Year 2013 & Year 2014 2

Year 2013 & Year 2014 2
Showing posts with label Frilly and Funkie Challenge Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frilly and Funkie Challenge Blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Frilly and Funkie Challenge #11 I Love It Because... Memories

  Memorial Day is almost upon us; the year of 2019 is fast becoming halfway done, already! As if time was not short enough these days. But, even while I sit and complain under my breath about all the things I have to get done, I am always reminded that these are things I CHOOSE to do. Here in America, Land of the's all because of The BRAVE who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives: for ME. For me to be able to choose to have "so much to do and so little time". Amazing thought, huh? But how often do we go about honoring those Soldiers who gave all with more than just flowers, parades, the US Flag posted on tidied-up graves? (Not to say we should lax on any of that; of course not!) What I am asking is; how do we LIVE EACH DAY thinking of all those men and women (and way, way too many innocents in the middle of it all)? In this country, WE ARE SO BLESSED!!! But, do we LIVE like we are? 
           That's what was on my mind when this theme ("I Love It Because...") the Lead Designers came up with on The Frilly and Funkie Challenge Blog . How on Earth was I going to choose from all the Tim Holtz things I LOVE so much to use?!? And, better yet; how was I going to incorporate all those things into ONE project?? Then it hit me that time was really running short; Memorial Day was coming up and the weather has NOT been exactly 'cooperative' here in Indiana. Let's just say that each more period of rain that comes down is helping my mud stay hydrated. NOT fun. At all. And because of the rain... it comes from clouds. Clouds, as we all know, block out the sun. No sun; no warmth. So everything has been delayed by 2 or 3 weeks this year- planting flowers, opening the pool, etc. The only thing NOT delayed is the need to mow all the higher-than-usual grass! *Using my Laurel &Hardy voice* "Stanley, that's another FINE MESS you've gotten me into!" literally. 
              Soooooo….all griping aside... we are finally catching up. But it all dug deeply into my Craft Room time. (Which is presently all a mess since we had to remove everything from that closet to get into the crawl under the house in case the water holding tank was bad. Thankfully; no, it turned out to be the outside faucet stuck on. We weren't able to get a shower, but the pool got totally filled unbeknownst by us!) Everything will work out. GOD always has a Plan and thanks to HIM, we are not in control! And, I was able to at least make my take for this project challenge!! No "How To" pics are in here, but I was able to at least add a couple of start pics of stuff I used, and I'm just glad for that. As for some hot glue strings you may see...well... just EMBRACE IMPERFECTIONS with me!

