Visualizzazione post con etichetta Deep Ocean Challenge. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Deep Ocean Challenge. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 7 gennaio 2013

my craft space... New Deep Ocean Challenge

ciao a tutti!!!
come sempre in ritardo, e' il momento di una nuova sfida per il Deep Ocean... dopo i bagordi delle feste abbiamo pensato di rilassarci organizzando una sfida facile facile...

rilassante si fa per dire... la mia e' in super mega disordine e vi posso mostrare solo dei particolari accuratamente scelti per evitare di sconvolgervi troppo!!!!

I'm not disorganized, I just need a bigger Room!

prometto che alla prima riordinata (che prevedo sara' tra molte molte settimane -non ho tempo per far niente in quento periodo!!-) faccio una foto d'insieme...!!!!

ecco qui il reparto cucito... con portariviste ikea, libri di patchwork e quilting e rocchetti vari...

un po' di attrezzi e stecche appese alle corsie (sul muro ci sono anche dei block Dear Jane di mia mamma... bellissimi!!!!!)

 la bacheca davanti alla scrivania con immagini, idee e appunti vari...

 e infine un po' di roba scrap...

il porta distress...

ecco, questo e' tutto il guardabile della mia craft room... per il resto dovete aspettare a data da destinarsi... LOL

mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012

Santa Claus is coming...

... to town!!!

hi everyone... how are you?
today it's time for a new Deep Ocean Challenge

here is my card:

I love this Tilda... she has such a lovely super long Hair....hope mine was like that!!!!! :)

mercoledì 7 novembre 2012

Around the world...

hi guys...
how are you today? did you enjoy the Halloween weekend? I spend it cutting, baking and decorating more than 400 cookies... such a sweet weekend, wasn't is?

today it's time for another Deep Ocean Challenge and this fortnight we'd like to travel all around the world...!!!

I went to one of my favorite country, the UK for some tea and biscuits and this is my tag...

I love this Tilda... she's soooo me... !!!!

I colored her with my colored pencils, put some Stickles on her hair and frosted the cookies with a Union Jack...!!!

martedì 23 ottobre 2012

new Deep Ocean Challenge

hi girls,
how are you?
I'm still struggling with my internet connection so a quick post while I'm at my sister's house using hers...!!!
today it's time for another Deep Ocean Challenge...
this time we'd like to see some

here is my banner, ready for my winter door wreath!!!

a super sweet Edwin (and a little clumsy, as I am...!!!) to welcome my guests

as always I colored him with my pastel colors...

hope you like it, and check out the Deep Ocean Challenge Blog and enter at this wonderful challenge...

mercoledì 26 settembre 2012

more than two…

hi everyone…
today it’s time for another fabulous Deep Ocean Challenge and this time it’s
super easy, right?
to celebrate the international book week here my new bookmark…
I love corner bookmark so easy to make and so fun to decorate… and I love this little fall Tilda. I colored her with my pencils and then watercolored a little bit.
for the international book week, here the rules: Grab the closest book to you, turn to page 52, post the 5th sentence as your status. Don't mention the title. Copy the rules as part of your status.
and here is my quotation:
Perhaps my face explained she’d misconstrued, that I’d not wanted advice but congratulations: her mouth shifted from a yawn into a smile.”

venerdì 31 agosto 2012

deep ocean time…!!!!


hi everybody…

here is what I made for the latest Deep Ocean Challenge…

Things with Wings!!!!


a bookmark with a little angel Tilda colored with my colored pencils…


she looks like a little garden fairy, isn’t she?… just perfect for one of my favorite books: The Secret Garden!!!!



hope you like it, and don’t forget to share your wings with us at Deep Ocean Challenge!!!!


martedì 14 agosto 2012

new Deep Ocean Challenge

Hi everyone,
how are you today? are you enjoy your vacation?
it' time for another Deep Ocean Challenge and we thought about a perfect challenge for you to celebrate the summer season, the sun, the beach, and, of course, the ocean ...

yes! blue, blue and again blue... our favorite color!!!!
here is what I made for the occasion...

a gorgeous mermaid from Make it Crafty colored with my pencils!!!

hope you like it and hope you joying us at Deep Ocean Challenge

martedì 31 luglio 2012

welcome Ella!!!

Hi everyone...
today we ha a special Deep Ocean Challenge...
we are celebrating Louise and her beautiful new baby Ella, who has just landed on our world!!!
the official theme for this fortnight is

but all the DT  members made something to give a hearty welcome to the lovely new born... so this is my something...

I made a wall frame with my favorite flower...

...a beautiful hydrangea

for a beautiful baby...
[I borrowed a photo from your blog, Louise!!]

so girls, we're looking for to seeing your creations on the Deep Ocean Blog...and, once again Welcome on Earth beautiful Ella!!!

mercoledì 18 luglio 2012

and now it’s time for some fantasy world!!!

