Showing posts with label flood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flood. Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2024

We've got all the star stuff at home

Probably you devoted at least a little bit of your time on Monday to experiencing the solar eclipse. Maybe you scored a pair of free glasses before the stampeding hordes got them all. In New Orleans, it didn't matter anyway. Most of us here just tried to get a brief frustrated glimpse through the cloud cover. At least, that's what I did. I kind of saw it a little. Here, I got a picture. Would you like to see?

Eclipse 2024 

Maybe you managed to get a better view than this. Maybe you made elaborate  plans in advance to take a trip into the "path of totality" so that it could "touch your soul."

On April 8, the Stones will host a dozen-plus visitors from as far away as Sweden to experience this year’s event.

“It’s such an emotional event,” Stone said. “It touches your soul, it really does. Any time you realize there’s something bigger than you, it gives you perspective. Surely that power has a purpose.”

In Buffalo, Horowitz said the eclipse, an obvious reminder of nature’s beauty, offers a chance to reflect on nature’s fragility and to find hope amid worldly chaos and personal challenges.

“You can sometimes be clouded by all that darkness,” he said. “The natural world is trying to tell us that beyond the darkness, there is light.”

If this is you, then, that's great. The human mind's capacity to perceive its surroundings and color it in feeling is infinite in its variation.  Contemplation of the heavens is a popular vector for this.  So I get it. But it's just not where I get my good vibes.  The universe may be unfathomably vast. But most of it is also distant from and indifferent to us.  The way I see it, if we really are made of star stuff, then we've got all of it we need down here. And besides, we're the ones doing all the interesting shit with it. 

The music of the spheres is great and all but what really touches my soul is "truck stuck in flooded underpass appears to have Sewerage and Water Board logos." There is where we find the true face of God.

Not everyone is as impressed, of course. 

But as life in many parts of the city returned to normal, business owners there were still knee-deep in clean-up work — again. Krivjanick's business has been flooded during storms in December, January, February and again on Wednesday, she said.

She's had enough. 

"I love the city of New Orleans," said Krivjanick. "I love the culture. I love everything that we have. But I don't feel like I'm being respected as a property owner, as a taxpayer. I don't feel like I'm being heard."

Look I don't want to be here rooting for crumbling infrastructure and corrupt government. Not every time, anyway. But, "won't somebody respect the property owners for a change," isn't engendering a tremendous amount of sympathy.  On the other hand, neither is this, "help us find the real killers," bit. 

But in an update on Thursday, S&WB spokesperson Grace Birch said that the power supply was further hobbled while the rain pounded down. All three of the S&WB's available backup generators tripped offline, she said, and officials suspect vandalism to an electrical feeder was the cause. The New Orleans Police Department has been asked to investigate. Two other backup generators were already out of service because of mechanical issues.

The S&WB said more details would be forthcoming in an after-action report on its pumping, power and staffing levels during the storm, which is required by state law within 48 hours of National Weather Service advisories.

I don't think there's an update on the "investigation" but we do know there were multiple power supply issues in play that day and that they can't all have been the work of imaginary terrorists.  

The utility confronted a second major issue at about the same time, when it attempted to send power from another of its turbines — Turbine 6 — to Pump Station 6 as well as a series of stations along Broad Street.

Because that turbine is relatively new, installed after Hurricane Katrina, the power it produces needs to be converted by a frequency changer for use by the older pumps. 

But the frequency changer tripped offline, rendering that power source useless, too.

The utility finally began using Entergy power to bring the frequency changers back online, allowing the pumping stations to begin using power from the changers between 10:15 a.m. and 11:25 a.m.

Without all of the necessary power, the Sewerage & Water Board was forced to leave some pumps off during the storm.

So to bring this back to the original point, there are more engrossing mysteries in the affairs of humanity on Earth than there are, even in the unfathomable expanse of outer space. And anyway, space is boring. For example, we already know exactly when the next total solar eclipse will be visible over US territory. In 2045, you can drive right over to Pensacola and see it. Hang around until 2078 and you can take a boat out to where New Orleans used to be and see it there too. It's all very predictable. Like a clock, I think someone once said. 

But try and figure out when Turbine 4 is coming back online... well now there is a genuine challenge to demand every power of philosophy ever dreamed of. 

The S&WB says it needs 44 megawatts of 25-hz power to run the pumps during the heaviest storms, but has been forced to operate with a little more than 40 megawatts since T-4 went down.

That turbine is not expected to return until next month.

We can peg the exact position of the moon for the next.. well for millennia into the future. Turbines, though, are unknowable. All we can say right now is check back sometime in May.  Really puts things in perspective, doesn't it.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

The Boil Order Decade

It felt like we measured out the 2010s in the time spent between the several boil orders.  So much so, that by the end of the decade, it stopped feeling like anything out of the ordinary. And, of course, in the 20s, the global pandemic made our little home grown perpetual public health crisis seem practically pedestrian by comparison. It's just expected now the every so often, the water pressure will drop and people will have to take precautions.  That's resilience!  We even figured out a way to limit the boil orders to specific neighborhoods now so they seem like even less of a big deal. That's innovation!  As we all know, resilience and innovation are synonymous with the global brand of New Orleans

Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s administration has fumbled a $141 million grant for green infrastructure projects, according to a report from a federal watchdog, with poor planning, misallocation of funds and a lack of workers undercutting the city's efforts to keep stormwater at bay.

In one case, a grant-funded program to add porous pavement and other upgrades to New Orleans homes — which the city has previously touted as a success — was so poorly handled that it actually made some properties more vulnerable to flooding, according to an audit released this week by the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Inspector General.

The audit, conducted over nine months ending in July 2023, said construction had not started on any of the eight grant-funded infrastructure projects comprising the “Gentilly Resilience District,” which is supposed to hold stormwater in redesigned green spaces that would otherwise flow directly to the often-overwhelmed city drainage system.

 Okay well nevermind that right now. It's a global brand, trust me.

Following her participation in an international climate change conference in Dubai last December, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell announced she had signed a major new deal with a private company to significantly reduce the city’s carbon emissions and boost its drinking water and energy efficiencies.

The announcement was a public relations win for Cantrell after more than a year of being criticized for maintaining a busy travel schedule without any major results to show for them.

The Dec. 8 press release outlined the ambitious project the city would undertake with Zoetic Inc., an Ohio-based HV/AC coolant manufacturer. Described in the release as “a leading U.S.-based climate impact company with a portfolio of carbon reduction solutions,” Zoetic would be tasked with “increasing sustainability, including significant carbon reduction and water and energy resiliency.”

But more than three months later, the only thing Cantrell has to show for the trip remains the press release. In fact, internal administration documents indicate that after an initial flurry of behind-the-scenes activity, the project has completely halted.

