Coret-Coret Insan
..dan hiduplah untuk akhiratmu
Daripada Abu Hurairah Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda “Sesiapa yang Allah mahukan kebaikan baginya, Dia (Allah) memberikannya kefahaman dalam Ad-Din” [Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim]
02 February 2019
Overview of High-Performance Vehicles - ppt video online download
Overview of High-Performance Vehicles - ppt video online download: High-performance Marine Vehicles Our definition: no simple monohull form weight supported by: hydrostatic buoyancy hydrodynamic lift aerostatic lift aerodynamic lift hybrid High-performance usually includes: usually high speeds good seakeeping characteristics enhanced manoeuvrability reduced signatures
11 August 2017
Tiba-tiba nak cuba post tentang susun atur.. Entah macam da tak banyak post blog psl susun atur dr blogger2 sekarang ni
Berbeza dngn time 3/4 tahun lepas..macam viral jugakla benda ni. sampai aku pun melibatkan diri dlm group susun atur kt fb tu
tp skrg mcm x aktif..maybe dorang da takde masa nak share2 bagai. dah ade kerja yang lebih aula..
Rindu jugak senanye kat blog mcm yg ownernye da dpt phd alhamdulillah..n suesukasusun yg skrg da maju bisnes design kagum dengan how organized they are. bukan macam aku..tuang air pon tumpah.
So..saja nak share..ruangan baju anakku yang berubah2 sejak dr lahir.sebabnya bilangan baju berubah, jenis baju berubah, saiz berubah, ruang yang ada berubah.
Kalau time kecik2 dulu, baru lahir kan, pakai baju newborn.n baju yang besar sikit simpan di almari yang sama, tapi bahagian bawah.Asingkan baju lengan pendek, penjang, rompers, bedung, barut, mitten semua..banyak adik beradik dia walaupon comel2 bajunye.
Bila da besar sikit, mitten barut simpan..yang tak muat ataskan baju 3 month pula and start susun baju 6 month.pastu da besar sikit bedung simpan.kain lampin simpan.ada rompers pon da xmuat simpan.pastu seluar yang ade stokin sekali pon da xpakai seban dia da start nak jalan, takut licin.dan begitula..sentiasa kemas atleast sebulan sekali.sorting sorting sorting.
so sekarang anakanda ku da 16 bulan.Alhamdulillah.baju yang disimpan dr newborn pon da 4 beg pampers.tu pon belum properly simpan.So inilah keadaan rak baju nya sekarang.
Tiba-tiba nak cuba post tentang susun atur.. Entah macam da tak banyak post blog psl susun atur dr blogger2 sekarang ni
Berbeza dngn time 3/4 tahun lepas..macam viral jugakla benda ni. sampai aku pun melibatkan diri dlm group susun atur kt fb tu
tp skrg mcm x aktif..maybe dorang da takde masa nak share2 bagai. dah ade kerja yang lebih aula..
Rindu jugak senanye kat blog mcm yg ownernye da dpt phd alhamdulillah..n suesukasusun yg skrg da maju bisnes design kagum dengan how organized they are. bukan macam aku..tuang air pon tumpah.
So..saja nak share..ruangan baju anakku yang berubah2 sejak dr lahir.sebabnya bilangan baju berubah, jenis baju berubah, saiz berubah, ruang yang ada berubah.
Kalau time kecik2 dulu, baru lahir kan, pakai baju newborn.n baju yang besar sikit simpan di almari yang sama, tapi bahagian bawah.Asingkan baju lengan pendek, penjang, rompers, bedung, barut, mitten semua..banyak adik beradik dia walaupon comel2 bajunye.
Bila da besar sikit, mitten barut simpan..yang tak muat ataskan baju 3 month pula and start susun baju 6 month.pastu da besar sikit bedung simpan.kain lampin simpan.ada rompers pon da xmuat simpan.pastu seluar yang ade stokin sekali pon da xpakai seban dia da start nak jalan, takut licin.dan begitula..sentiasa kemas atleast sebulan sekali.sorting sorting sorting.
so sekarang anakanda ku da 16 bulan.Alhamdulillah.baju yang disimpan dr newborn pon da 4 beg pampers.tu pon belum properly simpan.So inilah keadaan rak baju nya sekarang.
Rak paling atas: baju kat rumah aka baju basahan
Ada tuala kecik sebab kadang2 anakku selsema,,demam,,terluka berdarah n untuk travel.ada juga selitkan stokin di situ.Bahagian kanan is baju lengan pendek dengan seluar pendek n sebelah kiri is baju ala2 rompers yang sexy tu.kalau cuaca panas selalu pakaikan rompers tu or kalau terpaksa tukar baju tapi tahu lepas ni akan mandi.huahua..complicated.sebab anakku selalu kotorkan baju n makan tumpah2.ikut perangai aku la kot.huhu.
Lagi satu, aku jenis yang takdelah nak padankan betul2 baju dan pasangan seluarnya.main mix and match ikut keserasian.pandai2la kan ikut colour.sebab bukan semua ada pasangannya.kena saling melengkapi la ye baju2 seluar2 sekalian.
Kat rak baju ni juga letaknya tafsir n terjemahan sebab ni juga ruang solat..Hii..kena pandai2 gunakan space yang ada. oh pon just ruang anak tau.blum ada rezeki untuk ada bilik anak baju2 dia semua maknye susun di luar bilik, bersebelahan dengan tempat sidai baju anak.
Rak kedua: baju tidur and baju rumah/jalan
Yang sebelah kanan is baju lengan panjang and seluar panjang. Macam kat atas juga, tak semua baju ada exact pandai2 la maknye mix and match.hii..ada berapa je yang sepasang kat bahagian sebelah kiri tu. Di bahagian kiri tu juga kuletak rompers yang berseluar (ada bahagian menutup peha)..and baju lengan pendek yang tebal.baju ni ada option untuk dipakai waktu malam if cuaca panas, or pakai di rumah sambil tunggu nak gi jalan.kalau tak sempat nak tukar baju or anak tengah tidur, terus amgkut je budak tu.
Rak ketiga dari atas: Baju jalan!
Ni rak favourite sebab bukak je mesti terasa feeling nk gi jalan2.haha.sebelah kanan yg bhgn kecil tu is baju melayu n jubah yg pakai pon sekali2 je.bahagian kanan juga is baju overall yang molek.selalu aku pakaikan baju yang xde ketiak tu ke rumah kenduri..supaya dia tak rimas.
Sebelah kiri is baju tshirt n jeans/seluar jalan. sikit je sebab xnak berlebihan.pnadai2 rotate baju.lgpon seminggu sekali je jalan2 pon.
Rak keempat dr atas: mandian/tiduran things
Kat sini la tersimpan tuala2, shower foam, kapas2, bedak..toothbrush..banyaknya bedak dapat. tak selalu guna pon..huu..oh n ada sarung bantal, sarng tilam n selimut juga d sini. buat tukar2.
Rak paling bawah: feeding things
Barang2 susu ada di sini.simpan lagi milk container tu.ada yg kata kalau da 6 bulan da kena buang.ohh.baru tau..n warmer tu kotak je.belum sempat nak simpan.da tak pakai da awak.botol2 susu pon banyak yang sememangnya tak pernah pakai.pernah pakai 1 botol tommeetippee je masa anakku bawah sebulan..pastu direct bf sampai sekarang belom ajar lagi bottle feeding.huhu..
Actually ada yang dari zaman kakaknye da 4 tahun tersimpan botol2 susu tu.
So..begitulah susun atur baju2 anakku.
Baju dilipat mcmtu senang nk pon bljr dr kakak blogger susun atur dulu2.
kalau xcukup padat time baju dibasuh n baju tak tersusun, baringkan atu atau 2 helai baju untuk tahan baju yg disusun menegak.
Nanti akn ku share susunan ketika menunggu baby lahir..
23 April 2017
Academic visit to Osaka University in winter season during pregnancy part 1
So the important thing was the checklist utk travel during pregnancy in winter season. Keperluan untuk travel time winter satu hal..untuk ibu mengandung satu hal. Cost of medical memang expensive kat Jepun. so kena hati2 and jaga kesihatan. Nasib baik winter x dela sebabkan aku sakit. just flu sikit..n kulit kering saje..tu pon sampai berdarah2 kulitku. Hormon factor pon menyumbang jugak. Sebelum travel, search la kat internet barang2 penting yang perlu dibawa. Lagi2 kalau time pregnant macam2 benda tak kena.
1) Dokumen2/buku2
-Buku merah pregnancy (in case anything happen) tapi kena tau siap2 kos klinik kt jepun mahal. so kalau xde keperluan nak check up x perlula pergi check up,
2)Ubat-ubatan n grooming things
Sebab time winter humidity rendah, kulit akn jd kering smpai luka2..n badan pon sakit2 sbb sejuk. Kat Jepun barang2 gini mahal n boleh jadi taktau nak beli yang bawak siap2.
-lip balm, moisturizer lotion--lotion tu dimasukkan dalam bekas kecik2 sebab nak bawak dalam pelbagai beg
-minyak panas untuk panaskan badan. kupakai sebelum tidur
-panadol, ubat flu
-vitamin n supplement ibu mengandung
-madu+habatussauda penting untuk ibu mengandung..n habatussauda boleh panaskan badan
-minyak angin ni pun penting sebab kadang2 migrain.lagi2 dlm cuaca sejuk
-barang yang diperlukan utk refresh diri kat airport spt berus gigi (untuk gosok gigi after naik flight.xdela tercari2), sikat, roll on perfume, tisu, sanitizer, cermin and so on..sebab naik flight bawak beg agk kecil, so asingkan siap2
3)makanan n Cookwares
3 ni memang kena pakai 1 set.kalau x..akan sejuk gigil2.
-scarf/cap (pakai shawl sudah)
-gloves (ku beli 1 di uniqlo)
-socks (ku beli 2 di uniqlo)
-brooch pon penting.kalau xcukup susah nak dapat
-Telekung/sejadah travel/kain pelekat (cari yang ringan)
-Tudung kubawa instant je
-tshirt di rumah bawa yg tebal2 dlm 3 helai
- oleh kerana aku pregnant, memang pakai skirt n dress je..lagipon pakai seluar long john ok la.takla terasa sangat angin sejuk.
-sportshoes--yang mengandung better pakai sebab jalan banyak n jalan licin (kubeli sportshoes adidas best sngt jalan laju2 walaupon pregnant)
-boots--ni mcm lebih kpd nak melawa.haha..orang pregnant kaki kembang so tak sesuai pakai boots bagai
6)barang elektrik Oh ye..kat jepun electrical voltage 100V..kalau di Malaysia tak sesuai pon nak bawa electical appliance.. takut tak selamat pon ye..bazir je bawak iron n kettle time tu
-Travel adapter sngt penting sebab plug kat sana berbeza dngn mlaysia.
-extension..yang ni pon penting supaya dapat maksimumkan penggunaan dalam satu masa..kalau x, dapat cas 1 hp je la..
