Showing posts with label Konqueror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Konqueror. Show all posts

Sunday Stash Report, June 1, 2014

Krackerjack and Kooter Klan
I am still busy working on Krackerjack.  It is Star Fusion by  It seems to be a little difficult to find, but it is available online and maybe your local quilt shop if they are selling the fabulous rulers they manufacture.  I've started sewing each row together...notice how much the seams draw the project together?  That top row looks like something is drastically wrong!  I did run out of two fabrics while putting this project together.  I've been able to bounce back with my stash and the ability to do it is made easier since the fabrics were both black and white designs.  Besides the background that I purchased in January all of this is from my stash.  There is one more border that is predominately white that may or may not be added...we'll see.  Oh in case you are wondering that's Kooter Klan on the top right waiting for applique time.  It is a design by Karen Brow of called Newly Hatched.   
For June Sunshine Quilters BOM Sherri has coordinated a calendar quilt project.  It is designed by Jennifer Bosworth of  You can see I have July to sew up.  The doily (outside border) is accomplished with a single hole puncher.  Do you have one of these? DeLinda says she has one that I can borrow.  I hope she remembers to bring it with her tomorrow.  Sunshine meets in just over a week and I haven't even started.  Oh, Bonnie Sue...I'm finished with my Whisper Challenge...ready for the big reveal!
Today is the UFO Parade.  I have Koliding Krosses as my May finish.  If you have time, check out the parade Aunt Marti puts together on the first day of the month.  Aunt Marti also pulls the next month's project to work on (#10) and mine is the miniature Scrappy Star Quilt shown on the bottom right.  I have already figured out it's name!  How about Kolumbia?  It finishes at 48" square and was designed by Wendy Gilbert of Morning Star Designs.  Fabrics haven't been chosen yet, so who knows what will come out of my stash!
Last to share is Konqueror complete.  This project came from a workshop I took in September of last year from Joyce Weeks of  Joyce calls her design Survivors.  It seems I don't usually select feathers as a quilting design, but this time I did.  The photograph doesn't do this quilt justice.  It is in grays, blacks, purples, and a grayish neutral.  The quilting thread is purple.  You'd see it very differently if you had it in your hands.

Lot's of projects going on, but no yardage came in or left my sewing room.  Maybe next week Krackerjack will be a finish...certainly the BOM and the Whisper Challenge fabrics will take something off.  Enjoy the month of June!

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  119.25 yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased YTD:  88 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2014:  31.25 yards 

Sunday Stash Report, May 25, 2014

Purchase for Koliding Krosses and Winston Ways
First to show is my purchase for this week.  I picked these two fabrics up at Beverly's on Friday.  The blue is to be the back for Koliding Krosses and the black is the final black fabric needed for the collection of 30 blacks for Winston Ways.  I just about have all of Winston Ways cut and ready for October's Bonnie Hunter Workshop.  I'll be taking two workshops the other will be Scrap Crystals.
Krazy Krones
Krazy Krones was finished last week.  This oh so adorable Buggy Barn design is called If the Hat Fits.  I honestly think the noses look more like pickles...don't you?  The quilting which is difficult to see is perfect.  It is called Gossamer; a spider web.  Kerry's Quilting did an awesome job with it.  I'm ready for Halloween!
Konqueror came home with me Friday.  Kerry had it waiting for me.  The fabrics aren't the brightest, but I do like how they all work together.  I'll be attaching sleeve, binding, and label during the week.  This is a pattern by Joyce Weeks of Geoff's Mom Pattern Company called Survivors.  The quilting on it is called Shell Shock and thread is Signet Ring.
Krackerjack is keeping me busy right  now.  There is a setting that goes between the star blocks.  I have at least two more stars to assemble...depends on how many of the 2 1/2" corner of the star blocks I can get out of this fabric.  I have plenty of the white and the flower centers.  We'll just have to see.  Krackerjack is a pattern by Bloc Loc called Star Fusion.

