Showing posts with label Kookaburra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kookaburra. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I am leaving my sewing room for a few days to take in the awesome 2015 Road to California Quilt Show.  Kadabra has a bunch of rows sewn together right now.  Does my sewing table look lonely or what?
I hope to post on Facebook some of the sights of the show and what I am doing in the workshops I will be attending.  Do not worry if you are not a Facebooker...I will be showing photos once I am back home.  My sewing room will not look like this just after I get back!

Oh by the way, I learned yesterday that Kookaburra did not win a ribbon at the show.  I am thrilled just to have had the opportunity to participate.  The competition in its category is strong.  I loved one of the feedback comments from the judges "The Quilt Sparkles"!  Guess next time I will just have to work that much harder...

Design Wall Monday, December 8, 2014

Yesterday I packed up everyones Midnight Flight Swap blocks.  I'll have them enroute to their owners early this week.  This swap was designed to give a head start on Bonnie Hunter's Midnight Flight design from her newest book More Adventures with Leaders and Enders.  My project (Kamikaze) will be started soon, but probably not until 2015.

Until I ran into a question for Janet the BOM coordinator I was working on this all too cute Santa block.  I did have one attempt from Janet to answer me, but she answered questions regarding the Candle block :(!  I am hopeful to hear back from Janet a second time.  Tonight will be the last opportunity or I'll just guess...  I do want to win these cute blocks.

The rest of Sunday I spent doing household chores that included putting up some holiday decorations and making a cranberry jello salad for a work party today.  I have a real good White Elephant gift for the exchange.

On Saturday I sent Kookaburra off to Road to California.  I'm very happy to have made it into the show and hopefully will be as lucky as I was last year (or luckier) with Kartwheels.

Tomorrow I will attend Judy Neimeyer's lecture and trunk show at Cozy Quilt Shop at their new location.  I'm so looking forward to meeting her.  She is one of my favorite designers.  After I make Briar Patch (Kurry) I hope to make Osprey's Nest (yet to be named).  I have three of her designs to share if there is the opportunity (KollaborationKartwheels, and Krossfire).  
Koncentric Konnection
I'm also taking with me two other quilts that are from Cozy Quilt Shop affiliated designers, Beauty 'n Check (Konentric Konnection) by Janice Ellertson and Jodel Yover and Building Blocks (Konstituent) by Sharyn Craig.  I sure hope Janice, Jodel, and Sharyn are there too.

All set for a busy sewing week with Bonnie Hunter's Clues 1 and 2.  I hope you have something fun planned this week too...  See more fun projects going on around the globe through the links at Judy's Patchwork Times.  =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, December 1, 2014

I completed the binding on Koliding Krosses.  This project was entirely from my stash.  I sure am happy when that can happen.  I'm half way around Konstituent and will share it when finished.

I didn't get to any part of the sewing on Bonnie Hunter's Grand Illusion Winter Mystery.  I've been focused on finishing Koncentric Konnection.  I have taken time to pull fabrics for my project, Kadabra.  I hope to be sewing the Clue 1 early this week.  I'll be aiming to hook up on Bonnie's blog before the cutoff on Thursday.  Friday and Clue 2 will come all too soon.

This week I plan to have Kookaburra in the mail.  I had it appraised with Julia Zgliniec late last week.  It is always a good thing to have your quilt appraised if it is being sent off to a show.  All participants need to have their entries into the committee's hands between December 1st and 15th.  I like to send early to avoid the Christmas mailings.

Lot's of sewing as is my usual is on tap for this week.  I hope that you are enjoying time in your sewing room.  Prayers are with Judy's Boots today.

Design Wall Monday, November 24, 2014

I've finished stitching down all the birds, back has been found in my stash, batting is next to cut.  I'm ready with Krazy Koons for Kerry's Quilting!
When Krazy Koons was finished I turned my attention to Koliding Krosses.  The binding and sleeve are stitched down, label is next!
Finally my Sunday closes on the Midnight Flight swap blocks.  I had the first half done on all of the units when I started.  Now I have the remaining half done on half of these.  I will be running another seam to give me that extra bonus triangle.  Many in the swap have taken advantage of this.  Not only will I be putting together a Midnight Fight design, but have plenty of blue/neutral and purple/neutral HSTs for another project.
Koncentric Konnection awaits me...  Pfaff is back and purring...

Announcements have been delivered to me for my entries submitted to Road to California for the 2015 Quilt Show in Ontario, California.  I was lucky this year with Kookaburra to be accepted.  I'll be having it appraised by Julia Zgliniec today before I send it to off to the show organizers.  It needs to be in their hands during the first weeks of December.

