Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Plegde to UIU

With the New Year almost here there is a lot of talk of New Year resolutions. One of the things that kept coming up was using up our craft supplies. This is not something new; people have been doing this for years, setting budgets or not shopping for 30 days etc. There have been many blog posts on the topic as well. I am neither the 1st, nor going to be the last person to talk about using stuff and saving money. I know personally in these tough times my household has to watch our pennies but I still want to enjoy my passion of art and crafts. So all this talk has got me thinking and what I came up with is a pledge to Use It Up (UIU)!!

What UIU is all about is using up those craft supplies that you have been stashing away, hoarding or treasuring what ever you want to call it. We all have drawers and bins full of craft stuff but yet we keep saying “oh I don’t have anything to do that project” or it’s the “Look at that shiny new product” I must have it syndrome. Then we go buy more stuff, but what happens is you get it and forget it. when we just keep going in this manner we end up with another problem, NO SPACE!!! Well that’s going to stop for me this year and I invite you to join me!

There are no hard core rules other then USE IT UP, but here are some guidelines, hints and tips:

* Take some time and go “shopping” in your stash. I know what you are going to say, “Time! I don’t have time I am to busy!!” My answer to that is, YES you do! How much time do you spend shopping in the craft stores or surfing the net for craft stuff weekly? Well replace the store or the net with your own house.

*Trading / swapping: Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help. Before you go buy that one flower you need ask someone if they have an extra one. You can arrange a swap for goods and sometimes the postage will be cheaper than going to buy it. You just need to be patient.

*Rethink it: If you realllllllly want to create a project but don’t have the products to make it, take a step back and see what you do have and work it with what you have. You may have to resize it or change the style. You will be surprised on what you can do. (example)

*Recycling is your best friend! Don’t throw out those cereal boxes they make great chipboard or canvases. Even the smallest paper scraps can be glued down to plain copy paper and make cool backgrounds. That trick works well with fabric too.

* Resale vs. Retail: Try going to a resale shop (Salvation Army/ goodwill) instead of your craft store. You will be surprised on what you will find and not spend a lot

*Set a budget. I know we are talking about NOT spending but there are times that we will run out of basics (glue, paint, mediums) and that’s ok to replace them. AND yes it’s ok to treat yourself here and there. BUT if you do get something you MUST use it, you can’t buy it and let it sit. Just remember your goal of not spending and start using don’t make it a daily/weekly treat.

Remember this will be a pledge to yourself and only you can hold yourself accountable for it and with love and support from other UIU pledges we will be making awesome art, making room and saving money. I know that I would rather spend my money on an art retreat then on a products that will collect dust on the shelf


All I ask is to make a blog post at least once a month and tell and/or show us how you have been UIU.

List of peeps who took the pledge:

 Fran ( me :) )


Sandi -          pandics

MaryBeth   creativbz











Darcie      DarcieGlam












Lily      Artjourney




Judi F


















Susan         LoveRibbons01  














Dogsmom (please let me know your real name)


Stop by there blogs or Flickr and show them Love


Anonymous said...

Fran - count me in (Julia - StrayDreams)

Sandy Jones said...




Sandy xx :)

Minxy said...

Yep i'm taking the pledge..will put a post on my blog tomorrow x
Thanks Fran this is an ace idea x

Felicia said...

Count me in!!


mitzi curry said...

Ok i am in for this big time.

Sheri said...

count me in!!

Kerri Love said...

Yup I got my button all set up hehe

Vicki said...

Great idea Fran! Add me to the list please :)

Vicki said...

Although I just realized I will have to actually update my blog! lol

Carol B. said...

Count me in Fran. Of course now I have to update my blog. :-)
Carol B.

Brenda Whitehead said...

Count me in! (bren47 - ElegantTangle)
I'd have been here sooner but had computer gremlins!

JanT said...

I gotta jump in on this, I got so much stuff i can't find anything. Don't have or want a blog but can post on Flickr with what I have been doing.

LadyofLostTimes said...

I got you on there Jan !! No prob about the blog just give me your Flickr link if you want me to add it to the list.

Ginger said...

Taking the pledge. I cut my craft pending a lot in 2011, but I aim this year to try and cut it even further, great idea. I will post on my blog later today, add me to the list please. carol x

Katie said...

Fran Please count me in I am so ON this challenge. Thanks for forming our "got our backs crew". love ya
here's my blog
off to start now. thanks

San @ Made in Hem said...

I'm in! Was looking for something like this for a couple months now. Thanks for offering! :)
Can't wait to see more of everyones stash... *grin*
Warm hugs, Sandra

Dianne said...

Whoo Hoo Fran!!!! I am IN!

Robin said...

What a great way to be accountable. I am in! Robin - CanadianRobin NorthernRobin

Art Journey said...

I pledge! Although I don't shop for the sake of it and do use my stash... I'm IN!!

Lily = ArtJourney

mixamatoasties said...