Ini kisah setahun++ yg lepas. Ku dapat invitation untuk exhange-student program ke Osaka University. Punya la menggelabah. Actually time tu struggling utk data analysis n pasrah je la tengok data mcm hape2 n blur2 dngn result sendiri..still lot of work should be done utk obtain good data interpretation. Ini pun under discussion antara Prof Adi Maimun n Prof Hasegawa. So he chose me to go. I didnt know the reason but I knew he did it for my own good.
Dahla time WINTER yang ku tak pernah experience pon. Another thing was I would be in my 7-month pregnancy state during the stay. n larat ke nak travel jauh2? takut bersalin di sana pun ada. Plus my pregnancy was high-risk pregnancy. critical observation should be given time bersalin..So I discussed with my husband and he decided to accompany me and took the unpaid leave.for 1 month.
Alhamdulillah everything was eased by Allah. Actually banyak international n exchange student program yang dijalankan oleh universiti di Jepun sebab bnyk uni yang aim international level. So kena rajin search n apply cepat2. take advantage yg pihak sana x terlalu pentingkan bahasa inggeris yg hebat. Aku pergi sana pihak Osaka University ada beri elaun under CAREN ‘Center for the Advancement of Research and Education Exchange Networks in Asia’. Allowance yang aku dapat was 160 000 yen n flight ticket was sponsored as well. Before pergi tu teragak2 nak tau cukup x 160000 yen tu untuk tempoh 18 jan until 21 feb. sebab tau high cost of living in Japan. Tapi husband pon ade utk support belanja groceries sume. Alhamdulillah cukup.
So the important thing was the checklist utk travel during pregnancy in winter season. Keperluan untuk travel time winter satu hal..untuk ibu mengandung satu hal. Cost of medical memang expensive kat Jepun. so kena hati2 and jaga kesihatan. Nasib baik winter x dela sebabkan aku sakit. just flu sikit..n kulit kering saje..tu pon sampai berdarah2 kulitku. Hormon factor pon menyumbang jugak. Sebelum travel, search la kat internet barang2 penting yang perlu dibawa. Lagi2 kalau time pregnant macam2 benda tak kena.
So...Antara benda penting yang aku bawa ialah:
-Passport and softcopy passport (in case hilang ke)
-surat doktor untuk naik flight..yang ini ikut naik flight ape. Kalau Air Asia memang perlu surat doktor untuk kandungan 28weeks ++ n tarikh surat tu mesti tak lebih dari 30 hari sebelum tarikh penerbangan. kalau macam kes aku, dah outdated suratnye sebab ada kat jepun 40 call Doktor kat Malaysia suruh email surat dengan tarikh yg updated..tapi aku tak tunjuk pon surat time balik Malaysia..huhu.. sebab pakai baju winter so Nihongo kat airport tu tak perasan aku pregnant.
-Al-quran -pergi travel mane2 perlu bawak Al-quran ye
-Buku bahasa jepun-ni sajela nak prepare diri, at least tau sikit
-Nota2 research n thesis aku da ambil gambar siap2..nak bawak banyak2 berat
2)Ubat-ubatan n grooming things
-lip balm, moisturizer lotion--lotion tu dimasukkan dalam bekas kecik2 sebab nak bawak dalam pelbagai beg
-minyak panas untuk panaskan badan. kupakai sebelum tidur
-panadol, ubat flu
-vitamin n supplement ibu mengandung
-madu+habatussauda penting untuk ibu mengandung..n habatussauda boleh panaskan badan
-minyak angin ni pun penting sebab kadang2 migrain.lagi2 dlm cuaca sejuk
-barang yang diperlukan utk refresh diri kat airport spt berus gigi (untuk gosok gigi after naik flight.xdela tercari2), sikat, roll on perfume, tisu, sanitizer, cermin and so on..sebab naik flight bawak beg agk kecil, so asingkan siap2
![]() |
Masuk siap2 dalam beg kecil, beli di Mr DIY |
Hah..u olls yang mengandung tu jngn xngaku yang kita akan lapar sentiasa.mesti ade benda yg nk dingap2..kalau kt negara orang ni susah nk cari mknn ringan sbb nk fikir halal n harga.So..preparela siap2..and jika lama duk kat sana yg ade peluang utk masak, betul masak kat environment asing ni..main gune ape yg ade...survival tinggi..hihi..Tapi untuk harga barang groceries, agk susah nk bajet n aku search internet pun susah nk jumpa.nanti aku share estimated price sebab still simpan resit..gigih kan! Antara barang2 yang aku bawa ialah
-pes/sos/kicap, bawak yg utk cukup sebulan je..kang berat pula beg
-sardin 3 tin kecil
-beras utk seminggu, da siap pack ikut sukatan sekali msk
-kunyit, garam, gula
-minuman 3 in 1 penting sngt..aku bwk lebih
-cili kisar 2 pack--kt jepun xde benda ni..mskn kt Jepun mostly tawar..haha
-ikan bilis
-ikan bilis
-biskut, coklat- ingt senang nak mkn coklat n jajan2 dngn pnuh nikmat kt luar negara?baik bwk dr malaysia..dpt bnyk n confirm halal
Dan untuk jimat sepanjang duduk jepun sebulan lebih, memang kena masak sendiri..lagila kalau mengandung tetiba nak makan nasi lemak cookwares perlu bawa termasuk pisau, cutting board, pinggan, sudu, cawan, gelas, bekas yg boleh dimasukkan dlm microwave, sudip, senduk, oh ye..kena bawak pan yang sesuai utk masak kt electric cooker (sebab kat jepun kebanyakan apartment sediakan ni).pan yg mcm tefal tu sesuai.bawalah yang leper je..kang berat sngt pulak.kalau periuk ringan dia x function. benda2 ni perlulah ditimbang semasa packing sebab nilah penyumbang besar berat luggage.
Yang ni agak kritikal sebab winter sejuk dia mencucuk2 weyh..serius kalau subuh tu memang mujahadah nak bangkit..nasibla ade air panas n heater..kalau tak, beku la..n sejujurnya aku tak selesa duduk dlm kesejukan itu..nasibla aku pregnant so ade additional thermal dr baby.hehe. So bawak baju perlu planning juge sbb ni pon contribute to the luggange weight. Yang bestnya musim sejuk x tukar baju beberapa hari pon pusing2 baju yang sama je. Basuh baju pon x kerap sbb susah nak kering. Dah kering pon tak dapat beza baju tu lembab ke sejuk.hoho. lagi satu kalau pregnant 7 bulan memang susah nak cari yang muat betul2.aku pakai pon mesti xleh nak butang kat perut..
Antara pakaian wajib time winter ialah:
-long john (ku beli di uniqlo 2 pasang je)
-sweater(ku beli di uniqlo juge 1 helai je)
-jaket (ku beli di kedai bundle rm5 satu.haha.) 3 ni memang kena pakai 1 set.kalau x..akan sejuk gigil2.
-scarf/cap (pakai shawl sudah)
-gloves (ku beli 1 di uniqlo)
-socks (ku beli 2 di uniqlo)
-brooch pon penting.kalau xcukup susah nak dapat
-Telekung/sejadah travel/kain pelekat (cari yang ringan)
-Tudung kubawa instant je
-tshirt di rumah bawa yg tebal2 dlm 3 helai
- oleh kerana aku pregnant, memang pakai skirt n dress je..lagipon pakai seluar long john ok la.takla terasa sangat angin sejuk.
-sportshoes--yang mengandung better pakai sebab jalan banyak n jalan licin (kubeli sportshoes adidas best sngt jalan laju2 walaupon pregnant)
-boots--ni mcm lebih kpd nak melawa.haha..orang pregnant kaki kembang so tak sesuai pakai boots bagai
6)barang elektrik Oh ye..kat jepun electrical voltage 100V..kalau di Malaysia tak sesuai pon nak bawa electical appliance.. takut tak selamat pon ye..bazir je bawak iron n kettle time tu
-Travel adapter sngt penting sebab plug kat sana berbeza dngn mlaysia.
-extension..yang ni pon penting supaya dapat maksimumkan penggunaan dalam satu masa..kalau x, dapat cas 1 hp je la..
Kalau nak bajet barang utk dibawa..kena tau ape yg boleh beli di sana..Groceries..aku beli di Kansai Suppa..dekat dngn apartment..3 hari pertama nak cukupkan barang rumah dalam 5500 yen dibelanja (beli sikit bawang, sayur, roti, telur, susu, minyak sabun basuh, beras, tepung)..n beli hanger sepit n barang2 kemas rumah kat daiso cecah 800 yen..T_T pergi Kansai Suppa ni dalam 2 hari sekali lepas balik uni..lebih kurang 500 yen dihabiskan setiap kali pergi..nak nangis tengok barang2 mcm bawang n sayur yang harganya mahal T_T teringat pasar Malaysia
(cth harga: susu kecil 110 yen, roti sebuku 145 yen (beli kt 7e), satu labu bwng putih tu 59 yen, 3 biji bawang holland besar tu 168 yen, kubis setengah tu 65 yen, telur 6 biji 235 yen..beras 1000 yen pack kecik..ikan 100-200 yen yg clearance..tepung 98 yen..butter 200 yen)tapi..kalau ade diskaun memang berbaloi la. Lagi satu..kt Jepun sebenarnye banyak online shop utk halal groceries..aku baru tau time nak x sempat merasa.
Banyak kan barang nak kena bawa..Haha..Memang patut bawa luggage besar sebab kt Jepun banyak naik train..nak keluar masuk train tu lagi mudah nnt. Kalau kitorang hr tu naik Air Asia..luggage aku 30 kg..luggage husband 20 untuk sebulan lebihla,,pandai2 kena susun..Okay..aku stop dulu untuk part 1.Semoga bermanfaat.
05 April 2017
Temuduga Pensyarah Fakulti Mekanikal
Dah habis study ni mulalah diri ini digerakkan untuk cari koroje..
Haihh..Impian setiap ibu2 rasanya dapat jaga anak kt rumah
Tapi kadang2 keperluan hidup tidak mengizinkan
Kadang2 environment kita membentuk bagaimana kita membuat keputusan
yang pastinya terdapat kebaikan jika kita menghargainya
Dan sesi adrenaline rush pon tiba
Honestly, aku tak pernah ditemuduga untuk kerja.
And aku memang kurang pengalaman kerja.
So..aku memang tak biasa jawab soalan interview..or soalan spontan dr panel yang hebat.
Interview memang kelemahanku.
So..sesi interview pon tiba diiringi dngan mock teaching.
Honestly, teaching pon aku kurang pengalaman.
Tulah..pesanan untuk adik2..
lain kali time study ambil peluang kerja part time ye.
Jangan jadi macam aku.
And peristiwa tu da jadi 2 minggu lepas da.
I screwed up.
Tapi xpe.PENGALAMAN berharga.
And ni lah masa untuk tahu potensi diri.
So kat sini nak share antara soalan2 yang mungkin ditanya waktu temuduga pensyarah.
Harap dapat bantu orang lain yang sedang bersedia.
