Showing posts with label Batgirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batgirl. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

O: Oracle!

is for Oracle.

I'm sure most of us have heard of Barbara Gordon. Daughter to police commissioner Jim Gordon and, secretly, the 'Domino Daredoll', Batgirl.


She's been around since the 1960s and was created by Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino at the request of the Batman television show's producer. They wanted a female counterpart to Batman that could debut in the comics and the t.v. show at the same time.

Well, did you know that D.C. Comics later took this character and totally revamped her?

It happened back in 1988 when Barbara retired her 'Batgirl' identity to live the 'normal life'. 

Yeah, like that ever happens. 

Carrying out a vendetta against his arch foe, Batman, The Joker shoots Barbara and severs her spine. She becomes a paraplegic and is confined to a wheelchair.

Always touted as one of the most intelligent characters in the D.C. Universe, Barbara takes on the persona of "Oracle", becoming a top notch computer hacker, information broker, and team coordinator for many of D.C.'s heroes and teams. 

Making her debut as Oracle in Suicide Squad #23, she offered her services (anonymously) to the government agency, Task Force X. This laid the foundation for the mysterious "Oracle" to pop up in different books and offer information to whoever needed it and, always, on the side of the angels. 

In Suicide Squad #38, she was revealed as the former Batgirl and asked to join. Later, she became a mainstay in the all female Birds of Prey series, elevated to new heights by writer Gail Simone.

In a 'good news/bad news' turn, D.C.decided (via their latest universe 'reboot') to bring Barbara back to her former Batgirl glory, taking 'experimental' therapies to regain her mobility. That's good for old school Batgirl fans but, over the years, Oracle became a character that many disabled fans could identify with, as well.

As far as powers went, Barbara didn't have any but, in her prime, she was an Olympic level athlete, had martial arts training, a photographic memory and a deep knowledge of computers and information systems. As Batgirl, she also carried various gadgets just as her male counterpart, Batman, did.

As a personal note, Batgirl Barbara Gordon has always been one of my favorite female characters in the D.C. Universe.....regardless whether she wore a cape or was confined to a wheelchair. 

Stop back tomorrow for a visitor from the Great White North, eh?....

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