Sunday 2 September 2012


I have chosen these earrings for my second giveaway, these glass  beads look just like the toffee swirl sweets I used to have as a child, the same rule applies as last time leave a comment on my post and just make sure I have your email address, please do blog about the giveaway, thank you. 

Saturday 25 August 2012


As promised I have the first giveaway from my Bead Soup, to be eligible please leave a comment on this post and blog about the giveaway and I will be delighted to add you to the "hat". Below is the picture of the first giveaway an Agate? pendant I have slipped it on some knotted sari silk cord, in toning colours. This giveaway will be drawn on 1st September, don't forget you must have a visible email address for me to contact you if you are the winner!

Saturday 18 August 2012


Last evening I visited the last of the names on the Blog Soup reveal list, I visited everyone that had posted photos of their jewellery and my goodness there were some gorgeous pieces to see, what a great party I am so glad I joined in, this was my third time and I enjoyed it all immensly thanks to my partner Jó  Giorgia Rossini I hope you all took a look at her pretty designs with some of the soup I sent her.

It just remains for me to thank Lori Anderson for making this such a wonderful and fun blog party, I know it is a lot of work for her and she is a very special person! "So thanks Lori till next time"!

Saturday 11 August 2012


Today is the day I can show you all that I made with the soup I was sent by my partner Jó Giorgia Rossini who comes from Italy.
I decided to see how many pieces of jewellery I could make from this soup useing just a few bits from my own stash, I ended up with eight WOW I just kept seeing more things I could use to make pendants, earrings etc.

To start with I took the clasp Jó sent me which has a piece of picture Jasper in a bezel it was a three strand clasp which did not suit what I had intended to make, an asymetrical necklace, useing a strand of Crazy Lace Agate from my stash the colour went so well! I had to use strand reducers again from my stash and blackberry beads ( my name for them ) Jó had sent some light green open work ceramic beads which I felt went just right to add a splash of colour and a sweet little butterfly, the necklace reminds me of the sandy burrows near us which sweep down to the sea it is a nature reserve, full of orchids and other flora in season and many wild creatures live there.
The second thing I made was a bracelet, there were some interesting red beads which I picked out and other smaller beads in more neutral colours also a couple of large gold colour beads and a gold leaf, the lobster clasp I added so that was my bracelet!

A large greenish bead was next I took some silver colour wire and just went a bit loopy I embellished it with some little circles of green Mother of Pearl and a peach colour star, now its all ready for a chain or cord

The open copper heart was next! Among the things Jó sent were a pair of pretty brass hearts I added some chain and a copper freshwater pearl heart from my stash and ended up with this sweet Chained Hearts pendant

Next came a pair of earrings these glass beads reminded me of toffee whirls I used to get given as a child so I had to use them as earrings, I think they are fun!

Another necklace was a must from Jó's pretty green beads, I added the gold spacers and most of a strand of raspberry pearls and the clasp a rope wrapped S hook, the raspberry pearls match the little pink spots/flowers on the three long green beads, I think it turned out rather pretty!
Nearly there now only two more to go, the next thing I used was an unusual filigree Jó had sent me I call it Bambi, looking at the picture you will see why! So I got out my clay and voilá, I think it worked quite well.
                                                                        I thought I was finished until I spied this piece of stripy Agate? Well I had to use it, there was a red glass bead left with a flower on it and one red drop so I reached for the wire and made a little pendant, I think I will just hang it from some lovely silk sari cord doubled up and knotted.
If you like any of these items please get in touch as I will be selling them, there will also be a surprise giveaway or maybe more.  If you would like to follow my blog it will all be revealed on the 25th August....!!!

Please go here to visit all the other participans in the 11th August Blog Soup Reveal

Wednesday 8 August 2012


Just thought I would post this really elaborate art necklace that I designed for someone and then they disappeared! It took me a while to make the tiny hummingbirds but I do enjoy the challenge it has been posted on Pinterest by a friend so thought I would add it to my blog it is for sale, not for the faint hearted to wear as it is quite big or it could be framed as a piece of art!