         The first couple is my Maternal Grandparents, Odus Gordon and Isabelle Louise (Dowdy) Raymer. These are the only Grandparents I knew until I met my ChiefHubby. I was named for my Grandma with the same middle name. Yeah, go ahead; laugh. I was born Lyla Louise Daugherty and married to a guy with a last name beginning with L. To make matters worse, I was born in Logansport, Indiana. So giving all that info with all those Ls makes people think I have a LISP. My Dad had a heyday over it. (He was really my Dad from the time I was 7 yrs old and finished raising me after my parents divorced when I was 15, so his name was Rush, which I wasn't able to take on even though he tried to make possible.) This couple was young when I was born-  both 45 years old, with Grandma just a few months older than Grandpa. They were married in 1939, and were married 63 years at Grandma's death in 2003. I was close to both as I basically lived with them from birth until I was in school, since my Mother was single, young (23) and had 3 older kids besides myself.
"The Farm"- one of several they bought, fixed up, and moved on, held all my earliest memories. Grandpa farmed 40 acres, worked a full time job at a local factory- designing machines and tools- and was a carpenter. He and Grandma were the reason I am a Christian, and they were the ones who made sure I got to church with them as early as I can remember. And...they were very musically talented- BOTH. Grandma could really rock her piano and organ (Grandpa always provided very well for Grandma just like my ChiefHubby does for me now), and she had at least 2 accordions that I LOVED watching her dance along with her playing when it was just Grandma and me at home! Grandpa played the guitar, banjo, and ukulele. A favorite song (aside from plenty of 'rockin' Gospel and some Country) Grandpa loved: "The Animal Fair". And it was asked for by all. So I guess you could say I got my love of music from them also- the beat is what gets me, and especially since I began going deaf at age 11. I can feel the beat to 50s, 60s, and 70s, and some fave 80s. But toss a new song my way and I am lost without the ChiefHubby or my kids helping me with it. 
       The couple on the upper right side became my Grandparents almost from the very day I met them. I was 16 and David was 19 the summer of '82 when we began dating June 16th. I had just started dating 6 months before and he was home from his first year at Purdue University and starting as a Manager back to work at McDonald's his 5th year- where I'd just gotten hired. (Yes, we still have our McD's 1 year class rings and both our kids had a blast showing them off in Elementary School! David's Dad had worked there for a 2nd job as a Manager, on his days off of the Fire Dept, and during summers off from Purdue...our Younger Nuke Engineer Son worked at McD's! lol!)
So here I was meeting his Grandparents over at their Lake Shaffer home on the Isle of Homes, just outside of Monticello, Indiana. I walked up to the door and just about had a heart attack: the welcome mat said "The DOUGHERTYS" which was MY NAME (spelled with an A instead of O). It was another one of those "you didn't ASK" answers when I whispered "WHY didn't you TELL ME?!" to my future ChiefHubby. And meeting them was eating a full several-course meal from Grandma Dougherty- complete with cake- and Grandpa Dougherty's homebaked the middle of JULY..."for David's Girlfriend". Pressure, much? Nope. I asked what I should call them and their answer was "I'm GRANDMA and he's GRANDPA". So there you go; fast in love, just like with their Grandson. Now, David is the first of his generation, like Grandma Dougherty was, like his Aunt Pat was. And our Older Son is the first of his also. So, talking to Gr&Gr D was not only easy, but over the years I shared many of my deepest secrets- as with my Gr&Gr Raymer. And the parallels were pretty cool: Margarette Marie (Groff) married James Albert Dougherty Sr. in 1939. Grandma was born in December- just a few months older than Grandpa born in February. And most uncanny: they were married for 63 years until Grandpa died in 2002. Grandma followed him in 2004.
And the most precious thing: my Grandpa Raymer came to Grandma Dougherty's funeral for us- because he said they had been MY Grandparents as much as he had been, and he know how much of my life had been with them as well. He'd finally gotten to see the things we did for fun at "The Lake" on most weekends of every summer.  

                                         Here's what I have...

                                  making a 2-sided large Tag:

Things I gathered together items that I knew I'd use- most are VERY faves of mine!

The cuts and embossing done- I moved on to TH Distress Products...

The TH Distress Inks and Oxides are the ones I use the most- 
again, faves of mine that get a lot of use!


Now you can see why I have been in LOVE with just how these frames are- as is!!

Grandpa Dougherty was a Railroad Yardmaster. So things that are TH IdeaOlogy 
clockwork, gears, etc, are a HUGE FAVE of mine!

So also, is the TH Alterations Die Tattered Evergreen; taking the die cut backwards 
makes a very cute tattered rose. BOTH Grandmas stayed home and raised kids.
And I got my love of flowers from BOTH Grandmas and Grandpas!
The cards are from the Alice in Wonderland Challenge- for all the Eucre games
we played at the Lake. In fact: that's where I learned to play and it definitely
pleased my Dad that I finally learned. He and I won a couple Rush family tournaments together!

The Red, White, and Blue: THANKFUL!!!

The TH paperie chosen here is a nod to my Mother- Daughter of Gr & Gr Raymer.
She has spent her life -from her teen years- designing and sewing, and is very sought out for her talents,not to mention winning many awards for her one-of-a-kind detailed work.

The pink rose is for the shared name we have:
Grandma Raymer always got me pink things, for my favorite color.
And I began my very first kitchen- which is still in the same décor here-
with strawberries. Because that was Grandma Raymer's kitchen!
We even helped each other buy the set of dishes that came out one year,
and the next couple of years, added to each other's matching pots and pans in the same design.

There's my fave die: TH Alterations Old Jalopy-
for my Grandpa's 1931 Durant which he bought the year I was born.
It took years to get it back to original shape, but the parades and car shows
I rode to with him; it continued after marriage; the ChiefHubby would run me to them
if we had the chance to go see him in one.
He added a red Ford Convertible (1967 or 69? I have to look it up now- AGE!!)
and a 1956 Packard. On a visit during his work on that, I asked why he was 
changing the original greenish to a blue when he'd always kept original colors?
He went over to get a paint sample card and put it up to my eyes and said
"because it matches the color of YOUR EYES"... and it DID. 

