Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Trip to Uncle Weaver's and Aunt Whitter's Cabin (yep I went there)!

That is how I feel.  The Weav, mission companion and a best friend, his wife Whit, the most sweet and kind woman you will meet, and their totally rad son Drake invited us to what I would consider an all inclusive trip to their cabin in Brianhead Utah (one of my favorite mountains).  Here is the breakdown, we jumped on a plane and flew to Vegas.  It was the kids first time on a plane (besides being a baby) and they were super stoked about it.

This is them on the way to the airport, that is all we packed for a one week trip.  Right there you will find three snowboards, 3 pairs of bindings, 3 pairs of boots, 3 helmets, 4 pairs of snow clothes (pants, jackets, gloves, etc.).  We only checked two bags, and the kids carried their own bags.  It was so awesome.  Pack mule status.  

Here they are on the plane:

The troll was super pumped, and the window seat was a hot commodity as you can imagine.

Brexton was so good during the whole flight that while we were waiting to unload, he decided to swing.

I let him because honestly I was jealous I couldn't do it during the most annoying and awkward part of flying.  I was asked why everyone gets up and doesn't go anywhere.

I told Cote, I don't know, we are all cattle crammed in the shoot waiting to go, manners, respect, and all human decency go out the window during this time.

Here is the princess in the airport, backpack on and all being an awesome girl.  She loved it.

This is Whitney's parents house.  Basically it is Disneyland and Toys'r'us all in one house.  I am not kidding.

They have the best swing set, sodas, good food, LEGO's which my boys love.

And most importantly they have a toy box that they are allowed to pick one toy out of each time they show up.  Trust me, the troll he knows this is the process and he quickly taught Nixin how neat it was.

Whit's parents are pretty amazing.

We arrived at the Cabin, and now you can see why I considered it an all inclusive vacation.  Look at the place.  Not only was it amazing, but the Weaver's made meals, and snacks based on everything that my kids like to eat.  Who does that honestly.

Nixin and Drake played everyday together while the parents, Cote, and the troll shredded the Chronicles of Gnaria on the mountain.  We were fortunate to have an onsite babysitter (Blue Eyes), and that was an amazing addition to the trip.

As well you will see that a massive tent was created (totally not fun for kids), and they had a hot tub in the house.  Yep, hot tub, in the house.  How else are you suppose to end a long day on the mountain?

Oh snow, how I love you.  It is seriously the most peaceful time of my life.  And I love being on the chairlift with my kids and good friends.
Brexton stepped it up this year and did a great job on the mountain.  It is his second year.  Cote of course slayed the mountain like a viking!!!

What is that, side by side rides at night or down to the lifts, why not!!!  The kids loved going on the snowmobile trails on this bad boy.

Well the trip was awesome, we had a great time.  Nixin got her nails painted, the boys rode in the Raptor, and we had a layover at the airport.  However thanks to Apple products such as the iPad (thanks GMama) it was no problem at all. Here is to the next trip, thank you Weaver's!!


  1. Love this post, Brinton. What a fantastic trip! You are an awesome dad! It looks, and sounds, like the Weavers are the ultimate host and hostess who really know how to throw a party. The cabin, with it ammenities, earns 5 stars, for sure. Those are four cute kids. Nixon and Drake are so cute together and Cote and Brexton rock! I'm glad you could do this!

  2. Nothing takes the place of family and true friendship! You and your beautiful children are blessed with an abundance of both. You are loved! Awesome,awesome,much needed and deserved trip!

  3. Love this and love you four so much! Although we have loved every one of our get togethers, I think this one may just have been the best so far! There's just something about being with people that you love, in a cabin that is kind of okay, and some pretty great weather that makes for one awesome trip! A repeat is most definitely necessary! T-minus 24 hours and we'll be in your neck of the woods! So stoked! Oh and btw... Grandma Ina is the coolest! Cote and Brexton most certainly do rock and so does she! :)
