Showing posts with label Kernville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kernville. Show all posts

Monday, November 07, 2011

"Morning on the Kern River" ©

You would never know that we were painting in downtown Kernville. A short walk though the park, down the little bank and your on the sandy beach watching the lazy river drift by. It's a bit of an illusion, it's a very dangerous river to stick your toe in. There is a strong current running under the serene surface that will take you down river into the rapids very quickly. Marian Fortunati, Diane Nelson Gold and Sharon Weaver were my painting buddies on this trip. We all painted this morning scene from different vantage points. After we finished, looking at our morning efforts I was once again amazed how artists will approach the same subject so very differently.

Oil on Panel, 10" X 12'
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