Showing posts with label peat pot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peat pot. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day #6, Hippity hop swap

Today i got to open my goodie! i took peat pots and paintedthem yellow and then added glitter over the paint. then i took a small wood spool and glued it inside the peat pot for a base. next i took wine corks and painted them pink and glittered on top. i added 2 tiny pieces of lace on each side of the body where the arms would go. the arms are stick pins with pearls on the end. the pins were just pushed into the cork. i stuffed easter grass inside the peat pot around the base and then glued the cork body to the spool. the head is a vintage image of a bunny that i glued to a "T-pin" (used in quiliting) then i pushed the t-pin into the cork as well. a bow and some tiny bells were added around the neck for bling. i had punched 2 holes on each side of the peat pot and then wrapped some pipe cleaners around each end and then joined them together to make a handle. i also wrapped fibers around the pipe cleaner handle for more texture. around the peat pot i wrapped some more fibers and glued a vintage flower and a button in the center. i added some tiny wood eggs and a little chenille chick to the edge of the pot. the last thing i did was add a tiny tag that is hanging from the hangle that says "hoppin down the bunny trail".

slide show!