And it wasn't until my Grandpa Raymer had his Durant in the Classic Car Magazine,
I'd had to READ it that he was in the US Service during WWII afterall!
He was finally drafted, and ended up in the US Navy...for all of 4 days.
The war was over, and they were already shipping Draftees back home from Training.
When I drove over to the house to give him the 'what for' that I'd never heard of it before,
he replied "you never ASKED me before". My response to that was the same it was to
my Dad after my Sister and I listened to him telling my young Son all about
riding the Trolleys up and down the old downtown while sitting on his Grandpa's lap.
My Sister and I both looked at each other with open jaws as he'd never told US that,
and we said so. Dad said "you never ASKED".
We both gave him what he'd taught us to do very well: *raspberries*!!!
My Grandpa laughed over the ones I gave him, too. *hmph*

This was a very special project for me- as if you couldn't already tell. lol
And I am shouting out a THANK YOU! to the Lead Design Team as well as
for sponsoring the Frilly and Funkie Challenges.
Another shout of TANX! goes out to The THA Group on Facebook;
where my #THA_Apr Tag won the April Tim Tag Challenge;
the prizes that came in the box really SURPISED me: so many Tim GOODIES!!
One of them was a package of these IdeaOlogy Baseboard Frames!!
I was blown away by their generosity- truly!! When they first contacted me about 
'the prize', I was thinking it would be one small item and I contacted back that if I already had 
the same; it could pass to another person who didn't have it.
But it was a BUNCH of things I DIDN'T have; I was saving the one TH Frame
that said "Dougherty Bros" and... you must really KNOW us THA ppl... we DO hoard!!
And so, here it is and I still have another to save just for , well, SAVING !!!

And, THANK YOU! for so many lovely comments,
and all the check-ins to see my takes on project challenges!
You guys and gals are TOPS!!!
You make my day!!

Until next time...

Stay Safe over this Memorial Day, 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Frilly and Funkie Challenge #10; Spring Is In Bloom...Bloom Where You are Planted!

   May Day! It seems like it was so far off just a while ago, and it's here! The month of "shrooming", grass growing & mowing (in earnest), & the very 2nd Day of May is when our Older Son, Brian, was born...THIRTY years ago!
It was just one of the first of THE best days of my life; holding that 4 weeks preemie baby boy and wondering at how GOD can do such perfect Creating. I felt like I was born to be a Mom, and he was such a good baby, child, and now a Dad twice over himself- as well as bringing us a wonderful Daughter. But....30?? Time flies.
      If that's not enough of a milestone; the Younger Couple Kids chose to announce their secret on that same day: we're going to be Grandparents again this year- November! At the moment, I can't imagine 3 Grandbabies at Christmas this year, but if it's anything like the first Christmas with Wittle Peanut Cole...I think it will be AWESOME with him, the Princess Pistachio, Chloe Madison, and Baby Larimore!! No gender as of yet for the Baby-of-the-family's Baby, but like the first two Grandbabies: as long as it's healthy and everything goes well for both Baby and Momma- we'll be happy! Watching the Younger Son try to open and close a new stroller while we were up there over Easter (did the photo shoot then), was nothing short of hilarious. It was like a replay of when we were expecting Cole just 2 short years ago. (Frankly, I think those new strollers are made to be ADULT PROOF when it comes to opening and closing the suckers.)
           All the above has me feeling like this current Frilly and Funkie Challenge is just right for me- it's as if things really ARE "blooming", and coming up roses as well.  But what made me think of my take on this, was that each of these Grandbabies is going to be just as different from each other, as they are similar. Each will be blessed with their own personality and their own talents. Since David's late Mom was known as "Grandma Larimore", I decided not to take that name. I go by MeeMaw (MeeMaw Larimore); which Cole just said the other day for the first time, much to my extreme excitement! As a Grandma, I will have no favorites. We raised our boys that way, and we love them each differently but the same. And we love both our Daughters the same as well. Each child is a GIFT and there is just no way for one to shine over another. While no child can choose who they are born to, likewise, they cannot choose where or when they will be born- that's all up to GOD who is the Creator. And there are so many times- especially in these days- when we look out at the news both locally and around the world and it brings sadness to us that awful things happen. I used to rant and rave at the injustices of this world, and watching the news made that worse. I have one Sister who absolutely refuses to watch any news at all because of this feeling. It can make ANY of us feel helpless to be able to do anything to help when and where there is hurt in the world. Yes- we can PRAY. And YES- that DOES work! But, I learned long ago, that the peace we can feel comes easier if we learn to do what we can...right where we are! Even the simplest help can go a long way! Of maybe you have a way to travel and help, or send help (we have done both of these also). Anyone can be an important part of "the big picture". Everyone has a talent. Everyone is important. And most of all: EVERYONE IS LOVED.
        The bottom line of all the aforementioned: BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED! 