Those documents also show Cantrell appears to have made the deal unilaterally within hours of meeting Zoetic’s founder. According to these records, Cantrell never consulted staff experts back in New Orleans before signing it, and the press release caught even her top climate-related aides off guard.

With city staffers scrambling to figure out what the agreement actually meant for the city, several people involved raised questions about the Zoetic deal, including one city employee who called the company “sketchy.”

Alright well put a pin in that one too. The point is, we're resilient now.  The streets flood every time it rains for a few hours and the water gets all amoebaed up every time a main breaks and we are not fazed one bit by it.  

That doesn't mean we can't be a little curious, though. I mean, maybe once or twice over the course of the Boil Order Decade, you may have wondered where does all the clean water our bills say we've been paying for go anyway? Well, now we know

NEW ORLEANS — The office of the Inspector General released a report outlining failures within the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans.

The report says that infrastructure weaknesses, plus metering and billing errors created significant water loss.

According to the report, "SWBNO water losses were found to be consistently above the highest range of industry averages of 45.5 percent, with a ten-year average of non-revenue water of approximately 73 percent between 2008 and 2017. OIG evaluators found the SWBNO continued to experience similar rates in 2021 and 2022, with 75 percent water loss in 2021 and 64 percent water loss in 2022."

The OIG says the water board did not follow industry standards, resulting in a combined loss of over $19 million over two years.

They've been pouring it straight into the ground.  Now, from what we understand, several of the stalled "Resilience District" projects had to do with creating stormwater retention facilities. This, we were told, had a dual benefit. They would supposedly lessen the stress on the drainage system by lowering the volume of water that had to be pumped out immediately. They also were supposed to be good for maintaining the soils beneath the city famously vulnerable to subsidence caused by over-efficient drainage.  But here we see that, even though, the retention projects weren't being build, S&WB was more than making up for it by dumping the water back into the soil anyway.  Score another one for innovation.

Monday, September 04, 2023

We're back, baby!

Tripping the light fantastic, and whatnot

NEW ORLEANS — The Sewerage and Water Board reports some pumps went offline during Monday's storms. The utility says two pumps on Interstate 10 near the Metairie Road exit were "tripping offline."   

A spokesperson with the Sewerage and Water Board says the operators were able to turn these pumps back online, and the water has now receded. This comes as Orleans Parish is under a flash flood warning until 6:15 p.m.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Always be pumping forward

S&WB really needs to take that backward pumping option off of the machine

A crucial oversight by Sewerage & Water Board workers at a Gentilly pump station worsened nearby street flooding on Friday, when intense rains pounded New Orleans at rates far beyond what the drainage system can quickly handle.

As operators attempted to fire up the five pumps at Drainage Pump Station No. 4 along the London Avenue Canal, they neglected to open a sluice gate that ensures water flows in the right direction, according to an S&WB after-action report. Failure to open the gate forced three of the pumps to trip offline, and they remained out of service for more than two hours.
Looks like they are trying to do that, anyway. 
S&WB Executive Director Ghassan Korban said he did not know how the gate was overlooked, but added that “there was no questionable behavior” on the part of employees.

“They were running like crazy trying to do so much stuff at the same time,” Korban said in an interview Wednesday morning after an S&WB meeting. “There are checklists, there are procedures, and something was overlooked. Obviously the checklists are designed to prevent that from happening. Nonetheless, it did happen.”
But it's hard to stick to the procedures and checklists and stuff when things are "running like crazy." For example, what if it is raining?  Anyway, they gotta put some tape over the reverse button or something.  It's not like this is the first time this has happened

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


I'm gonna have to dig through some posts but I'm pretty sure this happened with one (or maybe more than one) of these recent springtime flash floods. Maybe that's just how they do things now. 

We're gonna have to start figuring out how to name these. What's a negative Greek letter?

Update:  Here it is.  I ripped this image from local TV radar during the May 2016 floods. 

May storm

Friday, March 26, 2021

The pump uprising

The pumps have had enough of our abuse and are starting to turn against us

Part of the West End area of Lakeview flooded Wednesday when a Sewerage & Water Board pump worked in reverse, sucking water from Lake Pontchartrain and pumping it into the streets of the residential area, according to our news partners at WWL-TV.

The pump was working in reverse for nearly an hour before it was fixed, WWL-TV reported, citing information from S&WB officials.

We always suspected this day would come.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Just cancel it

Tell the Corps to go run the dang money printer.  We've got enough problems here as it is.

Louisiana may significantly trim the $100 million annual bill it pays to cover its share of the $14.6 billion post-Katrina New Orleans area hurricane protection system if a gambit by the state's congressional delegation to require the Army Corps of Engineers to renegotiate the state's terms is successful.

On Wednesday, a House Transportation subcommittee agreed to include a renegotiation requirement authored by Rep. Garret Graves, R-Baton Rouge, in the House version of the 2020 Water Resources Development Act, which includes various projects overseen by the Corps. The provision also was supported by House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-Jefferson, and Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-New Orleans.

Besides it will give us a leg up on paying off the next massive levee project that will definitely have to be built in the next 5-10 years anyway if we are going to continue living here.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

"What is my biggest worry?"

You know what, maybe this is not the year to be asking ourselves that question.
"Somebody asked me ... over the weekend, what is my biggest worry. And I said 'T4 tripping or being damaged where it can't operate because that is our go-to power generation equipment,' " Korban said. "So, we have redundancy in the system. It's not the redundancy that we need; it's not the redundancy we had a year ago. We are going into this season with a more fragile system and a less redundant system than ever before."
On Monday, City Hall was closed and a lot of people (who aren't already staying home to prevent spreading COVID) stayed home from work because a tropical storm was not really making it rain all that hard.  Today, a random thunderstorm flooded multiple neighborhoods. 

In 2020, if you name your "biggest worry" it comes true.  If you plan to cope with emergencies, they run a fake-out on you.  So, really, why bother worrying at all. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Oh yeah that's still going on too

The high river situation we experienced last year is still happening and may be yet another one of those new normals you always hear about.
The vulnerabilities of current water management practices on the Mississippi River were readily apparent in water year 2019, when the unprecedented amount of water had a variety of effects, including stressing ecosystems and contributing to shipping accidents and disruptions. The water level was still elevated in July 2019 when Hurricane Barry moved into the Gulf and threatened to compound the situation with storm surge, which could have been catastrophic. The high water has continued into this year. In fact, as of 28 February, the Mississippi River had already exceeded the critical 4.6-meter monitoring threshold on 21 days in water year 2020, compared with 16 days by the same date in water year 2019. Since 1990, there have been only five water years (1991, 2005, 2016, 2019, and 2020) with more than 1 day above the 4.6-meter stage by 28 February. And with extremely high antecedent soil moisture and abnormally high snowpack throughout the Missouri River Basin this year, along with record precipitation regionally, the expectation is for yet more flooding along the lower Mississippi.
They're already planning to open the Bonnet Carre this week perhaps.  Please do not gather in large groups to watch.
In anticipation of the spillway opening, St. Charles Parish announced that because of the coronavirus physical distance restrictions, the Wetland Watchers Park and three spillway boat launches will be closed at noon Thursday. The opening itself will not be open to the public, and no access will be provided to the viewing site, officials said.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Dig a deeper hole

The headline here says they're going to spend a ton of money dredging the Mississippi River in order to accommodate deeper draft vessels. The lede makes sure to let us know that Steve Scalise helped. But I wonder if maybe this last bit is really the bigger story.
The Army Corps of Engineers will spend $85.35 million this year to begin deepening parts of the Mississippi River navigation channel between Baton Rouge and the river's mouth to 50 feet, 5 feet deeper than at present, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-Jefferson, announced Monday.

