Showing posts with label student. Show all posts
Showing posts with label student. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2013

Let's Bake Yummy Cookies

Betty is a baker.
She bakes bread, cake, and cookies.

Today she's baking chocolate chip cookies.
Can you help her?

First you need a large bowl.
Put butter in the bowl.
Add sugar, eggs and vanilla.

Then stir, stir, stir!
Now pour in flour.
Next come salt and baking soda.

Stir again.
Then add chocolate chips.

Stir a few more times, and...
You already made cookie dough!

Next scoop up the dough.
Then drop spoonsfuls of dough on a tray.

Bake the cookies in the oven.
Are they ready, yet
No, not yet!

Oh yes, it's already ten minutes and the cookies are ready.

I think chocolate chips are yummy!
Do you like them too?

What you need to make yummy cookies:
225 grams of butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
350 grams chocolate chips

Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Sleepyhead Student

It always irritates me when I teach the class with my sleepy head student. He always feels sleepy during the class. No matter how many times I wake him up and hit him, he doesn't do anything. His sleeping time in my class is more than the time that he studies. I don't know what this guy is doing in my class. He's just wasting some money to pay for private institutes. He can just stay home and sleep. Why does he have to pay and sleep?

Whenever I hit him, he wakes up and write some words. Then he's asleep again when I'm not beside him. I understand that he's tired but it doesn't mean that I can allow him to sleep. He just changes the mood of the class. What I mean is, he doesn't have to pay if he's not interested in studying. I don't know why their parents have to send their children in private institutes when their children are not interested in studying?

Parents think that their children study hard. Some of them even think that because their children have been studying for many years, they think they are better than others who study less time than their kids. But they don't know that their kids don't really focus in class. Going to institutes just became their habits.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Students who always complain

I hate my 6 o'clock class. They don't do anything but to complain. It's very stressful to teach them. I remember when I first taught them, they couldn't read or write even a single word like "she" or "they". It always took us 30 minutes to read and learn the spelling of ten of the sight words. And now I can say that they improved a lot. They can't only read fast but they can also write and explain even hard words. Of course that wasn't an easy job. I always argue with them everytime we meet. They always say that I always give them hard works. We have to learn words, explain what they have read, study the pronunciation and give homeworks. They said they haven't studied like that before. I know that's why they were stupid. Actually, I also taught them phonics on my first month of meeting them because they couldn't read or write. But until now it's hard to correct their pronunciation because whenever I teach them the correct pronunciation, they get angry easily so sometimes I'd rather ignore them because I get much stress.

Before we start the class, they always tell me to study a little and leave early. That's everyday that I always want to put earphone on my ears before I start the class. I don't hate them but I hate their bad attitudes with regards to studying. I always want them to learn but they are not interested enough. Do I get more salary if they learn a lot? Of course not! Would my salary decrease if they don't learn? Absolutely not! I just want to do my job so I'm trying my best so that they could learn. They should know that! Yes, they should!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tell the whole earth

I was in the office while waiting for my next class. While waiting for them, I checked my cellphone if I got a missed call or text messages. There wasn't any. It's also my habit to check the pictures on my cellphone. I was alone in the office so I decided to take a picture of me. I was posing like a cute lady when two of my students came and saw me. They laughed at me and didn't stop teasing me until the class started. During our class, they wanted me to play but I didn't allow them. We had to finished the book for this month so it seems like we are running out of time to finish it next week. Then my students said they would tell my boss on what they saw in the office. I said I wasn't scared of it. Then they said they would tell the whole students about it. I said that was okay. Then they said they would tell all parents. They couldn't convinced me so they finally said that they would put on the internet. Are they saying that they would tell the whole earth about my picture taking? hahahaha....

They are so cute but not funny! hehehe...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Vacation

School Summer Vacation has started last week. There are many students who missed the class for 2-3 days because they are going on vacation. Some of them visited other countries and others just inside the country but stayed in one place for many days. There are also students who quit because they went abroad to study.

Students are very proud to share about their vacation to their classmates. Students who have been on vacation were telling about their fun time when they were away and some of them are telling where they are going on their coming vacation. I noticed that one of my students was very quiet. Then someone asked her, she said she's not going anywhere because her parents are afraid of the swine flu. I think her parents have a point there. I told her that I'm not going anywhere either so she can come to my house during our vacation. She smiled and I hope my words made her feel more relieved and comfortable.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Reason for being absent

My student wasn't coming. He was already 20 minutes late so I called him at home. He answered the phone and said he was coming. After 10 minutes, he called again and said that he couldn't come because someone came and explained him about the church. He said he was trying to leave but the man didn't want to let him go. I don't know what kind of church it was and I'm not against the church but I was upset because they disturb people specially kids in their studies. There was no wrong if they were on time but to disturb a kid from studying is not right.

