Showing posts with label free graphic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free graphic. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012

I ♥ Cherries sooooo much - I’ve made a Cherry FREEBIE for YOU!

Living in the heart of the beautiful Okanagan Valley in British Columbia is living in fruit heaven. 
This year I’m all about the cherries.  I’ve never seen them so BIG! 
A BC cherry is a HAPPY cherry I say!
I’ve been freezing them in batches, so yes, my fingernails look horrible and my kitchen is speckled red and my fingers were getting awfully tired of my regular cherry pitter (though I’m sure it’s a drastic improvement over the ones our grandmother’s must have used) 
And then my sister came to visit and we were at Home Hardware in town - our Home Hardware is AMAZING - truly people come from all over to shop there.  Our Home Hardware is a shop with a heart - they do all sorts of good for our community and we’re really proud of them. 
So, we went and looked at all the gizmos and gadgets that might be new when we came across one of these:
This is a Chef’n quickpit One-Handed cherry and olive pitter. 

And it not only WORKS… it did not take my sister and I to declare a “show down”
That’s right, this hot little “cherry gun” PITTED sister against sister hehe. 
Well, actually we turned on our photographer (my Mr) who clued in at the last moment and just barely avoided being maimed.  He may take my cherry gun away if I’m not careful.
All this “cherry-ing” has inspired me to make a fun .studio cut for YOU!  I also built a card to showcase it for you - I think it turned out perfect!
Sentiment reads:
“One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Designer Paper - Your Life Beautiful by Brandin O’Neill
Inks - Versafine, Colorbox
Cutting File - Cherry Love by Barb Derksen
I cut the file on my Silhouette SD.  I inked the cherry pieces and then I heat embossed the cherries. 

I’ve created this file both as a .studio cut but also as separate png’s as well so if you’re a digi-scrapper you can adapt the cherry for your needs as well. I would to see what you make with my files, send me a jpg and I’ll feature your artwork here!

Personal Use

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


IT IS TODAY!!!! hahahhaha! Ok, I'm going for a looonnnng walk here, to clear my mind... I'll still leave the post I'd put up this a.m. (to show you WHY I need to go clear my head.) I shall repeat 100 times in my head ... IT IS the 28th it IS the 28th It is the 28th...

I messed up big-time everyone... haha, its ALL MY FAULT! Cicero, you needn't worry that your dear OLD Mither might not recall a happening from 50 years ago, for I'm so scatter-brained at my age (only 1/2 of hers!) that her memory seems BRILLIANT compared to mine these days. I'm talking about... being a certain little "bird" who hopped about letting folks know that its our dear friend Valinda's birthday ... TODAY.

Well, its actually TOMORROW. Ayeah.... (ducking at the shoes being thrown from South Africa and USA...) Well hay, folks, there's two GOOD things about this, perhaps three...

1. We did not forget Valinda's special day
2. We DEFINATELY surprised her
3. We can breath a sigh of satisfaction that its DONE!

You know what's funny? I chatted with my SIL Judy last night and we were TALKING about this and it did not "click" in my mind that the 28th was not TODAY till about 4 a.m. when I woke up with a big "OOPS" going on in my brain.

So... without further ado, I'm going to Join my dear friends to celebrate not only Valinda's birthday, but my daughter's and friend Bonnie's too! Happy Birthday TOMORROW to all of you!

All KimB Stuffs

Happy Birthday Dezrae!

It's your birthday, but we got the gift...
a gentle, sweet, beautiful daughter
who is always a pleasure to be with.
You glow with sensitivity and compassion
generated from the depths
of your warm heart and and kind soul.
A loving mom, a peacemaker,
a woman full of the joy of life,
that's you.
Anyone who spends time with you
is privileged to know
such an extraordinary person.
You are a great joy in our lives.
We love you and cherish you and treasure you
and wish that every one of your birthdays
will be the happiest yet.

By Joanna Fuchs

Dezrae, we wish you lived closer so we could celebrate with you, but you will be thought of. Hope you get royally spoiled (not Royale-ly cause if you read my last post you'll know what I mean) Have a fabulous day!

Kristin CB - flowers
sorry, can't remember the other kit?

Birthday Blessings

Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings,
As your birthday nears.
Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched your life
Just by being there.
Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.
Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
"Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!"

