Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2019


Hello All,

This past October, our beloved boxer Denny passed away from stomach cancer.  It has been difficult to adjust without him; he was the sweetest, most gentle, easy-going, and well-behaved dog we have ever had.  He was smart and eager to learn but he could be equally goofy and would make us laugh with his antics.  Despite his circumstances, he always wanted to be beside us.  Dan and I miss him terribly.   I'm not sure I will get another dog but I know I'll never have another Denny. 

In March, my sister mentioned she was fostering a cat that was at least part Himalayan.  The rescue she volunteers for had brought in several outdoor cats to be neutered/spayed and when she saw this gorgeous girl, she brought her home to foster.  This is the picture my sister sent me.

I showed the picture to Dan and we started talking about the possibility of adopting her.   Ultimately, our hearts were ready.  We adopted Lolly on April 19, 2019.  She is the sweetest, most gentle, easy-going cat I have ever had.  She is delightfully curious and actually comes to me when I call her name!  This is her first picture in her forever home:

Those eyes!  She gets along with everybody.  She uses her paws to pat my hand so I'll pet her --it is the sweetest gesture and melts my heart every. single. time. 

Lolly, just chilling (and cuddling) while we watch Netflix!

Our vet said overall she is in good health, is probably 3 or 4 years of age, and she's already had a litter of kittens.  Sweet girl; I wish she could tell me what she's been through.  She did have to be treated for infections in both her ears and she has crystals in her urine.  Luckily, she does not have bladder stones and the crystals can be dissolved with a special diet.  So far, she seems to like her prescription food and I'm keeping my fingers crossed she continues to eat it! 

She may or may not be a little spoiled ;)  But, for the joy she brought back to us, she deserves it.