And President Donald Trump's proposed fiscal year 2021 budget, also released Monday, includes another $45.7 million for the dredging project, but no money for the long-discussed new lock on the Industrial Canal or the "Morganza to the Gulf" levee project.
They're usually so proud when they chip off even a little bit of funding for Morganza. And since that is actually supposed to be a flood control project, you'd think we'd make a bigger deal out of it not happening this year. Does the Corps even do flood control anymore? This says they're taking a $1.7 billion overall cut in Trump's budget proposal.  They're going to need a bigger federal commitment than that if they want to get this 50 year plan to raise the New Orleans levee protection system up and running before the sea swallows us all.

As for the lock, Ninth Ward residents have been dreading/pushing back against the project for years raising questions about its very necessity as well as its impact on their neighborhoods.  I would have thought the pause on that would have been the headline here. But we do have to make sure Steve Scalise looks good first.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Okay but what is the impact of not opening it?

Pretty sure it's bad either way.
Two environmental groups are threatening Monday to file suit against the Army Corps of Engineers, the Mississippi River Commission and the Interior Department for failing to evaluate the impact of repeatedly opening the Bonnet Carre Spillway.

They cited the spillway's effects on nine endangered species, including sea turtles, birds, fish and marine mammals.

The threat to sue, issued Monday, is required by federal law to be delivered to federal agencies 60 days before a lawsuit is to be filed. The law gives the agencies time to correct any legal wrongdoing they may have committed before the suit is filed.
Meanwhile, it's high river season already.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Just gonna leave the spillway open all the time now

It's another January high river season.
“This morning, the National Weather Service forecast has the river getting to 15.1 feet here at the Carrollton gage,” Roe said. “We are watching that very closely. Trigger point for phase 2 flood fight is 15 feet and rising so we are seeing if that forecast is going to come in a little bit lower of a little bit higher and we will make a decision of whether to go into phase 2 based on that.”

On Jan. 9, the Corps entered its stage one flood fight following the river’s rise to 11 feet. Roe said the high river is due to heavy rain to our north that is now making its way to the coast.

In recent years, flood fights in January have been followed by springtime openings of the Bonnet Carre Spillway to relieve pressure on levees from New Orleans south.
2019 was an absolutely devastating year for oyster fishers on the Louisiana coast.  It would be a while before they'd begin to recover either way. But now they face the prospect of going through it all over again.

Meanwhile, in  other flood control news, just as the corps of engineers begins public discussions of necessary upgrades to our perpetually sinking levee system, the big question we've been worrying about for over a decade is coming to a head.  How do we pay to maintain the system we have?
The multiparish dispute is complicated by many factors, but the principal one is that the Lake Borgne levees protect parts of Orleans and Jefferson parishes in addition to St. Bernard. The agreement calls for St. Bernard to bear most of the cost of maintaining them, and many residents and officials see that as unfair.

The parish’s residents have twice voted down a proposed 7.5-mill property tax that would have raised new money for levee maintenance. St. Bernard residents already pay an 11.33-mill tax that mostly goes to levees. Had the new tax passed, the various levee district millages would have been reallocated, with 15.4 mills going to levee maintenance and 3.43 mills transferred to the parish for drainage.

That’s more than St. Bernard’s neighbors pay their local levee districts: New Orleans residents pay a little over 10 mills for levee maintenance, and East Jefferson property owners pay just 4.02 mills. However, New Orleans residents also pay 16.23 mills for drainage, and Jefferson residents pay between 4 and 5 mills.
The parish governments and flood protection authorities each have their own pots of money and constituencies, but, as we all know very well, they're really maintaining one big interdependent system. So, even under the wholesale reorganization of the regime after Katrina, there will always be disputes like this to deal with.  Apparently, there is a fix in the works, albeit a potentially problematic one.
CPRA officials said Wednesday they plan to submit a bill in the upcoming legislative session that would address such funding disparity issues for both the east bank and West Bank regional levee authorities. The legislation might allow the authorities to set regional tax rates to pay for levees' operation and maintenance.
I'm very curious to see more about how that works.  I assume it still means that tax rates have to be authorized by voters in one way or another.  Or maybe not?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fair Sham

During last week's CNN climate forum, Elizabeth Warren hit a home run. Warren was asked about the Trump administration's decision to reverse Obama era efficiency standards for light bulbs. Her answer brought out a point that Democrats, even the "good Democrats" often fail to make about where the true onus for effective climate action lies.
“Oh, come on, give me a break,” Warren, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, said during CNN’s Town Hall forum on climate change. “Look, there are a lot of ways that we try to change our energy consumption and our pollution, and God bless all of those ways. Some of it is with lightbulbs, some of it is on straws, some of it, dang, is on cheeseburgers.”

“That’s what they want us to talk about,” Warren said, before noting that, in her estimation, the fossil fuel industry wanted to cast the climate fight as “your problem.” She continued: “They want to be able to stir up a lot of controversy around your lightbulbs, around your straws and around your cheeseburgers, when 70% of the pollution, of the carbon that we’re throwing into the air, comes from three industries.”

The industries Warren mentioned are the oil industry, the electric power industry and the building industry, according to The New York Times.

In other words we aren't going to solve a problem caused by institutional corruption and  mismanagement by shaming the individual victims of that mismanagement into submission.  We're not going to reduce carbon emissions by drinking out of paper straws. Anyone who tells you differently is not really on your side. 

Similarly, in New Orleans, we aren't going to relieve decades worth of decay and negligence visited on our drainage system by shaming people into picking up their trash. But for some reason, LaToya Cantrell can't help but to do just that at every opportunity. Even, here, where the topic is really more about expanding the Department of Public Works, she can't help but get in a dig.
Officials outlined more on how they plan to spend money from the "fair share" deal. The money will help the Department of Public Works hire 42 extra employees and fund more tasks being brought in house. They'll bring in five more maintenance inspectors and 28 new pieces of equipment, including vac trucks, pothole patchers, dump trucks, excavators, pickup trucks and trailers.