By Joanna Fuchs

Bonnie, this is a wonderful opportunity to tell you how dear you are to me. I hope this year is one of being creative and discovering new talents and realizing your hopes and dreams. I'm so glad we DO live close enough that I can actually give you a real Birthday Hug ... tomorrow!

KristinCB - Beauty kit
(may be a mix of your other kits too)

Bright Joy

On your birthday,
I’m thinking about how much light and sparkle
you freely dispense wherever you go,
how your sunny smile lights up any gathering.
Every birthday marks another year
of you radiating positive, happy energy,
contagious happiness
that infects all who come in contact with you.
May your next birthday find you the same--
glowing from within,
beaming bright joy on everyone you meet.
I feel blessed to know you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Valinda... YOU are the first person to visit and leave love at so many of our blogs. You ALWAYS have an encouraging word, you bring sunshine into all our lives. Its been a rare day when I would find myself AHEAD of you in a strip of comments on a blog. I count on you and have come to cherish and value each one! I'm looking forward to getting to know you more this year, to fellowship with you too.

I KNOW your family and Jim will spoil you, girl!


Even though I've been 'retired' from designing for a while now, I set aside a day to create a kit to give away to honour each of you. I hope you enjoy!

Personal Use Only


Thursday, January 22, 2009

illustration credit:
KimB's HeartyTarty Craft Paper & Staple

There is not always a 'thaw' in January, nor do all spring-like days come in winter come in January. As the old-fashioned almanacs would put it, scattering the words down the page for January:

About - this – time – expect – several – warm – days.

Even if the 'about this time' were the last of February, the country people would regard it as 'our January that, only about a month late this year!'

The first of these warm days is often cloudy, and so misty and cloudy that the ground seems to steam. The snow that may have fallen two or three weeks ago is nearly melted. Then how slushy it is! - how 'disagreeable getting about' the older folks would say.

From St. Nicholas magazine, January 1904

Ohhh SO gray, gray - GRAY! I'm trying so hard to not let it get to me, but two weeks of THIS. Its bordering on ridiculous. I've always loved having SEASONS but I'm beginning to feel like a mushroom, I swear my skin is turning into paste! I still make myself get outside. I heard a broadcaster on CBC radio the other day and he was saying (not that I entirely agree with him) that great art is only made in anything other than happiness... so this depression SHOULD make me really artistically inclined. Well, it DID inspire me to write the following poem after yesterday's dreary walk:

grungey, brackish dirt exposed from beneath white scabs of retreating snow -

the soil giving off a sharp acrid reek, like a complaint

dull gray clouds pressing down petulantly into the valley

to meet the cold steely gray of ice on the lake

cold, scratching fingers of bare tree limbs standing forlorn

the air, sluggish and stubborn pushes to keep one indoors

outside, small birds feast furiously on whatever they might forage

hawks wait, there's a bird-eat-bird meaness in these half-dark days

a lone plane growls through the duskiness – like an insect trying to migrate to sunshine

day morphs into evening and then to night with very little discernment

dawn and dusk a mere shade darker than the day

longing for sunshine

This is what the weathermen/women say. But I know who's REALLY in control, so I'm taking it to the Lord in prayer...

God is mighty! He is able to deliver;

Faith can victor be in every trying hour;

Fear and care and sin and sorrow defeated

By our faith in God's almighty, conquering power.

Have faith in God, the sun will shine,

Though dark the clouds may be today;

His heart has planned your path and mine,

Have faith in God, have faith alway.

~ Author Unknown


And so, to brighten up YOUR day, I've created a second version of the Wreath Frame - Enjoy!

(and send SUN, please *wink*)

Personal Use


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thanks for stopping by to see my show and tell items today. If you're visiting for the first time today and would like to find out more about the show and tell, or even sign up to join in the fun, just click HERE to be taken to Kelli's blog where you can find out all the details or add your name to the links list. At least I'm HOPING there's a Show and Tell today, for there's not much happening at Kelli's at the moment, but do check, it might go ahead.

Today I'd like to share a gift I just received from my dear friend Melanie. Melanie is very talented with crafts and over the past few years she's been experimenting with beeswax candles. She noticed I had a set of beeswax candles hanging on my tree last year, alas I had to throw them out because they were getting old and gummy and did not smell nor look so nice either.

Mr & Mrs Beeswax Santa Claus!

These are her version of the Santa Claus's in wax. Well, I think they are SO cute! I love all the small details she's tended to. They measure about 10 inches high and she was thoughtful to include the little dishes for them to melt down into - that is as if I'd ever actually BURN them...

