Showing posts with label Spa Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spa Day. Show all posts

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Random Things

1. Today is my agent's birthday! You can wish her a happy birthday on Twitter at @elainespencer

2. Got comments back from one beta reader. Book Two does not suck as much as I'd thought.

3. Am working on V-Day freebie for Samhain. Will involve the further adventures of Alrik and Calleigh from ALL FIRED UP. In theory.

4. Spa was THE BEST. I wish I could get a doctor to prescribe monthly visits.

5. Stop by Louisa Edward's blog and ask her if her book is done. She'll enjoy that. Promise.

What are you up to today? I have edits to finish on one book and edits to start on another. Busy busy!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Don't hate me...

But I'm headed to the spa today. (Thanks for the gift certificate, Hotrod!) And that's the actual spa I'm going to. It's fab. I've been there before and it's my favoritest spa I think I've ever been to. And not just because it's five minutes from my house.

I'm hoping as part of the massage, they can work on the right side of my neck and upper back and my right arm and wrist. Those are the spots that suffer most from long hours at the computer.

Other than that, I hope to come home relaxed and full of spa goodness. I plan to go early and sit in the steam room and defrost. lol

When's the last time you treated yourself to some pampering?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spa Day Emergency

If you woke up looking like this, you'd need a spa day too. Not that I look quite like this in the AM, but I'm headed to the spa today anyway. The spa is about 50 yards from the ocean. Hotrod is getting a little something done, too, but I'm in for 3 treatments in total, including a massage. Just thinking about it makes me purr.

For those of you playing along with the home game, this isn't one of my kittens. This sweet face belongs to Natasha, who owns another writer friend of mine (Carrie) - and if that pic doesn't make you giggle, you might want to check your pulse.