Showing posts with label pop art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pop art. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Thrift Find of the Year: Abraham Palatnik Lucite Animals

When my sister visited in August, we went thrifting one morning at my fave thrift shop.  We had made a lap around the store and while I found a cool glass boot (this one here), there wasn't a lot going on.  She and I were cutting through the housewares aisle making our way to the cash register when my eye caught sight of something that stopped me dead in my tracks.  I had been gabbing away-- about lunch or something--when I saw a stack of Lucite animals corralled in the clear plastic of the $1 bags hanging above the housewares shelves.  I was in total amazement because I have not seen these in the wild but it was unmistakable that they were Abraham Palatnik Lucite animals.  Even when I had the $1 bag in my hand, I couldn't believe my fortune.  A $1 bag containing ALL of these:

It was only a matter of seconds that I had stopped talking and snatched up the bag, but it seemed like a lot longer!  My mind was trying process and send the words down and out my mouth to my sister that I had just scored FOUR Abraham Palatnik collectibles!  I did finally get it out in a rush (and probably a squeal) AND I was doing a happy dance.  Shelly --who is one of the funniest people I know --had already figured out that I found something I thought was amazing and was commenting how she couldn't believe that I had focused in on it from across the aisle.  She wasn't sure what the fuss was about but like the crazy wonderful sister she is, she did a happy dance for me anyway because she could see how excited I was :)  My sister is the BEST.

Now, the rules with dollar bags are:  the bag cannot be opened, the bag cannot be ripped, the tag on the bag cannot be ripped or removed OR they won't sell it.  So, with the utmost of care, I took inventory of the plastic bag's contents.  Needless to say, I cradled that bag until I could hand it off to the cashier.  I could not wait to check out and get out to the car and hold them in my hands - hahaha.  Here's a closer look at them!



Each one is signed and has a "Made in Brazil" sticker.

They are 3D and so. stinkin. COOL!


and my favorite --and also the reason I knew about Abraham Palatnik to begin with:  The owl,  I love his owls!  This one even has color!

My instant (adored) collection:

Have a great week!