Showing posts with label Human Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human Rights. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Barack Obama and Martin Luther King

Was Obama a suitable person to give a speech on the 50th anniversary of MLK's "I have a dream" speech? MLK may have his own weaknesses as he was human after all, but he was not a hypocrite like Obama.

It was Martin Luther King's efforts and Lyndon Johnson's co-operation that brought about the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, which were signed by Lyndon Johnson. However, when it came to the Vietnam war, Martin Luther King spoke out loud and clear that it was an unjust war where innocent people were being killed and American soldiers were losing their lives, all for an unjust war. It made relations between Lyndon Johnson and Martin Luther King very tense. However, it is clear that Martin Luther King believed in the rights of all people whether they were Vietnamese or American.

That is not the case with Obama. He is a big hypocrite. On the one hand he talks about human rights, on the other hand he continues to kill innocent people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and during Iraq war, using drones or air strikes by warplanes. When children and women are killed by drone attacks all the Obama administration says is that they are sorry. Does this 'sorry' wipe out the guilt for killing innocent civilians? He must give back his Noble Peace Prize as he does not deserve it. Now he is all set to launch air strikes against Syria. However, it is not going to be easy. The British Parliament is not going along with Cameron. Moreover, Putin is moving some of his navy ships into the Mediterranean and closer to Syria.

Then we have Stephen Harper who wants to by-pass the Parliament and go along with Americans. He is still for pro-rogue.

It is true that what Assad of Syria is doing is totally wrong, but will an invasion of Syria solve this problem or further aggravate it? It is hard to tell.

An attack on Syria may result in a much bigger war if Russia tries to intervene and Iran may decide to participate against the U.S. and Israel. It does not look like an easy problem to resolve.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Brothels and Massage Parlours: Girls are bought for prostitution

America talks about spreading democracy and freeing women in Afghanistan. Why doesn't the American Government do the same in their own country? The situation in Canada is not much different. The majority of these victims are Asians. Slavery continues to exist in some form or even worse than slavery. These girls are used and abused for the sex trade. Why not raid these brothels and massage parlours to free these victims? It is so sad that this kind of human rights violations exist in the 21st century. Advanced civilization? What civilization?

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Idle No More

Harper's neglect of First Nations, indifference to them, has come to a head, with the Idle No More protests taking off across the country. The protests are against the poor state of housing on reserves like Attawapiskat whose chief, Theresa Spence, has gone on hunger strike. The protests are also against legislation like Bill C-45 which would replace the Navigable Waters Protection Act with new legislation removing protections against obstructions - such as pipelines and dams - from most lakes and rivers in the country. This no doubt so Harper can appease his friends in the oil industry.

Harper scrapped the Kelowna Accord upon becoming prime minister in 2006, something negotiated over a long period by Prime Minister Martin, provincial governments and First Nations. Kelowna would've done a lot to address poverty in First Nations communities.

Harper took a long time to respond to Spence and then played politics with the location of the meeting and whether the Governor General would be present, this is heartless considering her health and life are at risk. First Nations are divided on the issue of meeting with Harper (on location, on whether the Governor General should be present) - with AFN Chief Shawn Atleo being marginalized by meeting with Harper where many other chiefs refused to.

There is a turbulence in Canada we have not seen, could Harper's regime of heartless neo-conservatism be finally coming apart?

Update: Chief Spence statement:

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Saturday, January 05, 2013

Young Woman Shot by Taliban Recovering

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She is very brave, great to hear that Malala is recovering. It is appalling that she - a young teenage girl - was shot by the Taliban for promoting something that is a basic human right, education for girls. Very intelligent, she and her family are dedicated to the cause of promoting education, even at great personal risk. Amazing dedication. The Taliban hoped to silence Malala, but instead their appalling action has given more attention to her cause globally, beyond her native Pakistan. You can click here for the story.

It is worth remembering too, the Taliban was essentially the creation of the United States, funded and supported by the American government to fight communists in Afghanistan during the 1980s. Today, the results of this realpolitik are painfully clear.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

China: America is a violent society and is guilty of severe human rights violations

U.S criticized China for human rights violations in a report. China prepared its own report on U.S which states that U.S is the most violent society in the world and human rights violations are very frequent in U.S.

Alleged cinema gunman James Holmes appears in court after his shooting
 spree at a Batman premiere in Aurora, Colorado Photo: Getty Images

“The United States' own tarnished human rights record has made it in no condition, on moral, political or legal basis, to act as the world's "human rights justice," to place itself above other countries and release the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices year after year to accuse and blame other countries. We hereby advise the U.S. government once again to look squarely at its own grave human rights problems, to stop the unpopular practices of taking human rights as a political instrument for interference in other countries' internal affairs, smearing other nations'images and seeking its own strategic interests, and to cease using double standards on human rights and pursuing hegemony under the pretext of human rights.

Quite a lot Americans have no access to health care: report
• U.S.-led wars create humanitarian disasters: report
• U.S. leader in gun violence, gun deaths: report
• Millions homeless in U.S.: report
• Ethnic minorities severely discriminated against in US: report”

Read China report here.

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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Harper reaches new low

The Reform agenda and the racist agenda is materializing. Harper appointed an Islamophobe, Gerard Latulippe, to head a prominent rights agency. This is going to promote "international relations" in the wrong way, especially when Obama is moving in the other direction. When will Harper come out of the dark ages?

Click here to read the story on this.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Afghanistan and Human Rights

By many accounts the human rights situation in Afghanistan has severely deteriorated. Mathew Hoh, a senior US diplomat in Afghanistan who recently resigned, alludes to similar circumstances. He is basically saying that we are making the situation worse in Afghanistan.

Click here for a story depicting the worsening situation of human rights.

There are a lot more stories on the above site that you may consider to read.

Also this video sheds a lot of light on what is going on in Afghanistan when it comes to children.

There is a need for United Nations involvement and for the involvement of many nations to resolve these issues. These issue cannot be resolved through bullets which actually have worsened the situation. We went after Al-Qaeda and in the process we further destroyed Afghan society. There is a need for education and developing societal institutions to battle these horrible crimes going on in Afghanistan. US and NATO countries have been concerned about their own interests only. This is deadly wrong. These invading countries have a responsibility now to repair the damage done to Afghan society.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Kyle Hatcher, The Religious Freedom Guy

Kyle Hatcher, a US embassy liaison with religious and human rights groups, was just checking out some religious freedom and human rights in Russia. ;) What is the big fuss.

Russian Video here
Warning: This video is graphic.

Now you know how these religious types give a bad name to religion. The saying "do what I say and not what I do" applies so well here.

Click here to read the story

Update: It looks that Russian video has been removed from the youtube.

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