Hmm... Santa's getting on in years, must wear glasses so he does not overshoot a roof anywhere? Or perhaps its for reading the small print on the googlemaps on his ipod...

And Mrs. C, well, she's got such nice pupils, must be straining in the dark to wait and make sure Mr. C comes home safe in the sleigh, right?

I love her hands. C'mon, we all know she's trained all those elves to do crafts, so its understandable the hands would be a bit swollen and arthritic, right?

I'm going to treasure these for years to come. Thank you Melanie, you'll be able to come and enjoy these sometime very soon, ok?

* * *

Its proving to be an extremely busy week. I was blessed to join over 100 women at an inter-church celebration on Wednesday - a warm time of fellowship with women from all through our valley and it was a nice way to begin the festive season.

And I'm expecting five guests for dinner on Friday night - so have put some time and effort into decorating and planning a tasty menu. And then ya, I try to do Christmas cards at the same time. I got real pretty fast though. I had to put everything on hold for an hour, take a deep breath and then p.r.i.o.r.i.t.i.z.e. Sometimes we get going 100 mph without knowing where we are headed!

And I ALWAYS take a few moments out to be blessed to visit with my one and only sister Nina (click HERE) to see what wonderful carding adventures she's been up to on her blog (she's a newbie, be gentle on her) only... she posts EVERY day... kind of like my friend JanMary (click HERE) who is blogging DAILY from now till Christmas, her Christmas decorating and traditions. I'm having a hard time keeping up, ladies? Not Complaining. I also love check in with my SIL Judy (click HERE) too, for she keeps me up to date on her side of the family along with some sweet layouts. Love my nieces to pieces, even if I rarely get to see them (hugs)

At any rate, I took a few moments out to finish up these little elements for YOU! I hope you enjoy them. I'd love to see what you make, so send me a small jpg of your layouts, along with credits and I'll publish you!

Thank you all so much for your faithful visits and especially for those comments... sometimes thats the very fuel that keeps me coming back.

And in case you live on Mars or somewhere just as far removed from earth and have not been told that KimB's and Linda's blogs are Christmas Central (meaning they ALWAYS have a fun post and a little 'sumfing special') then... if you just didn't know... then just click HERE (Kim) and HERE (Linda) to check them out!

personal use only

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A pair of White Squash Birds gaurd their eggs.

A pair of Squash Birds, Keremeos BC

My friend Janice sent me the following information, which I think is GOOD to know!

Using Credit/Debit cards at the pump

In BC, we are now required to prepay if you are using your plastic, please pay attention to this following story:

She used her credit/debit card to purchase gas at the pump (like most of us do). She received her receipt like normal. However, when she checked her statement, there were 2x $50 charges added in addition to her purchase. Upon investigation, she found out that because she did not press the 'clear' button on the pump, the employee inside the store was able to use her card to purchase his/her own gas!

To keep this from happening, after you get your receipt, you must press the 'CLEAR' button or your information will be stored until the next customer inserts their card. Be sure to tell all your friends/family so that this doesn't happen to them!

I had never noticed the clear button but I got gas the other day and sure enough it is there. I will be using it from now on....)

I just received an email from Valinda, who, bless her heart, was sensitive to want to email me this info rather than comment it {I love my readers to keep me accountable!} The previous story is an urban myth. This is not to say that the subject matter is not worthy of us paying more attention to any matters of credit/debit cards and our bank accounts {if we have any left with the economy melting down} Valinda checked the story on snopes - a GOOD place to verify these stories we recieve in our email inboxes from well intentioned freinds. This story is covered in detail at snopes and you can read it for yourself by clicking HERE

Thanks Valinda! Valinda still has a pretty, vintage doll 8 x 8 inch quickpage for grabs on her blog - just click HERE


There’s a definite nip in the air nowadays. If one forgets to put dress properly, nature reminds you in a hurry as soon as you’re a step out of the door. The vineyards across the lake are morphing from brilliant green to a soft gold. Different sections leach green from the leaves creating a green and gold mosaic, which looks so picturesque, reflected in the glassy lake surface.

The birdscape has changed considerably too. Hardier breeds are dominating the landscape – time to consider re-establishing the birdfeeder for the quail.

The sky has a special blueness in fall – you notice too? Perhaps the cold does something to the air quality, or it could simply be more people being indoors and not a lot of orchard burning and campfires being lit.