1. Tell me about yourself.
Beritahu past education, current status, and aim for 10 years. (etc become role model as lecturer, Assoc. prof, someone important in the industry)
2. Past education
Tell them what you studied and what you did except from study
3. Publication:why not much publication (as for my case)
What should I say is I have to collect good result for the impact factor journal and I can use the experience in preparing SCOPUS journal to prepare good ISI journal
4. Why want to become lecturer
I enjoy/love teaching..enjoy help other to understand/to know something
I can contribute in engineering field by educate and develop human resource
5. Hobby
I love blogging and I have my own blog...I should tell more about the blog
I also love space organizing and love to collect picture or read about how people organize their small space...(n should tell what I get from that)
6. The problem of student in FKM despite they had good grade in matriculation
I said about support system but dont elaborate
I should told about time management and should know to react with basic problem
7. difference between program in other unis
Should know about the difference between B.eng n B.Sc
8.How to contribute as female lecturer
With passion, motivated and opportunist attitude, I can contribute as the lecturer and show my teamwork in working with male lecturer. I can be flexible and can manage to arrange my time according to the job priority as woman is known for their multitasking, have to gain respect
9. What you have done to improve your languange?
I screwed up.haha..Actually nothing much I did.
What I should do is be honest n said I will improve it at my best effort
10.What is your research about?
Tell them..also about the problems u solved, what you gained
11. Current issue
12. What are the lecturers' job
Teaching, Research, Management
13.Curriculum activities-state specifically
and tell them what u obtained/learned
14. Why UTM
-The facilities, experienced lecturer and research environment will help in my career development
15. How to handle if the student dont understand
intensive class, quiz on the basic term, show the good example and application
16. Experience in lab
17. what is mechanical engineering
So those are the question which I received/ the other candidates received
Sebenarnya okay j kalau ada idea
Aku yang terkadang takde idea and blur.
Tapi if tak tau jawab xtau n will try to find the info in the website, will aware about that
Stop sini.
Kalau ada rezeki adalah. Rezeki Allah tu luas.Percayalah.
Dah habis study ni mulalah diri ini digerakkan untuk cari koroje..
Haihh..Impian setiap ibu2 rasanya dapat jaga anak kt rumah
Tapi kadang2 keperluan hidup tidak mengizinkan
Kadang2 environment kita membentuk bagaimana kita membuat keputusan
yang pastinya terdapat kebaikan jika kita menghargainya
Dan sesi adrenaline rush pon tiba
Honestly, aku tak pernah ditemuduga untuk kerja.
And aku memang kurang pengalaman kerja.
So..aku memang tak biasa jawab soalan interview..or soalan spontan dr panel yang hebat.
Interview memang kelemahanku.
So..sesi interview pon tiba diiringi dngan mock teaching.
Honestly, teaching pon aku kurang pengalaman.
Tulah..pesanan untuk adik2..
lain kali time study ambil peluang kerja part time ye.
Jangan jadi macam aku.
And peristiwa tu da jadi 2 minggu lepas da.
I screwed up.
Tapi xpe.PENGALAMAN berharga.
And ni lah masa untuk tahu potensi diri.
So kat sini nak share antara soalan2 yang mungkin ditanya waktu temuduga pensyarah.
Harap dapat bantu orang lain yang sedang bersedia.
1. Tell me about yourself.
Beritahu past education, current status, and aim for 10 years. (etc become role model as lecturer, Assoc. prof, someone important in the industry)
2. Past education
Tell them what you studied and what you did except from study
3. Publication:why not much publication (as for my case)
What should I say is I have to collect good result for the impact factor journal and I can use the experience in preparing SCOPUS journal to prepare good ISI journal
4. Why want to become lecturer
I enjoy/love teaching..enjoy help other to understand/to know something
I can contribute in engineering field by educate and develop human resource
5. Hobby
I love blogging and I have my own blog...I should tell more about the blog
I also love space organizing and love to collect picture or read about how people organize their small space...(n should tell what I get from that)
6. The problem of student in FKM despite they had good grade in matriculation
I said about support system but dont elaborate
I should told about time management and should know to react with basic problem
7. difference between program in other unis
Should know about the difference between B.eng n B.Sc
8.How to contribute as female lecturer
With passion, motivated and opportunist attitude, I can contribute as the lecturer and show my teamwork in working with male lecturer. I can be flexible and can manage to arrange my time according to the job priority as woman is known for their multitasking, have to gain respect
9. What you have done to improve your languange?
I screwed up.haha..Actually nothing much I did.
What I should do is be honest n said I will improve it at my best effort
10.What is your research about?
Tell them..also about the problems u solved, what you gained
11. Current issue
12. What are the lecturers' job
Teaching, Research, Management
13.Curriculum activities-state specifically
and tell them what u obtained/learned
14. Why UTM
-The facilities, experienced lecturer and research environment will help in my career development
15. How to handle if the student dont understand
intensive class, quiz on the basic term, show the good example and application
16. Experience in lab
17. what is mechanical engineering
So those are the question which I received/ the other candidates received
Sebenarnya okay j kalau ada idea
Aku yang terkadang takde idea and blur.
Tapi if tak tau jawab xtau n will try to find the info in the website, will aware about that
Stop sini.
Kalau ada rezeki adalah. Rezeki Allah tu luas.Percayalah.
20 March 2017
Masalah datang tak henti-henti..Dah nama pun manusia..
Pernah tak kita ditimpa pellllbagai masalah..lepas satu ..satu..Mcm sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga then jatuh bnda lain dr atas..(Er..taik burung jatuh dari atas..).Then Pengsan..
Janganlah anggap yang hanya kita seorang je yang pernah kena or sedang diuji sebegitu. Orang lain pun sama. Hidup manusia memang ditakdirkan untuk ada MASALAH. Sengaja Allah nak uji kn? Kita ada 2 pilihan; be positive or negative..
Kalau be positive. Mesti kita akan dapat bersangka baik yg selepas ujian itu adanya ketenangan dan kemanisan. Memang..orang akan fikirkan kita ni too optimistic. But who care. Biarlah kita jadi optimis dengan usaha. Jngn jadi optimis and duduk diam tak buat apa2.
Ada orang..(diri sendiri juga) akan terlepas cakap or marah2 bila dapat masalah. Biasalah..bila marah ni syaitan senang je usik..Kita pun terlayan and mula lah nak salah kan itu salahkan ini..salah kan Allah…(Nauzubillah)..Sebabnya..benda susah siapa suka kan.?
Bersyukur lah..andai kita ditimpa masalah sekalipun…kita masih ingat Allah.. Ada orang..bila ada masalah dia mngadu kat orang lain..makhluk lain..Dah salah tau..Boleh jadi syirik..Kita ada Tuhan..maka perlulah merasakan kita ni hanya ada Allah sebagai tempat mengadu..Orang sekeliling boleh membantu, tetapi siapa yang takdirkan mereka bantu kita? Siapa yang bagi kemudahan kat orang lain untuk bantu kita? Allah jugak kan?^_^
So macamana nak bersangka baik dengan Allah?
Bila ada masalah..lekas2lah tarik nafas..feel the oxygen..Think. Where I got the air from? Who created it..Who created the breathing system..See..! Allah still loves us. Even dia bagi masalah bertimbun pun..Try to compare..
Nikmat yg Dia bg and ujian yg Dia bg..Mana lebih banyak???
Selama 22 tahun hidup, (more or less) pernah tak Dia tinggalkan kita hidup tanpa Nikmat? And think, kita ni tak da ape2 sngt ke yg boleh digunakan untuk selesaikan masalah? Memang tak boleh hadapi sangat ke? From that, kita akan rasa betapa Allah tahu keupayaan kita..Dia nak suruh kita gunakan nikmat yg Dia bg sebaiknya.
لا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفسًا إِلّا وُسعَها ۚ.....
"Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya…...”
SEE..Siapa yg paling kenal kita? Mestilah Pencipta kita. Yakinlah..Kita mampu.Yakinlah. Dia ada untuk bantu. But then..some says dah doa but His help does not come..Yes..It does not come…yet. Suka hati Dia lah nak tolong bila..Cuba sedar diri yg kita ni just hamba. And then..fikir2 balik..perintah Dia kita takdelah patuhi on time, bila nk sesuatu dari Allah, nak cepat aje…Hm..betapa selama ni kita jadi hamba yg tak malu..
فَبِأَىِّ ءالاءِ رَبِّكُما تُكَذِّبانِ ﴿١٦﴾
“ Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?” [Arrahman:16]
Ok..sampai di sini sahaja..
Don’t stop the doa..He always be there..InsyaAllah.^_^
Semoga kita semua mendapat redhaNya..Amin.
27 February 2017
PhD Journey Part 1
PhD Journey Part 1
Yeah..I am thinking on spilling about my journey I finally able to finish it this year.
Some people aiming something extraordinary in every stories they want to know. Many will aspect more after they read the stories. Because that is human nature..They expect something which usually better than reality.
My story is not really interesting, like winning Noble Prize or something. But journey of each person must content something valuable in the end, even though the outcome is not parallel to what he or she plan in the first place. Each journey of life content values which we can learn from it. Also, the journey of life bring colourful memories which make our life meaningful.The important thing is life remind us that we are nothing, just a weak human who just can plan. In the end, Our Creator is there with His other plan which is better for us. He is the one who help us going through the difficulties. Sometimes, we have to realize we cannot depend on human; your mom, dad, friend, teachers, they got weaknesses and limitations, just like we do.
PhD journey is not sweet as its goal, sometimes dreaming about getting the Doctorate can be really stressful although some says we have to imagine what we want to getting motivated. Ask every PhD holder about their story and you will find various problems and hardness told to you. Some may ask why people they knew can complete their PhD in short time while you taking longer than other. That shows the different journey for each candidates to gone through. Outsiders will always ask and wonder while we, insider the only want who know our condition and understand the logic behind our problem. That is why PhD candidates should be strong and very determine in what they do.
Yeah..I am thinking on spilling about my journey I finally able to finish it this year.
Some people aiming something extraordinary in every stories they want to know. Many will aspect more after they read the stories. Because that is human nature..They expect something which usually better than reality.
My story is not really interesting, like winning Noble Prize or something. But journey of each person must content something valuable in the end, even though the outcome is not parallel to what he or she plan in the first place. Each journey of life content values which we can learn from it. Also, the journey of life bring colourful memories which make our life meaningful.The important thing is life remind us that we are nothing, just a weak human who just can plan. In the end, Our Creator is there with His other plan which is better for us. He is the one who help us going through the difficulties. Sometimes, we have to realize we cannot depend on human; your mom, dad, friend, teachers, they got weaknesses and limitations, just like we do.
PhD journey is not sweet as its goal, sometimes dreaming about getting the Doctorate can be really stressful although some says we have to imagine what we want to getting motivated. Ask every PhD holder about their story and you will find various problems and hardness told to you. Some may ask why people they knew can complete their PhD in short time while you taking longer than other. That shows the different journey for each candidates to gone through. Outsiders will always ask and wonder while we, insider the only want who know our condition and understand the logic behind our problem. That is why PhD candidates should be strong and very determine in what they do.
Rerajin+Save for future: Baby Food Recipe
Progress Abdul Rahman Alif Raizan
Alhamdulillah he is being healthy and active until now
Lagi sebulan lebih dah 1 year old..