Monday 9 July 2012

And This is What I sent my Bead Soup Blog Partner

I think It is always a bit hit and miss sending things which while being a challenge, will also make the process enjoyable, I had a good look at the sort of things my partner jó was useing and decided to send a pallette of pinks which is maybe a bit different to the colours she usually works with and I am hopeing she will enjoy useing them.
So I sent a strand of freshwater pearls pink of course a large faceted Rose Quartz briolette and a pair of smaller ones, a pair of lampwork beads, a pair of faceted black Jasper briolettes, some of my precious vintage jet Czech cathederal beads ( I love those ) a hand made Polymer clay pendant, two clasps and a length of vintage brass chain.
I am looking forward to seeing what Jó will make with these things, the light was dreadful when I took the picture as the weather here has been aweful so it is not as clear as I would like. I am really looking forward to visiting as many blogs as I can....... See you at the big reveal.

Sunday 8 July 2012


This will be my third Bead Soup with Lori Anderson. My partner is from Italy 
Giorgia Rossini, I received my soup from her on the 6th so I thought I would show it on my blog for everyone to see, it came in colourful little bags and a gift of some earrings for me from Jó. Thank you Jó.

This is the reveal date for our soup, I already have some ideas and luckily I have plenty of time to put them into practice!

Sunday 1 July 2012


The necklace I am showing today has no clay in it and is from the other side of my jewellery designing. It was created earlier this year inspired by Elizabeth Taylor's jewellery that was auctioned at the end of last year, more precisely that wonderful pearl drop La Perigrina given to her by Richard Burton on Valentines day 1969. It is said the pearl was discovered off the coast of Panama in the 1500's and once belonged to King PhillipII of Spain. I am afraid my pearl does not have such illustrious provenance but it is a beautiful high class AAA pearl. So I thought it aught to hang from a suitable necklace too.

The necklace is strung with three sizes of freshwater pearls, rubies and green onyx as my little emeralds had such tiny holes I couldn't string them! The strands of pearls are seperated by beautiful silver flowers links. The circular centre piece is silver it was hand made by a silversmith and set with three rubies and three emeralds with a freshwater pearl in the centre. The pearl drop which is half drilled hangs below a strand of tiny pearls and rubies it is capped with silver. The clasp is lovely it is pearl and one of only two vintage ones I was able to buy a while back. I found it quite difficult to get a good picture but it is quite beautiful and special much nicer than the photos, as these thing usually are.

It is for sale just contact me if you are interested!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee Necklace

I thought today as the Diamond Jubilee weekend is all over I would post my Jubilee necklace.

I had been thinking of something pretty to make as I don't have the diamonds I am afraid Swarovski crystals have had to do duty in this flower necklace.
I sketched the piece first as I usually do. It is fashioned on an armature of bronze and each leaf, petal and flower is hand sculpted. As Roses are some of the Queens favourite flowers along with Lily of the Valley I decided on pink wild Roses I sculpted these in clay and also some tiny Forget Me Nots in blue. For the Lilies I used some lovely vintage white glass with 14kgf as the stems, the centres of all the flowers are the crystals and even the Lilies are tipped with tiny crystals, oh my poor eyes!

I really enjoyed designing this as it is so lovely for the summer we are still waiting for!

Monday 4 June 2012

We have a winner!

The winner of the green sari ribbon necklace is Shaiha, I am sorry there can be only one but good news! There will be a new give away later this month.

In the meantime I would love to show you a picture of one of my favourite old roses. Very large and many petaled Mme Issac Periere's scent is absolutely delicious and one of the strongest perfumed roses I have, I just picked these two this evening as the rain we had yesterday was set to ruin them, the fragrance fills the room.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Wedding Pearls

I thought you might like to see a commission I have just finished and sent off three necklaces to a lady in NY for her wedding they are being given to her flower girls to wear on the day. The youngest is only 6years old. The pearls are a pale silky blue with Indicolite Swarovski crystals as the sashes on the little girls dresses are that teal colour, the silver blossoms are off set and small lobster clasps can hook anywhere on the extender chains, which is brilliant as the necklaces will grow with the girls! 

Thursday 17 May 2012

The Ganoksin Online Exhibition

I have four necklaces in the new Ganoksin Exhibition the links are below if anyone would like to see them.
Page 26.

Page 35.

Page 53.

Page 55.