"We are owning our responsibilities and seamlessly working together," Cantrell said. "It's a shared responsibility. We're not being reactive because we're doing the work every single day and have been doing it every single day since I've been in office."

Cantrell ask citizens to do their part by cleaning up the city and dumping trash appropriately. Someone recently dumped three boats on Martin Luther King Avenue.

"You can't make it up," Cantrell said. "It's present. It's there."
What does a boat left in the street have to do with causing people to need... boats in the street every time it rains?  I really have no idea.  But it's obviously evidence that we've done something wrong.

It's notable, also, that Cantrell's hostility toward the citizenry appears here in a story about her so-called "fair share" deal with the hospitality industry.  She's very proud of her grand bargain. She's so proud, in fact, that #FairShare has already transcended its original meaning to become a catch-all mantra applicable to whatever the mayor happens to be talking about at the time.  A new gambit at extracting patronage dollars out of the French Market is about “...getting our fair share, based on what’s coming back to the city, and these are assets we control.” A scheme to skim fees off of other governmental agencies for tax collection services is apparently about getting a "fair share."  The city raised the fees it charges to Bayou Boogaloo saying they also need to pay a "fair share."  LaToya's PAC is using it as the title of a fundraising campaign.  The city's and the mayor's official Twitter feeds frequently tag random messages about anything and nothing with #FairShare.  It's basically LaToya's #MAGA now.  More to the point, Cantrell's muddled, scattershot use of the phrase now indicates she never grasped its value in the first place.

The original context was the structural inequality of the tourism industry in New Orleans. An obscene portion of the wealth generated by tourism accrues to a cohort of owners and oligarchs while the majority of workers who make that wealth possible struggle for low wages, poor benefits and minimal job security. Moreover, the tax revenue collected off the backs of these workers feeds directly back into systems and institutions meant to further line the pockets of the very same oligarchs. A "fair share" of that revenue should be used to support the city's working class. It should build affordable housing. It should fund better schools, better transit, better city services. It should help the city build and maintain the basic infrastructure that makes life possible here without further burdening its poorest and most vulnerable people. 

So does Cantrell's "fair share" deal actually do any of that?  Not really. The city does receive the temporary windfall of a one-time payment plus a share of one or two new revenue streams (depending on future developments.) But the new money is grossly insufficient to the need.
Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s hard-fought “fair share” infrastructure deal could provide more than $20 million a year for the struggling Sewerage and Water Board over the next decade. But that doesn’t come close to meeting the $3 billion in funding required by the Sewerage and Water Board’s 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan.

That was revealed by Cantrell administration officials on Monday at the first meeting of the City Council’s Ad Valorem and Special Dedicated Revenue Committee. The committee aims to take a bird’s eye view of the city’s finances and release a public report in early 2020. 

“Oh wow, so every year, you’re hundreds of millions of dollars short leading up to 2028?” Councilwoman Helena Moreno asked at the meeting.
Sure, $3 billion over 10 years is a tall order. In a better world, every city in America would have ample support from a federally funded and guided Green New Deal initiative to repair crumbling infrastructure and stem the tide against the threat of climate change.  But until we get there we have to depend on our local leadership to do the best they can. The #FairShare isn't the best we can do in New Orleans.

In fact, it was never intended to be. The closest description of what it actually was intended to do came from Stephanie Grace all the way back in June. Her key observation at that time was that all of the recurring revenues generated by the deal do not come from the tourism industry giving up any of its accustomed share. Instead they come from new taxes on the "man behind the tree." 

The latest evidence that it always helps to have some metaphorical man behind some imagined tree is the deal to send more money to New Orleans to help rebuild its aging infrastructure, which has apparently cleared all remaining hurdles in the state Legislature. Despite a period of tense, on-again, off-again negotiations among New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Gov. John Bel Edwards, legislative leaders and representatives of the tourism industry, all sides emerged with much of what they wanted.
"All sides" got what they wanted.  True! But that requires some explanation of which "sides" wanted what. Let's look at how the spoils are divided.

Number one on the list was the Convention Center wanted to build their publicly funded but privately profitable hotel. Check. Walt Leger got that for them.
House Bill 617, passed by the Senate on a 33-0 vote on Sunday, authorizes the Convention Center to build and own the $550 million, 1,200-room hotel proposed for the upriver end of the giant exhibition hall. The bill also clears the way for the Convention Center to develop other vacant land it owns next to the site.
Number two was the tourism cabal wanted less public scrutiny over the marketing and convention brokering agencies they control.  Check.  The technically public New Orleans Tourism Marking Corp will be folded into the technically private (but publicly funded) New Orleans and Company.  The city's "infrastructure fund" gets a cut NOTMC's corpse.  But the lion's #FairShare of that still goes to the NO and Co.
About $5.5 million of the Marketing Corp.’s budget, which comes from a nightly fee charged on hotel rooms, would be redirected to the city’s infrastructure fund as part of the overall deal. Other money the group receives, including $2 million a year from Harrah’s Casino and its hotel and $7.8 million from a self-assessment by hotels in the city, would go to New Orleans and Co.
The key difference, though, is that these operations will be more fully privatized under the new regime.  The city had a direct oversight role with NOTMC.  The new entity says it will "invite" them to sit in on the back bench at some of their meetings.
Oversight of the combined organizations is another detail being worked out. In an internal company email sent Wednesday and shared with NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune, Perry said New Orleans and Co. intends to invite the two City Council district members and a rotating at-large member to serve on an “ex-office” basis with New Orleans & Co. Perry later clarified that his group is still working out the details for a formal City Council presence on the board, but his plan is to invite council members to serve on a leisure marketing committee run by Romig.
Number three was the city wanted to pull in more recurring revenue from local hotel/motel taxes. This, more than anything, was the core of the "fair share" argument. And they did sort of get what they wanted.  But the trick is in how they got it. What the city is getting is a completely new tax based on a revival of a so-called "lost penny" that hadn't been collected since 1966.  In other words, the tourism agencies aren't "sharing" their previous take at all.  The "man behind the tree" is.

Number four was various parties for various reasons wanted a new tax on Short Term Rentals.  The hotel industry wanted it in order to equalize the tax paid on STRs with that applied to hotel rooms.  The STR industry, while not happy about being taxed, is happier on balance with becoming a critical revenue generating industry the city will be reluctant to crack down on in the future. The city, again, just wants to get paid.  And they will. Maybe. The new tax still has to be approved by voters on the November ballot this year.  Also the city is having difficulty projecting just how much revenue it's going to actually see from it.  One thing we do know is whatever amount the tax does eventually produce, we still have to "fair share" 25 percent of it back to NO and Co. So, congratulations on that as well. 