Around the World Blog Hop, September 22, 2014

Kerry at Kerry's Quilting invited me to participate in the Around the World Blog Hop started by Karen Miller of Karen's Quilts, Crows and Cardinals.  In the next paragraphs I hope to share with you my "creative process".  I'd hoped to link forward to a few of my blogging friends, but truth to be told everyone has something going on leaving no time to keep the "Hop" going from my end.  I will however share with you links to blogs I enjoy reading.

Casabarka, 2010 San Diego Humane Society's Fur Ball
Kerry is a very dear friend.  We met through Canyon Quilt Guild years ago while I was the Project Linus Chairperson.  Kerry had just purchased a Gammill long arm sewing machine with a Statler Stitcher and was eager to practice.  This union produced not only a very strong and enduring friendship but hundreds of charity quilts for Project Linus.  We've continued on with several other charity donations that include an annual donation to the San Diego Humane Society's Fur Ball, the American Legion Auxiliary, the American Red Cross, the Veterans Association, American Cancer Society, and several disasters around the country caused by Mother Nature.  We meet up as often as possible for sewing days that are mutually cherished.  We've done a few projects together, share our stash, and usually take the same workshops as well as attend the same quilt shows.  We've reached that type of relationship that endures time.  Quilting has truly presented me with a wonderful friendship.

So "What am I working on?"  I'm always busy in my sewing room, nook dining table, or a TV table in my family room.  If I'm not busy doing something...sleep overtakes me!  I have two projects in full swing.  Bird Brain by Buggy Barn and Zuckerwatte by Bonnie Hunter.  

Bird Brain aka Krazy Kookoos by Buggy Barn

Zuckerwatte (yet to be named) by Bonnie Hunter
After finishing my UFO for the month I work at fast pace to get new projects rolling.  Honestly I don't have UFOs in the true definition.  My UFOs are from patterns that I've collected and didn't start when I first learned of them.  You know it's the "Quilting Bucket List" that so many of us have.  I do have a couple of projects that I've been waiting to figure out a setting, but I don't see them as UFOs at this state.  

Quilt Square Quilt Along 2012
My Kourageous project was an idea UFO to make 12 blocks that were exotic flowers made with animal skin themed fabrics.  I also have a Quilt Square Quilt Along started with Jo's Country Junction in 2012 that waits for a setting.

Not sure "How my work differs from others of its genre?"  Except perhaps in my naming convention.  Years ago I started this odd thing of using "K" in the names of my cats.  Kaos and Komotion both of which are Abyssinian cats.  Next my Dad helped me name my website after my two loves Quilts and Cats or kwiltnkats.  In keeping with that my blog and next, each and every quilt or project name starts with a "K".  This certainly at times can be a challenge that my family, friends and blog followers help me with from time to time.  There have certainly been some great names created with a "K".  How about Kwitcherbitchin, Kraps, Kosmic Kaos, Kookaburra or Kartwheels.

2014 Road to California Quilt Show
2nd Place, Traditional Pieced, Small Winner
"Why do I create what I do?  This is simple...I just love the feeling of accomplishment!  The chatter or the sometimes ribbon or the heart warming feeling that is bestowed when given.  I feel overwhelming comfort just walking into my sewing room every morning.  Wondering how much time I can spend enjoying my craft each day.  Hoping it's hours of uninterrupted time.  I wish everyone can enjoy their hobby as much as I do.  It is true that "my soul is fed with needle and thread".

"How does my creating process work?  It doesn't take much more than a publication of a design...certainly among my most popular choices in designs come from Bonnie Hunter, Judy Niemeyer, or the most recently dissolved Buggy Barn.  

Closeout Book Purchases from Buggy Barn
Then of course there is the very strongest of desires to use up my fabric stash.  I've heard it said I'm great with color.  This of course takes time sifting through my stash with each pattern.  I've got my next three Bonnie Hunter, one Judy Niemeyer, and two Buggy Barn designs ready to sew...just need to finish what is started before moving into these.  I have trouble working on too many projects at once.

So in closing here are a few of my blogger friends.  Hope they have something that tempts you to read more from them in days ahead.  Enjoy the Blogosphere!

Janet -
Elaine -
Marti -
Karen -

Design Wall Monday, July 14, 2014

My Smith Morning Mountain project is done.  I just love how this Bonnie Hunter design turned out. Hopefully it can get quilted and bound before October when Bonnie will be here.  I'm planning on a dark blue for the binding.  Will need to audition threads but I'm thinking something neutral will be best.

