Showing posts with label Singapore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Singapore. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Singapore: Universal Studio

The day i've been waiting for...its time to enjoy ourselves at.............


Universal Studio

We went to Universal Studio on our 3rd day...we woke up early in the morning coz we dun wanna miss the earliest least ada la ample time sket nak jalan2 and play all the games...we purposely chose to go on monday coz konon2nya xde la ramai org sangat...but, we're totally wrong...either weekdays or weekend, Uni. Studio tetap full house...i'm so thrill about this trip coz dah imagine nak main all the rides and wanna watched all the shows...tapi last2 banyak game yang best2 belum bukak lagi...frust jugak la...ini yang kena datang lagi sekali ni...hehehe...even the ticket was quite expensive (SGD66/ticket), but they will give SGD5 meal voucher and SGD5 merchandise voucher for u to redeem at the Universal Studio Store...but i'm pretty sure that u will spend more than the voucher's value coz the souvenir are so, let the pictures tell u the story k...p/s: there will be a lot of pictures in this entry...hope you guys enjoy the pictures as much as we do...

There are 7 attractions area in here...our 1st stop was @ the HOLLYWOOD...anda boleh menghabiskan duit dan voucher anda coz ada banyak merchandise store di sini...


2nd stop: Madagascar...we have our lunch here at Marty's Casa Del Wild, a halal cafe (you can refer to your map as there will be a sign of halal's cafe) kat sini boleh tahan sedap...kebetulan lepas makan, Madagascar's cartoon character tgh buat show next to our cafe...tapi bila time nak amik gambar, kena beratur bukan main panjang...xkuasa la pulak aku nk beratur tgh2 panas tu...amik gambar dr jauh sudah la yek...hehehe...

3rd stop: Far Far Away...we played our 1st game kat sini...Shrek 4D adventure...sangat ramai org queue to play this game...luckily we dun have to wait for so long coz the hall is so sekali masuk, ramai la...the story line and the special effect sangat best...the best part was i can feel the spider crawling at my feet and my hand...even time donkey bersin pun, kite kena tempiasnya sekali...hehehe...

4th stop: The Lost World of Jurassic Park...kat sini yang best cuma show at the we watched death-defying stunts, awesome explosions and thrills at this sensational live water show...siap dengan bot and jet ski bagai taw...

game ni tutup...sobsobsob

cinta with one of the actor

5th stop: Ancient Egypt...haaaa...kat sini best coz we played an indoor roller coaster call 'Revenge of the Mummy'...memang best + menakutkan + gelap...xleh nak expect ape yang ada kat depan sebab totally gelap kat dalam tu...yang ada cuma lampu2 dekat patung2 mummies...2 thumbs up la!!!!...for those yang memang suke with the roller coster ride, this game memang wajib main...

6th stop: Sci-Fi City...aduh...frust sangat bila tak dapat naik the Battlestar Galactica, the largest roller coaster yang pernah aku tgk...ada 2 track pulak tu, Cylon (blue track) and human (red track)...i'm not sure whether these two track jalan serentak or camne coz this game still tutup...bila aku tanya, diorg pun xsure bila game tu bukak...ches...

Last stop: New York...xsure la pulak aku if camni rupanya New York city ater xpernah pergi lagi kan...mungkin sipi2 ada la kot...hehehe...we watched a street dance show at Stage 28...1 of the volunteer sangat sporting when the dancers asked her to dance...kalau aku la, mau kejung keras kat depan tu...hehehe...

masa ni dah super duper penat dah

Before we went home, baru ktorg singgah kat souvenir i said tadi, konon2 nak menghabiskan merchandise voucher but end up....

1 bag for him

2 bags for me (over sungguh)

....Insyaallah kalau ada rezeki, i'll definitely come again to experience the Battlestar Galatica ride...we really enjoyed our day at Universal Studio...until we meet again...daaaa....(fuh, entry terpanjang setakat ini)....