                 And this is where my inspiration took me...

I started out with a couple of larger-sized rotary-cut Tags.
Each would make a side of one Tag put together.
TH Memoranda Paper was calling my name with "Hey, you; USE ME!", lol.
I treated them with TH Oxide Inks in Antique Linen and Old Paper.

I started with some basic cuts from TH Alterations Dies;
Bigz Tattered Evergreen
and Thinlits Set, Wildflowers #2
I had a Sizzix basket embossing folder, so I fussy cut that out.
The Evergreen Die makes pinecones, but a long time back; Tim showed how to 
make a tattered rose with the same die. This was my intent for it here.

I started with the Front Side Tag- making the twisted stem out of a Stampin'Up stamp,
embossing it and then cutting it out TWICE- each twist as one length, and then twisting them together again for some added dimension popped up with popdots.

A Friskars Christmas Light punch made leaves just the right size:
I stacked up the punched-out leaves into four layers and took a snip off one side
with my TH Scissors. I loved the effect I got!

Here comes that TH Faceted Hearts Thinlits Set again!
I absolutely LOVE this die set !!!
(Can't you tell?!)

Again: this little trick keeps the hearts from getting smashed in.
I tear up tiny pieces of Kleenex Tissue and shoved them into an almost-closed heart
glued together with Glossy Accents. Another dab or two will close the hearts up completely.
I made 4 out of one small sheet of pastel cardstock, but only needed three.

Here's where the TH Distress Inks and Oxide Inks come in:
giving each piece or layer of cardstock/paperie some dimension before adding it to the Tag.

Lastly, I made the saying on my computer and printed it out.
TH Strip Die Tattered Ribbons made a nice cut for them.

This was how it came out...


You can see the pop dots added (in 4 layers) to build up the planter to a rounded up shape.

Every planter has some kind of stick or fun item in it!
So the TH Story Stick worked here- out of IdeaOlogy.


This ribbon was given pop dots in an uneven layer across the back-
I wanted it to look like it was waving out in a field.

Three cuts of the bloom itself gave this flower some "oomph"!
Pop dots to the rescue for that.
And a bit of TH Distress Crayon in Spiced Marmalade gave a bit of color to the tips.

once again, for stopping by!!
And even MORE SO; for all the comments!!
I am truly honored to have so many people taking a look at my makes!
If you get the chance...
to look at the other entries for this Challenge,
And better still: JOIN US!!
I've had several of my projects get into the Top 3 Picks,
chosen as a Top Pick (to be a Guest Designer)
and I've had the pleasure of winning the Drawing from the Sponsor;
and YOU have those chances as well!!
But you'll never know till you TRY!

Here's to a BLOOMIN' SPRING for all!

Be Safe &

Monday, April 8, 2019

Frilly and Funkie Challenge #8; March Madness...Follow the White Rabbit!

             March has actually blown past us now, but at                         The Frilly and Funkie Challenge Blog , you'll find several great takes on a "March Madness" theme that has us all -oddly enough- working forward in April.  )  Oops! You just missed the Cheshire Cat, but it seems he did leave a hint of his smile back up there. He's a sneaky LARGE thing! And from here on out; you'll just have to keep a look out for him in this project.  I tried to keep a hold on him in here, but, you know how that goes. 

