This question I submitted got rejected from the Humanity's Last Exam (HLE) benchmark set for being too easy. I'm really proud of it though, so I figured I'd post it here.
A wooden cube of unit side length and relative density 0.75 floats stably in a pool of water. What is the distance from the highest point on the cube to the surface of the water, calculated to four decimal places?
Cross-posted from Telescopic Turnip
As we all know, humans are terrible at building butterflies. We can make a lot of objectively cool things like nuclear reactors and microchips, but we still can't create a proper artificial insect that flies, feeds, and lays eggs that turn into more butterflies. That seems like evidence that butterflies are incredibly complex machines – certainly more complex than a nuclear power facility.
Likewise, when you google "most complex object in the universe", the first result is usually not something invented by humans – rather, what people find the most impressive seems to be "the human brain".
As we are getting closer to building super-human AIs, people wonder what kind of unspeakable super-human inventions these machines will come up with. And, most of the time, the...
the laws of physics are quite compact. and presumably most of the complexity in a zygote is in the dna.
[Crossposted from windowsontheory]
The following statements seem to be both important for AI safety and are not widely agreed upon. These are my opinions, not those of my employer or colleagues. As is true for anything involving AI, there is significant uncertainty about everything written below. However, for readability, I present these points in their strongest form, without hedges and caveats. That said, it is essential not to be dogmatic, and I am open to changing my mind based on evidence. None of these points are novel; others have advanced similar arguments. I am sure that for each statement below, there will be people who find it obvious and people who find it obviously false.
I think the link in footnote two goes to the wrong place?
Maybe the trawler problem would be mitigated if lesswrong offered a daily XML or plaintext or whathever dump on a different URL and announced it in robots.txt?
Epistemic status: Late night hot take, notting it down so I don't forget it. Not endorsed. Asked in the spirit of a question post. I am aware that people may respond both "ehm we are already that" and "no! we don't give in to threats!". I don't know.
Summary: An individual Commodore 64 is almost certainly safe, Top 10 super computers could almost certainly run a superpowerful AGI, but where is the safe line, and how would we get to the safe side?
I started thinking about this topic when I realized that we can safely use uranium because we have a field of nuclear criticality safety[1] but we have no field of computer foom safety (or Artificial General Intelligence takeoff safety).[2] For example, if we had such a field we might be able to have a function AGIT(architecture, time, flops, memory) Bool to tell us if a computer could take off into an AGI or not with that amount of resources. Making this a total function (giving a value for all of its domain) might not be possible,...
The comments here are a storage of not-posts and not-ideas that I would rather write down than not.
So many people have lived such grand lives. I have certainly lived a greater life than I expected, filled with adventures and curious people. But people will soon not live any lives at all. I believe that we will soon build intelligences more powerful than us who will disempower and kill us all. I will see no children of mine grow to adulthood. No people will walk through mountains and trees. No conscious mind will discover any new laws of physics. My mother will not write all of the novels she wants to write. The greatest films that will be made have prob...
PSA: If you are writing an important prompt for an LLM that will be run multiple time, it really helps to end it with something like "and if there is anything about this prompt that is unclear to you or that could be improved, tell me about it in a <feedback> tag."
Source: I'm doing MATS, writing an automated evaluation, and my mentor Evan Hubinger said more people should be doing this.
I think a lot of people have heard so much about internalized prejudice and bias that they think they should ignore any bad vibes they get about a person that they can’t rationally explain.
But if a person gives you a bad feeling, don’t ignore that.
Both I and several others who I know have generally come to regret it if they’ve gotten a bad feeling about somebody and ignored it or rationalized it away.
I’m not saying to endorse prejudice. But my experience is that many types of prejudice feel more obvious. If someone has an accent that I associate with something negative, it’s usually pretty obvious to me that it’s their accent that I’m reacting to.
Of course, not everyone has the level of reflectivity to make that distinction....
Vibes tend to be based on pattern matching, and are prone to bucket errors, so it's important to watch out for that - particularly for people with trauma. For instance, I tend to automatically dislike anyone who has even one mannerism in common with either of my parents, and it takes me quite a while to identify exactly what it is that's causing it. It usually isn't their fault and they're quite nice people, but the most annoying part is it doesn't go away just because I know that. This drastically reduces the range of people I can feel comfortable around.