Showing posts with label cast iron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cast iron. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Mantel 2012

Hello Everyone! Oh boy, have I seen some gorgeous Christmas decorations this season.  Totally inspiring and I have been trying to get things done so I could join in some of the share parties :). Our family room is finally done but am still tweaking the decorations on the antique mantel in the living room.  But since I want to get in on the party fun, I can at least share the decorations that are finished :)  I incorporated some thrift finds too!  So, here is the family room:

Thrifted decorations are as follows:  beautiful Ponderosa pinecone garland on the mantel (complete with pine cones!), mirror, metal snowflake, birch logs and claw-foot holder, and the set of clear glass candle holders in the middle of the mantel holding the green ornaments.  The tall "bubble" candlesticks came from Ross and the glass ones on each end of the mantel came from Kohl's a couple years ago.  Hobby Lobby had a kick butt sale on Christmas stuff too so I bought the three silver ornament holders and snowflake ornaments.

The slim 9ft prelit Christmas tree came from WalMart -- it was the only thing we went out for on black Friday.  Good ol' Wally world came through with an awesome deal - $158.

The candles are flameless and can be turned on/off with a REMOTE --what!?  Yup, flameless remote-control candles!  TARGET has this nifty set and at an affordable price (Grandin Road has some too but they are outside my price range!).

Knit stockings!  With monograms :)  Awesome.  Pottery Barn has knit stockings this season but at $39.50 each plus $7 for monogramming, Target's version is perfect for $13.  *LOVE* them.  Look at that texture...

Here's a closer look at the thrifted mirror.  This is another one of those finds that without any idea where it would be used, I couldn't leave it behind.  It was the silver and gold frame :) It came from GW ($3) and the glittered metal snowflake came from the GW outlet:

The ceramic reindeer came from Michael's last year.  The bucket is from last year too but I added the lighted winterberry branches (Target also) this year.

The sleigh on the coffee table was a GW outlet find.  The cast iron reindeer is old and broken but I adore it.  He looks at home teamed up with the metal sleigh, which is holding a haul of the ornaments I decorated with this year.

And one more really fun thrift find at the outlet --the "Mr. Christmas" carousel under the tree:

It's so cute!  There is one little light out above the black stallion (I think it can be fixed); other than that, it works great!  It plays over 20 Christmas songs and each little carousel animal moves up and down and the lights flash to the music.  It's from the early 90s.  At 59 cents a pound, this didn't cost more than $2.
 Here, you can watch it work:

I'm linking up!

Cap Creations, Thrifty Love
The Lettered Cottage, Christmas Mantel Decorations
Kathe With An E, Your Gonna Love it Tuesday
From My Front Porch to Yours, Second Annual Holiday Mantel Party
Elizabeth & Co, Be Inspired Features and Linky Party

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Swedish Mora Clock and Thrifty Finds!

Well, we are battening down the hatches here and awaiting the arrival of the Frankenstorm.  The Federal Government has already closed along with dozens of schools in several counties.  High winds, periods of heavy rain and possible flooding is predicted for our area but so much worst for the coast.  Definitely a bit unsettling!  I decided to get a post up because I'm betting we will spend a few days without electricity... I will not be upset if I'm wrong about that - ha!

About a year ago, one of my favorite blogs, "Dear Lillie," posted pictures of her daughter's Pink Cinderella birthday party.  Not only did I love the darling decorations, I also fell in love with her Swedish Mora clock:

It's absolutely magical with this party theme but it totally works with her everyday decor.   And so began my obsession with these clocks :)  Authentic Swedish Mora clocks are very expensive and even some reproductions can be pricey.   I soon realized that it may be awhile before I'd own one.   I keep an eye out  while thrifting and check Craigslist often, etc.  No dice.  Ebay has a few but still too pricey.   Fast forward to Saturday, Dan and I were out running errands.  I stopped by HomeGoods to look for bathroom accessories for the master bathroom and look what greeted me just as I passed through the double automatic doors:

*SWOON*  As I walked toward it in utter amazement, Dan said, "Lis, there's your clock!"   It was $149.   I do try to be thrifty whenever possible but considering an authentic clock can be several thousand dollars, $149 seemed a bargain.  She (Mora sounds girly to me) is sitting~ahem, standing~ in our family room cause I love looking at it.

I thought it would be fun to share some of my Halloween-themed finds considering this may be my only Halloween fun this year what with Frankenstorm and all!

There's a witch thing going on in the Jackson house this year so when I spied this primitive and worried looking little witch jar, I knew she'd fit right in:

I love her expression!  She was 99c at GW.  This cast iron compote dish is pretty freaking cool:

It actually has a nautical figural them going on in there.  The stem is really awesome too:

It sits on the shelf next to the little witch and holds faux glass eyeballs :)  Speaking of eyes, how 'bout these "thousand eye" egg cups:

See how the hobnails have little bubbles inside?  Here's a closer look:

These are Westmoreland double-sided egg cups.  I paid $2 for each of them at GW.   This next find came from SALVO:

Vintage Viking owl fairy lamp, $1.  This was another one of those fortuitous finds.  I saw the chimney only and snapped it up; I knew what it was and wanted one.  I figured it was at the SALVO because it's bottom had been lost or broken.  Then, while perusing the glassware in another part of the store, I picked up a couple of mugs to look at them, and there was the bottom!  I did a little dance :)

This also made me dance:

A blackbird-in-a-pie pie vent, (99c at GW).  SHUT UP.  That does it  -  I am officially announcing that I am a pie vent collector.  That's right, I am collecting pie vents.  They will be able to retire as I have no intention of actually baking a pie but they are so. stinkin. cute.

I'm linking up (as long as FRANKENSTORM permits it...):

Kathe With an E, You're Gonna Love It Tuesday #28
Cap Creations, Thrifty Love, Perpetual Parades, Favorite Thrifty Finds 
Sir Thrift A lot: Thriftosaurus
The Thrifty Groove:  Thrifty Things Friday
From My Porch to Yours, Treasure Hunt Thursday

Have a great week and if you are on the East Coast - BE SAFE!!