These are the blocks for the retreat location that need to be set.  They are all from the Bible Quilt blocks series that can be found at  At the moment a straight setting is planned.  Will need to use some coping strips with these.

Next up is the San Diego Humane Society's fundraiser quilt.  This is the design we will be making by Heartstring Treasures (Patti Bartlett) called Cat and Mouse Games.  Kerry and I have been doing this now for several years.  It will be auctioned off during the annual Fur Ball held the third week of August.  Last year we made a dog theme...this year will be cats.

After Cat and Mouse Games comes my July UFO.  I sure hope Cat and Mouse Games goes together quickly.  My UFO is also with cats...surprised?  This one is by Patti Carey called Kool Kats Kwilt.  I think I'll go with the bright fabrics, but not sure about the border which in the design uses a cat stripe (#2147-67) that was produced by Northcott.  This pattern has been around for some time so finding that stripe might be impossible.  I'll make something work.

I signed up for two classes at Road to California Quilt Show.  Thursday is the first class called Batik Feathers and Friday will be the Downtown Abbey Mystery I.  I will be entering four quilts for show consideration.  I need to pen the Artist statement...the hardest part of the entry application!  Krackerjack, Kilowatts, Krossfire, and Kookaburra are what I'll try to get into the show.

More projects to admire today through the links at Patchwork Times.

Sunday Stash Report, March 30, 2014

Let me start with some finishes.  I had already claimed the yardage for Konstituent (left) last week, but today I can claim Kottontails (right).  The block at the top is the BOM for April that I will be coordinating at Sunshine Quilt Guild.  Always like a positive stash report! 

This is the back I pieced together for Konstituent (March UFO).  I cut too many of the pieced border units so I used them in the back.  I needed another 15" for the width and these came in handy with what remained of the white print that was used in the top.  The far right pieced border is the center of the back.  The strips will run from top to bottom.
38" x 47"
Kottontails took seven yards from my stash.  The plan is to use the border stripe cut on the diagonal for the binding.  The bunnies get button eyes and two more buttons at the bow's intersection.  To make the quilting a bit easier I plan to put them on after Kerry's done her magic.

This is Kottontails back.  DeLinda shared a fabric sale at a friends home with a couple of us during the time I was gathering fabrics.  Both the border and back were purchased then.
87" x 87"
The binding is all done on Kookaburra.  The darker black was also used for the binding.  Kerry has Kwiver ready for me.  She might also have Keltic Krest done before I have a chance to get to her place.  More binding just around the corner!

For this week my stats are getting better.  My next project is Kranberries...we learned early that #1 is to be worked in April for the UFO Challenge with 52 Quilts.  Fortunately I have a lot it done.  I'll share my progress tomorrow.

More to see through the links at Patchwork Times.  Enjoy your Sunday!

Used this week:  7 yards
Used YTD:  85.75 yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased YTD:  83.75 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2014:  2 yards

Sunday Stash Report, March 16, 2014

Will you be having your St. Patrick's Day corned beef and cabbage today like me or tomorrow?  I have to work tomorrow so the time needed to prepare would put us way too late eating.  I'll be putting everything to cooking in a few hours...  In the meantime...  I'm sewing!

Still trimming the flying geese for Kranberries.  I have at least this much more to go still.  I changed the way I was trimming which has cut out much of the time.  The flying geese Bloc Loc ruler works well for the top or point of the goose side; the part of the unit that needs most of the trimming.  Bloc Loc doesn't make this unit's size in one of their rulers so I'm making their 2" by 4" work.  My KAI scissors are being used for the dog ears.  That's pretty much all these units take before they are square.  I sure am happy I started working on this UFO before Marti of 52Quilts called for it to be done.  This Bonnie Hunter project Talking Turkey is taking lots more time than 30 days would have allowed.  Oh, did you pre-order her new book yet?  I did it through her website.  With a little luck in timing I should have my book the first week or so of April!
I mentioned yesterday that I was picking up two quilts from Kerry.  Here they are; Kwetzalcoatl and Kookaburra.  Plans changed on the thread for Kwetzalcoatl.  I wanted to use the glow in the dark green thread, but during daylight hours it is a very pastel green that just didn't look right.  Instead we used a bright green with a cute dinosaur quilting pattern by Ann Bright called Dinomite.  (For those who don't know Quetzalcoatl is a Mexican Dragon.)  Kookaburra got a very bright yellow thread.  The center of Kookaburra is very busy where the quilting no matter what the color would not show, but the black borders look awesome with the thread.  The quilting pattern is also by Ann Bright called Little Swirls.  I will be showing a full view after the binding is on.  Bindings for Kwetzalcoatl will be that bright starry green and Kookaburra the solid black used for the inner border.
Kwetzalcoatl and Kookaburra
Nothing to change my stash statistics this week, but maybe Konstituent will next week.  Check back tomorrow to see Konstituent...I have come across a great setting idea that I am working on today.