Sekarang selalu mencari resipi makanan yang sihat untuk dia
He hardly refuses food since been introduced to solid food
and InsyaAllah has no egg or other alergics
Tapi aku mengaku kadang2 terpaksa beri instant food like cereal, rusk sebab xsempat buat puri2
(blamed my busyness to prepare thesis and Viva)
Ye..Working at home mom pon tak sempat nak sediakan makanan..
Mungkin jadual perlu diperbaiki
At 6 month: As usual buat puree untuk baby.
(What I tried: brown rice..sweet potato..potato..carrot..potato+sawi (pakchoy) apple..pumpkin..buah lai..potato+carrot..banana)
Blend masukkan dalam bekas kecil 2 oz and selalu masukkan 1oz je untuk sekali makan
My baby eat in small portion
So seminggu buat 2 kali aktiviti puri memuri
Kalau jalan jauh pon bawak frozen food letak dalam chiller bag
Sampai je destinasi terus letak dalam peti ais
Kalau tak sempat buat makanan..makanan option ialah baby rusk Heinz/ kurma
Makanan snek dia ialah Biskut Beras brand Take One / Ten Ten/ Apple Monkey
It was until 8 month than I started to introduce protein
Start dengan ikan bilis and than fish n chicken
At 8 month: Buat stok ikan bilis
Buang isi n tulang ikan bilis..Rendam ikut suka berapa lama (aku ikut mana yg sempat)..Sangai ikan bilis n blend
Letak dalam bubur
Selalunye.. breakfast: puri buah..lunch and dinner: bubur kisar (nasi+sayur+ikan bilis)
Kuantiti time ni ikut suka je. Pastu nampak mcm banyak terus simpan kt fridge
Selalunye sayur carrot yg digunakan..sawi kadang2.tapi Abdul Rahman makan je if bagi sawi
Time travel: terpaksa bagi Rusk Heinz+ kurma/rice cereal nestle (dpt free dr expo baby)
Biskut beras tu memng wajibla kalau travel
And standby stok ikan bilis and blended rice..
if ade nasi putih boleh lenyekkan dngn ikan bilis
Kalau tak sempat buat makanan kat rumah (extra busy) terus kukus kentang n blend
At 9 month: Start buat stok ayam n ikan
Basuh ayam bahagian dada/ ikan bersih2 dan rebus bersama carrot, bawang putih, bawang, tomato, sedikit herb (aku ikut mana yg ada) n sedikit kentang. Kalau ada brokoi boleh campurkan..then blend lepas da puas hati tengok campuran bahan2 tu dalam periuk..Ada yg tunggu sampai lebih 6 jam..Bahan2 ni pandai2la bajet kuantitinye..aku selalu sukukan dr kuantiti makanan biasa..
lepas da sejuk simpan ikut kuantiti baby makan dan bekukan
Kalau masak bubur bolehla campurkan
Waktu ni dah start bagi baby makan roti.
Ada orang xbagi lagi tp aku langgar peraturan sikit. Abdulrahman suka makan roti.
Roti canai pun aku bagi..tapi sikit2 la
Menu breakfast is puri buah/meshed potato/roti wholemeal..lunch n dinner makan bubur
Time ni dah x blend beras da..masak bubur macam biasa n campurlah ape yg ada
Just ikut peraturan xletak garam n gula
At 10 month: Dah start tumis tumis n goreng2 untuk baby..Frozen food buat untuk puree kurma n meshed chicken je
Selalu menu breakfast is jemput kurang minyak xde gula..lunch n dinner is bubur or nasi goreng
Kadang2 buatkan mihun goreng or nasi cheese
Pasta pon boleh tapi belum try
Standby juga serbuk ikan bilis (buat sendiri) n ayam dada da simpan dalam bekas kecil siap2 untuk setiap hari
Kalau tak sempat: Bagi rusk Heinz+ Organic Instant brown rice (Bellamy)+kurma
And kentang/ keledek kukus
(time ni busy dah untuk viva n thesis correction)
So thats it..Sebenarnye boleh sediakan mcm2 menu yg sihat untuk baby..sama resipi mcm org dewasa just no sugar n salt
So gantikan sugar dengan puri kurma..n gantikan garam dengan ikan bilis (ikan bilis ni kadang2 hiris halus je if xsempat blend)..gantikan minyak dengan unsalted butter/olive oil (aku guna juga minyak biasa if tiada bahan ganti)..butter pon aku guna marjerin je buat masa ni
Kuantiti bahan tumisan kena pandai sendiri hehe..aku selalu guna 1.5 sudu beras..1/8 bawang merah n half bawang putih..carrot pon 2 slices je..
Bahan2 hiris halus2
Antara menu yang pernah dibuat untuk AbdulRahman baru2 ni: (akan diupdate)
Nasi goreng butter
Tumis bawang dengan butter. +ikan bilis 4ekor..+2 sawi/kacang panjang hiris halus+ masukkan nasi lembik n telur
Mihun goreng butter
Tumis bawang dengan butter. +isi ayam yang direbus+2 sawi hiris halus+ 2 slices carrot hiris halus+air sikit utk lembutkan carrot+masukkan mihun yang dah dicelur+1 slice tomato potong halus
Nasi kurma
Tumis bawang dengan butter+puri kurma 2 sudu kecik+epal hijau 2slices+isi ayam yang direbus+ 2
slices carrot hiris halus+air sikit utk lembutkan carrot+campur dalam nasi lembik yang sedang dimasak
Roti telur cheese
potong 4 roti n potong cheese panjang2 sesuai dngn saiz roti..penyekkan roti..gulungkan cheese dalam roti..penyekkan n bentukkan jadi silinder.. celup dalam telur yang dah dicampur dengan herb..goreng dngn unsalted butter
Meshed potato
rebus kentang 2 biji+carrot 4 slice + isi ayam setengan genggam..dah empuk ambil kentang blend n gaulkan dengan butter..air rebusan tadi guna untuk rebus bayam pula..aku guna semangkuk bayam..then blend bayam+carrot+ isi ayam..untuk kuahnye..Tumis bawang dengan butter +isi ayam yang diblend+1 sudu kecil tepung jagung yang dah digaul dngn air+setengah cawan air
Oklah..mampu taip setakat ni je sekarang..InsyaAllah will update soon.
19 May 2016
Pregnancy After Loss:What I hide through the journey
has been 44 days from the day I received the gift from my God, my son.
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Now I know the feeling of mothers
who are having their rainbow baby. I knew the term of rainbow baby 2 months
before, as I was searching for some motivation for deliver my baby after three
losses, and found the Pregnant After Loss Support website which I have not
heard about it before. Maybe because the support group for this kind of problem
in my place has not really strong yet. But I do hope one day there will be
strong support groups for mothers who are facing pregnancy after loss in Malaysia.
the post on the website which was shared by moms who experienced successful
baby delivery after loss really touched my heart. I am glad I can view the
stories before I gave birth to my son as it really gave me additional strength.
I admit that receiving similar advices from people who have no experience of
losing their child is not helping so much. Furthermore, in my case, there are
still small number of mother who face problematic pregnancy like me and it’s
hard to find someone who understand exactly how I feel. Thanks to Allah I knew
I am not alone after I read some sharing on the website and I understand that
it is only me who can really support myself and eliminate all negativity. After
all, I knew that Allah will help me in whatever situation and He will give me
what is the best for me.
my baby crying after I delivered him and chance to breastfeed him in the labour
room are the best moment I ever had, plus seeing the smile of my husband while
carrying the baby. This time, there is no questionable situation. No still baby
showed to me. No moment where I went to nursery to visit my baby with oxygen
therapy. Now, my baby is with me and I had chance to create bonding with him
during our stay at the hospital, as what I dream for after had my stillborn
baby. I still remember how I felt during my stay for induce labour. I keep
telling myself that this time, everything will be okay or much better than the
previous birth stories. The doctors are concern about me when they knew my
previous history. I keep making prayers to Allah for strength to face any possibilities.
I became extra cautious about my baby. Only Allah knew how its hard for not let
myself overthinking and feel negative about this pregnancy. I admit that I was
afraid to prepare the baby clothes and just bring a few put it in my bag, not
bring baby bag this time.
thank my husband for handling this trauma and fear together. Yeah, many feel
sorry and pity us when we share our losses; although some comments did hurt our
feeling. Some praise us for our strength and read my sharing during their
losses. Little that they knew if I am not believing in my God, I have become
crazy. Little that they knew the fear I hide inside and sudden cry I made when
I remember my kids. Our first daughter came out as fresh stillbirth. I was
overdue at 41 weeks that time and doctors said it was meconium aspiration. The
exact reason is unknown till today as I refused to perform post-mortem. I
experienced smooth labour for my second daughter but the fact that she having
chronic lung problem with Down Syndrome shocked us. Having Persistent Pulmonary
Hypertension in Newborn (PPHN) really hurt her but she tried very hard to receive
the oxygen so that we are happy enough to visit her everyday. She is a real
fighter, battled the pain until she was 4 months. We never bring her back home
except after she passed away. We knew at that time she cannot handle the pain
anymore. My third pregnancy survived until 2 month and half as the baby receive
the effect of dengue which I got. God had planned that the miscarriage happened
same time with my daughter’s last week of life. At that time, I was surprised
how strong I am to be tested with such tragedy. Lucky me I have my support
system who always helping me especially my husband and my parents.
admit that the tragedy in the past makes us not ready for new pregnancy but the
feeling of having a new baby and hope for being a good parent makes us decide
to conceive again. After all, we have faced the losses together; which make us
stronger. We had many test and scan to prove this baby is normal and my
pregnancy is healthy. It is kind of investment as the test and scan is not
cheap and still not become common to our society. I tried so hard to manage
stress and keep positive. I controlled my feeling to not become very excited
about the baby but hope for the best at the same time. We admit we prepare less
for the baby, and was very hesitate going to baby expo. But we decided to go to
the expo with positive mind and highest hope that everything will be ok. Actually,
not so much is required for the new baby as I had make a lot of preparation for
my two previous babies which the items are not been used yet, except there are some
expired items and I have to replace the girly things to boy theme as we know we
will have a baby boy. The preparation for those baby items is not an easy and
joyful as others feel, and we did that with prayer to Allah to make things easy
for us this time.
now, my baby is here with me in my room. The baby clothes, toiletries, toys, furniture,
and other items are touched and be used, different from before. I am very
grateful for this one little rainbow baby regardless the sleepless night I have
everyday and the little me time I enjoy now. I believe Allah will test us in
what we are capable with and He will reward us for what we have done and how we
manage the test. It is very important to have faith and not give up in facing
losses. We are human and we do not know what actually will we achieve in life,
what is planned for us after we tried our best for our dreams. There will be
unexpected things, good or bad which InsyaAllah will be manageable for us with
Allah’s help.
I learnt is be positive but expect the unpredicted things and be strong to
handle it. I expect we got healthy and normal baby, Allah gave but Allah test
us with two times admission to hospital due to jaundice and pneumonia. Alhamdulillah
I have been tested worse and I can handle the pressure for that. Now my baby,
Abdul Rahman continues gaining weight with breastfeeding and I continue to
adapt the motherhood moment and start to suit my timetable for that..with
Allah’s help.
