Showing posts with label creating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creating. Show all posts

June 28, 2010

Studio Work in the Summertime of Northern Illinois

Hello friends,

I am cutting and grinding a beautiful Spectrum sky blue glass along with a Uroboros amber and green glass for the oak leafs today. The studio doors are open, the breeze is wonderful and saws are humming as Creative Treasures (link along my sidebar) continues to put the finishing touches on their new storefront. It is a busy time for both my studio and theirs as they prepare for the Stephenson County Fair and I continue to create my latest stained glass commission. The day is absolutely picture perfect here in Freeport, Illinois and I hope it is wherever YOU are today~ Lift Up Your Art And Be Blessed, Laurie

December 29, 2008

gRain Ponchos (TM) stained glass feeder covers

Good Afternoon Readers! I'm trying out some different names for my bird feeder covers. I thought gRain Ponchos (TM) is a hoot! What do you think vs. Made In The Shade? Today I'm sharing photos of the beginning stages of the stained glass process as I create a medium size shade. I was contacted by a buyer recently and thought this would be a good example of a custom order request. I thought some of you may enjoy the educational process and/or be a bit curious as to just "how" these babies are made. The photos here include the pattern (which is duplicated six times for this particular cover), the glass that was chosen and the pattern pieces adhered to the glass . Then shown are the beginning stages of cutting each piece to size. From here, each individual piece will be cut to the exact size and then grinding the edges ensues. (NOT my favorite part of the creative process) I'll send updated pictures of that also but for now PLEASE send me a comment about my name idea. I think gRain Ponchos (TM) is such a fun play on words but would really love my readers input! With gratitude, Laurie B.

April 28, 2008


What an honor!!! I've been featured on Wickedly Chic! Please check out my interview at this great site:
This is a wonderful group of Artists and Editors. I am so honored to have been featured by this group!
As noted, I am starting a new line of more abstract, deco designs, one of which was featured in this interview which I have named "Fun, Funky and Fabulous in Wickedly Chic Colors!"
Thank you Liz Nonnemacher and Gabreial Wyatt!
Wickedly Chic is a wonderful potpourri of artists!
With Gratitude, Laurie B.