More to see through the links at Patchwork Times.  Enjoy your Sunday!

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  64 yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased YTD:  83.75 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2014:  -19.75 yards

Sunday Stash Report, February 16, 2014

 I purchased a bunch this past week...all on Saturday.  My goodness I've been bad these past two months!  The top two fabrics came from Rosie's Calico Cupboard.  They are both for my February UFO.  The blue is for the inner border and the star/stripe is for the back.  The back really looks great with the dragons.  Zackary is going to love his new quilt.
 Kerry and I went to Country Loft next...mostly to use her Christmas gift, but then we discovered a 25% sale going on...need I say more?  I am not sure that I shared this pattern with you before.  Kalvery is what I will be calling my Freedom Rings from Red Crinoline Quilts.  Honestly I was surprised to realize that brown was a dominate reproduction fabric in the quilt.  Kerry has lots of reds so we think we are covered in that area.  Kerry and I will be using this as a team project when we get together for sewing days.
Kerry had for me three quilting finishes on Saturday; a denim quilt, Korral, and Kingsford Kove.  I'll have lots of binding to do for awhile.  Kwiver and Kookaburra are next in the quilting queue.  I'll have pictures of the three just finished quilting soon.  Kasbah (which I plan to rename to something a little more dragon appropriate) will be on my blog tomorrow all finished.

Hope you had a good week.  Mine, although full of purchases and no finishes, turned out pretty good.  I am going to have to get a bunch of finishes soon to get my stats going in the right direction.

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  53 yards
Purchased this week:  17 yards
Purchased YTD:  56.75 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2014:  -3.75 yards

Others are working on using their stash too.  Check them out at Patchwork Times.

Sunday Stash Report, December 29, 2013

Here we are another year of moving our stash...sometimes in and hopefully much more out!  I am certainly happy with my year of stash movement.  Again this year I am on the upswing with more out than in.  Don't think it would be possible to move so much stash around if it were not for UFO Challenges.  I challenge myself in a couple of ways; I seek out those projects that just need to finish or look for patterns I have been wanting to make for a long time and always try to keep to my stash to get everything done.

My last purchase of 2013 was at Rosie's Calico Cupboard this week.  I tried to find something to work for the back of Kingsford Kove (December's UFO) from my stash without luck.  I thought sure something would work, but instead brought the piece of gray home.  I picked up the last fabrics needed for Kilowatts.  (Kilowatts was made a bit larger than a standard queen so there was lots of yardage needed to make it.)  The white for the inner border and back, the black print for the outer border, and the solid black for the binding.  The 30's paisley print will be for the sleeve of Kookaburra.  I did finish Kilowatts so I conclude with yardage in both the used and the purchased categories.  

I am looking forward to using more stash in 2014.  The stats go back to zeros!  Hope you had the year you wanted using up your stash.

Used this week:   36.5 yards
Used YTD:  377.25 yards
Purchased this week:  17 yards
Purchased YTD:  142.25 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2013:  235 yards

Sunday Stash Report, December 22, 2013

I went to Rosie's Calico Cupboard on Friday.  I went for a back for Kookaburra in mind.  Rosie's nearly always has what you looking for.  I came home with the piece on the right.  I thought to look for something in yellow, but I liked the way the colors of this piece pulled in so many of what's in the top.

I've been sewing today on Part 4 of Bonnie's mystery and have Kilowatts all set for sewing together the rows.  Too many other Holiday things driving my attention this weekend.  I'm hopeful to find the yardage for Kilowatts in the used stats next week.

Hope your Sunday was a good one.  Only a few more days till Santa arrives.

Used this week:   0 yards
Used YTD:  340.75 yards
Purchased this week:  5 yards
Purchased YTD:  125.25 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2013:  215.5 yards

There are more quilters using their stash.  Check them out at Patchwork Times.