What happens to Canadian Turkeys after Thanksgiving.

And so I feel the tug to cozy up indoors too and pursue craft and art projects, redecorating, organizing of the house, baking etc. I’ve also been cleaning up and organizing my computer data – seeing how KimB and Linda have had recent losses {so sorry Gals!} The next few days are all about backing up – both to cd and ehd.

Sienna and Papa BAKING themselves happy!
(click to view bigger)

Carrie Stephens - Spontaneous Delight Kit
Amy W's - Barb Birthday Cupcake (yay!)

Maggie and Bill {brother and sister in law} recently sent these sweet pictures of their granddaughter Sienna and Bill baking it up in the kitchen, so Judy (Sister in Law too) and I decided to turn some of these snaps into layouts for them. Hope you like them! (ohhhh Sienna, did you save ME one? And did Papa do the dishes, or not?)

Don't forget to check out Judy's take on this fun time by visiting her blog - just click HERE.

In the way of my pondering brain and spirit, I was ruminating over the past days on the thought that our lives are so ironic! We are born – babes, unable to do the simplest of tasks for ourselves. Our very life depends on someone taking care of us. We own nothing.

Depending on someone is simply our way of existing, it comes so naturally. We don’t think twice about being ‘beholden’ to others, its accepted we NEED one another.

As we begin to grow up, we spend a great deal of time becoming independent and self sufficient. By the time we hit adulthood we pride ourselves on being self-governing, though by choice we hopefully invite God to be truly in control. But at some level, there’s this thing we call pride which can turn into something else.

We gather STUFF to ourselves, even our homes, money, toys etc – giving our families comfort... but if we are not careful, at some point all this stuff begins to own us a bit.

And then, comes a day when our bodies and mind start to fail and we have to start depending on others and considering that all that STUFF now will belong to someone else. So, if we’ve not made a choice to still depend on others – work side by side, connect, share – willingly, its going to be a big shocker when it happens without a conscious choice on our part. We can’t pretend things will remain the same forever.

I struggle a bit with the STUFF thing. I’ve discovered there are some things I’m not willing to share. Its sort of surprised me how passionately this wells up in me. These things are along the lines of my computer and my camera. Both items are high quality. We saved up long and hard to buy them, and we decided to get the best as this is where we spend the majority of our time. I’ve tried to imagine feeling free to lend these items out, trying to examine my motives from every perspective. I DO like these THINGS very much, but I honestly think its more than this. I know if I leant these items out, if the borrowers damaged them, neither they nor I could replace them in most cases. But its even deeper than this, IF something happened either they or me would feel so awkward about it.

We have a dear friend who has lent money out to various friends over the years. She worked VERY hard for every cent, but she is so generous. She’s been burned so many times its amazing. From friends. But, the thing that really hurts her, and this is the thing that I worry about, is that of the people who are unable to pay her back, or choose not to, they then AVOID her – so she says she loses TWICE, once with the money, but worst of all, she loses their friendship because they avoid her, because they feel uncomfortable, guilty.

Honestly, I struggle when I say NO to a friend. Even when I have great reasons, I still get a lump, a funny feeling. I never want to love my STUFF more than my friends. I hope I always discern properly when to make an exception. I hope my STUFF never owns me.

And I hope that I learn to share and lean on others now, so that in the future it won’t come as a shock to have to let go and have others look after my aging and frail body. ( a few years from now – LOL!) I hope I’ve chosen well to share my STUFF with others, after I’m gone. I think that if we don’t learn to depend on others, then when we HAVE to be looked after then thats when we get bitter old people who resent those who look after them.

I’d love to know your thoughts about this!

Upon seeking scripture I think the following chapter of Ecclesiastes is dead on:

Riches Are Meaningless

8 If you see the poor oppressed in a district,
and justice and rights denied,
do not be surprised at such things;
for one official is eyed by a higher one,
and over them both are others higher still.

9 The increase from the land is taken by all;
the king himself profits from the fields.

10 Whoever loves money never has money enough;
whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.
This too is meaningless.

11 As goods increase,
so do those who consume them.
And what benefit are they to the owner
except to feast his eyes on them?

12 The sleep of a laborer is sweet,
whether he eats little or much,
but the abundance of a rich man
permits him no sleep.

