Showing posts with label bad arguments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bad arguments. Show all posts

Friday, April 24, 2009

If You Can't Say Something Nice...

It's hardly a phenomenon unique to Japan, but some politicians really should learn to keep their mouths shut. With a declining population and an almost certain labor shortage looming on the horizon, Japanese lawmaker Jiro Kawasaki ruminates on the topic of immigration:
We should stop letting unskilled laborers into Japan. We should make sure that even the three-K jobs [*] are paid well, and that they are filled by Japanese [...] I do not think that Japan should ever become a multiethnic society. [The United States has been] a failure on the immigration front...
I don't imagine anyone has ever accused Mr. Kawasaki of being overly ironic...

I have to admit, though, that the image of a Japanese politician claiming the immigration policies of another country (any country, really) are a "failure" strikes me as rather rich, whatever one's opinion might be on the subject. I would be the first to agree that Japan should approach the topic of immigration cautiously (hell, I dont feel like being accosted by deadbeat Canadians on every street corner, bumming change and smokes and generally making a nuisance of themselves). Comments like Mr. Kawasaki's, however, betray both a fear of "the foreign" and an utter ignorance of what a "multiethnic" society is. I might add a somewhat more harsh criticism: also evident here is a certain mental laziness--immigration is a difficult subject, so it'd be best to avoid it altogether. It remains to be seen how much longer "leaders" like Mr. Kawasaki can avoid the subject before it jumps up and bites them in the ass.

[*] Kitsui, kitanai, kiken — hard, dirty and dangerous.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm My Own Lab Rat

I've just spent a few minutes skimming a rather long-ish article entitled Is Pornography the New Tobacco? I may or may not decide to pick it apart in detail at some later date. Some general observations on the topic:

The title of the article should be giveaway enough that it's not much more than moralizing dressed up as "social science" (which, to my mind, is merely moralizing of a different sort). As a smoker I don't believe there's anything inherently "evil" about my habit. At the same time, as a reasonably intelligent person (depending on whom you ask), I'm not so foolish as to deny that smoking is bad for my health. I don't want my daughter to smoke because I want her to live a long and healthy life. I try to make sure that she never sees me doing it, but I somehow doubt I'll derive much comfort from this if she someday decides to start smoking anyway. I should also say that, as far as I'm concerned, tobacco companies are lying scumbags who would say or do anything to get me or you to buy their products. Really though, in this, they are no different than any other "business," so singling them out seems a bit ridiculous to me. I would never blame Big Tobacco for my addiction. Some may revel in admitting their helplessness and stupidity to the world (usually in the form of lawsuits, etc.); I rather enjoy being the master of my own fortune (good or bad).

Is it reasonable to compare tobacco and pornography? The harmful effects of smoking have been scientifically proven, as have the addictive qualities of tobacco. I can personally attest that tobacco is addictive, and my own experience has shown me that there's a good chance that a lingering cold and/or cough, shortness of breath, etc. is probably directly connected to my smoking. But, unless I'm blowing my smoke in your face, that's my business. There is no conclusive evidence one way or the other about the effects of pornography, however one might personally feel about it. I myself have, at different moments in my life, viewed pornography countless times, and I can say at least this much: when my plane lands after a 12-hour flight, it's not an internet connection I'm looking for--I want a bloody smoke, and no (hypothetical) number of beckoning, naked women (on video!) is going to come between me and "my precious." It's ridiculous even to attempt comparing tobacco and pornography in physical terms. I would add that, as far as I'm concerned, indulging in either one is nobody else's business. (I shouldn't need to, but I will, offer the following caveat regarding porn: legally consenting adults only--anything else is criminal).

The main point of the above-linked article seems, though, to be that viewing pornography, like smoking tobacco in bygone years, is these days socially acceptable to a general public who are as yet unaware of its possible dangers. But really, what kind of argument is this? It's not like sex (or "pornography") suddenly appeared on the scene like crack cocaine or something. Should we deny the existence of Greek urns, the Kama Sutra, etc.?

Honestly, I only skimmed the article, but it seems to be saying "tobacco is bad, so pornography might be bad." This seems to me a highly flawed form of argument.