Friday, January 31, 2025

On Political Correctness

Political Correctness is a way of being wrong.

"Social justice is injustice. What is just about taking money off people who have earned it and giving it to people who have not earned it? You can call it many things but justice it is not."

-- John J. Ray

Thursday, January 30, 2025

On Selfishness

Narcissism, especially in the political realm, isn't concerned with the injuries and burdens inflicted on other people.  The more destructive the consequences of obedience to those who obey the narcissist, the better.  Human sacrifice with beating hearts cut out and victims flayed alive, that's great.  Millions worked to death in slave labor camps in Siberia, that's better.  As far as the narcissist is concerned.  It's not just an issue of tax policy. Before one can say, "this is wrong, I won't do it", one has to say "I".  Conscience is the expression of the ego in the moral realm.  To make a moral judgment and to act on it are basically selfish acts.  It's the self that sees through its own eyes and acts on its own knowledge of right and wrong.  You can't really be selfish if you can't live with yourself.  Rational Selfishness as Ayn Rand tried to define and advocate was limited to acts which benefited one's self but caused no affirmative harm or inflicted a cost on another person.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Leftist propagandist Sean Penn has openly called for the incarceration of Senator Ted Cruz and the Tea Party in general on the grounds of insanity.  What's next?  Action T4 or Showers and Ovens for us?  Here's a repost of a very important book review originally published in THE RESISTER.  If you haven't read it, you should.  Inside every Leftist is a Totalitarian screaming to get out.


The Ominous Parallels--The End of Freedom in America. Leonard Peikoff. New York: NAL Penguin, Inc., 1982. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 83-60247. ix + 316 pages plus references and index.. Soft cover $10.00.

Reviewed by Red Barchetta

This book asks: "What caused Nazi Germany?" Unlike lesser attempts to explain that blood bath, The Ominous Parallels answers: "The same philosophies that are prevalent in the United States of America." Dr. Peikoff argues convincingly that in both countries the intellectual, educational and political leadership share, explicitly or implicitly, the same core ideologies. These ideologies submit that reality is subjective--a malleable illusion; emotions are the proper guide to human action--especially the emotions of race and the tribe, which cannot be understood by outsiders; self-sacrifice for the sake of others should usurp a man's own desires--and the state must take any necessary action to ensure that sacrifice. These ideologies demand that "individual selfishness" does not obstruct the path of "the public interest."

From Part One, Chapter One: " 'To be a socialist,' says Goebbels, 'is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole.' By this definition, the Nazis practiced what they preached. They practiced it at home and then abroad. No one can claim that they did not sacrifice enough individuals."

The underlying theme in The Ominous Parallels is how philosophy shapes cultures, and reading this book, it is difficult to escape a feeling of hopeless dread; of being caught in racing floodwaters and swept madly toward a destruction you are helpless to prevent. Given the theme of this nation's descent into fascism, and Dr. Peikoff's uncompromising method of proving it, that is the proper effect.

The conclusion of The Ominous Parallels is not that we are helplessly destined to go to the same lengths down the same road as Germany. The conclusion is that it is time for us to choose whether or not we will; that if we fail to consciously decide, the decision will be made for us. Contrary to the bleating of irrationalists then or now, it is only a coherent philosophy of reason and individual rights which will give us the means to choose not to become our own slaughterhouse.

Dr. Peikoff shows that such a philosophy is not prevalent in the United States because, although this nation was unique in being founded on philosophic ideals (rather than arbitrary land-grabs and tribal warfare), it was ultimately lacking a coherent detailed formulation of those ideals, as well as the Aristotelian philosophers to create one. Independence from Europe was only won physically--not ideologically. "The land of poets and philosophers was brought down by its poets and philosophers," says Peikoff. The resulting bowel movement of docile Nazi sheep who obeyed their Fuhrer because they obeyed their philosophers could indeed be us, for their philosophers--their pragmatists and Kants, their Hegels and Marxes--are ours
by adoption.