OK, going to try

It can be done, I really, really don't need stuff!!

Anonymous said...

Count me in Fran :-) Sarah x

Willnnabel said...

I was just telling Sarah this on Friday! One of my resolutions this year.(

Tara said...

Count me in too, posted to my blog already :)

Eileen said...

It's about time I used some of this stuff! I'm in. Taking a button but I can't promise to post every month. I don't scrap much when I'm playing in journals.

Suzanne said...

Great idea! I'm in... I need to save money and make space. I organzed everything I could today and have much too much stuff! :o)

paintedlady89 said...

How many times have I purchased the same or a similar item, and I can't find it or I forgot I had it! I am taking the pledge. Not only am I making the pledge, I am resolved to contribute to the communities children and use my stash for their education and enjoyment!
Good Luck to all!

Ketsia Elie said...

That is a serious challenge Fran! I know you can rock it - good luck to you all!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea! I have soooo much stuff and not enough inspiration to do anything with it. Does anyone else find that the more stuff you get the LESS crafting actually gets done? I used to me a lot more productive when everything fitted in one little box and I had to craft on the dining table. Now that I have a whole room full of stuff I dont' get near as much done. So this year I'm going to UIU and hopefully kick start the creativity again!

Anonymous said...

I should have been first in cue. I am so committed to making a substantial dent. As I embark on so many of the upcoming challenges, I am planning to purchase glue or tape, nothing else.

Gina said...

But then again, once a paper addict...

An Occasional Genius said...

Hi Fran, I'm in for UIU 2012! I've made the post on my blog so I'm committed now! I'm another who has far too much stuff & needs to use it & reclaim my house! Good luck everyone & I look forward to exchanging encouraging words.

Abi xx

Siobhan Brignull said...

what an intriguing idea, actually using my craft stash, wierd oh and even wierder dont buy new stuff, now I know my OH would be delighted with that, well I shall give it a go, I might surprise myself and I might find that mod podge I know Ive got somewhere, LOL

Noaleen said...

I had made up my mind to use not buy this year, so I'm happy to sign up

Unknown said...

Hello Fran, It was my only New Years resolution - to stop buying (apart from essentials) so I'm happy to sign up. Sarah

Annie said...

I'm in - just can't move in my craft/bedroom for stash and I'm broke too so two very good reasons to join.
my blog is
if you want to add me to the list.
Ann xxx

Melissa Patton said...

So funny...I am late to sign up with all of you amazing ladies but I had already made this one of my resolutions for this year. :) So sign me up please Ms Fran.

Clare with paint in her hair said...

I am going to take the pledge to use my stuff and go shopping in my craft room rather than the craft shopping world.

cindyw said...

Fran, count me in on UIU. I need to use what I have.

Karen P said...

Wow, this is exactly what I've been trying to do for the last year. Count me in, I'll add you on my side bar.
I will stick to it as our circumstances have drastically changed over the last couple of years.
I haven't been buying card, paper or envelopes for a while as I really am trying to use it up! Once I stopped buying more BG paper and card I started to use more of my stash and I became more creative and more inspired. Many thanks for putting into words what I've been trying to explain for a while! Hugs Karen x

Vicki Fraser said...

Brilliant concept - I'm taking the plegde too! Hopefully I can stick with it and stop the shopping! lol Well not entirely, but the senseless I want can stop for sure. Thanks so much for inspiring us all :)

Dr Sonia S V said...

Fran got your link from Vicki my friend... very commendable what you are doing and I love the recycle idea. I try to recycle while I craft. I cant pledge as my craft supplies are limited and only building it now but I will give a shout about this concept in my next post

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Please add me in too. The button is already up on my blog. I have so much in my box of bits and I never make the time to go through it to see what I can use.

Elizabeth said...

Hello Fran, you can count me in too - my craft space is bursting with gorgeous stash that I really should use before buying any more. Use It Up will give me the shove I need to craft with what I have :) I've put your button on my sidebar and will mention Use It Up in my next post.

Create With Joy said...

Hi Fran,

I am a new follower of your blog and I love this challenge, which I heard about from my friend Elizabeth (above!) Please count me in, and please join me for Inspire Me Monday, which I'll be launching this week - it's a perfect place to show off your work, and I'll be sharing this challenge with my readers! :-)


Mrs A. said...

Hi Fran,
I will join the pledge. Have bought stamps with christmas money but thats it now. Basics only from now on . Have taken your pledge button and some of the blinkies. Hugs Mrs A.

Pauline said...

Oh, yes please! I am IN!!! Off to put the blinkie on my blog now! Right up top, where I will ALWAYS see it!
hugs and blessings,
Pauline (My Paper Playground)

Angenita said...

I'm in! I have to admit, I already started this somewhere last year. Mostly because I don't have room for more supplies.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I guess I didn't really formalize it in my head, but this is basically my goal for this year as well.