 The exhibition showcases 330 images chosen from entries from over 111 artists representing 26 countries:
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Serbia, Spain, Trinidad, Turkey, UK, USA, Venezuela, and the Virgin Islands
Artists were free to interpret the theme in any way they chose. Each artist could submit up to six pieces. Interpretations include uniting different materials into one cohesive form; intellectual and emotional "unitings", where the meaning of the piece unites multiple concepts; the uniting of time - past, present and future; and a number that focus on the harmony created when uniting multiple materials and/or concepts.
The work submitted involved a wide range of jewelry techniques, from very traditional to very cutting edge, as well as using materials from traditional precious metals and gemstones to "re-purposed
The online exhibition titled "Differences Unite Us" is now open to the public!

Monday 14 May 2012


The second of my three give aways is another necklace. Made with sari ribbon for one of Lori Andersons Bead Soup Partys last year, the pale gold large beads are actually seeds I don't know what tree they are from but I thought they looked quite nice with the ribbon which is a very dark green and can be tied in place easily.
The rules are as before to be entered to win please leave a comment on the blog, you will get an extra chance if you blog about it or mention it on your Facebook, please leave the link and don't forget to make sure I have your email address or I won't know where to send if  you are the winner. The drawing will take place on Saturday 2nd June. Good luck everyone!

Saturday 12 May 2012

Give Away has been drawn!

Well my first give away has gone quite well considering and the winner is Cyndi Lavin of so congratulations Cyndi.
Thank you to everyone who participated all is not lost as the second give away will go up early next week another sari ribbon necklace but quite different the date for the drawing has not been decided yet.
So there you are folks I do hope you will try again everyone is welcome please do tell your friends about it.

All the best

Tuesday 24 April 2012


I have three items I would like to give away over the next few weeks the first is a sari ribbon necklace/bracelet I made with the items I was sent by my partner for a bead soup I did with Lori Anderson. The leaf is ceramic and the beads are lampwork.
The drawing will be made on the May 12th.
To be entered in the draw with a chance to win, please leave a comment on my blog and you can either blog about it on your own blog or mention it on your Facebook and let me know you have done so for an extra go. Oh yes don't forget to let me know your email address or I won't be able to contact you if you win!
That's all you need to do. You can see a picture of the first give away above. 

Saturday 21 April 2012


Just thought I would pop in and post I have been wanting to do some giveaways for the longest time but I am not sure how to get the word out there never haveing done one before. Can anyone help?

Sunday 15 January 2012

Kimono Silk and Camellias!

I decided it was about time I posted again, I have not been so well in recent weeks but it has passed away now and I am feeling much better. I just need a bit of sunshine to pick me right up, I expect you all know the feeling.

The weather here on the west coast has been so mild, mild and wet I should add, we seem to have sprung leaks in places where there were none before! Today has been sunny and bright though but a lot cooler and I really feel inspired to move forward with some projects I have been thinking about over the winter.

First off I am a bit of a collector of beautiful fabrics as well as beads etc. This Christmas I decided to make some of my Christmas gifts. I have collected wonderful silks and wool fabric intended for kimono they are so beautiful, some are hand painted and many are hand dyed. So I set to and made a silk scarf for my sister it has a milk chocolate background with flowers and vines in dusky purples and reds and white it went really well with the pendant I gave her and she loved it!
A friend received a silk scarf in white with tiny raindrops of pink and rich pink, green and yellow butterflies just so pretty and as Amanda's favourite colour is pink it was an excellent choice.

Another friend Joan prefers dark colours so I had a lovely piece of wool in indigo with a diamond pattern in white, where the diamonds crossed tiny butterflies of white and orange in several different sizes adorned the fabric, I made another for myself its just right for this time of year!

So maybe I will be making scarves for sale as well as jewellery, I would also like to get back to some needlefelting soon it has been so long since I did anything but that will wait till the spring I think, there never seems to be enough days in the weeks or hours in the day I will have to start making a timetable but I doubt if I would stick to it lol.

The photo I took last year of one of my camellias this was April/May this year it already has blooms which is incredible even my early camellia is not in bloom yet, so I wonder why this should be, the only thing I can think is it is even more sheltered at the bottom of the garden in that corner.

