Year 2013 & Year 2014 2

Year 2013 & Year 2014 2
Showing posts with label Sean Carter Photography- Michigan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sean Carter Photography- Michigan. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2016

OCTOBER TAG; The 12 Tags of 2016 ...A Bucket List Item Crossed-Off !

BOO! It's the end of Halloween Night as I type to get this out after two busy weeks of crafting, crocheting, and still sailing on as many still-sunny-&-warm days as I can get in! So I may make it onto Tim's Blog by the seat of my Halloween costume. :)  TIm Holtz loves this particular holiday, but while I was born in the Pumpkin Month of October, it's never been one of my fave times. I prefer my leaves green and still growing on the trees; thankyouverymuch! But, the colors of Indiana fall do make beautiful photographs, which I've been sharing on WLYLWFridayHits "Leaf Break".
Back at the start of the year, I found out that one of my very favortie actors of the 70's was going to be back in Chelsea, Michigan. Randolph (Randy) Mantooth has been almost a fixture in the Firefighter/EMS life since "EMERGENCY!" debuted in January 1972. Along with Kevin Tighe, Tim Donnelly, Marco Lopez, Mike Norrell, and real-life Los Angeles County Firefighter (retired Captain) Mike Stoker; all served on the A-Shift of Station 51 in Carson, CA, filmed at the real-life Station 127. Backed up by "Rampart General Hospital" (real-life Harbor UCLA Medical Center) with the beautiful Julie London, her husband, Bobby Troup (you'll remember he got his kicks by writing "Route 66"), and America's best cowboy, Robert Fuller. I was hooked from the start.... ladder, truck, and all! In 2014, I finally got my Bucket List wish of meeting at least one of the cast- Randy Mantooth. That's another post I have yet to put up. But suffice it to say that I've wanted to see him on stage since...well, forever! (Does that date me, much??) And I finally got my wish and checked that off- thanks to my wonderful ChiefHubby who took that week off to spend a couple of days up in Chelsea at Jeff Daniels' Purple Rose Theater! And let me tell you: it was WELL WORTH the wait. Talk about an awesome script, actors, director, and the setting just about blew us away!! We were sitting right smack front row- which put us both in direct line of main character "Angus" when he unloaded his grief of the death of his wife, Grace. Thus the title "Morning After Grace". (No spoilers here.) The loss of my Dad in April was right in sync with the feelings that burst forth from these characters, and it was almost too much. I bawled through the entire last half after laughing through most of the first half- which anyone who is 51 and older, can truly understand!
It runs through December, and is VERY acoomodating, affordable, and downright AWESOME, in case you want to check it out (the PRTC is also on Facebook). The Photos used here were taken by Sean Carter Photography. I sent a note to Sean to tell him how deeply his photos affected me in the way they conveyed the deep feelings of the characters. I cannot give enough kudos to the place, the people,and the town of Chelsea itself...just beautiful! So, I felt it was Tag-worthy for my Oct Tag!






All photographs used on the tags are by The Purple Rose Theater, PRT Company & it's Guest Actors, Playwrite Carey Crim, and Sean Carter Photography. I own none of it nor made, nor will make/claim any profit at all from any. Nothing is for sale and one Tag will stay with me- the other sent to PRTC. 
THANKS to the Cast and Crew of the Purple Rose Theater, it's owner Jeff Daniels (for his dream come true that helped MY dream come true), the town people of Chelsea MI for being so NICE to everyone, and to Randy Mantooth- for staying loyal to his fans and "what brought him to the party". A HUGE BIG HUG&KISS to my ChiefHubby for making the dream come true and making sure we were able to be home for it this time around!!

    THANKS for checking in once again! There'll be more to come on this subject.... soon !

                  Stay Safe. and HAPPY BLOGGING!