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02 February 2019
Overview of High-Performance Vehicles - ppt video online download
Overview of High-Performance Vehicles - ppt video online download: High-performance Marine Vehicles Our definition: no simple monohull form weight supported by: hydrostatic buoyancy hydrodynamic lift aerostatic lift aerodynamic lift hybrid High-performance usually includes: usually high speeds good seakeeping characteristics enhanced manoeuvrability reduced signatures
11 August 2017
Tiba-tiba nak cuba post tentang susun atur.. Entah macam da tak banyak post blog psl susun atur dr blogger2 sekarang ni
Berbeza dngn time 3/4 tahun lepas..macam viral jugakla benda ni. sampai aku pun melibatkan diri dlm group susun atur kt fb tu
tp skrg mcm x aktif..maybe dorang da takde masa nak share2 bagai. dah ade kerja yang lebih aula..
Rindu jugak senanye kat blog mcm yg ownernye da dpt phd alhamdulillah..n suesukasusun yg skrg da maju bisnes design kagum dengan how organized they are. bukan macam aku..tuang air pon tumpah.
So..saja nak share..ruangan baju anakku yang berubah2 sejak dr lahir.sebabnya bilangan baju berubah, jenis baju berubah, saiz berubah, ruang yang ada berubah.
Kalau time kecik2 dulu, baru lahir kan, pakai baju newborn.n baju yang besar sikit simpan di almari yang sama, tapi bahagian bawah.Asingkan baju lengan pendek, penjang, rompers, bedung, barut, mitten semua..banyak adik beradik dia walaupon comel2 bajunye.
Bila da besar sikit, mitten barut simpan..yang tak muat ataskan baju 3 month pula and start susun baju 6 month.pastu da besar sikit bedung simpan.kain lampin simpan.ada rompers pon da xmuat simpan.pastu seluar yang ade stokin sekali pon da xpakai seban dia da start nak jalan, takut licin.dan begitula..sentiasa kemas atleast sebulan sekali.sorting sorting sorting.
so sekarang anakanda ku da 16 bulan.Alhamdulillah.baju yang disimpan dr newborn pon da 4 beg pampers.tu pon belum properly simpan.So inilah keadaan rak baju nya sekarang.
Tiba-tiba nak cuba post tentang susun atur.. Entah macam da tak banyak post blog psl susun atur dr blogger2 sekarang ni
Berbeza dngn time 3/4 tahun lepas..macam viral jugakla benda ni. sampai aku pun melibatkan diri dlm group susun atur kt fb tu
tp skrg mcm x aktif..maybe dorang da takde masa nak share2 bagai. dah ade kerja yang lebih aula..
Rindu jugak senanye kat blog mcm yg ownernye da dpt phd alhamdulillah..n suesukasusun yg skrg da maju bisnes design kagum dengan how organized they are. bukan macam aku..tuang air pon tumpah.
So..saja nak share..ruangan baju anakku yang berubah2 sejak dr lahir.sebabnya bilangan baju berubah, jenis baju berubah, saiz berubah, ruang yang ada berubah.
Kalau time kecik2 dulu, baru lahir kan, pakai baju newborn.n baju yang besar sikit simpan di almari yang sama, tapi bahagian bawah.Asingkan baju lengan pendek, penjang, rompers, bedung, barut, mitten semua..banyak adik beradik dia walaupon comel2 bajunye.
Bila da besar sikit, mitten barut simpan..yang tak muat ataskan baju 3 month pula and start susun baju 6 month.pastu da besar sikit bedung simpan.kain lampin simpan.ada rompers pon da xmuat simpan.pastu seluar yang ade stokin sekali pon da xpakai seban dia da start nak jalan, takut licin.dan begitula..sentiasa kemas atleast sebulan sekali.sorting sorting sorting.
so sekarang anakanda ku da 16 bulan.Alhamdulillah.baju yang disimpan dr newborn pon da 4 beg pampers.tu pon belum properly simpan.So inilah keadaan rak baju nya sekarang.
Rak paling atas: baju kat rumah aka baju basahan
Ada tuala kecik sebab kadang2 anakku selsema,,demam,,terluka berdarah n untuk travel.ada juga selitkan stokin di situ.Bahagian kanan is baju lengan pendek dengan seluar pendek n sebelah kiri is baju ala2 rompers yang sexy tu.kalau cuaca panas selalu pakaikan rompers tu or kalau terpaksa tukar baju tapi tahu lepas ni akan mandi.huahua..complicated.sebab anakku selalu kotorkan baju n makan tumpah2.ikut perangai aku la kot.huhu.
Lagi satu, aku jenis yang takdelah nak padankan betul2 baju dan pasangan seluarnya.main mix and match ikut keserasian.pandai2la kan ikut colour.sebab bukan semua ada pasangannya.kena saling melengkapi la ye baju2 seluar2 sekalian.
Kat rak baju ni juga letaknya tafsir n terjemahan sebab ni juga ruang solat..Hii..kena pandai2 gunakan space yang ada. oh pon just ruang anak tau.blum ada rezeki untuk ada bilik anak baju2 dia semua maknye susun di luar bilik, bersebelahan dengan tempat sidai baju anak.
Rak kedua: baju tidur and baju rumah/jalan
Yang sebelah kanan is baju lengan panjang and seluar panjang. Macam kat atas juga, tak semua baju ada exact pandai2 la maknye mix and match.hii..ada berapa je yang sepasang kat bahagian sebelah kiri tu. Di bahagian kiri tu juga kuletak rompers yang berseluar (ada bahagian menutup peha)..and baju lengan pendek yang tebal.baju ni ada option untuk dipakai waktu malam if cuaca panas, or pakai di rumah sambil tunggu nak gi jalan.kalau tak sempat nak tukar baju or anak tengah tidur, terus amgkut je budak tu.
Rak ketiga dari atas: Baju jalan!
Ni rak favourite sebab bukak je mesti terasa feeling nk gi jalan2.haha.sebelah kanan yg bhgn kecil tu is baju melayu n jubah yg pakai pon sekali2 je.bahagian kanan juga is baju overall yang molek.selalu aku pakaikan baju yang xde ketiak tu ke rumah kenduri..supaya dia tak rimas.
Sebelah kiri is baju tshirt n jeans/seluar jalan. sikit je sebab xnak berlebihan.pnadai2 rotate baju.lgpon seminggu sekali je jalan2 pon.
Rak keempat dr atas: mandian/tiduran things
Kat sini la tersimpan tuala2, shower foam, kapas2, bedak..toothbrush..banyaknya bedak dapat. tak selalu guna pon..huu..oh n ada sarung bantal, sarng tilam n selimut juga d sini. buat tukar2.
Rak paling bawah: feeding things
Barang2 susu ada di sini.simpan lagi milk container tu.ada yg kata kalau da 6 bulan da kena buang.ohh.baru tau..n warmer tu kotak je.belum sempat nak simpan.da tak pakai da awak.botol2 susu pon banyak yang sememangnya tak pernah pakai.pernah pakai 1 botol tommeetippee je masa anakku bawah sebulan..pastu direct bf sampai sekarang belom ajar lagi bottle feeding.huhu..
Actually ada yang dari zaman kakaknye da 4 tahun tersimpan botol2 susu tu.
So..begitulah susun atur baju2 anakku.
Baju dilipat mcmtu senang nk pon bljr dr kakak blogger susun atur dulu2.
kalau xcukup padat time baju dibasuh n baju tak tersusun, baringkan atu atau 2 helai baju untuk tahan baju yg disusun menegak.
Nanti akn ku share susunan ketika menunggu baby lahir..
23 April 2017
Academic visit to Osaka University in winter season during pregnancy part 1
So the important thing was the checklist utk travel during pregnancy in winter season. Keperluan untuk travel time winter satu hal..untuk ibu mengandung satu hal. Cost of medical memang expensive kat Jepun. so kena hati2 and jaga kesihatan. Nasib baik winter x dela sebabkan aku sakit. just flu sikit..n kulit kering saje..tu pon sampai berdarah2 kulitku. Hormon factor pon menyumbang jugak. Sebelum travel, search la kat internet barang2 penting yang perlu dibawa. Lagi2 kalau time pregnant macam2 benda tak kena.
1) Dokumen2/buku2
-Buku merah pregnancy (in case anything happen) tapi kena tau siap2 kos klinik kt jepun mahal. so kalau xde keperluan nak check up x perlula pergi check up,
2)Ubat-ubatan n grooming things
Sebab time winter humidity rendah, kulit akn jd kering smpai luka2..n badan pon sakit2 sbb sejuk. Kat Jepun barang2 gini mahal n boleh jadi taktau nak beli yang bawak siap2.
-lip balm, moisturizer lotion--lotion tu dimasukkan dalam bekas kecik2 sebab nak bawak dalam pelbagai beg
-minyak panas untuk panaskan badan. kupakai sebelum tidur
-panadol, ubat flu
-vitamin n supplement ibu mengandung
-madu+habatussauda penting untuk ibu mengandung..n habatussauda boleh panaskan badan
-minyak angin ni pun penting sebab kadang2 migrain.lagi2 dlm cuaca sejuk
-barang yang diperlukan utk refresh diri kat airport spt berus gigi (untuk gosok gigi after naik flight.xdela tercari2), sikat, roll on perfume, tisu, sanitizer, cermin and so on..sebab naik flight bawak beg agk kecil, so asingkan siap2
3)makanan n Cookwares
3 ni memang kena pakai 1 set.kalau x..akan sejuk gigil2.
-scarf/cap (pakai shawl sudah)
-gloves (ku beli 1 di uniqlo)
-socks (ku beli 2 di uniqlo)
-brooch pon penting.kalau xcukup susah nak dapat
-Telekung/sejadah travel/kain pelekat (cari yang ringan)
-Tudung kubawa instant je
-tshirt di rumah bawa yg tebal2 dlm 3 helai
- oleh kerana aku pregnant, memang pakai skirt n dress je..lagipon pakai seluar long john ok la.takla terasa sangat angin sejuk.
-sportshoes--yang mengandung better pakai sebab jalan banyak n jalan licin (kubeli sportshoes adidas best sngt jalan laju2 walaupon pregnant)
-boots--ni mcm lebih kpd nak melawa.haha..orang pregnant kaki kembang so tak sesuai pakai boots bagai
6)barang elektrik Oh ye..kat jepun electrical voltage 100V..kalau di Malaysia tak sesuai pon nak bawa electical appliance.. takut tak selamat pon ye..bazir je bawak iron n kettle time tu
-Travel adapter sngt penting sebab plug kat sana berbeza dngn mlaysia.
-extension..yang ni pon penting supaya dapat maksimumkan penggunaan dalam satu masa..kalau x, dapat cas 1 hp je la..
Ini kisah setahun++ yg lepas. Ku dapat invitation untuk exhange-student program ke Osaka University. Punya la menggelabah. Actually time tu struggling utk data analysis n pasrah je la tengok data mcm hape2 n blur2 dngn result sendiri..still lot of work should be done utk obtain good data interpretation. Ini pun under discussion antara Prof Adi Maimun n Prof Hasegawa. So he chose me to go. I didnt know the reason but I knew he did it for my own good.