Monday 28 November 2011

Promotional Sale

To promote my shop at Ruby Plaza, I decided now is the time to have a promotional sale it is seasonal and will run through December, everything is on sale right now lots of lovely necklaces and earrings that would make great gifts there is even a silver Festive bracelet made with beautiful handmade lampwork beads etc. payment is by Paypal and we ship internationally to most places very reasonably, we try to keep the cost down even if you order more than one item.
So sit down with you favourite tipple and enjoy browsing our shop at Ruby Plaza.

Of course our web site Kydo Jewellery has lots of lovely things on too
including our very popular bookmarks, being made of satin ribbon they are kind to books and make great gifts anytime! I have made them to go in prayer books, bibles and for confirmation in a favourite colour or white with a sterling silver cross.

Friday 11 November 2011

Here Be Dragons!

I just love Dragons so does Lara in fact some of her fantasy art is inspired by Dragons if you love them too you will be interested to know I have just put a number of Dragon pendants on the web site all are for sale I will show you a couple here The Water Dragon and Moonwatcher. You can see the rest on the web site all are different we can certainly string them add chain or cord or you can buy them as they are to add to your own designs. just click the link to be taken right to the page (hopefully) if I got it right!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Featured artist!

I am todays featured artist on Cyndi Lavin's blog Beading Arts hop on over and take a look! Cyndi has a great blog this month she is featuring Polymer clay artists.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Friday 14 October 2011

B'Sues Sari Ribbon Blog Hop!

Well here I am again I must be a sucker for punishment lol. I have no experience with sari ribbon, so you might say why am I doing a Sari Ribbon Blog Hop! I was sent two lengths of sari ribbon from my partner in Lori Anderson's Bead Soup Blog Party, so when I got B'Sues interesting and informative newsletter she mentioned she was going to be doing said blog hop I just thought 'well why not' so here I am with two pieces of jewellery a bracelet/necklace depending on where you tie it and a necklace.

First off the bracelet/necklace I took the lovely clay oak leaf added two toning lampwork beads I had and threaded them on the red and gold sari ribbon, it can be tied at any length and looks interesting I think one could even add a few more beads to it! I originally made this one for the bead soup but thought you might like to see it too.

The necklace, is green sari ribbon but has a tiny gold thread running through it, I had no idea what to make with it and tried several combinations out not good at all, then I remembered a strand of large pale gold graduated beads that look like wood or seeds they are amazing they threaded onto the ribbon and stay in place without knotting you just tie a bow where you want at the side and are ready to go, simple but I think very effective!

Please do go and take a look at the other blogs in this hop there are some amazing designs out there, here is the link to B' sue where you will find all the link to participants.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Bead Soup Blog Party Reveal day!

I had an interesting assortment of items from my partner Nicole Keller of Nicki's Reef and I was inspired to make a necklace and two bracelets. The necklace I named Night Leopard; as soon as I laid eyes on the bronze pendant from Africa I just knew I wanted to make something that was both organic and a bit ethnic, I picked the beautiful spotted wood & tree seed beads and red Jasper for warmth and colour from the beads Nicki sent me, I added four Jasper rondels, vintage bronze metal rondels, wood beads and three grey blue beads from my own stash these hand made beads were made by Acholi women in Uganda, Africa out of recycled, rolled paper. The necklace is strung on leather and finished with a gold plated lobster clasp, I don't often make long necklaces but this one will fit over a sweater nicely I think.

Next I made a bracelet from the Polymer clay tile and the pair of glass beads with the nice bronze clasp Nicki sent I added copper beads and some Amazonite triangles.
For the second bracelet/necklace I took the lovely clay oak leaf added two toning lampwork beads I had and threaded them on the red and gold sari ribbon, it can be tied at any length and looks interesting I think one could even add a few more beads to it! I still have some of the bead soup left over to make things with.

Thank you Nicki for the interesting and unusual things you sent me, they certainly gave me pause for thought and isn't that just what it is all about!

Thank you too Lori, I don't know how you manage to keep up with it all with a home and family to look after; this is certainly a huge undertaking.

Thanks also to all of you that take the time to visit my little blog, I will do my very best to visit each one of you! 
Here is the link to the list where you can visit all the participants of Lori's Blog Soup Party.

Sunday 21 August 2011

New Necklaces at Kydo

Lara my daughter and webmaster has just put two new Gold Collection necklaces on the web site.
The first one is so pretty;  I bought a selection of Rhodochrosite cabs this year, cut by Alex at Designer Cabochons, there are only a very few fine lapidarists in the Uk and Jane & Alex at Designer Cabochons has become a favourite place of mine to buy, often pricey but beautiful stones. 

