Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Schmux 'N' Trux

Hauls of Shame continues to uncover dirt on the scumbags embedded in the baseball memorabilia collecting world. I feel like this is all leading up to something major.

Hey, since yesterday counts as part of the football season since it was the day of "talking about the Super Bowl," and today is Truck Day, I guess it means it's always football or baseball season.

Some guy shot some pretty awful-but-awesome video of the truck rolling out a few minutes ago. (With that hilarious country song about Fenway blasting.) I kinda like that it's snowing on Truck Day. (At least here in Providence it is, and I think you could see some flakes in that video.) It reminds me of my initial "vision" of what turned out to be this blog. It was December 2003 and I pictured myself starting a documentary about being a Sox fan in Yankee land on New Year's Day 2004, with the snow behind me out the window, in my "Cowboy Up" shirt. Of course I never did that, but what I got instead was a 9-year documentation of all the incredible things that ended up happening since!


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