April 23, 2008


I've been thinking about this post all week while planting my garden. I didn't quite know how to approach it so I'm just going to let the story tell itself. Please take the time to read this. It made my heart melt and I'm sure it will melt yours also.
I'll begin by telling you that Jamie Lee and I have been friends since we were 15 years old. We sang in choir together. I'll also tell you that I pushed his truck out of huge snow bank when we were 17 years old while he sat behind the wheel laughing hysterically! He's been one of two guys that probably saved my life during my high school years and I consider him my brother. Maybe not by blood, but surely by love, history, care, and protection. He's a piece of work, let-me-tell-yah.
From here, I will post this recent article that CHI published, featuring my dear Bro along with the letter that was sent to CHI by one of his clients. Jamie and his client have been generous enough to send me a copy of the original letter. It says it all......
Here is their story.....
Jamie Lee has been there for me for so many years, through so many of life’s ups and downs, but his care, expertise and love got me through one of life’s biggest hurdles possible. The hurdle I speak of was the day that arrived on "May Day! May Day!" - May 1st, 1996. On this unforgettable day, I found out the reason I was losing feeling in my left side of my face when I turned it. It was because I had a slow growing, rare tumor. My family and I searched the nation for doctors who could remove the tumor. My tumor was behind the left eye, in the carotid sinus cavity, with the carotid artery running right through the center of my tumor, and many other nerves wrapped around it. Our search led us to Johns Hopkins, the one hospital that could do my surgery and leave me as ME. My surgery was July 30, 1996 and they took only the hair on the left side of my head, where the surgery took place. Knowing all the hair is usually shaved before brain surgery, Jamie immediately went into action. He told us how, if needed, he would have a wig made for me so nobody would know I had surgery. He said he knew how to create a wig that would look exactly like my hair, and he would show me how to care for it. Returning to Jamie in Madison, he saw my half a head of hair and simply said "They did about the worst haircut I’ve seen! They should never be hair stylists!" Instead of doing what so many other hair stylists do and shave off the other half of hair, he worked with the hair I had left. He also used deep conditioners and other products to heal the damaged hair. I was thrilled and relieved not to need a wig. Besides that, I ended up looking better than ever! When I returned to college less than a month after surgery, instead of having people staring at me giving me those "oh poor you" looks, I was complimented on how awesome my hair looked. Instead, people thought instead of wearing my hair up like I always had, I was wearing my hair down. What Jamie did was bring some of the hair I have on the right side of my head over on the left side where I had no hair. When I returned for my first appointment back at Johns Hopkins, all the doctors were stunned at my hair. They informed us usually the patient returns with a shaved head, even though the doctors left hair. The doctors leave as much hair as possible as they know how much it helps the patient to not stand out with their hair screaming out, "I had brain surgery". They sent huge kudos to Jamie, asking if he could do all the patients’ hair! It’s so important to make the patient look as normal as possible as nobody wants to be stared at. Many patients who do not have someone like Jaime ever get their hair back. While my hair slowly grew back, Jamie was there for me; caring and not feeling I was not going to make it. He kept making the changes needed with whatever hair I had, helping me appear normal. Besides that, he always had humor for me and my family by getting us laughing, while always caring. He never quit on me. He always was there for me and I was the best looking brain surgery patient. He smiled with each person who never could tell I had surgery and radiation. His presence and help gave me so much hope and inspiration each time I brushed my hair in the morning. He’d keep helping. People may say it is just hair, but they obviously have not been through such a life changing event, knowing how many others looked afterwards. This really showed in my mind at my last appointment at Hopkins when I saw two patients coming for their appointments with their shaved hair and their scars so easy to see. I could see how the stares hurt them. I remembered and could see how nobody could see mine and I appreciated Jamie even more. Jamie even went so far since my surgery to be careful with the seven bolts I have in my head by making sure he did not hit them with the brush or scissors and letting me know how feeling these bolts show how much fluid my body needs. He even had much humor about this. It has been over eleven years since my brain surgery and expressing how much Jamie has given us is hard. He’s changed my life by making sure I have a life while my life is being saved. Looking normal and changing your hair as needed, teaching you what to do and leaving you with a hug after each appointment means more than I can state. Jamie is more than my hair stylist; he’s been my confidant, my comedian, my teacher and my friend. To that, all I can say is thank you. God sure has blessed me with a new life after my tumor and with Jamie. These are my blessings.
Now, is that an amazing story or what? I'd say that's what the word "artist" is all about!
So here's to you Jamie Lee! To one of the kindest people to ever walk the earth and ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE ARTISTS I ADMIRE!
With MUCH gratitude, your sis Laurie

April 15, 2008


Hi readers! Well, Harry finally met Alex! I think he was jazzed! At first when he opened it I think he thought I was giving him a stained glass angel (he knows I make those) He had that sweet little nine year old face that says "oh,okay, I'll act like I like it" but then his whole face changed, and he looked up at me and said, "Is this Harry Potter???" He was soooo excited. My sister and I went to a friend's recital and when we got back two hours later he was sitting on the couch hugging it watching was wickedly cool!!! So, I think it was a hit! Thanks for all of your supportive encouragement to those who comforted me by telling me YOUR kids liked the picture! It really helped....So, here they are, Alex & Harry!

March 9, 2008

Quiet At The Olde Farmhouse

Good morning to all as the sun rises here!
It's been a quiet weekend here at our place.
With the flurry of activity over the past week I believe it caught up to me! I have a couple of commissions that are ready to be cut. The patterns have been chosen, marked for score lines and are ready to go onto the glass. That's always a nice, quiet part of the glass creating process. I always enjoy this time of year and actually enjoy loosing the hour of what we humans call "time"! After a long hard winter I'll take the sunshine...I hope everyone has a beautiful day that is everything you want it to be!


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"All images and content of Laurie Beggin's Glass Musings and Through The Looking Glass © 2007 Laurie Beggin, unless otherwise noted."