A beautiful freeform cab of Rhodochrosite adorns the centre of this pendant, cut and polished by Alex of Designer Cabochons. The three crystal cabs are vintage Swarovski Crystal as are the crystals embellishing the gold plated chain which fastens with a lobster clasp.

My second offering today is....

Teal Teardrop
A Chrysocolla teardrop and oval cab with leaves and tendrils, embellished with emerald vintage Swarovski crystals. I added natural Turquoise giving an organic feel to this lovely pendant, with gold plated spacers and a gold plated chain and lobster clasp to complete this necklace.

Sunday 24 July 2011

The Gold Collection got mentioned!

Susan of Big Chunky Jewellery wrote to me last week she gave my Gold Collection a mention on her web site in an interesting article Debate About Gold Continues, if you would like to read Susan's post here is the link  at least I hope it works!

Thursday 21 July 2011

The Ganoksin Exhibition

The Ganoksin Exhibition Beauty Is In The Eye of the Beholder, went online this month it is curated by Beth Wicker. The exhibition showcases 247 images chosen from entries from over 55 artists representing North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Central America, Africa and Eurasia.
The drive to adorn the human body is surely as old as human kind. From pre-historic times this drive has led humans to use the materials at hand, combined with the technologies and tools available, to create objects to adorn the human body. The oldest jewelry found to date goes back to at least 75,000 years ago in Africa.
Early jewelry was made of bones, shells, sticks, and whatever other materials the people could find and shape. Over time the ability to mine and shape metal developed, and jewelry was made from bronze, silver, gold, platinum and other metals. Gold has long been thought of as a "precious" metal, and today it is joined by silver and platinum as the three main materials modern jewelry is made from.  While much jewelry today is made from these three main metals, a large body of jewelry world-wide is still made from a much wider range of materials. This exhibition, "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder", focuses on jewelry made primarily of materials other than gold, platinum and silver.

Jewelers today are still using found objects such as shell and bone; they are using "green" materials - upcycled and recycled objects and materials; they are using cutting edge plastics and newly developed technology; and they are using older metals such as copper, brass and bronze.
Some of the more unusual materials include vinyl LP's, velvet, VCR components, rattlesnake vertebrae, corian, canvas, paper, crab claws, magnets, synthetic rubber electrical insulation tubing, and aluminum grounding wire.
More traditional materials used include copper, bronze, brass, glass, various types of wood, gemstones, pearls and seeds.

Techniques range from traditional metalsmithing, through a range of beading techniques, textile techniques, photography techniques and cutting edge industrial fabrication.
Participants range from professional jewelers with international reputations to students just learning their craft.

Hosted on the Ganoksin website, the world's largest internet site devoted to jewelry- related topics, the exhibition is a snapshot of what jewelers around the world are exploring, and an inspiration to all. The exhibition was conceived Beth Wicker, an artist from South Carolina, in the USA, and curated by Beth and Hanuman Aspler, founder of the Ganoksin Project.

Beauty Is In the Eye of the Beholder

I had three necklaces accepted Lily Pads, Princess and Plum Blossom; they are below if you would like to see them.

Friday 8 July 2011

Wow...!!! I won my catagory.

The results are in at last of a contest I entered and I won my catagory. The talent was amazing so many wonderful pieces in the different catagories the judges had a really hard time choosing, so I feel very honoured to be a winner.
I have always shied away from contests in the past but got persuaded last year to enter one.
I am not a competative person at all, so it is hard for me to do this, so I just imagined I was showing a new piece here on my journal to all you folks and it was a bit easier. Anyway I thought you might like to see the necklace that won.
It was based on a beautiful semi double scarlet Camellia called Grand Prix. The inspiration came about because I had this circular piece of Citrine crystals, it was quite a large round and I had no clue what to do with it, I got it out of the box several times over the months, stared at it and put it away again, then just before the contest started, I got it out yet again and suddenly, I thought, I know what you are, the centre of a flower, a big colourful flower! It had to be either a Clematis or Camellia, as soon as I saw Camellia Grand Prix I knew that was the right flower for this piece and so to the sketch pad and from there to the clay. I strung with white pearls and coral rounds and added a little female humming bird for fun!
Please leave a comment if you would like to I love to read them all.