 In all honesty; Alice In Wonderland has never been one of my favorites in the Disney Productions. I've always been a pure Mickey Mouse fan. Part of that old Original Mickey Mouse Club, and all THREE versions of the Club Song. Pluto and Minnie come in very close there, also. And, while it does seem kind of strange that I'm usually the one in the group of Crafters who is singing "I'm late! I'm late; for a very important date! No time to say 'Hello, Good-Bye,'! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!". Alice and her gang of strange tunnel fellows were just never on my list of "Must See Movies". I do know what it's about, however, and have a few folks I know of who are VERY fond of AIW- one is our Younger Daughter, the English Edu. Teacher up in Red Wing. And because of that; this is the one who will receive this little board-book surprise...if she'll have it! It was a very fun make and I went a bit overboard on my original "keep it simple" idea. But, oh well.      )     The Cat again!!!

            Let's "Follow The White Rabbit" down the hole and see where he takes us...

I knew exactly what I wanted to do as soon as the theme came out.
It was all a matter of finding all the printouts I wanted that would match what I 
would 'morph' them into. As a photographer who works with pixels, colors, light, 
and basically graphics in general; I have a very wide and deep file of already saved
art to choose from, as well as free printouts available as close as the keyboard.
give me endless refills on my Canon Printer (the only kind I will buy-
currently a Pixma with separate refillable tanks for each color), and I used
to go through a new one every year for the time my boys were in school.
I helped head up a Volunteer List of Moms for the Student Council, Faculty, & Staff,
 taking pics of the kids and using photography for any kind of educational use for the kids. 
So I know my way around a computer and programs, graphics, etc.
It can be as easy as just "cloning" to remake a line appear in another spot,
or as complicated as making an item fit to scale.
And don't forget Copyrights. Selling another's idea is a big NO-NO.
For the simple reason that our family has always been blessed with The LORD'S provision;
I've never taken payment for anything. As long as my ChiefHubby shelled out;
I produced as I physically could. And it's been quite a wild ride which has yet to end!! 
*NOTE* Printer ink will run if it's wet- even after drying it overnight (which I do).
To avoid this: keep your hands dry, and while Tim Holtz's Distress items CAN
be used easily; be sure to heat dry after each coat.
Glossing over with sealer is not usually workable, but if you want to seal it;
the best way is to use clear contact paper covering over it and THEN
add embellishment items. Clear Glossy Accents works very well for embellies!

Choosing a couple of free printouts was easy once I found card shaped posters!
Not all of the sizes matched up, so that's where making things to scale comes in.
Then, I needed some firm boards (I used my usual Mat Board from my still-tall pile)
and 2 of them easily made a front and a back for this 'board book' with each mat board
having 2 printouts for the front and back. Using a strong light can help match up the prints
by holding them up to the light and lining up the edges as closely as possible to the
ones that are already the same size. 
I used my Glider Tape gun to adhere the cardstock prints, leaving the edges on 
one side of each to meet in the middle for the book's spine.

Next- after all the trimming was done as closely as possible, I sanded the edges with my
TH sanding block. Then distressed it in matched-up Distress Paint on the edges
all around the outside in "GOLD" (probably the oldest bottle of TH Dpaint still around),
and my fave Distress Inks in regular Vintage Photo and Pumice Stone. Then heated all.

I found these stacks at a Tuesday Morning and fell in love with the shimmer
(but glitter-less!) texture and strength of this cardstock.

It served very well for the tea cups cut with the Sizzix Die,
as well as for the printed-pattern, fussy cut top hat of the Mad Hatter.
Those familiar with this tea cup die will notice that they are about half
as thick as the cut is supposed to be.
I merely cut the fronts & backs of the cups as usual, and then hand bladed
the middle piece HALF the usual size that holds the front and back together.
This resulted in a thinner stacking tea cup.

While the Mad Hatter 10/6 card was not very visible with the tea cups in front,
I still wanted as much detail -both front facing AND back facing- as possible.
This long-stashed-away clear stamp set still had the original package unopened!
So I got it out and used it to make the backside of the card look realistic.

Getting the card to really 'work' was one of my usual tricks; I make a small sample
of what I want to do and keep at it until it does what I want it to do.
I call that "LylaDetermination" aka
"If it won't it till you make it work."
Sidenote: Alice here was a sample since the lines are still showing on her.
I'd gone in and worked her over a bit until she had no lines on her,
 and looked a bit pixel-sweeter.