Number five on the wish list was the Convention Center wanted to ret-con its legally questionable collection of a tax originally intended to pay for its Phase IV construction. Over the years, that money has become a kind of slush fund the city's elite have used to pass money around among themselves for their own pet projects and those of their cronies.  So, yeah, in exchange for a paltry $50 million one time payment, they get to keep doing that now.   Already, they've got big plans. 
New Orleans tourism officials' plans for a massive entertainment district on empty land upriver from the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center are back on the table.

The Convention Center's board, which finally won approval in June to build a 1,200-room hotel on part of the land after lengthy political wrangling, has asked interested firms to submit ideas by Oct. 4 for how to develop the 20 acres adjacent to the hotel site.

In its request for new master plan proposals, the Convention Center said it "expects the development to be reflective of the unique culture and history of New Orleans and include elements not commonly found in other parts of the nation."
They're putting out for bids on a shiny new entertainment district to go with their hotel. It will be built on some of the highest ground in the city convenient to downtown. Ideal for building affordable housing, maybe.  But that would only happen if the city were serious about giving its workers a "fair share" of the benefit their labor actually produces. LaToya Cantrell's fair sham deal was never really supposed to do that.

The mayor herself even admitted the fair sham isn't going to be enough last week when city officials laid out their plans for some of the money they know they will have on hand.  The deal left far too much money and power in the hands of the tourism cabal. So, naturally, she is asking you to make up the difference.
But she said it will take far more than the "fair share" deal’s millions to fix all the roads, canals and pipes that have crumbled during years of deferred maintenance and that are being further battered by the effects of climate change. She said that’s precisely why voters should pull the lever for a trio of infrastructure funding initiatives on Nov. 16. 

Part of what voters will consider is tied in with the fair share deal: a tax on short-term rentals whose proceeds will help to fund city infrastructure.  The other initiatives include a 3-mill tax to pay for repairs and maintenance of infrastructure, a $500 million package of infrastructure bonds and another $10 million in bonds for maintenance work.
When they do get down to fixing the canals and pipes, however they pay for it, let's hope they get it right this time.  The last big drainage project only just recently wrapped up. And already people are raising questions about that one.
The SELA improvements all stem from widespread flooding on May 8, 1995. The resulting $3.1 billion in insurance claims set a record at the time for an unnamed storm event, and the federal flood insurance program had to foot the bill for repairs.

So, Congress responded by authorizing $1.5 billion in drainage improvements over the next 20 years, with the idea that improving the infrastructure would prevent rising flood-repair costs in the future. The Uptown culverts were among the last pieces of that puzzle.

But after this summer’s floods, there are questions about whether those improvements have had unintended consequences for New Orleans’ antiquated drainage system.

When the Corps completed the SELA culverts, they were turned over to the Sewerage & Water Board. The board’s executive director, Ghassan Korban, doesn’t believe the increased capacity in the SELA culverts would have any negative impact on surrounding drainage, but he said he’s hired an outside engineering firm to analyze the flow and determine if it’s causing any bottlenecks.
A couple of independent engineers quoted in that story think maybe the SELA work is making the flooding worse. Sewerage and Water Board is skeptical but they say they'll check it out.  Last year we read in The Lens that the new culverts are "large enough to accommodate three city buses side-by-side."At the time that seemed like a colorful description but, really, who knows what might be down there

Whatever they find, though, it's important to understand, the mayor is not going to ask the city's ruling classes to pay to dig it out.  According to her version of events, they are paying their fair share.  So, obviously, we must be the problem now.
Joey Wagner, the Corps’ senior project manager for the SELA projects, bristled when WWL-TV asked what he would tell Bossier and others who think the construction has contributed to recent flooding.

“Like the mayor says, move your cars to the neutral ground," he said. "We all know there are certain areas of the city that are going to flood. And it’s going to continue to flood until the system is totally overhauled.”

And Mayor LaToya Cantrell backed up Wagner at a news conference last week: “Until the city, until we start dealing with our local issues relative to infrastructure, then we will not see the system working as intended.”

She focused her ire on the large amounts of debris New Orleanians regularly dump into the drainage system, and then blamed the intensifying rainfall.
To quote Senator Warren again, come on, give me a break.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Fool me once, shame on me Fool me six times in two years....

Well then I guess it might be time to rethink things.
NEW ORLEANS — Citywide flooding events like what happened Monday afternoon are "extreme" and require a "thorough investigation," a Sewerage & Water Board spokesperson said.

As much as 5 inches of rain fell across the metro New Orleans area between about 1:30 p.m. and 4:10 p.m. Monday, creating widespread flooding that affected many parts of New Orleans as cars stalled, gridlock formed, businesses flooded and residents dealt with all-too-familiar frustration.

It's at least the sixth time during the past two years that heavy rains inundated different parts of the city following a seemingly routine summer thunderstorm.

S&WB communications director Richard Rainey said the results of Monday's flooding were "extreme," and that the flood events they've witnessed since the notable Aug. 5, 2017, flood are a phenomenon that need to be investigated. 

Was Monday "extreme"?  What does that even mean anymore?  It wasn't quite as bad as the flood we had last month.  But it wasn't nothing. I happened to be headed uptown on St. Charles when it hit. When I saw that Washington was going to be impassable for a while, I pulled over and parked on the sidewalk.  Like a lot of people, I wasn't going anywhere for a while.  Some of these larger vehicles were a little more confident.

Trucks in the flood

Bus boat

I did get out and walk around a bit. The worst of the rain had already cleared up when I took these photos.  It was brief but it dropped enough water to do this.

Belfort Mansion in the flood

It also shut down the streetcar which left packs of bewildered tourists to trudge their way up the neutral ground on foot.. provided they stuck to the high ground.  Also it wasn't long until the canoe people started to show up.  Why are there always canoe people when this happens?


I mean I took that picture from the neutral ground just 20 feet away.  My feet weren't even wet.  You didn't need a canoe to get where you were going.  This was strictly a recreational activity.  There was more than one canoe guy too. There's always more than one.  Here you can see a canoe passing in front of the New Orleans and Company offices. Embossed lettering on their building proudly proclaims it the "Headquarters of New Orleans Tourism."

St. Charles at Josephine

Speaking of which, just across the street in front of the Avenue Plaza, I overheard someone saying, "Back in Atlanta we don't have this shit." That's right.  #OnlyInNOLA, baby.

Avenue Plaza

But, okay, probably just the fact that we're talking about seeing the canoes every time this happens means something is wrong.  How often should this be happening?  Six major street floods in the space of two years is a lot.  And it's not just the frequency of the flooding that is unusual. It's also the locations.  This stretch of St. Charles is relatively high ground. The river side tends to pool up a little bit from time to time but I can't recall seeing the whole street inundated like that until very recently.  Same goes for this stretch of Carondelet which was flooded Monday.

Carondelet and Washington

This one is from the July flood. It's Third and Carondelet. I've lived nearby for almost 20 years and I've never seen it do this.