We do have one trump card, "...the philosophical breach between the American people and the intellectuals." In Germany, the intellectuals and the people were united in ideology, feeling at home in their country and with each other. This, says Peikoff, is not yet the case in America. Peikoff's book will help to keep it that way.

What are your questions?


Another quote from THE RESISTER:
Humanity is not merely a physical condition, it is a state of mind. To be human is to be essentially rational and productive. The human mentality (or soul) looks upon the world, the land, the animals and plants, the natural forces, as things to be mastered for the benefit of himself and his posterity. On the other hand, the predator, or savage mentality does not seek to to master the world, but to be the master of men. The savage prefers not to sustain himself by his own effort, but to seize and consume the lives and property of others for material and spiritual sustenance. To the predator, justice consists of "getting away with it" -- those who rightfully resist the predator are to be punished or destroyed.

-- Leslie Bates, The Resister, Vol VI, N. 1, Page 42


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

On Revolution

Revolutions happen because the ruling class does something really stupid.  In the American case it's simply to exist.

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Ineffectiveness Of Gun Control

The effectiveness of totalitarian gun control as described by the commander of the 106th Guards Airborne Division of the Soviet Army.  One of the units sent to suppress an anti-Armenian pogrom in Azerbaijan. As told to Carey Schofield author of The Russian Elite: Inside SPETSNAZ And The Airborne Forces.

"We landed by night, and some of our aircraft came under attack as we did so. One carrying personnel from Tula landed with twenty-two holes in the fuselage. The people thronging around the airfield were armed with sub-machine guns, knives and clubs. I went over to the crowd and said, 'Look! The Army is not a cat to be swung around in the air. Clear the road!' The KPP (Control and Command Post) of the airfield was blocked with KRAZ and KAMAZ trucks loaded with boulders. People started shouting that we wouldn't get through. While I was talking to the crowds my sappers were cutting the wire fence about 200 meters to the left and right of the KPP. I gave the crowds five minutes to think things over. They began jeering and laughing. Within five minutes two companies from my Ryazan regiment had crossed through the holes in the wire. The whole crowd was ordered to lie face down. We kept them there all night, to let them think things over. When we told them to clear off, the next morning, nobody wanted to admit that he had come armed. They all just left their weapons behind. So I said, 'okay, let's just say we found them'."

If gun control doesn't keep firearms out of the hands of criminals (genocidal criminals at that) in the Soviet Union it's not going to do so in the United States Of America.



Sunday, January 26, 2025

Quote Of The Day

"Who now speaks of the annihilation of the Armenians."

-- Adolf Hitler

Friday, January 24, 2025


If you're just following orders then your life doesn't matter to your actual fellow citizens.  Fellow citizens?  I meant victims.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

On Leftism

The fact of the matter is that Leftists see people as something to be used.  If a person is unusable why keep them alive?  In a truly free society the truly generous would step in to help.  In the nightmare of Socialism, where all resources are under the control of the state only the rulers and those who can be used matter.  Every single Leftist is a firm believer in the use others theory.  The idea of the inalienable right of life is completely alien to them.  

We need to face the fact that the present day Left like the barbarians who plagued civilization before them are essentially parasites.  Control of the productive population is essential for their survival and well being.  Compulsion is inherently necessary to the parasite manner of existence.  Those who resisted had to be killed as an object lesson for others.  The Left barbarians not only need material support they also need spiritual support as well.  They need to feel that their victims are not only submitting to them today but will do so tomorrow as well.  Barbarian chieftains and tribal witch doctors demanded degrading and often dangerous acts of worship from their subjects, up to and including human sacrifice, in order to assure themselves that they'll still have a roof over their heads and food to eat the next day.  Those who refused to obey were assaulted or killed.  In the meeting places of the Left the demand is for unquestioned agreement without regard to the actual facts of reality.  Leftists are the first to demand censorship lest they be identified as frauds and subsequently bounced out of their comfortable fantasy worlds no longer insulated from a real world that demands real thought and real labor.  The Left being dependent upon others for their sustenance must stand in opposition to the society of rational consent and openly support systems of compulsion.  Because to do otherwise is to condemn themselves to death.