I guess I'm starting with small steps. I told myself that I would use up my bag of adhesive, use more stickers that I already have, and use my card kits that I have lying around.

aalia7 said...

Brilliant! Hi, Fran, this is Aalia from over on LJ. I'm totally in. Don't have a blog but I'll update my UIU progress on public entries at
Applying UIU rules to month 1 of 12 for 2012. Love it! :D

Laurie Richardson said...

I'm IN too! I am an art/craft stash/supply hoarder...I buy TONS of goodies, then either use the same old stuff all the time OR get stingy about using any of my "good stuff"...which is just not very nice to my creative muse, now is it? That is showing little trust, honor, respect or belief in myself as an artist, not thinking that my creations are "worthy" of using my best/fave supplies! I'm a thrift store addict too, but can't promise to stay out of Michaels (with my 40% off coupon in hand, of course!)

Kyla said...

I'm in too-I will try to limit myself to craft fairs (for the hard to find items), scrap stores and charity shops.

A great idea, this UIU.

madaboutpooh said...

OK I'm in, hubby and daughter both think its a great idea

Anonymous said...

Count me in! This is what I had planned to do for some time. I finally started posting to my blog and this will help keep me on track to UIU.

Unknown said...

Totally AWSOME idea Fran! I am so in as this has been my pledge to myself anyway! :)
Good luck to us all! :)
Lizy x

Donnas Den said...

I'll give it a go :)

Donna x

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Ok, you got me. I will be joining in. Guilty as charged!

Debrafide said...

Ohh I know this is me, although I have been really looking at other ways of using my fabric stash & scraps, I also plan to make children clothing and toys for charity organisations and I also plan to use up my beads stash and set up that jewellery making and craft workshop company that I have been planning for ages. This is a great idea, I am in – have fun everyone!

Unknown said...

Oh, yea, I am joining in with you all! I really need to "shop" my stash!

RoxyScraps said...

I'm going to use it up! I can't wait to get going. My first project is to use up that really cute Harry Potter paper I bought last year.

Laura S Reading said...

Love this idea and am sharing

Halle said...

Oh yes!! Count me in! This was actually part of my "resolution" for the year....Or actually my "word" for the year. REDUCE.

I'll be displaying the badge on my sidebar!

Cherryl Ball said...

I may be tardy to the party but I am so ready to UIU. It is my mantra for 2012. Glad I found you while blog hopping.


New to blogging so I am not sure where I will put the UIU button but it will be on my blog somewhere.

Mary Ann Tate said...

I just found out about this today while doing another blog hop:) I'm not a card maker or scrapbooker but I have already made this my resolution so count me in too.....

Mary Ann Tate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~Michelle said...

Following a little rabbit trail I found you :) I am taking the pledge, as it was so fun this week to pull out supplies to make Valentines with my children, and realize that we did not buy anything. So I'm taking the pledge with you, to see what we can make each month from the craft closet :)

suzARTe said...

I am so happy to have come across your blog. Yesterday I spent many many hours cleaning up my craft room, I went mad in the process and now have a bad cold. I have got a lot of stash that I want to get through this year and this is just the right thing to keep me motivated. I am definitely taking the pledge.

I will be putting a link to your blog on my challenge blog. I think the more crafters that get involved with this the better, again what an awesome idea and thanks so much for organizing this.

Just keep on creating

Penny said...

I am SO in on this! I was permanently laid off after 17 1/2 years at the same company (read corporate greed here)and thankfully I have a pretty good stash to work with! Love Penny

Unknown said...

I'm in!! So exited to see that so many others have joined already!! I will check out some of the other blogs tomorrow. I added the button to my blog already and will post tomorrow as well. This is such a wonderful idea; thanks so much for lighting the fire under my butt! lol
Big hugs and squishes!
=0) Rachel

Mari K. said...

I'm in! I definitely need to start using up those things I've been holding on to for way to long, I've been pretty good about not going to stores, but still have an online, middle of the night shopping problem, lol.

Crafting Vicky said...

ok I will try to make a dent in my stash... lol it's sooo hard. So many gorgeous things out there and new techniques... but yes I will pledge that at I will make some cards with stuff that I have and I will think twice about buying more... The pledge is on my side bar.

Cathy L. Calamas said...

I will take the pledge, too. Goood time for me because the summer is my worst time for "shopping". Too busy the rest of the year. Great green idea!!

Maggie said...

I'm a bit late to the party, but better late than never. I am taking the pledge and so happy to have found this.

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Hi Fran, I'm going to give this a serious try. I have so much stash and hardly even know what I have there . . . it's all too easy to just go out and buy more.

Truly if I made a card every day from just what I have . . . I doubt I would run out of anything but glue, etc.

I'll let you know how I get on.
Great ideas by the way

Warmest wishes, Julie Ann x

April said...

I'm in! I'm glad I heard about this - I need to clear out my stash and shop at home. :-)