Third and Carondelet

Something is definitely different. But what?  Here is one theory.
The S&WB is studying the effects of the massive culverts built in recent years under several Uptown avenues as part of the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, known as SELA. A report on the impact SELA has had on drainage in the area could be complete as early as next month, Korban said.
My goodness. Imagine if after all these years, all the money spent, all the neighborhoods and business disrupted by the construction, all the expensive property damage incurred that SELA actually would have ended up making things worse. Delightful!

Anyway, it's not just SELA they're looking at. Korban says they also want to look at the pipes under the CBD
To try to figure out what’s wrong, the S&WB plans to investigate the long length of box canals that run from Julia Street up to Drainage Pump Station 2 on North Broad Street, which is responsible for keeping the area dry. Just blocks away from that station, the S&WB is still working to clean a massive pile of debris, that included at least one car, from the canal that carries water away from the station on its way to the lake.

It's strange that it has taken them so long to admit this, But it turns out that even when the pumps are working at (near) full capacity, they can't pump the water out of the city if it's not even draining down to where they are.  So now we're gonna go down in the culverts.  We learned last week that practically anything could be down there. It's probably not going to be pretty.

But we should point out also that there is more than one reason they're looking at those downtown pipes.  They've actually been planning to go down there for some time; prior to this flood, and before even the much discussed extraction of a Mazda 626 from below Jeff Davis Parkway. In the story about that episode, we read about these negotiations
Similar inspections of pipes in the Central Business District are being pitched to the Downtown Development District to encourage it to agree to a new, $3 million tax that was negotiated as part of the Cantrell administration's infrastructure funding deal this year with the hospitality industry, Green said. 
It's not just.. or perhaps even primarily... concern about downtown drainage issues that is motivating the inspections. It's the pursuit of political leverage with a taxing authority that, really, shouldn't even exist in the first place. That doesn't mean going down to look at the pipes is a bad idea. It's just that we should be aware of why they're looking at those pipes in particular.

And to be clear, it's not just support for the new tax, the mayor is asking from DDD. She also wants them to roll their millage forward to maximize windfall from the recent property assessments.
Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s administration is asking the DDD to increase its millage by $2.5 million and dedicate that money toward drainage and infrastructure issues in the area. The district had planned to roll back its tax rate in 2020 because of higher property assessments; the additional tax would keep the rate about the same for the area.

An effort to actually identify and begin fixing the drainage problems could help convince the district’s board that such a move is needed, Weigle said.
On Monday morning, the very same day the streets flooded,  Together New Orleans presented a report to City Council about the devastating effects the skyrocketing assessments and potential property tax hikes are likely to have on the city's already severely cost-burdened homeowners and renters.  
Together New Orleans estimated that almost 2,000 households will see their taxes go up by more than $1,000 next year. And because of a recent state constitutional amendment that phases in the higher taxes on assessments that increase a property’s value by more than 50%, nearly 5,200 will have a total increase of more than $1,000 in the next four years due to this year's citywide reassessment.

Some neighborhoods will see tax increases that represent more than 4% of the average median income of the residents living there, Together New Orleans said.

“When you add all that together, there’s no way folks can continue to live here even if they make a decent wage,” the Rev. Joe Connelly, a member of the group, told the council.
Councilmembers were apoplectic. But also they seemed to be at a loss for solutions.  At one point, Helena Moreno even wondered out loud if we could just ignore the assessment and decide to collect this year's property taxes assuming the previous values. That's not likely to happen.  But it's also clear that rolling forward isn't going to be a popular option with Councilmembers either.

But City Council isn't the only body who will be making decisions about millage rates. In fact Council actually only controls something like half of them. The others are spread out among several taxing authorities including the Sheriff's office, Audubon, the Convention Center, and, yes, the Downtown Development District where it looks like the mayor, via Sewerage and Water Board has found some leverage.  It almost makes you wonder whether or not LaToya might want to think about shoving a few cars down the storm drain herself just to provide a little extra motivation.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

What are the chances of lightning striking twice?

About the same as getting a 1 in in 100 year flood every year, I guess.
Lightning strikes and other electrical issues took several pumps out of service during the July 10 sudden rainstorm in New Orleans and a pair of canals were pushed near, or over, the brink, Sewerage & Water Board officials said Tuesday.

The problems, however, did not significantly impact the drainage system’s operations or significantly worsen the flooding New Orleans saw as a major thunderstorm struck the city in advance of Hurricane Barry, S&WB Executive Director Ghassan Korban said at a City Council hearing.
Did it make the street flooding caused by an 8.5 inches in three hours freak rain event that seems to happen all the time now any worse than it would have been otherwise?  S&WB swears up and down that it was past the point of mattering but it can't have helped.

Also it's not really an acceptable answer. City officials have come to rely on snarky drainsplaining as a standard response to any questions about the pumps during any flooding event. If people depend on a piece of public infrastructure to function, they're going to ask about it. They deserve a better answer than, "Well #actually..." even during events when the system is actually functioning perfectly which, remind me when the last time that happened was anyway.  It's not that we aren't willing to consider or aren't capable of understanding the complex challenges of water management in New Orleans. It's just that we shouldn't have to wade through a thick soup of condescension and defensiveness from the people in charge before we get to that explanation.

Flood control is one of the better examples of the divide between elitist and populist approaches to politics you will find in New Orleans. Credentialed experts aren't entitled to exclusive purview over public information and decision making. Meanwhile, just because you don't have all the facts about what's happening to you doesn't mean you don't have the right to shout rudely until you get them.  More often than not it's the only tool most of us have.  Looking around during one of these crises at who is shouting vs who is shaming them for it is a pretty good way to figure out which side everyone is really on.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Nobody knows nuthin

Barry. It's a thing that exists now.
Tropical Storm Barry's potential impacts are coming into sharper focus as the National Weather Service said Thursday that it now expects total rain accumulations of 10-20 inches over a swath of southeast Louisiana, with isolated maximum amounts of 25 inches through the weekend.

The pockets of heaviest rain, the National Weather Service predicts, would occur in areas around Baton Rouge and south to the coast.
That's pretty good news for New Orleans, relatively speaking.  But it's a few days away still so we'll see. 

Already by yesterday we had arrived at the point where everyone asks the mayor if or when she is going to call for evacuations. Sometimes I think they're almost daring her to do it. But, as LaToya pointed out, you're always free to leave at any point if you really want to go. Nobody is going to stop you.
Though she declared a state of emergency, Cantrell said it was too soon to say Wednesday whether the city would call a voluntary or mandatory evacuation ahead of the storm’s arrival.

“We will make those calls once we feel they need to be made,” Cantrell said. “As it relates to residents leaving, people can make up their own mind based on conditions now. That’s something that they can always do.”
Today she added to that saying "We look (for) a Category 3" before calling for evacuations. That sounds informally correct. But also it sounds new in the sense that there is or ever was a hard and fast policy. Often it seems like LaToya is making it up as she goes along.  There are good and bad things about that.