The Left abhors the thought of being judged by their character because they have none.  What's present is the black hole of their lust for power.  A desire for control over every aspect of our lives that distorts or destroys everything that comes within their influence.  The positive side is that if we don't drop below their moral event horizon we can escape from their influence.  But we'll be damaged as a result.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Progressives In Action

One attribute of a Progressive is that they regard those who don't mindlessly follow them to be mindless.  They will commit a fraud to impose their falsehood on a real person.  In North Carolina one of them placed a no guns sticker on a place of business without the owners consent.  As noted in the blog post the false no guns sticker places a gun owner in a false violation of a misdemeanor and his life in potential danger.  Progressives have never had a problem with committing murder. 



Tuesday, January 21, 2025


It's time to treat the FBI like a criminal gang. 

Do Russian nukes actually work? 

Just because someone else is holding the gun doesn't change the fact that someone is engaged in the act of robbery.  Leftists hate not being in charge.  No matter how incompetent they are.

I'll die before I vote for a Democrat. 

Environmentalists are the Enemies Of Mankind.  They need to treated as such.  Environmentalists need to be stood against a wall and shot.

Faith and Force always go together. 

To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions. In an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.

I don't want to be the Messiah.  Being crucified sucks.

I'm surrounded by morons.

Those who think for themselves will automatically come to the conclusion that Collectivism is false.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

On Atheism And Communism

Now it's correct to point out that Atheism alone is not inherently a virtue.  To be a proper Atheist should be the result of practicing the virtue of rationality.  But many people have apparently bought into the fraud that Communism is an inherently Atheist doctrine.  From the absolute origin the doctrine of Communism was the result of the rejection of Reason.  In fact the doctrine of Communism is essentially an excuse to behave as predatory animals.  Thus all conceptions of a moral law including virtually all laws based on the doctrine of a religion must be rejected outright.  As God is held to be the author of moral law in the Western Monotheist Tradition his existence must be denied by the practicing Communist.  This leads to the posture of Communists of being Atheists.  The fact is power over productive people is fundamental goal of the practicing Communist and therefore they'll use any excuse or body of excuses to obtain it.  

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Disaster Relief

The more I look at the ongoing disaster in Washington the more I want someone in our armed forces to step up and overthrow the morons who call themselves an administration.

Friday, January 17, 2025

More On Scientology

Because it's a deliberate body of falsehoods created by a con artist Scientology must hold that the act of identification, which is to see things as they truly are, as something that must be forbidden and punished.  In a world ruled by Scientologists the truly conscious must be be put down with lethal effect.  

Thursday, January 16, 2025

On Safe Spaces

Reality as such isn't a safe space.  Reality is a place of unlimited wonders but only if you're willing to face them as an adult.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

On Democrats

Democracy is the form of state that claims unlimited power from a mandate from an unlimited mass.  For those who desire absolute power Democracy is an ideal form of the state.  But in Reality authority in any area is based on actual knowledge in that field.  Thus political authority must be based on knowledge in the field of politics.   But in the democratic form of the state the voter isn't required to know anything on the subject of ethics, or politics,or in the case of Chicago to actually exist.

So why should we as Americans be subject to the will of Democrats?


Democrats in general have shown that they aren't at all concerned about the actual facts of Reality.   Nor are they concerned about the consequences of their actions.  That we'll suffer and die as a result of their actions means absolutely nothing to them.

So why should we submit to them let alone allow them to exist?


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Climate Change

Climate change is a fundamental fact of nature.  It has occurred naturally and it will happen NATURALLY.  There's nothing we can do about it.  The demand for the unlimited power to stop climate change is pure nonsense.   It's also an act of pure tyranny and therefore intolerable to us. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Insanity In Action

I've commented on the insanity of the media decades ago in The New Devil's Dictionary.