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  119.25 yards
Purchased this week:  3 yards
Purchased YTD:  88 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2014:  31.25 yards 

Sunday Stash Report, February 2, 2014

Konqueror, January UFO #7
I stayed away from quilt shops this week.  Well almost...  Bits and Pieces had an end of bolt sale (they do this the last three days of every month).  I was happy to find a very light teal that will show off the quilting better on Krossfire.  I also found a piece for half the back of Keltic Krest; wish there had been more.  Beverly's in Clairmont Mesa had the other half that I also got at a discount of 30% off with a competitors coupon.  Three red FQs also from Bits and Pieces came home with me for a future UFO project by Bonnie Hunter (Talking Turkey).  I don't have a large red stash and will be needing a bit more variety.  

I did purchase a few new Bloc Loc Rulers that haven't arrived yet. I have two finishes this week in Konqueror and Khorous!  Khorous is my #3 UFO that has yet to be called.  I did learn that #6 is for February.  Did you see the UFO Parade yesterday?  I have a good trend going and hope more reports like this are in store for the rest of the year...  Well maybe a little less in the Purchased statistic.

Used this week:  26.25 yards
Used YTD:  53 yards
Purchased this week:  11 yards
Purchased YTD:  33.75 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2014:  19.25 yards

Others are working on using their stash too.  Check them out at Patchwork Times.

A look at Khorous and more on my #6 February UFO will be on my Design Wall Monday post.  Hope you come back tomorrow.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Konqueror #7 January UFO
50" x 70"
Konqueror is complete!  Mine is a bit smaller; finishing 20" smaller on the sides and the bottom.  #7 Konqueror.  Survivor is a design by Joyce Weeks of Geoff’s Mom Pattern Co.  This is the first San Diego Quilt Show workshop I have taken and the second year workshops have been offered.  I purchased Mourning Grays and added in some fabrics from my stash as well as additional purchases from several area quilt shops.  The last couple of years has me interested in reproduction fabrics.  The workshop was in September 2013 at the San Diego Convention Center.    
Keltic Krest #13 (Extra Credit) UFO
76" x 76"
Keltic Krest is complete!  I made the smaller version.  I have been done with the piecing through the triangle border for sometime now, but just now put the green outer border on.  I am planning a blue binding.  #13 (Extra Credit) UFO; 2013 Mystery Celtic Solstice.   Bonnie Hunter has given her readers a mystery annually for several years that starts in November.  One that comes in several steps each week usually with the last step released right around New Years.  

Once Konqueror was complete I put the labels on Kartwheels and Koriander Kompass that Road to California Quilt Show provided.  A very nice embroidered label.  Then after the outer border went on Keltic Krest the binding and sleeve was put on Kilowatts.  Now comes the time for 400" of hand sewing.  Today I will be putting together backs and cutting batting for Krossfire, Konqueror, and Keltic Krest.  Hmmm...wonder what project I will work on next...the sewing table is clear.

I am thinking Kaptain Khorous is the one to finish.  It is a UFO this year so I can be one up and fulfill the gift for Logan that I have been planning since his birth last year.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Joan T and Teresa W Swap Blocks
Liz and Collette Swap Blocks
Swap blocks arrived at my door.  Teresa W brought her blocks on Monday.  Joan T, Liz, and Collette blocks arrived on Tuesday.  There are still a couple to arrive before I can start the sorting out and send back to everyone who participated.  I am very excited by all the variety in the reds, as will everyone else.

Konqueror, January 2014 UFO
I have decided to make my Survivor a bit smaller than what the pattern suggested.  I want the look of the design, to experience a new teacher in Joyce Weeks, and along the way use a different kind of ruler.  My project gave me all of these.  Mine will finish at 50" x 70" instead.  I might be hard to see the different colors used; they are gray, purple, black, and rosy gray for the background.  With a good sewing night tonight and tomorrow finishing Konqueror by the end of the month looks possible!

