My handsome boys!
This past week, rob took thursday off and he had his 9-80 friday ( I heart 9-80s). So, rob had a really nice 4 day weekend!
Since rob had been working MAD hours the past 2 months to finish up a project, we haven't had a lot of family time at all. I'll admit we are a little spoiled, just because rob's job is pretty great about having good work/life balance. However, since his deadline was bumped up, and he had to finish submitting his thesis--- Benji and I haven't really seen much of Rob. I think we all were a little burned out after everything was done. So, this weekend vacation was very needed.
Morning: We took Benjamin to the Houston Rodeo. This was the first time that we ever have gone to the famous Rodeo! It is a huge thing here in texas, and it has taken us two and half years to go. The ironic thing is, its about a 7 min drive from our house. It was fun to take benjamin to this. He enjoyed the "train ride" to the Reliant stadium from the parking lot. We took him to see the petting zoo. He actually did pretty well around the animals. However, you could tell he was getting uncomfortable when a mass of animals started to crowd him and rob. Benjamin loved the chickens and the roosters, but was scared of the pig! Funny little boy! I think rob loved this part as well :)
We took him to ride a little pony, but as soon as rob tried to put benjamin on the pony, Benjamin cried. We got our money back, and Benjamin never looked back!
We then saw little kids (like 5 year olds) ride sheep. I don't remember what it is called. But it was pretty interesting. I might say that those little kids are pretty brave!
its hard to see, but if you look closely you can see a little kid hugging a sheep!
Afterward, we took Benjamin home for a well needed nap. We actually all took naps!
Once Benjamin got up, We packed up our car to take Benjamin camping for the first time at the "aligator park" Brazos Bend state park! Its only about 45 min drive from where we live, which is nice. By the time we got to the campsite, it was pretty dark. Rob set up the tent and we had hotdogs! Benjamin LOVED camping! He loved to hear the owls at night. When it was time to sleep, we could tell he was a little unsure about sleeping in a tent. However, he fell asleep and slept the whole night! I love that he is such a good sleeping and such an easy going kid! Rob and I didn't sleep very well though. It got pretty cold at night because of the wind, and I spent every 5 mins checking if Benjamin was warm enough. Even though rob nor I slept throughout the night, we both felt pretty good throughout the day!
Friday Night:
We were so lucky to get our fav babysitter to babysit Benjamin over night while Rob and I celebrated our anniversary! I know, its a few months early, but we wanted to celebrate it before I don't want to go or do anything, and before baby comes. Baby is due right around our anniversary, and if she is like her brother and comes a week early, its pushing it close to the day of. Anyway, it was fun to get away for a bit, and i always love coming home, because Benjamin is so excited to see us!
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Where did yall go for your anniversary?
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