Journalists: 1. A group of people who have failed to grasp the fact that Karl Marx was full of it. 2. A group of truly righteous people. 3. A bunch of mindless jerks who will be the first against the wall when the counter-revolution comes. 

Pravdaism: When a media outlet deliberately lies on the behalf of a political faction instead of reporting the facts.

Another Rant On My Part

The beat down by the Neo-Nazi garbage (and I will use that term) that you’ve been expecting?

It won’t happen.

So why won’t it happen?

Because the Neo-Nazi thugs that you were told that supported President Trump never existed.


By the professors and the main stream media.  You were also lied to by the serious supporters of the false president Joe Biden.. 

You can go outside of the so called safe spaces and you'll find peaceful and normal people who're glad that the treasonous bastard will no longer occupy the White House.  Not one of them is a Brownshirt in hiding waiting for the chance to beat you up. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025


 Of course not!

Your president is someone who unleashes you to rob or murder anyone you want!

President Trump won't allow that.  He won't allow anyone to rob or murder kill anyone.

You're just another monster.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

A Warning

You didn’t actually believe God actually rained fire and brimstone on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, did you?

Of course I don't.

The burning of a city is what happens when that city extends power over the people in the area it rules over.  The people become sick and tired of their stupid rules.

So do we have to burn the cities of New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles?

I’m afraid so, we have to, the inhabitants of those cities see us as things to be used for their benefit or as stuff to be disposed of.  The inhabitants of those cities believe that they supposedly have a democratically granted  power over us.  They don’t have the power they believe they have over us. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

A Dream

I had a dream.

A man, his wife, and child tried to enter my apartment without my authorization.  The fact is that NO ONE in a collective has any rights or authority.

I'm no longer useful to The Collective.

Thursday, January 09, 2025


I'm surrounded by morons.  One of those morons parked his walker to block my mailbox.

There's never a shortage of idiots.  

Ayn Rand was once asked if it was better to submit to Communism or to die.  She answered that it was to better to see the Reds dead.  I had to completely agree.

The problem with painting the streets with the blood of our enemies is that we have to clean up the mess later.  

Anyone who believes that they're invariably right is invariably wrong.

Do Russian nukes even work?

Most self declared opponents of Fascism wouldn't know a real Fascist if they saw one staring at them from the bathroom mirror. 

It's going to be a real mess for President Trump to clean up after Biden.  It was once said that the Emperor Nero fiddled as Rome burned.  What will be said about Joe Biden?  

It's always some Elitist that betrays the people and lets the barbarians in the city gates.  Elitists see their victims as things to be used and then are mystified as to why their victims want them dead. 
A problem with The Anointed is that they're the last to suffer the negative consequences of their own insanity. 

As far as the self styled Progressives are concerned anybody is good.  The content of the mind is irrelevant.  As long as one doesn't actually think. 
I've had a bad year so far.  Sometimes I just want to scream.

As far as I'm concerned the Gaza Strip should be flattened. 

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Film Review

The film Idiocracy is wrong.  In the film society fell apart because The Elites weren't in charge.  In fact The Elites ARE the problem.  The Elites need decent people.  Decent people don't need The Elites.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Another Rant On Democracy

How is the concept of Might Makes Right manifested politically? 

The political concept of Democracy.

In a Constitutional Republic (like The United States Of America is supposed to be) a person has rights.  In a Democracy a person DOESN'T have rights.  A result of a majority vote is that anything goes.  This may explain why Democrats constantly cheat in elections.  The illusion of a majority is supposed to overwhelm Reality. 

No fact of Reality can ever be changed by a vote.  Regardless of the outcome of a vote right is always right and wrong is always wrong.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Getting It

The Optimates didn't get it and their successors in the Democratic Party don't.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

On History

Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists are the crazy relatives that the mainstream left won't talk about.  If there's one myth that I would really like to bury it's the myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology and that the NSDAP and those in the present day who seek to emulate them are right wing parties.