Design Wall Monday, January 27, 2014

I have Konqueror on my design wall today.  This is my January UFO that I'm working very hard to finish by the end of the week.  I spent most of January finishing Krossfire so now I'm paying the price :)!  All good though; having Krossfire finished makes me very happy.  
Konqueror Assembled Blocks
These are the next blocks to be assembled, the Star Block.  Off to the right are more of the 4-Patch units that are also ready to assemble.  I am thinking I don't need a 70 x 90 quilt as the pattern calls for...perhaps I'll make it one row less both down the length and across the width.

Road to California 2014 was a great show as always.  It was made a bit more special since Kartwheels took 2nd place in the Traditional Pieced, Wall category!  I also was lucky to have Koriander Kompass entered.  Hopefully next year they accept Krossfire; at least that's where I'm aiming for it to be.

This is the result of a day of instruction with Janna Thomas' Star Fusion design.  Janna's Bloc Loc rulers are used to create the affect of the major star points made from strip sets.  It is a fun design that I will make in both the black and whites that you see in my class project and the Glorious Color fabrics that arrived a little too late for the class.  
Krackerjack In Progress
Bloc Loc Rulers Used for Star Fusion Design
I helped Linda Ballard out as her VIQ (aka class helper).  As a thank you I was gifted a pattern.  I really like the applique on A Gaggle of Geese.  I'm not much of an applique quilter, but I do dabble a bit from time to time.  The tape and the finger lights are purchases I'm anxious to try.

Rulers used making Harmony Square
This is my version of Harmony Square.  There is a snowball block that gets into the design as well.  
Khorous In Progress 
Students Harmony Square Blocks
Let me close with my Blue Ribbon for Kartwheels.  If you haven't tried for a show it is well worth the experience.

Sunday Stash Report, January 26, 2014

Today ends the 2014 Road to California Quilt Show.  Kerry and I spent Tuesday and Wednesday there in Riverside, CA taking two classes.  I also was very lucky to have two quilts, Kartwheels and Koriander Kompass in the juried show.  Kartwheels brought in 2nd Place in the category Traditional Pieced, Wall.  Talk about excited!!!  We attended the Preview Night on Wednesday where I saw my Blue Ribbon...  

Let's start off with receipt of Red Strings/9-Patch Swap blocks turned in.  Mary and Debbie have done a nice job with their reds.  Mary says she has already started on the rest of the reds she'll be using for her Talking Turkey project.  I'm not as far along as Mary, but plan to make my blocks into the same Bonnie Hunter project.
Here is the damage to my stash stats this week.  First from Beverly's at the start of the week I purchased a green for the borders of Celtic Solstice that I'm calling Keltic Krest.  The other two fabrics were used in a class that I took at Road to California Quilt Show by Linda Ballard called Harmony Square.  My project will be called Kaptain Khorous and will be for Logan.  Don't you just love the pirates?

 Next up are the fabrics that were intended and will still be used for Star Fusion by Janna Thomas the other class I took at Road to California.  My project will be called Krackerjack.  The fabrics didn't arrive until after we left for the class, but I do intend to use them for the same design.  I may change the direction of the star points in the pattern.  There are several ways Janna shows and probably dozens more.  I ended up using white and black medium scale prints with good results during the Tuesday class.

Last purchase is for the back of Konqueror.  Konqueror is from the pattern called Survivor by Joyce Weeks.  I'm working real hard to get this project done by the end of is my first UFO of the year with 52 Quilts.  Can't start off the year with a delinquency. 

All said and done with purchases for awhile.  Now is time to sew and finish!!  Hope you are having a great start using your fabrics in 2014.

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  26.75 yards
Purchased this week:  12.5 yards
Purchased YTD:  22.75 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2014:  4 yards

Others are working on using their stash too.  Check them out at Patchwork Times.

Design Wall Monday, January 20, 2014

Today I have Konqueror on my design wall.  This project is #7, my January 2014 UFO.  I plan to be working on this one solely till the end of the month.  I am a bit concerned that the end of the month will come far too quick... 