I told my student to leave that man and just come even when he was late for more than 30 minutes. It's okay to be absent for a day but if the reason is just because of that guy that he met in front of his apartment, then that unreasonable. I'm not angry with my students. I'm angry with that guy. I just hope that his intention is really to bring him to the church and not what I see on tv whose trying to get the heart of the kids and then just bring them somewhere and ask for money.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Party for Children's Day

Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, students go to school. But last Saturday, it was a holiday because of Buddha's Birthday and today is another holiday because of Children's Day. And because it's holiday today and it's children's day so we had a party for the students yesterday.

We give some points to the students who study hard. They collect the points and use them as their money when we have a party. We sold some school supplies and food to the students. We had some quizzes and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd would get points. Students had much fun playing with their classmates and they enjoyed eating some food. It's just too pityful to see some students who doesn't have much point so I just gave them some free stuffs and food as a present for Children's Day. I hope they would study hard next time so that they could get more points and enjoy more the next party.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stay late at work

The students are preparing for their exam so we have to stay to work until 11p.m. or sometimes until midnight. We also sometimes go on weekends so we are tired before the exam. The students are pitiful because they look hungry and sleepy but they have to stay until late at night. They also say that they get much stress studying but we can't do anything for that. No pain, No gain! If they want to get a higher grade then they have to suffer.

Actually, I really don't understand the education system here. The students are forced to study including elementary grade school students until late at night. There are lots of institutes that they have to attend not to mention their tutorials at home. So I understand when the students complained. I also understand when they can't understand any of what I teach. Maybe they are confused, over studied or their heads are full to accept learning.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My special class

I don't like attending my special class. They are very naughty and it seems like they are not learning anything. I don't know if they just come to have fun or to study. There are not interested in learning and they just always laught. I don't know why their parents want them to have a conversation class when they are not good at conversation. They even don't know simple English so it's hard to teach them. I'm trying not to speak Korean because it's a conversation class but I am forced to translate everything in Korean because i'm worried that they can't understand what I am teaching. I think they are paying more than the other students because they are special class. They can just join the other class so I don't have to consider them always. It's because they are special so their parents expect too much from me. There would be no problem if their kids are interested but even if I do my best, if they don't participate then they can't learn. I already did everything for them. I even tried to hit them or took some points but it didn't work. They are still naughty. My boss always comes in my classroom and talks to them angrily but they just laughed and smiled.

They don't listen to my boss then how could they listen to me? Yesterday, I told my boss to teach instead of me. But my boss left and said he would come back after a few minutes but he never came back. He just asked me after my class if they were still naughty. I said they never changed. Haaayyy....

Friday, April 10, 2009

My student who always brings me drinks

I have a student who always gives me some drinks. He said his mom asked him to give them to me. He just doesn't bring one but a dozen. Today was his fourth times after 2 months of studying with me. I don't know how to give thanks to his mom but whenever I call her, she said he was just thankful that her son always comes home happy after his class. That student of mine is the only son so I understand his mom. If she just knew that I also like his son because he studies very hard. He never made any mistake in every exams that I give. He always participates in the class and he enjoys using the words that he has learned. I wish all my students are like him.

Btw, my student's mom also said that her son studies very hard at home. He suddenly became interested in learning a new language. She said she never saw her son like that before. I'm glad that there are people who are satisfied with my teachings. I hope she's not the only one.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My naughty student

I have a student who doesn't do anything during the class but to laugh. He always makes fun of his classmate or himself. I don't think he's learning in my class. Even when I talk to him or get angry with him, nothing works. Even when my boss talks to him, he doesn't know how to stop. My boss even asked if he can't concentrate in the class, then he has to call his mom and make a decision like what my boss did here. His mom expects too much but we can't do anything for his son. He's not interested in learning. When I asked if he could understand he says "Yeeesssss" with a very loud voice but when you asked about the topic, he can't understand any.

We always listen to the tape and when he hears any sound then he stands up and dances. It's hard to handle him. He's not the only student in that class so just can't act like that. That was my last period so I always have to send him home later than the other students and we study together. I don't know what kind of head he has. It's very hard for him to memorize five words a day. I always ask him to repeat after me or say the word 10x then change the word. After saying another word, I go back with the first word that we learn and he can't remember anything. Even when you just ask the word alternatively, he can't remember after saying another word. Hew!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Points (dallant)

I usually give points (dallant) to students when they study hard. I have a student who receives points almost everyday. Today, he told me that I didn't give him point last week. Oooppsss...! He was asking for points because he said I didn't give him last week. I said, I don't give points everyday. Because I always give him points, he thinks everytime he's present in the class, he can receive point. Of course not! I told him because he studied hard that's why I gave him points. He didn't wanna leave today. He said he would only leave If I would give him points for last week. What?! I said, "Don't leave and live here." His eyes were red and he almost cried when I left him in the classroom. I said, I would call my boss so that he could call his mom and pick him up then he suddenly stood up.