Hi girls, how are you today?
hope everything is ok…
today it’s time for another Deep Ocean Challenge and the theme this time is
how good is that?!
I made a card with a cute Cooking Fairy…
let’s join us at Deep Ocean Challenge we’re looking forward to seeing your fairy world!!!!

mercoledì 4 luglio 2012

Sea of Love

Hi everyone!!!!
today I'd like to share with you this little tag made for the new Deep Ocean Challenge

as you can see from my last posts, I'm experimenting a lot because I'm trying to improve my coloring... I bought new colored pencils, I'm trying new coloring techniques and I'm making lots of learning mistakes!!!!!!! (not to mention the summer heat... not a friend of mine!!!!)
... well, this is an experiment, for sure... It is not like I wanted but... anyway... here she is... my little mermaid!!!

so, girls... join us at The Deep Ocean Challenge and share your creations... we're looking forward to seeing them!!!

venerdì 22 giugno 2012

Welcome summer!!!!

hi everyone…

it’s time for another Deep Ocean Challenge and this time we want to celebrate Summer, so…


here is my card:


a cute Tilda with a blue flower, some butterflies and a Sunburst Ribbon.

I made the flower cameo with a air-dry sort of clay, it was an experiment but I like it very much… next time I’ll try to color it… we’ll see!!!

with this card I entered:

Magnolia Down Under: #151 Bingo (Sentiment - Tilda - Ribbon)

Just Magnolia: Summer colors

venerdì 11 maggio 2012

What a wonderful woman…

hi everyone…
yesterday I had my big day… I did the exam in bakery and pastry making… in 8 hours I had to do a written test, make 2 different kind of bread and a cake, do an interview and finally assemble a presentation of everything for the test panel in which every commissary tested if it was good enough…and luckily it was!!!!
so now I’m officially a baker!!!!
I love the braided bread… so cute!!! and the other one it’s with poppy seeds and corn flour… delicious!!!!

but now… to the serious things… it’s time for another Deep Ocean Challenge and this time it’s
well, this time I want to celebrate… me!!! sometimes you have to celebrate yourself and so I did…
this is a door hanger I made for my craft room…
the room in which I scrap, paint, sew and… iron (that’s why I put a clothespin!!!!)
CIMG0879    CIMG0880
so girls, pop over the Deep Ocean blog and join us… we’re waiting for your wonderful creations…!!!!


lunedì 30 aprile 2012

Deep Ocean New Challenge… Use Punches or Dies

Hi everyone…
as always late, (this time caused by internet connections problems) but I want to show you my latest card, made for the new Deep Ocean Challenge

as always, I colored this beautiful mermaid with colored pencils and a little pit of stickles for that magical touch!!!!

hope you like it

giovedì 29 marzo 2012

Deep Ocean… Masking or use more than one stamp


hi everyone…

today I’m gonna show you the card I made for the latest Deep Ocean Challenge, Masking or use more than one stamp…



I just love Magnolia trees… In these days you can see them all in bloom, and I love to see some beautiful flowers after a long grey winter!!!!!

As always, I colored this image with my colored pencils.

so jump to the Deep Ocean Challenge Blog, see the beautiful cards made by the other DT Members and join us: we’re looking forward to seeing  your creations!!!!!

with This card I entered:

Magnolia Down Under: # 19 Bingo (Polka Dots- Flowers- Ribbon)

venerdì 24 febbraio 2012

Deep Ocean- Pink and Brown Challenge…


hi everyone…

I’m super late… but I want to show you what I made for the latest Deep Ocean Challenge…

Pink and Brown



CIMG0805   CIMG0807

I colored this sweet Ballerina Tilda with my colored pencils and then glaze her with some Stickles. To gave that vintage look I added a lace, a bunch of flowers, a twine and some pearls.


If you want to joined us, go to the Deep Ocean blog, get inspired by the amazing DT members’ projects and share your pink and brown works… there’re few days left!!!!

giovedì 26 gennaio 2012

happy- belated- SPARKLE Challenge!!!

hi everyone…
today I’m posting my card for the new Deep Ocean Challenge… and the theme this fortnight  is….
here is my card…

I colored this cute and funny Tilda with my color pencils and decorated it with stickles and lots of rhinestones!!!
hope you like it!!!

I’m so sorry for my delay but these days go so fast that I realized I have no time for anything (did I mention I started a new school –Bakery and Pastry- in November? we've started practice few weeks ago…and so now I spend 8 hours a day among croissant, pizza, Italian bread, cookies and so on!!!
here some photos:

photo 3(1)photo 2photo 4(1)photo 1