sa...

so pleased to see you posting again........I missed your the projects you have done in this post.....must try one of those sewtogether bags......

Jindi's Cottage sa...

Great to see you pop up again in blogland...I'm with you about Bloglovin', I was saying just a few days ago I really miss Google Reader it was just so much better...really like your May 17 table runner, very pretty...

Thimbleanna sa...

YAY - you're back -- and with some beautiful projects too! Happy New Year -- I can't wait to see more!!!

annemariesquilt sa...

Du lager alltid nyderlige ting May Kristin !!

Litamora's Quilt & Design sa...

Du er ikke alene om å blogge litt sjeldent ;o) Flotte prosjekter du har laga! De grønne epp blomstene ser jo bare så nydelige ut!