Before he left, I talked to him. I helped him put his coat and he looked happy when he left although I didn't give him points. I realized that giving points everyday is not good.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Cheer up!

My high school student came 2 hours earlier than her class time. I was having a class when she came and my boss asked her if she could wait for me. She's my special student. She pays higher than the other students because she's the only student in that class. I always have an hour break time before I enter to her class but she asked me if she could study earlier. I said it was fine so we started earlier but her parents called her during our class. I never let my students use cellphone in the class but I allowed her today because she said she had a trouble with her mom. I could hear their conversation and I heard how angry her mom and dad were which made her cry in front of me. She also took off the battery of her cellphone.

A few minutes before our class ends, she asked me what time do we usually go home so she asked a favor if she could stay there until that time. I said yes, so I stayed with her and we had class until everyone had to go home. I feel so sorry and worried about her. I know how she felt at that time. If I could just stay with her for a long time. But I think she also need to go home and have a talk with her parents. I hope everything will go well to her.

Cheer up my dear student and friend! And thanks for trusting me to tell everything about how you feel. In case that you need me again, I'm always here for you to listen and willing to help you if I could.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

They are sick but they go to school

What do you think of going to school when you are sick? What would you do if your student is sick but told you that the parent told him/her to attend the class? Today, my student was very sick when he came in class. I saw his red face and eyes as soon as he entered the classroom so I asked what seemed to be the problem. He said he was sick. He has a cold and fever. I thought he cried because of his red eyes. It's not the first time that I saw a very sick student who attended my class. I don't know why parents let their children to go to school even when they are sick and why do students attend the class when they don't feel well.

Last month, one of my students had an operation and we visited her in the hospital. The next day, I was surprised to see her attending the class. She said she came home from the hospital in the morning so she attended the class in the afternoon. Although, they don't have terrible disease but I think they have to stay home at least a day. I feel so sorry for them so I don't force them to study hard when they are sick. I even think of sending them home and tell them to get enough rest.

I remember when I was a student, if I didn't want to go to school, I just told my mom that I had a headache and she would tell me to take a rest and wouldn't allow me to go to school. It's not right but better than what my students situation. What do you think?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Side Dishes from my student's mom

How would you react when your students' parents give something to you not only some presents but also side dishes? Yes, I usually get some side dishes from my students' mom. Maybe they know that I don't know how to cook or I'm lazy when it comes to cooking. Just last week when I got a box of dried laver and last night, I got 2 types of side dishes. I know they are giving me something or taking care of me because I take care of their children. I treat them well so I guessed it's their way of saying thank you. But I'm also grateful for them for trusting my ability to teach their kids. Although I always try to do my best but I still think of ways on how to give or share knowledge to my students in a very fun and easy way.

Yesterday, one of my students was carrying a shopping bag and handed it to me. He said that's side dishes from his mom. I didn't know how to say thank you because I even couldn't remember what good thing that I did with this student of mine. I just teach them, that's all. This is what I always wonder when I receive something from them. Are they satisfied of my teaching? Or they are asking me to teach their kids better. Well, I think the answer is both.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My kindergarten niece who wants to get married early

This is a story about my niece who is a kindergarten student. I haven't seen her for a long time and I was surprised to see her look more beautiful with her long hair. I called her "Miss" and asked if she already has a boyfriend. Her mom said, not yet but she likes someone who lives next door. We laughed and teased her but she never cried.

While we were watching tv, she interrupted her mom and asked at what age do ladies usually get married. Instead of her mom, I answered her that she had to graduate to University first before thinking of marriage. We were all surprised when she said that she wants to get married earlier and wants to raise two kids like her mom. I was shocked. My niece is only 5 years old and a kindergarten student but she already thought about her marriage life. I'm wondering if all kids are like her.

