Showing posts with label Teh Funneh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teh Funneh. Show all posts

12 March 2015

Darkness Falls

across the face of the Discworld.

Thank you Sir Terry Pratchett, for this and for all the other things that you wrote. Rest in peace.

03 August 2014


By way of Guffaw I found this article which I was reading to Eldest Son.

When I got to the end of the fourth paragraph, where it says "When they got here and found work, in the main, they taught their kids to be thankful for America and they raised their kids to be good citizens. That’s not what we are dealing with today" Eldest Son, who is not noted for his tact or political correctness, said "No, they're coming here now to suck the welfare donkey's d**k."

The statement was simultaneously crudely vulgar and yet completely correct.

If there weren't already lots of good reasons for me going to Hell, laughing at that would probably do it.

06 April 2014


Having never seen so much as a single episode of the show, I can't say I'm a fan. However, Erin Palette is, and when we went shooting last month she was wearing a shirt that had a Firebird logo, but instead of the bird there was a pony in the middle.

She oh-so casually mentioned that there was one for Mustangs as well, and if I had one would I wear it? I told her I didn't watch the show, but since I like MY little Pony I'd not only wear it, I'd have a picture taken and put it on the blog.

It's just a shame I didn't have it earlier yesterday, I would have worn it to Lenoir NC for the first cruise-in of the month.

The sign made its first public appearance, and it was well received, in fact the cruise-in staff has asked me to bring it back next time and let them put it at the end of the street that is designated Mustang Alley.

I started the day at the shooting range where I got the Mossberg sighted in for 100 yards yesterday morning and got the new magazines for the High Standard dialed in as well, so it was a good day all the way through.

14 December 2013


I'm a subscriber to the Grass Roots North Carolina's E-mailed Gun Blast newsletter, and one of the features therein is the latest quotable quote from the anti-gun crowd, called squibs. This episode's squib comes to you courtesy of National Gun Victims Action Council, and says "Merry Christmas, North Carolinians! Thanks to laws passed this summer which just went into effect this month, the guy sitting in the bar next to you can carry a concealed firearm. Don’t piss him off."

This sounds like good advice regardless of if the guy next to you is armed or not. The famous and oft-repeated Heinlein quote is "an armed society is a polite society" but I oftentimes think that if we had a more polite society we wouldn't have as much need for an armed one.

Which leads me to the famous and oft-repeated (well, if it isn't it should be) GEN James Mattis, USMC (ret) quote, "be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

Merry Christmas everyone. Remember to be polite.

31 August 2013

I Don't Know

where your muse went...

but I might be able to tell you how it got there.

22 December 2012

When They Outlaw Mustangs

Only outlaws will have Mustangs.

From the twisted sense of humor of MSgt B, thanks for the link!

05 December 2012

New Addictions

I'm a big fan of xkcd but not really of web comics in general There are a few that are pretty good though.

Now there is another.

This one is a bit too close to be really funny though...

Thanks Erin!

29 August 2012

Are We Really That Thin Skinned?

Some fellow by the name of 50 Cent, who I understand is a musician of some sort, had a commercial on the radio advertising SK Energy Shots.

At any rate, Mr. Cent (who apparently is a person of color) starts off his advertisement with a rather flat monotone about how being tired took away the bass notes in his voice and made him sound "like a white dude."

I kind of thought the advertisement in question was rather humorous, but apparently someone took offense. Today as I was listening to the same commercial the line had changed to "like some dorky dude."

I think it was much funnier the other way.

And with that, I'm off to bed.

21 December 2011

It Might Be GM

but someone still has a good advertising department. This commercial has been running here in Iowa since we got here, it almost makes me want a Silverado.

16 December 2011

Don't Laugh When Mom Is Around

Eldest Sister's Eldest Daughter, Favorite Niece, is having a bit of the back pain. She was in a car wreck last month, nothing serious but it gave her some muscle strain that she's having to deal with and she is still a bit sore.

Anyhow, she was sitting on the couch in pain and Mom asked her "Do you want a vibrator?"

Favorite Niece was, of course, aghast; not only that Grandma knew what such a device was, but that she would even offer something like that.

Turns out the couch she was sitting on has this switch that turns a vibration pad on in the seat back.

Mom doesn't think it is nearly as funny as the rest of us do.

As a side note, not a big fan of the new Blogger setup. I have to keep coming back to reformat my posts, which is more of a pain than it's worth. Unfortunately, once you go full retard there's no stepping it back. Three edits trying to get rid of the extra spacing between the first and second and the second and third paragraphs, and I finally had to do it in HTML. Redonkulous.

22 November 2011


When I looked at this the first thing I noticed is that she had her finger on the trigger.

Seriously. That really was the first thing I noticed.

Sigh. They say the mind is the second thing to go...damned if I can remember what was first...

18 September 2011

Optical Illusion

They say that if you look at this picture long enough you will be able to see a car of some sort.

More of the same here.

HT: Free North Carolina

01 November 2010

13 August 2010

Bottoms Up


Another year is in the bank.


08 August 2010

Corn Corn Corn

I showed this to Youngest Son before we left, and all across Illinois and Indiana he sang "Corn corn corn corn what's that smell? corn corn corn corn corn....."

Yeah, it got old pretty quick.

06 July 2010

And Now, Something Different

I have been reading the "Dies the Fire" trilogy by S. M. Stirling, and one of the main characters is a Finn. In the first book he was singing a little ditty about fighting with knives, so when I saw this cartoon I had to laugh.

The artist has a spot on deviantART.

The accompanying post was very informative. The Finns seem to be the most sensible Europeans left.

I think I love those guys. In a very manly way, of course.

21 May 2010

Hail To The Chief

This is why you should regularly check out Monster Hunter Nation on the sidebar.

14 April 2010

Since 1773

If ya got a pitcher, ya gotta have a catcher...just sayin'...

12 April 2010

demotivational posters
Click the picture to see more (some captions are NSFW).