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

Someone on The Left could repeat the above statement word for word and no one in the usual leftist audience or the Mainstream Media would call them out on it.  The myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology basically originated in the the Kremlin and has continued to be repeated by those who are embarrassed about their German ideological relatives.  Seriously, if The Left were seriously and openly called out on this they would either have to drop their beliefs or bust their collective backsides to rehabilitate Hitler and the NSDAP.  Or they would just jump up and down and call us a bunch of liars.  To those who value power over all else no act is too depraved and no bodycount is too high.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Excuse For Tyranny

There's no such thing as a valid excuse. 

This editorial was originally published in the Winter 1995 issue (Volume I, Number 3) of THE RESISTER.

This editorial explains why I and a number of other rational citizens of the American Republic will not quietly submit to the whims of the God-Kings foisted upon us by the mob of Depraved-Americans, Corrupt-Americans, Stupid-Americans, Ignorant-Americans, Deceased-Americans, and Imaginary-Americans.


Democracy: The Politics of Tyranny
Rights are a moral principle, and each man has inalienable rights over himself, his faculties and his possessions. This moral principle, this objective reality, means that a man has a right to his own person, his mind and body, and therefore his own labor. Furthermore, a man has a right to the productive use of his labor and faculties. Because a man has these rights he must respect these rights in all others. Since each man is sovereign over himself, each individual must consent to any activity which directly affects his person or property before such activity can assume moral legitimacy.

In a rational society founded of the moral principle of rights there can be no force or fraud in the relationship between sovereign individuals. When rights are properly exercised they take nothing from anyone, nor do they compel anyone to act in a manner detrimental to their own self-interest. Notice that the rational exercise of each right enumerated in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution by an individual takes nothing from, or compels, other individuals in their rational exercise of these rights.

Only individuals possess rights. Groups, being nothing more than a number of individuals can, in themselves, possess no rights other than those which are possessed and exercised individually by each member. Hence, a faction has no rights; nor does a gang, a mob, a tribe, a state or a nation. A group may hove interests but those interests do not assume the moral legitimacy of rights. To assert otherwise is to descend into abstract subjectivism, an evasion of reality, where a society is ruled by the-range-of-the-moment whims of its members, the majority gang of the moment, the current demagogue or dictator.

Government is force. No matter how benign or dictatorial, behind every law or regulation or act there is a gun. The authors of the United States Constitution were fully aware of this fact. They recognized that government in a rational society must derive its delegated powers by the consent of the governed and that these powers must be specifically defined by law--the Constitution; delimited by a law higher than government--the inalienable rights of man; and dispersed by permanent separation of powers. For these reasons they specifically and intentionally REJECTED democracy as a system of government. The system of government created by the Founding Fathers, men devoted to the primacy of the source of all rights, man's faculties (which means; reason), was the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.

Democracy is the antithesis of the natural rights of man. The philosophical premise of democracy is egalitarianism; not political egalitarianism which holds all men equal before the law (justice), but METAPHYSICAL egalitarianism, the belief that all men are equal in all things. This last construct is such an obvious falsehood that it can carry only one meaning: the hatred of reason. Democracy, by its very definition - rule by majority - is the notion that" might makes right." The exercise of democracy reduces men to mere numbers, and the faction or gang which gathers the greater number of men to its fleeting cause wields the government gun against the minority.

From this view of the subject, it may be concluded, that a pure Democracy, by which I mean a society, consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the Government in person, can admit no cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will in almost every case, be felt by the majority of the whole; a communication and concert results from the form of government itself; and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party, or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is, that such Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property, and have in general been as short in their lives, as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed, that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the same time, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions.

--Publius (James Madison), The Federalist X, 1787

Indeed, specific safeguards were designed into the Constitution to prevent the subversion of the constitutional republic and the natural rights of man by political party gang warfare and special interest factionalism inherent in a democracy: the Electoral College (Article II, Section 1) and the election of senators by State Legislatures (Article I, Section 3).

