It feels like this year has been particularly difficult. But maybe every year feels that way when you're in it. So far this year...
- I made partner. Yes, a good thing, but it also came with a substantial increase in administrative work. I got assigned technology and we're changing our practice management software, which basically changes every single thing we do during the day, from email, to calendaring, to how we save files. I've also taken the lead responsibility for training our two associates--which is a huge responsibility and billable time suck. And work is busy. The busiest its been in years. Good news, but I'm stretched about as far as possible.
- My dad had a 6-way bypass, but he's doing great. I think it was a wake up call for him.
- My beloved grandmother passed away.
- DH started a new job. He had a great job, but his company was imploding and had laid off 3/4 of its employees. He now works from home, with occasional travel. Working from home is pretty awesome, but the travel is occasionally inconvenient with everything else going on. We think it will be better once the twins get their driver's licenses next year.
- Bob the Dog passed away on the day we moved PS to college. We had dropped him off at the vet for boarding, and just as we were loading up to leave, the vet called us to come back immediately. He basically had a doggie heart attack. We were all devastated, and it put a huge damper on college move-in day.
- A few weeks later we adopted Mikey, a yellow-lab mix. He is adorable, but, OMG, I forgot how much work puppies are! It's like we have a toddler in the house again, he's into everything.
- PS graduated from high school! And started college! It has been a bit of transition, and it took her a few weeks to find her friend group, but she finally did and seems to have an awesome friend group now. Her roommate situation is, um, interesting. Roommate is a lesbian vegan who hates straight people and whose dream is to be a pot farmer and constantly reeks of pot smoke. It has been quite an education for goody-two shoes, BBQ and bacon-loving PS, who has loads of gay and trans friends and doesn't understand the straight hate.
- PS's broke up with her serious boyfriend shortly after going to college. And he went off the rails and got all weird and stalky. We blocked him from everybody's social media accounts and eventually had to get campus police involved. Not a cool way to end her first relationship or to start out her first semester of college.
- And then, kidney stones. PS called us a few weeks ago in immense pain. We were pretty sure it was a kidney stone because she'd had them before. I broke many traffic laws heading to college town to meet her in the ER and she was hospitalized for 2 days. A week later--the Sunday before Thanksgiving-- she was back in the ER, and DH and I went together to get her and bring her back home. The timing was particularly sucky because we were planning a trip to Paris over Thanksgiving. She ended up staying home with DH while the twins and I went to Paris. We had a nice trip, but it sucked not having DH there and worrying about PS the whole time. After we got back she finally got in with a specialist, and had surgery to break up the stones and a stent placed. Unfortunately, the stent has caused more pain than the kidney stones. The whole situation caused her to miss a lot of class and rearrange her finals. Fortunately, she goes to a tiny liberal arts school that is pretty easy to work with. The stent comes out next week, and hopefully it will be all uphill from there. It's been a miserable few weeks for her.
- Besides all of the kidney stone stuff, PS had some weird bloodwork that could be indicative of an autoimmune disorder. And apparently it is frickin impossible to get in with a rheumatologist. This has me freaked out because my mother had multiple auto-immune disorders that ultimately led to her death. But dealing with this has been pushed back by all the kidney issues.
- A couple of weeks before PS's kidney stone issue, my appendix demanded to be removed from my body. Fortunately, that was an easy peasy process and I was back to normal within a week.
- TT came out as gay. It was not a surprise, DH and I were just wondering when she would finally tell us. I think we handled it well, and she seems to be thriving. We have not told the rest of our family, which trends homophobic. We only seem them a couple of times a year, and we'll just let them draw their own conclusions and shut them down when they start spewing hate.
- And SS is just hanging in there.
So there's been a lot of positive this year, with a lot of hard stuff mixed in. I'd be ok with a little less hard stuff in 2017. Especially when it comes to my kids' health.