Showing posts with label Tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tag. Show all posts

Monday, April 04, 2011

Tag: 8 Questions


was tagged by ->david-, a long-time blogging friend of mine. we were fortunate enough to have reconnect again recently. i was required to answer a series of questions regarding myself n some blogging friends.

  1. Do you think you're hot?
    i would consider myself more common than hot.

  2. Upload a picture or wallpaper that you're using at the moment.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

2010 Best Animation Movie Blog


after 3 months, on 16th December 2010, it was official that the Nomination was finalized. from what i understand, n probably assumed, "animation" meant anime (japanese animation) or any production such as what was often seen by Pixar Studios. but according to the judges, it was mostly just movies that they considered, while anime served solely as a boost.

together with another nominated blog - Cinemarvellou (a movie blog), we managed to be the top 2 blogs in their list. n from the conversations of the judges (below), we ended up sharing instead of competing for the award - 2010 Best Animation Movie Blog.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2010 Best Animation Movie Blog


received a nomination from -dempsey-, saying that i was nominated by a "Rick Ng" with a comment "Her passion towards Animation is amazing. She post many pictures of animated cartoons and has movie blogs on animated movies. She must win this award!" not having any idea who this is, but i greatly appreciate the acknowledgement for my effort. the badge linked to the voting page, feel free to check it out!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tag: 8th Photograph

Tiger (photograph)

was tagged by -tekkaus- to do the "8th photo" tag. the instructions were simple: select the 8th photo in my 8th photo folder. post n tell the story behind it: the photo was taken during an office blackout. with everything "locked" away inside the computer, there was nothing left to do but to self entertained. sitting quietly on the desk was Lil' Taiga. wiggling a little, shifting in its seat every now n then, but never meow for attention.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Tag: 7 Convictions

Doll (Picture)

received the tag from -david-, to reveal 7 things about myself. here goes, after days of thinking:
  1. i write for i enjoy the play of words, not to report my day.
  2. i prefer writing over talking, for it gives me chance to think.
  3. charging at full throttle, making sure that no regrets land within my reach.
  4. exploration means whole lot to me, for nothing should remain stagnant forever.
  5. i prefer honesty over modesty, for it hurts more when lies are exposed.
  6. a whole lot more is playing on my mind than out of my mouth.
  7. given the chance, time will prove worth.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tag: Happy List

Doll (Picture)

received the tag from -david-, to list out what makes me Happy n sharing it with everyone. here is what came up so far:
  1. enjoying movies/anime with those who don't jump to conclusion.
  2. sharing genuine emotions (positive/negative) with love ones.
  3. hanging out with supportive friends who stood up for each other.
  4. traveling n exploring new places, trying out new things.
  5. being observant n proven right after some time.
  6. understand n being understood.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Tag: Valentine

Valentine (picture)

Spreading Love All Over the World

"for god so loVed the world that he gAve his onLy begottEn soN, That whosoever believe In him should Not perish, but have Everlasting life." John 3:16
was tagged by -david- for the valentine linky love. for this sweet season, love is in the air, excitements filling couples' hearts; holding hands walking towards another loving year to come. may happiness be around the corner for everyone!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Award: The Adorable Blog

Adorable Award (Picture)

was awarded the "Adorable Award" by -david- n -coolingstar9-. i have very faint idea what the Adorable Blog award has to indicate - blog theme or appearances? blog topics or characteristics? either way, i am more than grateful to have received the award from these thoughtful bloggers. thanks!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Award: Loyal Friend n Visitor

Loyal Award

was awarded the Loyal Friend n Visitor Award by -david-. an award created personally by one of his blogger buddy, to show gratitude for being supportive. though i initially blog only to have a place to write, am fortunate enough to meet supportive bloggers along the way: akira, ayie, baboon, barbie, cometh, monica, ramblings, sharon, tekkaus n many more that crossed my mind all simultaneously!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Tag: Me

Doll (Picture)

was tagged by -david- to answer a set of simple questions revealing more about myself.

  1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:00

  2. How do you like your steak? medium.

  3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Harry Potter.

  4. What is your favorite TV show? buffy.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tag: 10 Randomness

Doll (Picture)

received the tag from -佩雯-, a long "lost" blogging buddy! the requirements of the tag is to list out 10 random things, facts, habits, goals or even quirks about myself. here is a Similar Tag that listed 7 facts about myself, posted in June. not much has changed since then.

i ..
  1. find n Books n Anime/Movies addictive.
  2. feel Vampires are beautifully elegant n classy.
  3. consciously focus on Growths to paint various colors in life.
  4. seek adventures n explorations to make life interesting.
  5. am a proud leo.
  6. find Languages fascinating.
  7. believe one's value is proven by consistently holding onto one's principles/beliefs.
  8. savor every emotions felt, it is a proof to be Alive!
  9. dream to live Happily Ever After.
  10. prefer honesty over politeness.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Award: I "Heart" Your Blog


was awarded the "i heart your blog" award by -david-. reminded me of multiple blogs that i used to love visiting but unfortunately, no longer available. these include baboon's, barbie's, n elezend's especially. we got to know each other So well that we were most of the time sarcastic with each other, as if we knew each other in real life n it was so much fun to hang about! reasons for their disappearance being the blogger decided to stop blogging. sad but i do respect when a blogger decide to move on. ain't dwelling, but i do hold these lovely blogging moments in the depths of my heart.