Dahla time WINTER yang ku tak pernah experience pon. Another thing was I would be in my 7-month pregnancy state during the stay. n larat ke nak travel jauh2? takut bersalin di sana pun ada. Plus my pregnancy was high-risk pregnancy. critical observation should be given time bersalin..So I discussed with my husband and he decided to accompany me and took the unpaid leave.for 1 month.
Alhamdulillah everything was eased by Allah. Actually banyak international n exchange student program yang dijalankan oleh universiti di Jepun sebab bnyk uni yang aim international level. So kena rajin search n apply cepat2. take advantage yg pihak sana x terlalu pentingkan bahasa inggeris yg hebat. Aku pergi sana pihak Osaka University ada beri elaun under CAREN ‘Center for the Advancement of Research and Education Exchange Networks in Asia’. Allowance yang aku dapat was 160 000 yen n flight ticket was sponsored as well. Before pergi tu teragak2 nak tau cukup x 160000 yen tu untuk tempoh 18 jan until 21 feb. sebab tau high cost of living in Japan. Tapi husband pon ade utk support belanja groceries sume. Alhamdulillah cukup.
So the important thing was the checklist utk travel during pregnancy in winter season. Keperluan untuk travel time winter satu hal..untuk ibu mengandung satu hal. Cost of medical memang expensive kat Jepun. so kena hati2 and jaga kesihatan. Nasib baik winter x dela sebabkan aku sakit. just flu sikit..n kulit kering saje..tu pon sampai berdarah2 kulitku. Hormon factor pon menyumbang jugak. Sebelum travel, search la kat internet barang2 penting yang perlu dibawa. Lagi2 kalau time pregnant macam2 benda tak kena.
So...Antara benda penting yang aku bawa ialah:
-Passport and softcopy passport (in case hilang ke)
-surat doktor untuk naik flight..yang ini ikut naik flight ape. Kalau Air Asia memang perlu surat doktor untuk kandungan 28weeks ++ n tarikh surat tu mesti tak lebih dari 30 hari sebelum tarikh penerbangan. kalau macam kes aku, dah outdated suratnye sebab ada kat jepun 40 call Doktor kat Malaysia suruh email surat dengan tarikh yg updated..tapi aku tak tunjuk pon surat time balik Malaysia..huhu.. sebab pakai baju winter so Nihongo kat airport tu tak perasan aku pregnant.
-Al-quran -pergi travel mane2 perlu bawak Al-quran ye
-Buku bahasa jepun-ni sajela nak prepare diri, at least tau sikit
-Nota2 research n thesis aku da ambil gambar siap2..nak bawak banyak2 berat
2)Ubat-ubatan n grooming things
-lip balm, moisturizer lotion--lotion tu dimasukkan dalam bekas kecik2 sebab nak bawak dalam pelbagai beg
-minyak panas untuk panaskan badan. kupakai sebelum tidur
-panadol, ubat flu
-vitamin n supplement ibu mengandung
-madu+habatussauda penting untuk ibu mengandung..n habatussauda boleh panaskan badan
-minyak angin ni pun penting sebab kadang2 migrain.lagi2 dlm cuaca sejuk
-barang yang diperlukan utk refresh diri kat airport spt berus gigi (untuk gosok gigi after naik flight.xdela tercari2), sikat, roll on perfume, tisu, sanitizer, cermin and so on..sebab naik flight bawak beg agk kecil, so asingkan siap2
![]() |
Masuk siap2 dalam beg kecil, beli di Mr DIY |
Hah..u olls yang mengandung tu jngn xngaku yang kita akan lapar sentiasa.mesti ade benda yg nk dingap2..kalau kt negara orang ni susah nk cari mknn ringan sbb nk fikir halal n harga.So..preparela siap2..and jika lama duk kat sana yg ade peluang utk masak, betul masak kat environment asing ni..main gune ape yg ade...survival tinggi..hihi..Tapi untuk harga barang groceries, agk susah nk bajet n aku search internet pun susah nk jumpa.nanti aku share estimated price sebab still simpan resit..gigih kan! Antara barang2 yang aku bawa ialah
-pes/sos/kicap, bawak yg utk cukup sebulan je..kang berat pula beg
-sardin 3 tin kecil
-beras utk seminggu, da siap pack ikut sukatan sekali msk
-kunyit, garam, gula
-minuman 3 in 1 penting sngt..aku bwk lebih
-cili kisar 2 pack--kt jepun xde benda ni..mskn kt Jepun mostly tawar..haha
-ikan bilis
-ikan bilis
-biskut, coklat- ingt senang nak mkn coklat n jajan2 dngn pnuh nikmat kt luar negara?baik bwk dr malaysia..dpt bnyk n confirm halal
Dan untuk jimat sepanjang duduk jepun sebulan lebih, memang kena masak sendiri..lagila kalau mengandung tetiba nak makan nasi lemak cookwares perlu bawa termasuk pisau, cutting board, pinggan, sudu, cawan, gelas, bekas yg boleh dimasukkan dlm microwave, sudip, senduk, oh ye..kena bawak pan yang sesuai utk masak kt electric cooker (sebab kat jepun kebanyakan apartment sediakan ni).pan yg mcm tefal tu sesuai.bawalah yang leper je..kang berat sngt pulak.kalau periuk ringan dia x function. benda2 ni perlulah ditimbang semasa packing sebab nilah penyumbang besar berat luggage.
Yang ni agak kritikal sebab winter sejuk dia mencucuk2 weyh..serius kalau subuh tu memang mujahadah nak bangkit..nasibla ade air panas n heater..kalau tak, beku la..n sejujurnya aku tak selesa duduk dlm kesejukan itu..nasibla aku pregnant so ade additional thermal dr baby.hehe. So bawak baju perlu planning juge sbb ni pon contribute to the luggange weight. Yang bestnya musim sejuk x tukar baju beberapa hari pon pusing2 baju yang sama je. Basuh baju pon x kerap sbb susah nak kering. Dah kering pon tak dapat beza baju tu lembab ke sejuk.hoho. lagi satu kalau pregnant 7 bulan memang susah nak cari yang muat betul2.aku pakai pon mesti xleh nak butang kat perut..
Antara pakaian wajib time winter ialah:
-long john (ku beli di uniqlo 2 pasang je)
-sweater(ku beli di uniqlo juge 1 helai je)
-jaket (ku beli di kedai bundle rm5 satu.haha.) 3 ni memang kena pakai 1 set.kalau x..akan sejuk gigil2.
-scarf/cap (pakai shawl sudah)
-gloves (ku beli 1 di uniqlo)
-socks (ku beli 2 di uniqlo)
-brooch pon penting.kalau xcukup susah nak dapat
-Telekung/sejadah travel/kain pelekat (cari yang ringan)
-Tudung kubawa instant je
-tshirt di rumah bawa yg tebal2 dlm 3 helai
- oleh kerana aku pregnant, memang pakai skirt n dress je..lagipon pakai seluar long john ok la.takla terasa sangat angin sejuk.
-sportshoes--yang mengandung better pakai sebab jalan banyak n jalan licin (kubeli sportshoes adidas best sngt jalan laju2 walaupon pregnant)
-boots--ni mcm lebih kpd nak melawa.haha..orang pregnant kaki kembang so tak sesuai pakai boots bagai
6)barang elektrik Oh ye..kat jepun electrical voltage 100V..kalau di Malaysia tak sesuai pon nak bawa electical appliance.. takut tak selamat pon ye..bazir je bawak iron n kettle time tu
-Travel adapter sngt penting sebab plug kat sana berbeza dngn mlaysia.
-extension..yang ni pon penting supaya dapat maksimumkan penggunaan dalam satu masa..kalau x, dapat cas 1 hp je la..
Kalau nak bajet barang utk dibawa..kena tau ape yg boleh beli di sana..Groceries..aku beli di Kansai Suppa..dekat dngn apartment..3 hari pertama nak cukupkan barang rumah dalam 5500 yen dibelanja (beli sikit bawang, sayur, roti, telur, susu, minyak sabun basuh, beras, tepung)..n beli hanger sepit n barang2 kemas rumah kat daiso cecah 800 yen..T_T pergi Kansai Suppa ni dalam 2 hari sekali lepas balik uni..lebih kurang 500 yen dihabiskan setiap kali pergi..nak nangis tengok barang2 mcm bawang n sayur yang harganya mahal T_T teringat pasar Malaysia
(cth harga: susu kecil 110 yen, roti sebuku 145 yen (beli kt 7e), satu labu bwng putih tu 59 yen, 3 biji bawang holland besar tu 168 yen, kubis setengah tu 65 yen, telur 6 biji 235 yen..beras 1000 yen pack kecik..ikan 100-200 yen yg clearance..tepung 98 yen..butter 200 yen)tapi..kalau ade diskaun memang berbaloi la. Lagi satu..kt Jepun sebenarnye banyak online shop utk halal groceries..aku baru tau time nak x sempat merasa.
Banyak kan barang nak kena bawa..Haha..Memang patut bawa luggage besar sebab kt Jepun banyak naik train..nak keluar masuk train tu lagi mudah nnt. Kalau kitorang hr tu naik Air Asia..luggage aku 30 kg..luggage husband 20 untuk sebulan lebihla,,pandai2 kena susun..Okay..aku stop dulu untuk part 1.Semoga bermanfaat.
exchange student,
info to propel,
Jalan Jalan Jepun,
travel and pregnant,
travel to osaka,
winter holiday
05 April 2017
Temuduga Pensyarah Fakulti Mekanikal
Dah habis study ni mulalah diri ini digerakkan untuk cari koroje..
Haihh..Impian setiap ibu2 rasanya dapat jaga anak kt rumah
Tapi kadang2 keperluan hidup tidak mengizinkan
Kadang2 environment kita membentuk bagaimana kita membuat keputusan
yang pastinya terdapat kebaikan jika kita menghargainya
Dan sesi adrenaline rush pon tiba
Honestly, aku tak pernah ditemuduga untuk kerja.
And aku memang kurang pengalaman kerja.
So..aku memang tak biasa jawab soalan interview..or soalan spontan dr panel yang hebat.
Interview memang kelemahanku.
So..sesi interview pon tiba diiringi dngan mock teaching.
Honestly, teaching pon aku kurang pengalaman.
Tulah..pesanan untuk adik2..
lain kali time study ambil peluang kerja part time ye.
Jangan jadi macam aku.
And peristiwa tu da jadi 2 minggu lepas da.
I screwed up.
Tapi xpe.PENGALAMAN berharga.
And ni lah masa untuk tahu potensi diri.
So kat sini nak share antara soalan2 yang mungkin ditanya waktu temuduga pensyarah.
Harap dapat bantu orang lain yang sedang bersedia.