Monday 27 June 2011

I have been showcased!

This is so nice, the web site is Champagne Rose Jewelry, the page is Friends Gallery a lovely Japanese lady called Mika Shimatani owns the web site, although Mika was born in Japan she now lives with her husband and two little boys in San Jose, California. Mika makes lovely jewellery herself and is also teaching jewellery workshops.

Thursday 23 June 2011

New Nefertiti Necklace & A Walk in the Woods

Well I am still here for the time being hoping that blogger will fix the glitch that won't let me post to some blogs, so I thought I had better show you some new necklaces I have just put up for sale on our web site Kydo Jewellery with the help of my daughter and web master.

The first necklace I called Nefertiti. It came about this way, I was looking through one of my books on Ancient Egypt for a completely different reason and came across some lovely wall paintings of Nefertiti with flowers, which inspired me to create this necklace. I had recently bought some large and beautiful Lapis Lazuli cabochons in that lovely royal blue colour so out came the sketch book as usual. I decided on a lily shape with the central cab of the Lapis I added three Carnelian cabs and engraved a lily design into the gold clay. I used my only strand of lovely Lapis nuggets with Carnelian rounds and little gold plated rondels it closes with a little vermeil S hook. It is signed on the back as are all my Gold Collection pieces. I think it turned out rather well.

The second picture is of a fresh green and white necklace. I chose a leaf or teardrop shape which compliments the shape of the Agate cab I textured the background of the gold clay and added a round Turquoise cab, which kind of set the whole piece off nicely I think. I used some high quality white pearls and tree Agate rounds to string it with and a few gold vermeil flower spacers, the clasp is a gold plated lobster claw. I think it makes a refreshing change the green and white, I called it A Walk in the Woods, I can almost smell the leaves and ferns lol.

Hope you like them I would love it if you left me a message.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Thinking of changing my Journal

Yes I am really thinking of leaving Blogger, there seems little point me being here if I am unable to post on the blogs I follow and possibly other people can't leave comments on my blog either although I think you can leave comments on my blog as I have comment moderation enabled and I can comment on any blogs that have this enabled, so I presume it is the same, but not on any others.
I do have another Journal at Wordpress but I don't really use it at the moment so I may decide to use that one, I do hope if I go some of you will follow me over there, that would be brilliant!

Sunday 5 June 2011

Of Roses and Moonlight

Just as I thought I had got writing this journal under control life up and gets in the way, maybe I am trying to do too many things online at the moment and then nothing gets done well. So here I am again promising myself I will find something to write about at least once a week.

The garden has been taking up a bit of time and the work really on going, it is bursting with old roses and clematis at the moment; the weather has been wonderful the last few days with lots of sunshine which is why they are doing so well I think, they love the sun and hang their pretty heads in pouring rain and end up looking like wet paper bags hanging on the bushes. But I do love the old roses the scent is stunning; Mme Isaac Perrier has the strongest scent of all my roses and I can sit on the seat in my sunken garden listening to the waterfall and bird song enveloped in her exquisite perfume and the sweet scent of lavender trailing down the wall behind me. How I love the warm June days!

I took up Chen Tai Chi some time ago to help with problems after a bad fall I had years ago now and it is going really well, I love it and it has helped me to recover a lot of the flexibility I had lost, I practice every day and hope to overcome any limitations I may have. We did a demonstration at a fair in our park in aid of the local Childrens Hospice a couple of weeks ago which was well received.

Friday evening my daughter and I went to the theatre to watch the Shaolin Warriors from Beijing, the performance was absolutely spectacular and the theatre filled to capacity. After the show my husband picked us up in the car we drove out to the down which overlooks the sea, the sun had set and a new sickle moon risen but the sky still had a deep peachy coral glow along the horizon with that aqua shade you get sometimes below. The lights along the Welsh coast opposite were strong and bright, mesmerisingly close. As we sat drinking in the beauty of the night the stars shone out, more and more appeared. We got out of the car sharing cans of soft drinks letting the night drift by; the big dipper appeared right above where we stood, my husband pointed it out to our daughter, we found other constellations to wonder at, until the breeze became a little chill and we got back in the car.

