Showing posts with label my students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my students. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Rude Student

I've been teaching for more than ten years and this student is the rudest student that I've ever had. He's a third grade student who always distracts the class. He makes noise, disturbs his seatmates that sometimes causes some bruise when he hits someone next to him, doesn't do anything what you tells him to do on the computer and when you asked him to stop on his craziness then he will curse you or other teacher who asks him to do. He always bothers others but doesn't want to be bothered of his craziness.

One day, he was absent and his friend said that she was so happy that "Rudy" (let's just call him Rudy because he is rude) was absent. She said that she felt so relieved and it seems like some thorns pulled out from her heart after saying what she wanted to say without Rudy. She said she's suffocating when Rudy is around. I felt the stress that this student feels about him. Just the way that I felt when I didn't know him well but I realized that Rudy is completely special child. I don't mean he's retarded or disabled, what I mean is, he has phychological problem that he makes everyone so stressful.

When I gave them homework that I told them to write a situation when their teachers got angry with them, he said that his teacher was so angry in class when he cursed her. I found out that he says bad words to everyone even to his school teacher.

I heard that he has younger sister and his family's attention is with her sister. Since then, I realized that he needs special attention that's why he bothers everyone in class because he needs attention. When I lose patience to him, I sometimes think that his family ignores him because of his bad attitude. But deep inside, I take pity on him because of his attitude and I'm still thinking on what to do to stop his craziness.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

What Mother Mean To You?

I asked my Korean students what they think first when they hear the word "Mother". Here are the answers that they gave me.

One of the students said "curly". I understand because in Korea, most hajumas or married women have short curly hair. Another student said "test". He said his mom always asked how he did on his test whenever they have one. Another said "angry" because her mom always gets angry. One said "drama" because her mom always watches drama on TV. There are so many answers that they gave but I can't remember them all.

How about you? What do you think of when you hear the word "mother"? And what do you think will your kids tell what mother mean to them?

Friday, July 5, 2013

I'm Finally Back After Three Years

It has been three years since I last updated here. I rarely think of posting about my experiences in teaching but too lazy to post and sometimes forget when I come home. I have lots of good and bad experiences about teaching. As you know, it's not easy to teach in other land specially when you have different language. Eventhough I love kids and teaching is my passion, there are times that I feel upset, terrible and irritated. Of course most of the time, I have to carry my patience with me or else everyone will be in trouble.

It's alright to hit the students in Korea which surprised me when I first saw the teacher hitting a student on his head with a stick. It wasn't too hard that could break his head but still it was against the law in my country. After seeing several times of spanking the children from the teachers and boss, I got used to it. I realized that it needed to educate the Korean students because they don't listen or follow the teachers easily. There are lots of hard-headed students that some of them even say bad words to their teachers. Saying good words or giving some advise to them is useless. They should be taught some lessons through a stick or rod.

In my case, I never hit a student in my 12 years of teaching but sometimes feel like hitting them or throwing them out of the window if it's just possible. But I always keep my patience because I understand that students are also moody. There are times that they don't feel like studying specially when they have a problem at home or school. I can't deny that I sometimes get irritated but most of the time, I enjoy my day with kids.