13 I have seen a grievous evil under the sun:
wealth hoarded to the harm of its owner,

14 or wealth lost through some misfortune,
so that when he has a son
there is nothing left for him.

15 Naked a man comes from his mother's womb,
and as he comes, so he departs.
He takes nothing from his labor
that he can carry in his hand.

16 This too is a grievous evil:
As a man comes, so he departs,
and what does he gain,
since he toils for the wind?

17 All his days he eats in darkness,
with great frustration, affliction and anger.

18 Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink,
and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun
during the few days of life God has given him—for this is his lot.

19 Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions,
and enables him to enjoy them,
to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God.

20 He seldom reflects on the days of his life,
because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.


Last, but not least - Happy Birthday to Bunny! I always have a chuckle at Bunny’s blog, she has such a gift for journaling as if we were all right along with her buying her scrapping goodies and making cards. I've followed KimB's example and cooked up a giveaway to celebrate, but don’t comment ME, please, go leave some good wishes for Bunny by clicking HERE

Barb's Cord Flower Ribbons
fine for Personal, Commercial and S4H


Sunday, August 03, 2008


Another "It looks nice, but what to do with it?" flower - passed on to you! I would love to see how you use this!

Me 'n Nina in "lickidly bliss"
(click to see bigger)
Everything here is from KimB's Just Because Kit
Olivia Dorazio (my) Junkyard Garden Swirls

If you've ever been a tourist in the Okanagan then you would have put a visit to Tickleberries as a Have To Do on your list. And so, on the last (full) day of my visit with my sister we (as the official slogan of Tickleberries has it) ... we slung our lip over an ice cream. We hadn't had many photos taken during her stay, so I was hoping to catch one of us here, but it turned out there were not any people about - a very rare thing at Tickleberries. Nina's on the shy side, so I thought I would not get a photo... that is I made a deal with her I would not get one UNLESS someone 'happened' along. Well, ha! I kinda did have to use a bit louder than my usual voice to lure a couple in close enough to have them snap this, but I am glad I did. KimB's colorful Just Because Kit was perfect to frame us!

Yes, its very quiet here now, with my sister home, probably as I'm typing this. We had an AWESOME visit. We are so much alike its amazing, and I'm already planning for next year. We packed an awful lot into the short days we spent together. Our salsa turned out, by the way, for those of you who asked how it is. We wound up making two batches.

I'm so thankful to my thoughtful husband who took a day off from his projects to 'chauffer' us about, while we 'gabbed in the back' of the van on our trip across the border.

Mostly, I thank God for this thing called 'sisterliness' - I don't think I can find the words to describe what it truly means. There's a bond that is completely special and unique. I feel like we are small mirrors of personality in both of us. I better stop here, for I'm totally overwhelmed. I love you Nina and I miss you already!

Happy Anniversary to Barry and Judy
(click to see bigger)
Olivia Dorazio's Junkyard Garden kit
Olivia Dorazio's Jelly Pockets Template

Anniversaries are celebrations of the
Sharing a life together is sharing
steps in time.
It is the giving of songs
and of silences only the heart can see.
The music of love may be different to each
of us, but how beautiful the dance.

Our brother Barry and Sister in Law Judy celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary - unfortunately I missed putting up a card for you. We know you had a few quiet days together on your recent vacation, and I hope you two celebrated in style. What a milestone in your wedded lives and what a close and beautiful family you two have built together. We wish you many, MANY more years together. All our love to you!

Olivia Dorazio's August Grab Bag

CLEARLY, Olivia (me) is a dork. I put this ad up LAST WEEK... erm, a week too early. I totally apologize for any inconvenience for those of you who might have tried to purchase it last Monday morning. It should be there this one, unless I've messed up again. Just click HERE to be taken to the Sophia Sarducci Shop. Each of our designers always have killer grab bags - you don't want to miss this! Oh OH OH, its also Monday Madness, meaning $$$$ savings!

layout by Victoria
Olivia Dorazio's Junkyard Garden Kit

I love how Victoria has used my Junkyard Garden Kit - don't you? Victoria is my first "official" CT member. How funny is THAT? I've had loads of friends and people make layouts using my kit, but I've never researched what an official CT does... so, when Victoria inquired if I needed one, I had to ask her what one does... so now she is one! I look forward to watching her work with my products - ummmm, Victoria, do you have a blog site I can link to?