In a sense, there is a "voluntary" evacuation on right now. Really, all evacuations are voluntary. Even a "mandatory" evacuation order doesn't mean police are going door to door and pulling people out of their homes.  They don't have time for that during an emergency. The critical decision from the mayor's point of view is whether or not to kick the city assisted evacuation procedures into action. That involves mobilizing buses and police and volunteers and staging venues and all sorts of stuff. It's not a decision to pull the trigger on unless you think it's definitely going to be necessary.

Meanwhile from an individual's perspective, there are all sorts of factors that go into deciding whether or not to evacuate. If you have a place to go and the means to get there then you might consider it.  But evacuating may be more of a risk for some than staying put.  Not everyone is mobile enough to just up and go at a moment's notice. Not everyone can afford to miss a few days of work. Not everyone's boss or landlord is going to be cooperative. Then there is the fact that evacuating is expensive as hell. Not everyone has money put away for emergencies. And there are other costs to leaving beyond just the money spent on the act. Sometimes after a storm has passed, the city might decide to drag its feet on allowing people to come home. Evacuees might find themselves stuck out on the road longer than they had planned with compounding consequences for their lives when or if they ever get back. So, by all means go if you can or want to. But it's hardly ever the right decision for everybody. "Mandatory" evacuations should be called sparingly if at all.

Also it sucks to be stuck in some shelter hundreds of miles away when you could be at home managing the situation.  Maybe you can mitigate damage by being on hand to patch a broken window or move some of your belongings out of harms way if the water comes up. Or what if it turns out your car wasn't parked in the safest spot?  Maybe you can get it moved before the water gets high enough to damage the engine... even if you don't quite make it in time to keep it out of the cab. Still, at least you can get to work cleaning it up right away. Can't do that from some gym floor in Alabama or whatever.

Cleaning the car

Anyway we're probably not going to call any sort of evacuation for Orleans Parish. It's not usually something that happens when a yet-to-be-organized storm is still expected to become a category one hurricane at worst.  The main reason it's being taken a little bit more seriously today is because people are freaked out about this river situation.
Storm surge accompanying potential Category 1 Hurricane Barry may cause overtopping Saturday of much of the Mississippi river levee in the Lower 9th Ward, Algiers and St. Bernard Parish, according to Army Corps of Engineers levee data.

The National Weather Service's Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center in Slidell expects the surge will add between 3 and 5 feet to the unusually high river in New Orleans and locations to the south, reaching as high as 20 feet at the Carrollton Gauge in New Orleans.
Basically what's happening is, as the storm surge piles in from the Gulf, the river can't discharge at its mouth as fast as it ordinarily would which causes the water level to rise a bit more in its channel. The predicted spike is only expected to last about a day. And, in most spots, they're saying it won't go above the height at which the levees are designed to hold it.

But a map of levee heights in the New Orleans area that's part of the Corps' National Levee Database shows that the top of large segments of river levees along the Lower 9th Ward in New Orleans and St. Bernard Parish on the east bank, and some locations in Algiers on the West Bank, were between 18 and 19.99 feet.

Thus, a 20-foot river height could cause overtopping at those locations, something that has never happened in New Orleans' modern history, and only rarely in St. Bernard.
So there is some discussion as to how serious this actually is.  To begin with "overtopping" is not necessarily a disaster unless it becomes serious enough to scour out and undermine the levee itself. At that point, well, look out.  But the Corps says, #actually that list of levee heights may not be the list that counts. 
Late Wednesday, a spokesman for the Corps,  which oversees construction and repair of the river levees,  said officials in its New Orleans District office discounted the data in the agency's database.

"They show the levee elevations for the 9th Ward between 20 and 21 feet," said spokesman Ricky Boyett. "Our modeling does not show overtopping of the levees in the 9th."
According to this they're still worried about overtopping becoming an issue in Violet and in several spots in Plaquemines but the supposedly vulnerable places in New Orleans probably won't be as bad as the maps suggest. There are some confusing reasons for this. But it sounds like the Corps is saying it depends on how you measure water. 
And Boyett said there's a good chance that the way the water in the river is measured, compared to the height of levees, could provide about 8/10 of a foot of additional protection.

The river gauge on which the water levels are measured uses a 1929 datum measurement to determine its height, while the corps uses 1988 datum for levees, resulting in the height difference, he said.
I think what they're saying is that in 1988 they found out the water wasn't as wet as it used to be so it's okay for it to go higher now.   McBride actually explains it here reminding us that the "datums" discrepancy was a key factor in the design flaws that led to the flooding of New Orleans after Katrina.
Literally finding #1 in the Corps' own wide-ranging "IPET" investigation of their own failures which caused the levee failures after Katrina passed New Orleans was that the Corps' use of different bases, or "datums," for measuring heights was a serious contributor to the failures. Doing so allowed shorter structures to be built without anyone realizing it until it was too late. Some levees or floodwalls ended up multiple feet shorter than intended.
So maybe that's not very reassuring.  But this might be
Forecasters have lowered by a foot their predictions for how high the Mississippi River will get once Tropical Storm Barry's comes ashore this weekend, giving the New Orleans-area levees a bit more breathing room.

The Mississippi is now expected top out "near" 19 feet above sea level at the Carrollton Gauge in New Orleans on Saturday due to the storm surge from Barry, which is expected to come ashore as a hurricane, according to a National Weather Service alert sent out Thursday morning. Forecasters had previously predicted the river would reach 20 feet during the storm, potentially matching or exceeding the height of the Mississippi River levees.
Of course 20 is still "near" 19. That's good or bad depending on your particular datum orientation. And, of course, the surge forecast can change again or be entirely wrong anyway. At the very least this shows us that even the most precise measurements and models employed by the professionals in charge of managing critical infrastructure still boil down to guesswork.  In other words, nobody knows nuthin.' But we already knew that.

Case in point, here is Alli endeavoring to "untangle the knot" of everything we know and don't know about what caused yesterday's street flooding. It's a lot of things. From the basic philosophy underpinning our water management strategy, to the design and engineering of its components, to the maintenance of the infrastructure, to the politics that chooses what gets emphasized, there are so many unknown knowns.  We would like to think the trick is to at least separate out the bullshit. But how do we even start?
Untangling this knot will take time, but it has to start with everyone telling the truth. After an event like today, the public outcry for SWBNO to fix the pumps will continue. But I think it’s almost more important for them to be clear about what they do know and don’t know about the system that we have, rather than throw more money at repairs in the short term. At least then we can start on a path of actual public information about risk, and what it would take to change our approach to water management. Right now, we aren’t even sure what’s broken, besides “everything.”
What's actually broken? Nobody knows!  So what do we do now? There are all sorts of ideas people have about who they'd like to see benefit and who they'd like to see suffer in the meantime. The politics is going to happen even whether we're ready to say what we know or not.