In the case of the former it was specifically intended that the head of the Executive branch of the federal government be elected by Electors chosen by each state legislature in equal proportion to its representation in Congress; NOT by popular vote. This ensured : "No faction or combination can bring about the election. It is probable, that the choice will always fall upon a man of experienced abilities and fidelity. In all human probability, no better method of election could have been devised." (James Iredell, North Carolina Ratification Cttee., 1788)

The latter provision ensured the logical effect of popular election of members to the House of Representatives (whim based legislation) was offset by representatives elected by state legislature to the Senate to guard against Executive and House encroachment on state sovereignty: "The election of one branch of the Federal, by the State Legislatures, secures an absolute dependence of the former on the latter. The biennial exclusion of one-third, will lesson the faculty of combination and may put a stop to intrigues." (James Madison, Virginia Ratification Cttee., June, 1788)

The United States has been descending into the sewer of democracy since the ratification of the 17th Amendment on May 31, 1913. Before every presidential election there are demands by special interest groups to void the Electoral College and resort to popular election of the President. This headlong rush into democracy is evident by the "value" placed on public opinion polls by politicians of both parties (a practice begun by the crypto-communist Franklin D. Roosevelt); as if the opinions and "feelings" of factions, gangs and tribes were a counterweight to the inalienable rights of a single rational man.

The irrationality of democracy was stated most eloquently by Auberon Herbert in his London address on March 9, 1880, before a meeting of the Vigilance Association for the Defense of Personal Rights, entitled; CHOICES BETWEEN FREEDOM AND PROTECTION: "How should it happen that the individual should be without rights, but the combination of individuals should possess unlimited rights?"

--Alexander Davidson


Thursday, January 02, 2025


If I've a complaint about The Republican Party it's that they've shown godlike patience with the behavior of The Democratic Party.  Democrats can assault in public those who won't submit to them, destroy property, call for the mutilation ("Lobotomies for Republicans") of opponents, the murder of elected officials who're carrying out their constitutionally mandated duties, and they'll not lift one finger to hurt a single hair on the otherwise useless head of a Democrat.  I once told an editor that I worked for that we needn't rhetorically dehumanize our opponents, all we have to do is accurately describe their ideology and behavior because they've by their own choice dehumanized themselves.  To Democrats the fundamental value is power.  Freedom is the negation of power and therefore must be opposed.  A Democrat wouldn't be caught dead standing up for an actual Human value.  Has anyone noticed that The Republicans are clearly once again the party of Liberation while The Democrats have resumed their old role as the party of Tyranny.The worst enemy of any nation are it's politicians.  Having a Democrat whine about someone else engaged in the sexual abuse of others, being corrupt, or having a dictatorial lust for power is like Larry Flynt complaining about someone else being obscene.  If we're to have a future then governmental power has to be limited.  Those who demand unlimited power have to be treated as the Enemies of Mankind they actually are.  But the fact of the matter is that Democrats see people as something to be used.  Democrats ARE the Enemies Of Mankind. And if a person is unusable by The Democrats, why keep them alive?  The Democrats sent young men to die in the Vietnam War, a Republican administration stopped the Vietnam War.  I've proposed starting a new political party.  If The Republican Party doesn't clean up its act then we as rational citizens will have no choice but to start a new party if we want to peacefully make changes and restore a rational system of government.  Revolutions (real revolutions, not Marxist ones) happen because the government fails to function.  We in the United States are stuck with two political parties.  The leadership of one party is insane and the leadership of the other party simply doesn't care.  Rank and file members now call establishment members leading members a bunch of Vichy Republicans.

Perhaps it's time to start a new political party.  Is a new political party possible?

The answer is, I don’t know.  The opponents of chattel slavery proceeded, even with public opposition.  We, as opponents of political power, have to.  We need to treat exercises of political power, such as censorship, as crimes against Humanity.  We need to treat bans on firearms and free speech as the anti-Human acts that they actually are.  Our political elites have apparently forgotten the lesson taught by our original Civil War that banning freedom doesn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of alcohol, it didn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of hard drugs, it doesn’t work.  Our political elites will try to ban the voluntary ownership of firearms and freedom of speech, it will never work.  Our politicians are supposed to do a specific job and they aren't doing it.  We have to start a new political party to go around them.  We don't have a choice.