Ok, there is SO MUCH more I could blog today - an award I've recieved *beaming* and another layout created by my dear friend Shirley... but as I've limited time (playing catch-up after my sister's visit) and blogger will only take 5 photos at a time... this is a logical time for me to end for today. These other items will be featured next entry so stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


My gift for you today was inspired by last weekend’s yard sales. Read on!

Rival Ice-O-Matic HAPPINESS!

It was the second-to-last yard sale, the last Yard Saling Day with our folks who were enjoying the tail end of a two week visit with us. When we pulled up on the highway, we all hesitated as the house looked on the run-down side and the tables looked a huge jumble of ‘stuff’. As there had been only a half dozen sales this particular Saturday, we relented and headed in.

There turned out to be far more on the inside which had not been visible to the road, and there was the usual collections of books (the kind my brother calls ‘Bodice Rippers’ – you know the type, the mindless romance ones) and old magazines, chipped knickknacks, Corelle dinner plates, horrible old painting prints and paintings on velvet (I suspect these will come back into vogue again in the future) But, buried in amongst all this something shiny beckoned me.

It had a chrome top and a crank handle and an imagination stirring name ... ICE-O-MATIC and it was love at first sight. I HAD to have it. I scooped it and clutched it tightly to me as I made my way through the rest of the shoppers to find Miles.

When he spied my treasure, his face wrinkled up with something akin to fear, as he queried me “What IS that?”

I replied “I have NO idea, but I want it.”

He gave a wary glance at it and, shrugging his shoulders in obedience said “Allllrightttt....” as he made his way over to our Mom.

See, Mom is our ‘front’ person. Where I would be timid, or feel silly making an offer on an already priced item, Mom is Fearless and Relentless. I’m sure she must have roots way back to some race of people who have bartering and bargaining in their genetic makeup – some culture where one is EXPECTED to haggle over the prices, for she seems to THRIVE on it. I’ve watched her intimidate the most determined people, causing them to reduce their ‘FIRM’ price tags to mere pennies. I’ve snickered (in awe and embarrassment) when one woman told her that the items for sale had personal value, that they were special to her, thus the FIRM price... to which Mother replies “If it was REALLY that special to you, you wouldn’t be selling this item in a JUNK sale!” And watched as the woman caved – letting that supposedly $25 pair of hand painted wine goblets go for a mere $2... You getting the picture here?

So, Miles ferries the Ice-O-Matic over to Mom and she tracks down the money-person. I’d thought a few dollars would be a reasonable offer. Mom thought a dollar – so she offered 50 cents. The lady wanted to know what it was, so to better determine the value, but none of us had a clue. Being so, the lady let it go at 50 cents – and so here was me doing a DORK dance. Miles, on the other hand, backed away in fearfulness when Mom thrust it in his arms. He got this panicked look on his face. Mom barked “What’s the matter?” (with a laugh in her voice), to which Miles replied “Ummmmmm...” and being MOM she knew immediately that he did NOT want to be seen carrying my Treasure. Haha! Mom let him off the hook and he made an prompt beeline for the trunk of the car (where Dad, bless his heart was idling for us) Mom and I had a little laugh at our obedient Son/Husband... (he’s so CUTE when he’s shy like that!)

Later, when we arrived home, I polished my little machine up, then hunted it down on the internet to discover what it really is. Turns out its a Vintage Hand Cranked Ice Crusher. You can read more about it by clicking HERE. I’ve seen them on the net priced at Ebay all the way from 99 cents to MUCH MUCH more, if in good condition. Some place in the UK wanted $50... not a bad day’s saling. THANKS Mom!

AWWWWW.... SomeBunny Loves My Bloggie!

A special thanks to BUNNY who’s given me this award for my blog. Muah! This is SO appreciated Buns! (LOL – is that an ok nickname? ROTFL!! Perhaps I should make that Bunns...)

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Tsunami Blue Kit addon - Quick Page


My Layout using my own QP to tell Miles "I Love You!"
(click any of the blog images to see them a bit larger)

This third giveaway should give you a good sense of the quality of my new Tsunami Blue Kit. It's been a tremendous amount of work and a labour of love. Everything just 'flowed' with this one. It all began with one of the big waves, which I played with in three separate programs. Once I had the big wave, I had to make the little wave border, then I had to have seashells being a nautical theme. Then, being nautical I added a watery 'splash' overlay, and of course there had to be some sparkle and shimmer. Looking at the colors I could see this might appeal for masculine layouts, so I added in some rust and grunge too. When I finally 'drew the line' I'd added over 50 peices to this kit. If you have enjoyed the three giveaways, and would like to purchase the kit, its only $5, and if you shop tomorrow its Monday Madness at the shop so you will save an additional 20%. To visit the shop just click HERE. The kit should be up first thing in the morning.

