Sunday, November 20, 2011


As you know, I've been looking for a job. I expanded my search to Utah given my frequent flights back and forth to Provo over the past 18 months. Recently I sent off a resume for a position at BYU. I felt like it was a little bit of a stretch but decided to send it off anyway. Imagine my surprise when I got a call a few days later from the school wanting to set up an interview. I hopped on a plane 2 days later and with great trepidation, went in to meet my fate. I was surprised how comfortable I was and how well the interview went. I had experience and examples of every aspect of the job. When I walked out the door, I was sure I would get called back for round two. The next day (Saturday, no less!) I was on my way to visit with Michael for a few hours and was going to fly home that evening. I got a call from the office asking if I could come in for a second interview first thing Monday morning. They actually arranged their interview schedule around me. That was a sure sign!!! I rearranged my flight and stayed for the rest of the weekend.

Monday morning, I met with four people who all seemed to be impressed with my skills and experience. When I left, I felt that I had nailed the interview. I was mentally packing my house up and preparing myself for another change and a move to Utah.

I got a call Wednesday after noon from an 801 phone number and my heart was pounding as I answered the phone. I was told that although I was an extremely strong candidate, they had chosen someone else.

To say I am disappointed is an understatement. It seemed like the perfect job (working as a program administrator for the EFY program) and the perfect environment. One of my friends said to me today, "isn't it exciting to know that there is something even better out there waiting for you?"

I hope so.


Debbie Jones said...

You should keep in touch with the people you interviewed with...often something else will come up and they will remember you. Keep following up with them...this "disappointment" could turn into something real for you...just be patient a little longer. Will remember you in my prayers!

Genn said...

Oh Lauri, I am sorry!
But I love what your friend said to you. There IS something better waiting for you. I hope it all falls into place very soon for you. Hang in there.

Kelly said...

There was a reason why----something better is in store for you!! And for the record, I bet you were the best candidate..just not the right time.

Cynthia said...

Melanie even said - EFY would even be better with Lauri in charge! But love what your friend said - better things coming your way.

Kris said...

Lauri, although hearing that they selected someone else for THAT particular position, the fact that they like you very much, could have opened up a door for you somewhere else at the University??!! I hope so!!!

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

I'll admit, the thought of coming home to AZ for visits and not seeing you at church made my heart a little sad, so I'm selfishly hoping your something better is in AZ. However, Mike might want to fight me on that, and he'd probably win, so...if Utah's where it's at, I suppose I could deal with that. :)

sharon kaye said...

I am so sorry. There is going to be something GREAT that comes along.

Amanda B. said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear :( I had heard you were interviewing there and was so hopeful for you! Keep trying! :)

Olivia Durelle said...

As much as I was hoping you'd get the job in Utah, I'm kind of glad you'll be in Mesa a little while longer. I need someone to make Christmas crafts with!

DaCraftyLady said...

I was on pins and needles waiting to read that you got the position, and when I read at the end that you didn't my disappointment was there with you. I agree with your friend that there will be another probably better job waiting for you, but I can feel the frustration when you know you gave it your best and still didn't get it. There are so many people out of work these days that the competition is so high it take us much longer to land that dream job..keep an upper lip there will be another interview coming up soon I am sure...good luck to you.