Let's call our new party the Freedom Party.

Will the Freedom Party replace the Democratic Party?

I don't think so.  What's more likely is that the Freedom Party will replace the Republican Party just like the Republicans replaced the Whigs.


Wednesday, January 01, 2025

It's Happening Again

Why did ANY act of mass murder happen?


Susan Huck (Ph.D) told me directly that monsters are never hiding under the bed, they’re right out in the open.

Why did The Holocaust happen?

The actual author of the Book of Genesis actually had a point: Evil often presents itself as Good.

The Third Reich is a lesson from history that we're ignoring.  The Holocaust wasn't a unique event.  The Holocaust (and other horrors) were the result of normal people acting normally.  Why did a particular horror happen?  There's an answer but you may not like it.  A horror happened because the perpetrators believed they were good people with their victims and opponents being evil.  We've seen this before with numerous horrors and it will happen again.  What we're dealing with are people who believe they're good people.  We have to deal with them as such no matter how horrible the things they actually do.  Many of the people who’re loudly proclaiming “never again” are going to do it again.  The National Socialists and Soviets believed themselves to be good people, we're seeing the same phenomena with Anti-Fa.  Anti-Fa claims to be opposed to Fascism no matter what they actually do.  Anti-Fa does the things that Fascists actually do.  Members of Anti-Fa will believe the lies they're told regardless of the consequences.  Members of Anti-Fa claim to oppose Fascism, in fact they're what Fascists are.  Most members of Anti-Fa don't know that they're following the dictators handbook.  Most proponents of tyranny, such as members of Anti-Fa (National Socialists, Soviet Communists, etc.) believe they're good people and that their victims and opponents are evil.  If a dogma requires the commission of a vile act then that act WILL be committed.  When someone denies their own Humanity then they WILL commit crimes against Humanity.  It's very easy to predict what a self appointed opponent of Fascism will say.  Just take a mouth dropping of a National Socialist and replace the word Jew with the word Fascist.

Those who don't remember history are a highly sought after group of followers.  We identify The Holocaust as the horrible act it actually was.  And we should be horrified.  But we're seeing The Holocaust from an objective perspective.  From the subjective perspective the perpetrators of The Holocaust saw themselves (apart from some psychopaths) as being good people doing good things with their victims and opponents as being evil.  We're seeing this again with the Marxists who make up the membership of Anti-fa.  They see themselves as being good and their victims and opponents as being evil.  I've said this before: Killing a Marxist isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.  I have a warning for members of Anti-fa, when you Brownshirt someone, don't be surprised that you're treated as a Brownshirt.  I've found through direct experience that the opposition really believe they're the good guys.  If a member of Anti-fa wants to see a Totalitarian, all they have to do is look in a mirror.  Totalitarians are never hiding under the bed, they're in plain view.  For those who value power no act is too vile.  Killing a member of Anti-Fa isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.  Members of Anti-fa should be engaged with aircraft like the AC-130 and A-10.  A Fascist isn't who the self styled opponents of the doctrine believe they are.  WE HAVE THE DUTY to see the self described antifascist as they truly are a National Socialist piece of shit who should be hanged from the neck until dead.  And WE HAVE THE DUTY to identify the Mainstream Media are a bunch of liars.  Once a difference in opinion is criminalized a civil war is inevitable.

Voltaire said it: Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities.

I have a question for members of Anti-Fa and BLM: what part of "Never Again" didn't you understand?

Collectivists will behave as Collectivists.  Totalitarians will behave as Totalitarians.

Why don't we assassinate the false president Joe Biden and/or the false vice president Kamala Harris?  Because their assassinations won't solve the problem.  The actual problem is a culture that holds the rights of individuals in contempt.  The assassination of Biden and/or Harris won't solve that problem.