There are two blocks in this pattern.  Both blocks have several pieces with the smallest pieces cut at 1 1/2" square.  I am using grays, blacks and purples.  I had hopes of finding a few more purples today at Beverly's, but no luck.  I suppose I will have enough although variety in this scrappy project is certainly desirable.  I did find a sale fabric that I thought would be perfect for the back.  I didn't purchase it, but I might just have to return over the weekend and get what I need. 
I carved out a little time to pull fabrics and sew together Margret's BOM for Sunshine Quilt Guild.  The star fabric was provided.  Participants were to come up with the rest.   

I am thrilled to have Krossfire finished.  I also finished Celtic Solstice, the Bonnie Hunter Mystery this year.  I searched around a bit and finally decided on Keltic Krest for it's name.  I decided on green for the 2" outer border with the blue for the binding. 

Beverly's had a really cute pirate print for the border I will need for my Wednesday workshop with Linda Ballard at Road to California.  I purchased a coordinating blue for the complimentary fabric with shades of taupe and white for the projects center.  Come back later this week for photos of Keltic Krest and the two projects that I have workshops on at Road to California on Tuesday and Wednesday.  If you happen to be at Road to California this week look for my two quilts Koriander Kompass and Kartwheels!  

Others want to show you what they have going on with their Design Walls today.  Check them out at Patchwork Times.  Enjoy your week.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The last part of the Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice Mystery was given us yesterday.  I have all the parts and pieces sewn already.  Now it is time to put them into blocks and assemble the top.  I like the design and the way the colors all work together.  Surprised how the orange and blue triangle blocks were put in to make the pieced border.  Thanks Bonnie for another terrific project.   
 I finished up my part of the Red Strings and 9-Patch Block Swap.  So I'm first this year to be done.  Hope all the other swappers are poised for a timely completion.  You know how sudden these due dates hit us!  Just look how swift 2013 went by....  I'll be making these blocks into Bonnie Hunter's Talking Turkey project.  It also happens to be one of my 2014 UFO Challenges.
Aunt Marti at let us know yesterday that our 2014 UFO Challenge project was the very luck #7!  Mine is Konqueror.  These are the only blocks I have done as of now.  This was a class I took at the San Diego Quilt Show last year.  I have a bunch of pieces cut out.  I am really excited to get going on it.

So what have you decided to work on first in 2014?

Design Wall Monday, September 9, 2013

First let me apologize for such a full Design Wall!  I have been so busy and I have way too many things going on, but that's a good thing right?

What is in front of Wendy's project is the one that needs to be finished first.  Kandle Kounting is a Buggy Barn design called Today is your Birthday!  I'm making it for my is a surprise for her big 50th that is early October.  There are 12 cakes in three colors; black, cream, and red.  I used Buggy Barn's Angle Among Us fabric line for most of the project.  Each of these blocks get trimmed down to a consistent size and set four across and three down.  There is lettering that will go on the top and right side 6" borders.  I'm working hard against the clock to have this done by Saturday.

Then there is Wendy's project the L-Medallion quilt by Marti Michelle.  I have the setting triangles and the borders to put together yet.

Last Thursday I took a class with Joyce Weeks.  We made her pattern Survivor.  I have five done with much more to do.  I'm excited about the start.  I would love to be working on this project.  So disappointing to take a class and want to keep going with it but instead need to be working on something else.

I took a second class with Julanne Bergstrom on Saturday.  We made If the Hat Fits! by Buggy Barn.  I got one of the witches done during class, but this one too needs to be put on simmer until I can get other projects where they need to be.

Tonight to keep up with Deck-ade the Halls I will be working on the mugs.  It is the last blocks to be made before assembling the project.  There are a group of us with Sunshine Quilt Guild that have been making this project from Fat Quarters Shop through the summer.  We are planning a Show and Share at our first meeting of this new membership year on Tuesday night.
I'm real happy with all my projects even if I have a cluttered Design Wall!  Enjoy your week and hope you find a bit of time to see other quilt projects and a clearer Design Wall through the links today at Patchwork Times.