Here's where we come to the fun part: the tiny deck of cards!
Ooooh! I so loved those as a kid and I think I even still have a couple of tiny decks around!
I remember buying them in bulk for the boys' class Holiday Parties since I was a Room Mother
every year also...(WHERE did I get the energy and time?!? And the physical stamina to still
handle all that with getting sick all the time?! I must be gettin' OLD... ER!)
             You can see where I found a free printable deck online and sized it to what I wanted.
    I used the PrintMaster GOLD for this- on Windows 10 system. Very easy program for anyone!
                  The Soldier Cards are also free (via a Crafter who shared them specifically for
                                helping to make your own...I LOVE that about Crafters!!!),
                        and the Hooka….I just KNOW my kids are gonna give me the
                                                but a Crafter does what she's gotta do.
               So I found a photo that wasn't "vectored" (copyright owned and watermarked)
         of the Walt Disney World daylight Parade (my own photos are mostly of all the Electric Light Parades since who wants to stand around in the heat for a parade...
             unless- of course- it's you very own Marching Band kids (3 of our 4 adult kids)
      in the WDW Parade (& 2 marched on the Indy 500 track before the 2010 race, also!)….
               I took that photo and freehand cropped the hooka from the parade float of  AIW.
                 Then I Glider Taped it to the color of shimmer cardstock and just kept cutting
                            layers until I got all I wanted to add pop-dots to fill it out with.
       The TH Heart Punch, and a pair of heart hand punchers got the heart decorations just right.

Cutting the tiny deck of cards apart,
and then I mixed them up and staggered them to make them random.
Set aside about 10 of them for the ones that will be at the very bottom falling on Alice's floor.
Divide the rest of the deck in half...

Then using some floral green wire; 26 guage;
4 pieces twisted together for good measure, as well as some 'bounce',
run the Glider Tape over the wire all the way from top to bottom...

and simply start randomly layering cards from one half of the deck;
turn over the entire thing and retape another row of Glider Tape
(I actually made three runs to cover the cards on
both sides of the wire as well as the wire itself.)

Now it's ready to adhere the bottom to Alice's lap and the top into the top tea cup.

Hare it is; Follow the White Rabbit!

The Front Side of the board book...

… and the Back Side of the book.

Popped open!

A few curiouser and curiouser closeups... 

The charms were from a Bestie- a stash of jewelry she gave me for junk stash.
The TH Clock Hands are on the TH PocketWatch and Key Chain instead on on the clock's face.

Bottle made from clear scrap trash covering & cork stock,
with TH Alterations Apothecary Die,
free printouts made tiny scale,
and a middle fussy cut plastic played with TH Alcohol Ink in Salty Ocean
by coating extra layers onto the bottom half as I went downward
from the top of the plastic with only one layer of ink.
Made it look like the potion 'settled' down on the bottom of the bottle.

The incriminating hooka we thought was so cool in the late 60s and early 70s..
who knew our kids would have one just for a 'cool collectors item'?!
Are we THAT old??

I cut two Alices and 'pop-dotted' her arms, face and lower body to make her
appear to be surprised and suddenly bending down
to try to contain all the cards landing onto her lap.

Anyone notice those "spears" are real finger food spears from my kitchen?

This perspective is given of the book closing; you can see the detailed backside of everything.

The 2 Knaves trying to get away!

Extra tickets that I printed out and used my TH reg Alterations Strip Die Tickets.
The group of tickets were actually stacked together with many others.
I chose which ones I wanted by cropping and repositioning onto a template
I created just for making my own personal Tim Tickets!
I've made event tickets, Happy Birthday tix, and even Wedding tix; all personalized.

This was a VERY fun project- despite not caring too much for poor Alice. lol!

*UPDATE 4-11-2019
Due to being distracted by medical testing;
this VIDEO was mistakenly left out of the original posting...

Here's another SHOUTOUT of THANKS! for all the WONDERFULLY NICE
things folks have to say about my past projects- and the Top Pick on that last 
Frilly and Funkie Challenge!!
BIG THANKS always goes to the Design Team who put in quite a bit of time
and effort to keep the rest of us inspired to create our craft!!
There's always fun to be had when there's a PRIZE being dangled from
the Sponsor -and super store of every craft need!

Anyone can join in- no matter if you're talented... or challenged as I was here!
Please feel free to check out the rest of the projects as there is no limit to
the inspiration that comes from creating and sharing together!
THANKS! for checking in once again;

Be Safe &