Design Wall Monday, November, 18, 2013

FABULOUS NEWS...I'm so excited!  Both quilts that I submitted to 2014 Road to California Quilters' Showcase were accepted...  Korriander Kompass and Kartwheels will be on display in January at the Ontario Convention Center.  There is prize money involved!
87" x 87"
November 2013 UFO
 Kookaburra is finished (Licorice Allsorts by The Rabbit Factory).  Now on to Kilowatts!  
88" x 102"
Kilowatts (High Voltage by Annie Unrein) you may remember was started and thought to be finished earlier this year.  I had it in to work pulling off the foundation paper during my lunch break when along came Charmagne.  She was so excited about this project asking if I could make it larger for her daughter's graduation gift.  I had it put away until Kookaburra was finished.  Now I'm working on it for a December finish.  I've got a couple of weeks before the last UFO of 2013 needs to start and Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice Mystery gets going.

What's going on in your sewing room?  See other projects thourgh the links at Patchwork Times.  Enjoy your week.

Sunday Stash Report, November 17, 2013

3/4 yards Memory Lane 11/12 for Kookaburra.

3/4 yards Paradise Sewing 11/14 for Kookaburra.

1 3/4 yards Bits and Pieces 11/15 for Kookaburra.

These are all the purchases for this week.  BUT I also have a finish!!!  Kookaburra is done.  Check out tomorrow's post for a full view.
87" x 87"
November 2013 UFO

So for this week here are my stats:

Used this week:  17.5 yards
Used YTD:  330.75 yards
Purchased this week:  3.25 yards
Purchased YTD:  109.5 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2013:  221.25 yards

There are more quilters using their stash.  Check them out at Patchwork Times.

Friday, November 15, 2013

70" x 86"
2013 UFO
Kloudburst is completely done.  All up to pace with binding until Kristmas Kollage comes my way.  Kerry mentioned on Tuesday when I saw her that it was on the long arm.  

I stopped by Paradise Sewing in Poway on my way from the office today.  Picked up three 1/4 yards of small scale black with white prints that are Kookaburra worthy.  I'll be cutting them along with the two I got from Memory Lane in El Cajon on Tuesday out tonight.  Still on track for a finish this week :).


Design Wall Monday, November 11, 2013

Kookaburra is active on my Design Wall today.  I have all the units for the pieced border assembled as well as the four corner units.  After I get some additional small scale black with white print fabrics more sewing can be done to the center.  In the meantime, if I can't get the fabric I need, the border pieces are to be sewn into pairs so I will continue there.  I hope to get by one of the quilt shops tomorrow.  I'm anxious to have Kookaburra finished this week.

I found some time to put down the binding on Koda's Keeper.  I didn't get time to photograph, but plan to do this later tonight.  I'm very happy with how this 2007 Block Exchange Challenge with Canyon Quilters turned out.

Hope your week is a good one.  See other projects in the sewing rooms across the globe at Patchwork Times.

About Veterans Day...
In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the armistice with Germany that ended World War I took effect.  Since then, November 11 has taken on special significance around the globe.  Whether we call it Rememberance Day, Armistice Day, Poppy Day, or Veterans Day - as it's known here in the U.S. - it is a time to honor the military men and women currently in uniform and to remember those who gave their lives in service to their nation.  Thank you.

First day is today with 11 designers.  Enjoy the fun!

Sunday Stash Report, November 10, 2013

I have another change to my Stash Report this week.  It is an add, but one that was necessary to complete Kookaburra.  There was enough of the right fabric in my stash to fulfill the inner border requirement not enough for the outer border.  Believe me I really tried.  Finding blacks that will work with a 30s feel isn't that easy.  A solid black Kona cotton is what I had for the inner border.  The more solid fabric above is what I will use for the outer border.  I have already put the fabric to use.  I'm busy making chevrons for the zigzag pieced border.
Kookaburra Zigzag Border
 There is one row of zigzag around the quilt.  That second row you see is just the start of the next row.  There is a solid black solid piece to match the inside part of the zigzag that will be sewn between the center and the pieced border.  Then a single piece outer border using that nearly solid will be the final addition that matches the outside part of the zigzag.  Binding will be from the solid black.  I'm on course to having Kookaburra done this week.
Kookaburra Center
Oh and that black and white print is to add to my stash right now without a project in mind.  I like the design of the print...don't you?

So for this week here are my stats:

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  313.25 yards
Purchased this week:  4 yards
Purchased YTD:  106.25 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2013:  207 yards
Last week I mentioned all the binding projects I had in queue.  I have the binding, sleeve, and label on the other three (Kamp Kastles, Koda's Keeper, and Kloudburst), just need something good to watch on TV!

Several others are working their stash...see what's going on with them at Patchwork Times.