I'm going to simply enjoy the rest of this long weekend - I hope you do too, and thank you for visiting my blog!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tsunami Blue 4 x 6 freebie

Tsunami Blue Kit addon - 4 x 6 blank card


This is a small smidgeon/sample of my newest kit. Its been a tremendous amount of work and pressed me to be very creative. Thankfully, its simply flowed - don't you love times like that? It makes working seem like fun, enjoyable, and somehow I almost feel guilty for feeling so good about it. At any rate, this kit is HUGE - over 50 pieces! Richly textured, in super high quality - you'll see as soon as you unzip this sample. Enjoy!

I'm warning you BEFORE the weekend so you can set aside for Monday, which is Monday Madness at Sophia Sarducci where you can purchase this kit, along with the other talented designers creations for a reduced price! What a terrific way to start the week. Click HERE to visit the Sophia Sarducci Shop to check it out before the rest of the crowds get there!

Stay tuned here over the next two days for a few more tastes of my new Tsunami Blue Kit!

Make sure you scoot over and leave HUGE LASHINGS OF LOVE for our dear friend Amy W. who is healing up from exploratory surgery! Just click HERE.

Also, if you have not checked out KimB's latest creation - her STUNNING I believe kit, a touching tribute for a friend, then you're missing out. What a beautiful way for us all to share and support her friend Jazzy, in memory of her daughter Lori. Just click HERE to visit Kim.

layout by blog reader LooCee
Flower by Mrs Miles
Bollywood Dreams by LooCee

Thanks for sharing your layout with us LooCee. Looks like you do some nice designing yourself! LooCee has hosted some pretty freebies herself if you would like to check it out. Just click HERE.

If you would like to see your layout you've created using any of my kits or elements, I'd be honored to host them here. Just send me an email with a small pic and credits and we'll share you with the world!

There really are some nice old-fashioned orchards about
- ones without all the irrigation showing, that is!

Old English Prayer

Take time to work -
It is the price of success.
Take time to think -
It is the source of power.
Take time to play -
It is the secret of perpetual youth -
Take time to read -
It is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to be friendly -
It is the road to happiness.
Take time to dream -
It is hitching your wagon to a star.
Take time to love and be loved -
It is the privilege of the gods.
Take time to look around -
It is too short a day to be selfish.
Take time to laugh -
It is the music of the soul.

- Anonymus

Sunday, May 04, 2008


May is generally a month of very changeable weather, so I thought I'd bring this barometer out of the vault for those of you who may not have gotten it last year. I'm sure you will find many uses for it.

I've been SO busy, can hardly take a breath these days - and I long to tell you all about it, but it will have to wait for a day or two because tomorrow will find me helping trim hedges. I'll be back to share some of the funniest pictures in the universe with you of Roger and Marie's alpacas who just got shaved! Bear with me. In the meantime, here's a few pics I put side by side for you to compare - from the end of February to the End of April. Amazing how a few months makes such as difference.

The Orchard Awakes!

I found this passage to share with you!

"Warped indeed must be the soul of the one who has no glad welcome for the magic month of May! What marvelous transformations a few warm days make! One day Mother Nature appears very unattractive in her shabby winter garb of dull browns and grays. But, behold! the soft southwest wind stirs through her rags; the sun gazes at her with fiery ardor one moment, and the dripping shower refreshes her the next; when suddenly she comes before our wondering eyes robed in garments of tenderest green and filling the air with langorous blossom scents. Ever new, ever delightful, is the gracious beauty, the revivifying influence fo the early spring. The Giver of all good has indeed placed us in a most beautiful world. But how many of us go on our way with unseeing eyes, shutting out all the sweet influence of this wonderful outer sanctuary, and never allowing ourselves to come near the great throbbing heart of Nature. We are too unready to learn the lessons spread on the open book of God's wide out-doors... lessons that only he who understands can interpret aright, so intangible are they, so elusive; but, when once comprehended, how sweet, how satisfying, how holy, is the communion with nature and nature's God!" - Adelaide S. Seaverns (from Thoughts for the Thoughtful 1893

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