1. Tell me about yourself.
Beritahu past education, current status, and aim for 10 years. (etc become role model as lecturer, Assoc. prof, someone important in the industry)
2. Past education
Tell them what you studied and what you did except from study
3. Publication:why not much publication (as for my case)
What should I say is I have to collect good result for the impact factor journal and I can use the experience in preparing SCOPUS journal to prepare good ISI journal
4. Why want to become lecturer
I enjoy/love teaching..enjoy help other to understand/to know something
I can contribute in engineering field by educate and develop human resource
5. Hobby
I love blogging and I have my own blog...I should tell more about the blog
I also love space organizing and love to collect picture or read about how people organize their small space...(n should tell what I get from that)
6. The problem of student in FKM despite they had good grade in matriculation
I said about support system but dont elaborate
I should told about time management and should know to react with basic problem
7. difference between program in other unis
Should know about the difference between B.eng n B.Sc
8.How to contribute as female lecturer
With passion, motivated and opportunist attitude, I can contribute as the lecturer and show my teamwork in working with male lecturer. I can be flexible and can manage to arrange my time according to the job priority as woman is known for their multitasking, have to gain respect
9. What you have done to improve your languange?
I screwed up.haha..Actually nothing much I did.
What I should do is be honest n said I will improve it at my best effort
10.What is your research about?
Tell them..also about the problems u solved, what you gained
11. Current issue
12. What are the lecturers' job
Teaching, Research, Management
13.Curriculum activities-state specifically
and tell them what u obtained/learned
14. Why UTM
-The facilities, experienced lecturer and research environment will help in my career development
15. How to handle if the student dont understand
intensive class, quiz on the basic term, show the good example and application
16. Experience in lab
17. what is mechanical engineering
So those are the question which I received/ the other candidates received
Sebenarnya okay j kalau ada idea
Aku yang terkadang takde idea and blur.
Tapi if tak tau jawab xtau n will try to find the info in the website, will aware about that
Stop sini.
Kalau ada rezeki adalah. Rezeki Allah tu luas.Percayalah.
Dah habis study ni mulalah diri ini digerakkan untuk cari koroje..
Haihh..Impian setiap ibu2 rasanya dapat jaga anak kt rumah
Tapi kadang2 keperluan hidup tidak mengizinkan
Kadang2 environment kita membentuk bagaimana kita membuat keputusan
yang pastinya terdapat kebaikan jika kita menghargainya
Dan sesi adrenaline rush pon tiba
Honestly, aku tak pernah ditemuduga untuk kerja.
And aku memang kurang pengalaman kerja.
So..aku memang tak biasa jawab soalan interview..or soalan spontan dr panel yang hebat.
Interview memang kelemahanku.
So..sesi interview pon tiba diiringi dngan mock teaching.
Honestly, teaching pon aku kurang pengalaman.
Tulah..pesanan untuk adik2..
lain kali time study ambil peluang kerja part time ye.
Jangan jadi macam aku.
And peristiwa tu da jadi 2 minggu lepas da.
I screwed up.
Tapi xpe.PENGALAMAN berharga.
And ni lah masa untuk tahu potensi diri.
So kat sini nak share antara soalan2 yang mungkin ditanya waktu temuduga pensyarah.
Harap dapat bantu orang lain yang sedang bersedia.
1. Tell me about yourself.
Beritahu past education, current status, and aim for 10 years. (etc become role model as lecturer, Assoc. prof, someone important in the industry)
2. Past education
Tell them what you studied and what you did except from study
3. Publication:why not much publication (as for my case)
What should I say is I have to collect good result for the impact factor journal and I can use the experience in preparing SCOPUS journal to prepare good ISI journal
4. Why want to become lecturer
I enjoy/love teaching..enjoy help other to understand/to know something
I can contribute in engineering field by educate and develop human resource
5. Hobby
I love blogging and I have my own blog...I should tell more about the blog
I also love space organizing and love to collect picture or read about how people organize their small space...(n should tell what I get from that)
6. The problem of student in FKM despite they had good grade in matriculation
I said about support system but dont elaborate
I should told about time management and should know to react with basic problem
7. difference between program in other unis
Should know about the difference between B.eng n B.Sc
8.How to contribute as female lecturer
With passion, motivated and opportunist attitude, I can contribute as the lecturer and show my teamwork in working with male lecturer. I can be flexible and can manage to arrange my time according to the job priority as woman is known for their multitasking, have to gain respect
9. What you have done to improve your languange?
I screwed up.haha..Actually nothing much I did.
What I should do is be honest n said I will improve it at my best effort
10.What is your research about?
Tell them..also about the problems u solved, what you gained
11. Current issue
12. What are the lecturers' job
Teaching, Research, Management
13.Curriculum activities-state specifically
and tell them what u obtained/learned
14. Why UTM
-The facilities, experienced lecturer and research environment will help in my career development
15. How to handle if the student dont understand
intensive class, quiz on the basic term, show the good example and application
16. Experience in lab
17. what is mechanical engineering
So those are the question which I received/ the other candidates received
Sebenarnya okay j kalau ada idea
Aku yang terkadang takde idea and blur.
Tapi if tak tau jawab xtau n will try to find the info in the website, will aware about that
Stop sini.
Kalau ada rezeki adalah. Rezeki Allah tu luas.Percayalah.
20 March 2017
Masalah datang tak henti-henti..Dah nama pun manusia..
Pernah tak kita ditimpa pellllbagai masalah..lepas satu ..satu..Mcm sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga then jatuh bnda lain dr atas..(Er..taik burung jatuh dari atas..).Then Pengsan..
Janganlah anggap yang hanya kita seorang je yang pernah kena or sedang diuji sebegitu. Orang lain pun sama. Hidup manusia memang ditakdirkan untuk ada MASALAH. Sengaja Allah nak uji kn? Kita ada 2 pilihan; be positive or negative..
Kalau be positive. Mesti kita akan dapat bersangka baik yg selepas ujian itu adanya ketenangan dan kemanisan. Memang..orang akan fikirkan kita ni too optimistic. But who care. Biarlah kita jadi optimis dengan usaha. Jngn jadi optimis and duduk diam tak buat apa2.
Ada orang..(diri sendiri juga) akan terlepas cakap or marah2 bila dapat masalah. Biasalah..bila marah ni syaitan senang je usik..Kita pun terlayan and mula lah nak salah kan itu salahkan ini..salah kan Allah…(Nauzubillah)..Sebabnya..benda susah siapa suka kan.?
Bersyukur lah..andai kita ditimpa masalah sekalipun…kita masih ingat Allah.. Ada orang..bila ada masalah dia mngadu kat orang lain..makhluk lain..Dah salah tau..Boleh jadi syirik..Kita ada Tuhan..maka perlulah merasakan kita ni hanya ada Allah sebagai tempat mengadu..Orang sekeliling boleh membantu, tetapi siapa yang takdirkan mereka bantu kita? Siapa yang bagi kemudahan kat orang lain untuk bantu kita? Allah jugak kan?^_^
So macamana nak bersangka baik dengan Allah?
Bila ada masalah..lekas2lah tarik nafas..feel the oxygen..Think. Where I got the air from? Who created it..Who created the breathing system..See..! Allah still loves us. Even dia bagi masalah bertimbun pun..Try to compare..
Nikmat yg Dia bg and ujian yg Dia bg..Mana lebih banyak???
Selama 22 tahun hidup, (more or less) pernah tak Dia tinggalkan kita hidup tanpa Nikmat? And think, kita ni tak da ape2 sngt ke yg boleh digunakan untuk selesaikan masalah? Memang tak boleh hadapi sangat ke? From that, kita akan rasa betapa Allah tahu keupayaan kita..Dia nak suruh kita gunakan nikmat yg Dia bg sebaiknya.
لا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفسًا إِلّا وُسعَها ۚ.....
"Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya…...”
SEE..Siapa yg paling kenal kita? Mestilah Pencipta kita. Yakinlah..Kita mampu.Yakinlah. Dia ada untuk bantu. But then..some says dah doa but His help does not come..Yes..It does not come…yet. Suka hati Dia lah nak tolong bila..Cuba sedar diri yg kita ni just hamba. And then..fikir2 balik..perintah Dia kita takdelah patuhi on time, bila nk sesuatu dari Allah, nak cepat aje…Hm..betapa selama ni kita jadi hamba yg tak malu..
فَبِأَىِّ ءالاءِ رَبِّكُما تُكَذِّبانِ ﴿١٦﴾
“ Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?” [Arrahman:16]
Ok..sampai di sini sahaja..
Don’t stop the doa..He always be there..InsyaAllah.^_^
Semoga kita semua mendapat redhaNya..Amin.
27 February 2017
PhD Journey Part 1
PhD Journey Part 1
Yeah..I am thinking on spilling about my journey I finally able to finish it this year.
Some people aiming something extraordinary in every stories they want to know. Many will aspect more after they read the stories. Because that is human nature..They expect something which usually better than reality.
My story is not really interesting, like winning Noble Prize or something. But journey of each person must content something valuable in the end, even though the outcome is not parallel to what he or she plan in the first place. Each journey of life content values which we can learn from it. Also, the journey of life bring colourful memories which make our life meaningful.The important thing is life remind us that we are nothing, just a weak human who just can plan. In the end, Our Creator is there with His other plan which is better for us. He is the one who help us going through the difficulties. Sometimes, we have to realize we cannot depend on human; your mom, dad, friend, teachers, they got weaknesses and limitations, just like we do.
PhD journey is not sweet as its goal, sometimes dreaming about getting the Doctorate can be really stressful although some says we have to imagine what we want to getting motivated. Ask every PhD holder about their story and you will find various problems and hardness told to you. Some may ask why people they knew can complete their PhD in short time while you taking longer than other. That shows the different journey for each candidates to gone through. Outsiders will always ask and wonder while we, insider the only want who know our condition and understand the logic behind our problem. That is why PhD candidates should be strong and very determine in what they do.
Yeah..I am thinking on spilling about my journey I finally able to finish it this year.
Some people aiming something extraordinary in every stories they want to know. Many will aspect more after they read the stories. Because that is human nature..They expect something which usually better than reality.
My story is not really interesting, like winning Noble Prize or something. But journey of each person must content something valuable in the end, even though the outcome is not parallel to what he or she plan in the first place. Each journey of life content values which we can learn from it. Also, the journey of life bring colourful memories which make our life meaningful.The important thing is life remind us that we are nothing, just a weak human who just can plan. In the end, Our Creator is there with His other plan which is better for us. He is the one who help us going through the difficulties. Sometimes, we have to realize we cannot depend on human; your mom, dad, friend, teachers, they got weaknesses and limitations, just like we do.
PhD journey is not sweet as its goal, sometimes dreaming about getting the Doctorate can be really stressful although some says we have to imagine what we want to getting motivated. Ask every PhD holder about their story and you will find various problems and hardness told to you. Some may ask why people they knew can complete their PhD in short time while you taking longer than other. That shows the different journey for each candidates to gone through. Outsiders will always ask and wonder while we, insider the only want who know our condition and understand the logic behind our problem. That is why PhD candidates should be strong and very determine in what they do.
Rerajin+Save for future: Baby Food Recipe
Progress Abdul Rahman Alif Raizan
Alhamdulillah he is being healthy and active until now
Lagi sebulan lebih dah 1 year old..
