Saturday, May 16, 2015

In Your Dreams #4: Beyond Your Dreams (2014)

Beyond Your Dreams

Kieran went through with the treatment for his peculiar condition and was left with amnesia, its side effect. unlike his friend, Cooper who went through the same thing but regained his memories in just a few weeks, Kieran’s came back only little after months. Zip, his girlfriend before he lost his memories, struggled along with him, trying to deal with his condition. but it was a situation that tested their relationship, pushing them towards breakup. while Zip tried to focus on her basketball to lessen the pain, she had an injury that stopped her from playing basketball anymore.

I received free e-books from the author in exchange for reviews. last book of the series was the most natural among the four. It was like any other romance, where the duo got to know each other and slowly getting close, lastly fell in love all over again. unlike the previous 3 books, this installment had little to no surprises. fortunately it was still an easy read. the happy ending added to the satisfaction of the overall series, putting a perfect closure to the lengthy storyline.

Friday, May 15, 2015

In Your Dreams #3: Before You Sleep (2014)

Before You Sleep

ever since Kieran stop being able to see into the future, he had been worried that his death was near. trying to convince him otherwise, his girlfriend, Zip tried to engage him into enrolling for college like the rest of them. one of his best friends, Cooper who had the same diagnose as him, went through with a new treatment that put him under in a coma and woken with an amnesia. but weeks into his recoveries, Cooper regained his memories and finally lived a life not falling asleep without intending to. seeing the bright side, Kieran decided to take the chance as well, accepting the treatment.

I received free e-books from the author in exchange for reviews. like all its previous installments, the book took its time elaborating every moment in details, other than the critical ones. plenty of time was spent on minor happenings, even repetitively on certain conversations, which all together had me skipped lines just to get to the main plot. fortunately, with enough curiosity, I managed to finish the book, not without struggles, but not without satisfaction as well. the story had gotten interesting during the last quarter of the book, where it was no longer about the duo not being able to keep their hands off each other, but about the unknown of the treatment.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

In Your Dreams #2: As You Wake (2013)

As You Wake

right before Zip left for her father's place in Chicago for the holiday as it had been over the years ever since her parents divorced, Kieran decided to run away from home. despite Zip's effort to do everything she could to escape from the trip in searching for her boyfriend, her mother was determined to follow the rules set years ago. however, the adults' plan didn't go according to plan when Kayla decided to "kidnap" Zip from Zip's father and drove themselves all the way to North Carolina, where Kieran's journal showed he would be.

I received free e-books from the author in exchange for reviews. I dove into the book with high expectations and was greeted with a somewhat distracting graduation. fortunately, after the slight drag, I was pleased to have the chance to spend time with my two favorite characters, Zip and Kayla. the road trip was such a feast, with delicious back stories especially about Kayla that I looked forward so much during the read of book one. definitely much more appealing than the repetitive parental talks Zip had with her parents. I didn’t enjoy the increased number of people having conditions like Kieran, but am still intrigued with the direction the story was going to take for its next installment.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Insanity (2014)


Forest was a foster kid who worked at Lincoln Hospital, a mental institution. the hospital was a crossway, where paranormal activities took place on a daily basis. but to earn some money for college, Forest had to forced herself through the routine just to be closer to her dreams. one night, in the underground tunnel, an agent of the Devil appeared to banish the wandering spirits. Levi had been on the job forever, under the guidance of his grandmother Imogene. the duo met for the first time and formed an unlikely bond of light and darkness.

the book was a fast and absolutely captivating read. it was impossible to put down the moment I started it. Forest and Levi were characters so beautiful that that I found myself rooted for them the very first minute I got to know them a little more. there were some slight struggles during the transition between reading from one character’s perspective than another. but when the story piece together just as perfectly, it bore no bad effect towards the book. it was surprising to see that even a story as haunting and paranormal as this was able to come off perfect for a romance. the book was an entertaining as well as satisfying experience.