We watched as a dog fox came within a few feet of the open car door, I thought perhaps he wants a ride with us, he came so close to me with no fear, wondering what I had in the rustling paper of a chocolate snack bar. Then we drove home.
I hope you will choose to come back and read more of my ramblings and I will try to write more frequently. I leave you with a picture of a new necklace from the Gold Collection inspired by the old roses. The gemstones are Rhodochrosite, pink Peruvian Opal and Chalcedony with white pearls.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Two new pendant necklaces

I have two pretty new pendant necklaces to share with you today, from my Gold Collection. The marquise cabs in both cases are Ocean Jasper the pink and white one also has two round cabs of Chalcedony with Swarovski crystals embellishing the chain. The gold and green Cab has a round vintage Swarovski crystal with crystals and freshwater pearls embellishing the chain.Both these are on the web site right now on The Gold Collection pendants page.
The necklace in my last post Florentine is also on the web site Gold Collection necklaces page. Just click on Kydo Jewellery to the right and visit our web site, we have a special celebration offer for our blog followers, free first class or standard Air Mail shipping anywhere for one week thats till 30th April! 

Sunday 10 April 2011

Florentine, New Boulder Opal Necklace

I thought it was about time I posted another of my gold collection necklaces this one has just gone on the web site, sadly I couldn't get a photo of the pin fire in the opal it is red and green. I  also cut the back away as the pin fire goes right through this piece of boulder Opal. The cabs are Carnelian and I strung the necklace with baby Agate nuggets and little peachy gold pearl nuggets!

Friday 25 March 2011

Spring is here at last!

I just took this picture of a small bed of crocus and Narcissi in the garden they are so bright and pretty I couldn't resist showing you, I only planted this little bed before Christmas and it is doing well the second picture is of one of the Camellias in the garden, there are several as I love them they make such a show this time of year the first Magnolia is blooming away but the batteries ran out on me so I couldn't take more photos!

Sunday 13 March 2011

The Silver Lodge is no More!

We have at last changed the name of our web site from The Silver Lodge to Kydo Jewellery, as the name was no longer appropriate. It is rather sad in a way but we hope the new name and new inspiration will bring its rewards as we start afresh.

Lara chose the name KYDO and it does have a meaning it stands for KEEP YOUR DREAMS ORIGINAL, which seemed just perfect, for the new collection of art jewellery The Gold Collection, created from gold polymer clay and set with Jaspers, Agates, pearls, fossils and coloured gemstones, among other beautiful stones I have sourced over many months which will be appearing on the web site over the next weeks. The collection is themed around nature with leaves playing a large part especially ferns, as they will soon start to unfurl, a little later this year as the weather has been so cold.

Everything is still not quite sorted as we can receive email on our new address but can't reply as our internet provider won't send it through, so we are useing the silverlodge address at present until its sorted; it is really annoying though!

Let me show you one of the new pendants on the web site. The stone is a very large mystic quartz the fine gold vermeil chain is embellished with Swarovski Crystals.

Friday 4 March 2011

All finished

At last I have finished visiting all the bead soup blogs, this has been a real marathon for me as just prior to this one I did the One World One Heart giveaway and had those blogs to visit too, so no time to write my own blog. Thank you Lori for organising it.
I will be writing to tell you more about our new web site which Lara and I have just finished a little later.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Bead Soup Reveal Day

Today is the day I can show you what I made from my bead soup partner Magda; our brief was we had to use the focal and clasp our partner sent us but could use the beads sent or use some from our own stash. I tried to use as many of the items Magda sent me as I could and just added one bead and some vintage brass chain of my own to finish off.

I made an asymetrical necklace, I loved the hand made beads and clasp she made for me, so the clasp had to be seen, but I had great difficulty deciding how to hang the focal circle of wood, I wanted to use the long wire wrapped bead she had made me in a different way. So this is what I eventually came up with.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Bead Soup!

Magda is my bead soup partner she lives in Poland, her English is good while my Polish is non existent but that has not stopped us communicating and I would like to show you the lovely selection of beads Magda sent me. The beautiful clasp and wire wrapped beads Magda made especially for me, I feel so honoured they are lovely. I have tried to use as many of the components in my necklace as possible, I just can't let you see it yet lol.