I remember my student when she said that she usually goes home around 11p.m. She she's more tired during vacation because she had to attend more institutes. She attends piano lesson, dancing lesson, goes to Math Academy, English Academy, Art class, taekwondo (Korean martial arts), etc... So maybe my niece doesn't want to experience this kind of education so wants to get married earlier.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A letter for my student

I have a student who always think he's the boss in class. Students are afraid of him and he's always not in the mood when he comes in the class specially when he's late. As soon as he comes he shut all his things on the desk even when we already started the class. When his pencil fell down I always hear some bad words from his mouth that always caught other's attention. One of my students in that class even quit because of him. When we play games in the class, he says his classmates are not good that's why they lost. But if he lost, he argued and try to attack his classmates. When I say, don't do this and that, he replied yes and keep silent for a while but after a few minutes, he goes back to his normal attitude. When I correct his mistakes specially his pronunciation, he always tells why does he always need to do everything the way I want or if he doesn't react then you'll just see him murmuring. When I give them a test and correct their mistakes, he says why does his answer wrong. He always says that he wrote like "this" (the right answer) and get angry when I show his answer on his test paper which is really wrong. When he raises his hands he always want to be called first. If you chose others then he would get angry and would never participate again. He complains and gets angry everyday about everything which I always tell my boss. My boss sometimes knocked on the door when he hears his loud voice complaining or arguing with the students. My boss also talked to him and promised not to do that again. But same things happened everyday. Students quit because of him so my boss doesn't have any choice but to kick him out. I feel so sorry and sad for that but If we want the rest of the students to stay with us and want more students to come, then we have to do that thing.

I'm so sorry to you my dear student. I didn't mean to hurt you and your mom's feeling. I'm not the right teacher for you and I'm sure you'll find a teacher who is much better than me.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

He ran away

My student came an hour earlier and told me to help do his homework. I wondered how could this naughty boy who doesn't pay attention when I teach could come early and ask me help him do his homework? It was a big surprised for me to hear that so I told him to sit down and taught him in the office. After a few minutes, I saw a guy entered in the room. He was very serious watching us. I greeted him and said he's my student's dad. When we were done with the homework, he told me that his son ran away from him because he hit his brother. muhahaha....

He's telling him if he could just go home for a while and just come back after eating the delicious food that he bought. I know that would just be a trick so that he would go home. But whatever his father said, he didn't want to go home. He said he would study. hehehe... When his father left, I talked to him so he went home. He came back after 30 minutes. I asked him if he ate delicious food, he said there was no delicious food. His father just talked to him and when his father left he hit his brother again. Oh, boy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My student wants to commit suicide

How would you react when you heard from your student's mom that her 4th grade daughter sometimes tells her that she wanted to commit suicide? My student's mom came in the office to pay for her daughter's monthly fee. My student's mom and her adviser were very serious talking at the counselling room. After their conversation and after the parent left, the director asked what they talked about. We were surprised when we heard that our student was thinking of committing suicide. I was shocked! How could a beautiful and smart 4th grade student thinks of committing suicide? I even always sees her smiling in the class and she deals well with her classmates. I dunno what supposed to be the problem is and her mom doesn't know the reason, either.

I need to pay more attention with this student. I have to save her but I don't know how. If I could just live with her and be always beside her. I'm always worried of her. I want to hug her whenever I see her to show that there's someone who loves her except from her family and friends.

I hope and pray that she will be fine and never think of that scary and stupid thing again.

Friday, October 10, 2008

What would you do if your student always swears in the class?

How can you deal with the student who always swears in the class? I couldn't stand him today. Everytime I enter the class, he always says something bad against his classmates. He teased, hit and swore the students who didn't do anything except studied. He's not a kid to act like that, so I told him to stay in the class and I talked to him. I asked if he knew what he did was wrong. He agreed and I asked him again what he should do next time. He said, he always acts like that in the class when he studies with his homeroom teacher. So I asked if he could change for the better. He said he doesn't know. So I said I don't know, either so I brought him in the office to let the director talk to him but he wasn't in. I called his homeroom teacher instead and told her what that student did. Here's what his homeroom teacher said--

"Did you do that to your teacher? It's okay in my class but not to teacher --- . You can do that 4 times a week but behave for one day, okay? Behave when you study with teacher --, okay?" and the student went home.

I was shocked to hear that. Is that right? I got angry not because I want this student to behave well in my class. I talked to him because I want to change his bad attitude not only during my class. Because of those words, the teacher isn't helping the student a lot. The student will think that it was okay to do that again and again in front of others except in front of me, don't you think so? And do you think he would really behave well in front me next time? This student will think it's okay with his homeroom teacher how come that he couldn't do it to me? My goodness!

I told my co-worker about that. I said, that's for the sake of the students and not for me. Students always hear bad words from him so they will also act like him. I told her to tell the director about that so that he can do something for him. She said she already did but the director didn't do anything.

When my boss came, I told him about the student. He said I should have sent the student to him. I said I did but he wasn't in. I also asked if teacher --- also told something about that. He said, "never". Oh, well!