Sekarang selalu mencari resipi makanan yang sihat untuk dia
He hardly refuses food since been introduced to solid food
and InsyaAllah has no egg or other alergics
Tapi aku mengaku kadang2 terpaksa beri instant food like cereal, rusk sebab xsempat buat puri2
(blamed my busyness to prepare thesis and Viva)
Ye..Working at home mom pon tak sempat nak sediakan makanan..
Mungkin jadual perlu diperbaiki
At 6 month: As usual buat puree untuk baby.
(What I tried: brown rice..sweet potato..potato..carrot..potato+sawi (pakchoy) apple..pumpkin..buah lai..potato+carrot..banana)
Blend masukkan dalam bekas kecil 2 oz and selalu masukkan 1oz je untuk sekali makan
My baby eat in small portion
So seminggu buat 2 kali aktiviti puri memuri
Kalau jalan jauh pon bawak frozen food letak dalam chiller bag
Sampai je destinasi terus letak dalam peti ais
Kalau tak sempat buat makanan..makanan option ialah baby rusk Heinz/ kurma
Makanan snek dia ialah Biskut Beras brand Take One / Ten Ten/ Apple Monkey
It was until 8 month than I started to introduce protein
Start dengan ikan bilis and than fish n chicken
At 8 month: Buat stok ikan bilis
Buang isi n tulang ikan bilis..Rendam ikut suka berapa lama (aku ikut mana yg sempat)..Sangai ikan bilis n blend
Letak dalam bubur
Selalunye.. breakfast: puri buah..lunch and dinner: bubur kisar (nasi+sayur+ikan bilis)
Kuantiti time ni ikut suka je. Pastu nampak mcm banyak terus simpan kt fridge
Selalunye sayur carrot yg digunakan..sawi kadang2.tapi Abdul Rahman makan je if bagi sawi
Time travel: terpaksa bagi Rusk Heinz+ kurma/rice cereal nestle (dpt free dr expo baby)
Biskut beras tu memng wajibla kalau travel
And standby stok ikan bilis and blended rice..
if ade nasi putih boleh lenyekkan dngn ikan bilis
Kalau tak sempat buat makanan kat rumah (extra busy) terus kukus kentang n blend
At 9 month: Start buat stok ayam n ikan
Basuh ayam bahagian dada/ ikan bersih2 dan rebus bersama carrot, bawang putih, bawang, tomato, sedikit herb (aku ikut mana yg ada) n sedikit kentang. Kalau ada brokoi boleh campurkan..then blend lepas da puas hati tengok campuran bahan2 tu dalam periuk..Ada yg tunggu sampai lebih 6 jam..Bahan2 ni pandai2la bajet kuantitinye..aku selalu sukukan dr kuantiti makanan biasa..
lepas da sejuk simpan ikut kuantiti baby makan dan bekukan
Kalau masak bubur bolehla campurkan
Waktu ni dah start bagi baby makan roti.
Ada orang xbagi lagi tp aku langgar peraturan sikit. Abdulrahman suka makan roti.
Roti canai pun aku bagi..tapi sikit2 la
Menu breakfast is puri buah/meshed potato/roti wholemeal..lunch n dinner makan bubur
Time ni dah x blend beras da..masak bubur macam biasa n campurlah ape yg ada
Just ikut peraturan xletak garam n gula
At 10 month: Dah start tumis tumis n goreng2 untuk baby..Frozen food buat untuk puree kurma n meshed chicken je
Selalu menu breakfast is jemput kurang minyak xde gula..lunch n dinner is bubur or nasi goreng
Kadang2 buatkan mihun goreng or nasi cheese
Pasta pon boleh tapi belum try
Standby juga serbuk ikan bilis (buat sendiri) n ayam dada da simpan dalam bekas kecil siap2 untuk setiap hari
Kalau tak sempat: Bagi rusk Heinz+ Organic Instant brown rice (Bellamy)+kurma
And kentang/ keledek kukus
(time ni busy dah untuk viva n thesis correction)
So thats it..Sebenarnye boleh sediakan mcm2 menu yg sihat untuk baby..sama resipi mcm org dewasa just no sugar n salt
So gantikan sugar dengan puri kurma..n gantikan garam dengan ikan bilis (ikan bilis ni kadang2 hiris halus je if xsempat blend)..gantikan minyak dengan unsalted butter/olive oil (aku guna juga minyak biasa if tiada bahan ganti)..butter pon aku guna marjerin je buat masa ni
Kuantiti bahan tumisan kena pandai sendiri hehe..aku selalu guna 1.5 sudu beras..1/8 bawang merah n half bawang putih..carrot pon 2 slices je..
Bahan2 hiris halus2
Antara menu yang pernah dibuat untuk AbdulRahman baru2 ni: (akan diupdate)
Nasi goreng butter
Tumis bawang dengan butter. +ikan bilis 4ekor..+2 sawi/kacang panjang hiris halus+ masukkan nasi lembik n telur
Mihun goreng butter
Tumis bawang dengan butter. +isi ayam yang direbus+2 sawi hiris halus+ 2 slices carrot hiris halus+air sikit utk lembutkan carrot+masukkan mihun yang dah dicelur+1 slice tomato potong halus
Nasi kurma
Tumis bawang dengan butter+puri kurma 2 sudu kecik+epal hijau 2slices+isi ayam yang direbus+ 2
slices carrot hiris halus+air sikit utk lembutkan carrot+campur dalam nasi lembik yang sedang dimasak
Roti telur cheese
potong 4 roti n potong cheese panjang2 sesuai dngn saiz roti..penyekkan roti..gulungkan cheese dalam roti..penyekkan n bentukkan jadi silinder.. celup dalam telur yang dah dicampur dengan herb..goreng dngn unsalted butter
Meshed potato
rebus kentang 2 biji+carrot 4 slice + isi ayam setengan genggam..dah empuk ambil kentang blend n gaulkan dengan butter..air rebusan tadi guna untuk rebus bayam pula..aku guna semangkuk bayam..then blend bayam+carrot+ isi ayam..untuk kuahnye..Tumis bawang dengan butter +isi ayam yang diblend+1 sudu kecil tepung jagung yang dah digaul dngn air+setengah cawan air
Oklah..mampu taip setakat ni je sekarang..InsyaAllah will update soon.
19 May 2016
Pregnancy After Loss:What I hide through the journey
has been 44 days from the day I received the gift from my God, my son.
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Now I know the feeling of mothers
who are having their rainbow baby. I knew the term of rainbow baby 2 months
before, as I was searching for some motivation for deliver my baby after three
losses, and found the Pregnant After Loss Support website which I have not
heard about it before. Maybe because the support group for this kind of problem
in my place has not really strong yet. But I do hope one day there will be
strong support groups for mothers who are facing pregnancy after loss in Malaysia.
the post on the website which was shared by moms who experienced successful
baby delivery after loss really touched my heart. I am glad I can view the
stories before I gave birth to my son as it really gave me additional strength.
I admit that receiving similar advices from people who have no experience of
losing their child is not helping so much. Furthermore, in my case, there are
still small number of mother who face problematic pregnancy like me and it’s
hard to find someone who understand exactly how I feel. Thanks to Allah I knew
I am not alone after I read some sharing on the website and I understand that
it is only me who can really support myself and eliminate all negativity. After
all, I knew that Allah will help me in whatever situation and He will give me
what is the best for me.
my baby crying after I delivered him and chance to breastfeed him in the labour
room are the best moment I ever had, plus seeing the smile of my husband while
carrying the baby. This time, there is no questionable situation. No still baby
showed to me. No moment where I went to nursery to visit my baby with oxygen
therapy. Now, my baby is with me and I had chance to create bonding with him
during our stay at the hospital, as what I dream for after had my stillborn
baby. I still remember how I felt during my stay for induce labour. I keep
telling myself that this time, everything will be okay or much better than the
previous birth stories. The doctors are concern about me when they knew my
previous history. I keep making prayers to Allah for strength to face any possibilities.
I became extra cautious about my baby. Only Allah knew how its hard for not let
myself overthinking and feel negative about this pregnancy. I admit that I was
afraid to prepare the baby clothes and just bring a few put it in my bag, not
bring baby bag this time.
thank my husband for handling this trauma and fear together. Yeah, many feel
sorry and pity us when we share our losses; although some comments did hurt our
feeling. Some praise us for our strength and read my sharing during their
losses. Little that they knew if I am not believing in my God, I have become
crazy. Little that they knew the fear I hide inside and sudden cry I made when
I remember my kids. Our first daughter came out as fresh stillbirth. I was
overdue at 41 weeks that time and doctors said it was meconium aspiration. The
exact reason is unknown till today as I refused to perform post-mortem. I
experienced smooth labour for my second daughter but the fact that she having
chronic lung problem with Down Syndrome shocked us. Having Persistent Pulmonary
Hypertension in Newborn (PPHN) really hurt her but she tried very hard to receive
the oxygen so that we are happy enough to visit her everyday. She is a real
fighter, battled the pain until she was 4 months. We never bring her back home
except after she passed away. We knew at that time she cannot handle the pain
anymore. My third pregnancy survived until 2 month and half as the baby receive
the effect of dengue which I got. God had planned that the miscarriage happened
same time with my daughter’s last week of life. At that time, I was surprised
how strong I am to be tested with such tragedy. Lucky me I have my support
system who always helping me especially my husband and my parents.
admit that the tragedy in the past makes us not ready for new pregnancy but the
feeling of having a new baby and hope for being a good parent makes us decide
to conceive again. After all, we have faced the losses together; which make us
stronger. We had many test and scan to prove this baby is normal and my
pregnancy is healthy. It is kind of investment as the test and scan is not
cheap and still not become common to our society. I tried so hard to manage
stress and keep positive. I controlled my feeling to not become very excited
about the baby but hope for the best at the same time. We admit we prepare less
for the baby, and was very hesitate going to baby expo. But we decided to go to
the expo with positive mind and highest hope that everything will be ok. Actually,
not so much is required for the new baby as I had make a lot of preparation for
my two previous babies which the items are not been used yet, except there are some
expired items and I have to replace the girly things to boy theme as we know we
will have a baby boy. The preparation for those baby items is not an easy and
joyful as others feel, and we did that with prayer to Allah to make things easy
for us this time.
now, my baby is here with me in my room. The baby clothes, toiletries, toys, furniture,
and other items are touched and be used, different from before. I am very
grateful for this one little rainbow baby regardless the sleepless night I have
everyday and the little me time I enjoy now. I believe Allah will test us in
what we are capable with and He will reward us for what we have done and how we
manage the test. It is very important to have faith and not give up in facing
losses. We are human and we do not know what actually will we achieve in life,
what is planned for us after we tried our best for our dreams. There will be
unexpected things, good or bad which InsyaAllah will be manageable for us with
Allah’s help.
I learnt is be positive but expect the unpredicted things and be strong to
handle it. I expect we got healthy and normal baby, Allah gave but Allah test
us with two times admission to hospital due to jaundice and pneumonia. Alhamdulillah
I have been tested worse and I can handle the pressure for that. Now my baby,
Abdul Rahman continues gaining weight with breastfeeding and I continue to
adapt the motherhood moment and start to suit my timetable for that..with
Allah’s help.
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