Hello Everyone! I have been promising photos of the house projects Dan and I have been working steadily on over the last few months but it has been so busy and the house has been in utter disarray that I have neglected my blog a bit. This is so not intentional, I'm just not organized and I get easily overwhelmed amid the chaos! But, I think I'm getting the hang of it so it's time to share some Before/Afters. Woohoo!
We moved into our home in October 2005; but while it was being built, we were living in a rental (for a year and almost a half!). The rental home didn't have many windows and those it had were obscured with lots of bushes and overhanging trees. This made the interior always dark and dreary. Plus, the walls were painted an unpleasant and sickly peachy-terracotta-y color--which, by the by, earned the house the moniker "the peach pit"! The paint color didn't lend a hand in lightening up the space at all and by the time we finally moved out, I had grown more than sick of peach. As a matter of fact, the experience has soured me on the color peach (probably forevermore) *giggle*.
I love, wait, check that --I NEED-- light, lots and lots of it and the more of it the better. When we moved into the new house with it's many windows and builder beige walls the space was so light and airy, it was a breath of fresh air! It was such an improvement over the peach pit, I didn't even consider painting anything that first year. By the time I started thinking about adding some color, the kids had just started college. The expenses associated with that --tuition, living, housing, cars, insurance, books, etc. --were so overwhelming, I took a few shorts cuts with painting; hence the unfortunate "oops" paint for the sunroom! As for college students - My stepson graduated 2 years ago; my daughter took a break last year (much to my disappointment - this is a whole 'nother post!); and my stepdaughter graduates in two weeks. Yippee! Now it's time for Dan and I do the things we want. So without further adieu, here is the fireplace BEFORE:
And here is the AFTER:
Isn't that amazing!? I am in love :) The design idea came from this inspiration (I saw the pic on Pinterest and then followed the link to the website). Dan created the grid using 1 1/2" wood trim and he glue and tacked them in place. Then he caulked all the edges. Once everything dried, I painted...and painted...and painted. I am actually going to apply one more coat but this time, I am adding something called "Floetrol" in with paint so that the finish is super-smooth and there will be no brush marks. The hurricanes on either side are from Crate & Barrel (here). I cannot wait to decorate it for Christmas! We are finishing up this space now -it's our family room- and I'll post a pic of the entire room when it is presentable for photos!
Just for fun, I'm linking to Metamorphosis Monday presented by Between Naps on the Porch!
Happy Crafting <3 Lisa