"it is no coincidence we met."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Award: Best Follower


received the Best Follower award from -david-. blogging is about consistent supports n acknowledgments when it comes to the " blogger community". it is also about doing something that we like, thus shared across the web. gathering our different personalities n writing styles, it made blogging so much more interesting to venture.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Award: J'Adore Tien Blog

J'adore Tien Blog (Award)

received the beautiful award from -david- "j'adore tien blog" means "i love your blog" in French. it is amazing how award can be passed around the world in different languages n yet reach our hands. with translation available on the web, it simplifies our search n understanding, thus sharing the love.

will pass the award to ayie, tekkaus n monica, for their support n shared award every now n then. thank you!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tag: We Are The World

Tag (Picture)

was tagged by -monica- n -david- for the "We Are the World" linking tag. the instructions was easy, to just add my site to the following listing. feel free to join the tag!
1. Emila Yusof 2. The Other Side of Emila 3. Mariuca 4. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery 5. Meow Diaries11. Unlisted One 7. Spiff, the Spaceman 8. My Sweet Escape 9. Nota Nurul 10. Life’s Tapestry 11. Spontaneous Insignificancy 12. LadyJava 13. Miss Igorota 14. AnnyBoo 15. Yoon See 16. Jia’s Life 17. Nessa’s Mumblings 18. Also Mommy 19. The Walk of Life 20.Pretty Firefly 21. Untouchable Earth 22. Baterya 23. Comedy Plus 24. Bain Cardin 25. Strawberry Milkshake 26. Turn-U-Off 27. Jom Heboh Di Sini 28. Notes by Marvic 29. Memoir Mez 30.Origena 31.Walking Newspaper 32. Nurul Aqilah 33. Bluedreamer 34. Breaking the Boundaries 35. Life According to Me 36. A Great Pleasure 37. Time Goes By 38. Kancing itu Butang 39. In my Kitchen 41. Fyzal’s Territory 40. Wiggy’s World 40. A Simple Life 41. A Taxi Ride 42. Single Life of Me 43. Little Bits of Info 44. Ode to Adrienne 45. KMP 46. Simple Happy Life 47. Chuchie's Hideaway 48. Seiko's Diary 49. Survivor: the Reality of my Life 50. Mom's Special Diary 51. Her and History 52. Basic Bloganomics 53. Levian の Blog ♥ 54. You

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Award: Blogger Friendship

Blogger Friendship Award

received the lovely Blogger Friendship Award from -david-, one of the most generous blogger buddy that never mind sharing his awards n tags at all!

forming friendship may be easy, but similar in all kinda relationships, Maintaining is the actual challenge, the crucial stage to overcome. various communication channel, meeting face to face or through the web. n amongst all, the Strength of the relationship being the foremost important factor worth investing. the ability to withstand each others' worst attitude, fight n still get back together, supporting each other through difficulties. frustrating yet exciting. time alone will tell.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Tag: International Bloggers Community

International Bloggers Community

was tagged by -david-, -monica-, n -ayie- for the International Bloggers Community.

blogging, which started out as a trend, was slowly divided into 2 groups - 1 group transform it into a hobby, 1 group blog because everyone else is blogging. in less than half a year, the later group vanished from the blogsphere mostly unnoticed. the group that stayed behind are gathered from different backgrounds n locations regardless of their status n age, in exchange of ideas, opinions, n fun!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Tag: Seven

Doll (Picture)

was tagged by -akira- n -sharon- eons ago, to list out "7 facts" of mine. similar to the 8 Facts tag i had completed years ago. time to start thinking, n check if any of these interest changes over time.

7 facts:
  1. my all-time addictions are anime (or movies) n books.
  2. i am a Vampire fan. personally, they are extremely elegant n classy.
  3. thanks to my Mentor, i had become much conscious with one's psychological growth.
  4. i am very much into new adventures n explorations, it often excites me discovering something new.
  5. owning a fiery temper, i rarely sway from my principles unless convinced logically or reasonably.
  6. i often demand attention, else feeling left out. i would rather feel angry (mostly caused by caring too much about someone) than to experience the sadness of lonesomeness - my least favorable emotion.
  7. i tend to stare without realization, watching others' movements n reactions.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Award: Marie Antoinette


was awarded the lovely Marie Antoinette award by -david-. reminded me of the 2006 movie of with Kirstin Dunst casting as marie, i had found history so much more interesting n colorful than expected.
Queen Marie Antoinette was the epitome of a real, fun, fearless woman who was never afraid of getting what she wants.

Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) started out an archduchess of Austria. at the age of 14, she married Louis-Auguste. in 1774, her husband ascended the throne as Louis XVI, and she was titled the Queen of France. after 7 years of marriage she gave birth to 4 children. during the Reign of Terror (French Revolution), her husband was deposed. in 1793, she was executed of treason, joining her husband's death nine months later.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Award: Blogger Trophy

Blogger Trophy (Picture)

wad awarded the trophy by -david-. i am more than grateful to receive this trophy of recognition, approval n support, thank you!

for those who drop by often would notice my disappearance on the Weekends. do bear with me for not replying or visiting during these days. i feel that it is best for me to take a break Away from the computer every now n then. having to face it during office hour, the most appropriate timing would be the weekends, thus sorry for the inconvenience.