Is it becoming too dangerous or "unsustainable" to live in South Louisiana? Or are there sincere actions we could take to save what's left before it's too late?  Nobody knows. But oil and gas and shipping still want their infrastructure protected. The tourism cabal still wants to host parties in New Orleans. It's fine with them if everyone else is a "climate refugee"

This, again, is why I don't expect we're ever going to fix these things.  Climate change isn't a "game changing" existential problem politically speaking. Politics is always about who wins and who loses and the interests of concentrated wealth run contrary to the concerns of the "99 percent." Guess who usually wins.  In New Orleans, we might not know precisely what's "broken" about our storm management infrastructure. But we still have to act based on our most honest appraisal of the guesswork we have now, or cede every decision to actors who have none of our interests in mind. Even in full view of this the best we can hope to do is to watch the shitty politicians  muddle on through a slog of concessions and compromises.  Unfortunately muddling through is going to have disastrous consequences for the great majority of people while the rich continue to make themselves richer.  But that's what always happens.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The flood before the storm

Third and Carondolet

There was some rain or something this morning.
Severe thunderstorms were moving through New Orleans early Wednesday morning (July 10), causing street flooding and prompting tornado warnings.
Yeah. Street flooding. A little bit.  Tune in to your local social media station for photos and videos from everybody. That Daily Georges post has collected quite a bit of them.   Here is one I did on the walk back down St. Charles after I moved my car during the height of the thunderstorm. The middle of the street was the only high ground and all the cross streets were flooded I've never seen it flood this much up here.

That's when the water really started rushing in. I've lived on Third Street for twenty years and I've never seen it do this. 

River of trash

Also, yes, there was trash floating down the street. However, I can speak as an eyewitness to the fact that sanitation was definitely out emptying garbage cans this morning during the very heaviest of the rain, by the way.  So somebody gets their #CityOfYes badge today, anyway.

I just saw Ghassan Korban on TV say that we got about 8 inches over a period of three hours which is a "100 year" rain event.  The last one of those was two years ago. OH BY THE WAY that's not even the actual storm. It's not even expected to form in the Gulf until later today or tomorrow. It could actually become a hurricane by the weekend and the track is bad.  If New Orleans is on the west side of a tropical storm, we're going to get a lot more rain.  Hopefully not more like today, exactly.  

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

State of emergency

The mayor declared a "state of emergency" with regard to the damage done to fisheries and waterways by the opening of the Bonnet Carre spillway. I saw this and thought maybe it makes us eligible for federal relief or something. It probably does, actually. But there's more to it.  What does this mean?
With the emergency declaration, Cantrell now has the ability to adapt any ordinances that could interfere with the steps the city takes to appropriately cope with the issue at hand. At the time of the proclamation, other nearby parishes had already issued their own state of emergency declarations, including St. Tammany, St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes.
I don't get it. What "steps" do they need to take.  The mayor's press release says it gives her the power to  "suspend the provisions of any regulatory ordinance that prescribes the procedures for the conduct of local business along with other potential impediments to necessary action in coping with the emergency."  What businesses need to operate outside the bounds of ordinary regulation in these circumstances?

Backing into Barry?

Guys there is a storm about to form because of a system that is backing its way into the Gulf. That hardly ever happens. But it has happened.
Michael Brennan, a meteorologist who supervises the hurricane specialist team at the National Hurricane Center, said at least two hurricanes have grown out of frontal systems.

Hurricane Arthur, which formed as a tropical depression on July 1, 2014, off the east coast of Florida, actually had its origins in a patch of Gulf thunderstorms associated with a trough of low pressure that popped up in late June. Those combined with a frontal system over Georgia and South Carolina and emerged as a hurricane over the Atlantic. Arthur reached a peak Category 2 strength, with top winds of 100 mph, before making landfall near Cape Lookout, N.C., on July 4.

Hurricane Alicia, an August 1983 storm, formed on the western end of a frontal trough that extended from off the New England coast southwestward into the middle of the Gulf. Alicia made landfall as a major Category 3 hurricane about 25 miles southwest of Galveston, with top winds of 115 mph.
They don't know what this one is gonna do yet besides creep along the coast. If it happens to develop a name, they'll call it Barry.  Probably it will rain a lot.  So it's a good thing Sewerage and Water Board is on top of things this month.
Just before the June general board meeting, the S&WB cancelled all the July meetings, including the general board meeting. I've been watching to see if any will be rescheduled, but none have yet. The last time something like this happened was last September, following the implosion of Jade Brown-Russell's term as interim/acting executive director in mid-August when it was revealed she had approved raises for low-performing upper managers during a fiscal crisis. Her resignation/firing was followed by Admiral David Callahan taking over for two weeks followed by the first month of Ghassan Korban's term. But in the midst of all that turmoil, while all the September committee meetings were cancelled, the September general board meeting proceeded as scheduled, on the third Wednesday of the month.

This time around everything has been cancelled, including the general board meeting. No explanation has been forthcoming.
Oh okay well when they get back maybe there will be some good news
On the upside, any storminess associated with a tropical system could at least provide some short-term relief from the cyanobacteria blooms that have caused the closure of beaches along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, said Nancy Rabalais, a biologist with Louisiana State University who studies algae blooms.

“The cyanobacteria blooms like calm water, which we have had, and of course, the high load of Mississippi River nutrients,” Rabalais said. “Waves will likely dissipate the blooms, but they are so widespread, I would expect them to re-form afterwards. There are enough cells out there to restock a harmful algae bloom; the Mississippi River is at an all-time high, i.e., more nutrients; and the Bonnet Carre Spillway is not closing for maybe another week.”
Almost forgot the spillway was still open.  Hope we aren't looking at that oddball high river hurricane scenario everybody was freaked out about a month ago.  But if we are, at least we can rest assured the new levee system isn't quite obsolete... yet.
The Lake Pontchartrain & Vicinity, or East Bank levee system, and West Bank & Vicinity system have a combined 350 miles of levees, floodwalls and gates. The Corps says it and individual parish levee boards are lifting and armoring more than 76 miles of earthen levees, about a third of which -- 25 miles -- are already done.

An April 2, 2019, notice from the Corps in the Federal Register noted “weak soils, general subsidence, and the global incidence of sea level rise … will cause levees to require future lifts to sustain performance” and warns the levee system “will no longer provide (the promised) 1% level of risk reduction as early as 2023.”

That happens to be the year when the system needs to be recertified so property inside the levees can continue to qualify for mortgages and coverage under FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program.
“The fact that these levees won't be certifiable in four years is a travesty,” Van Heerden said.

Sen. Bill Cassidy said getting additional federal funding from Congress for the lifts is no slam dunk, but he’s confident it will happen. What’s more worrisome, he said, is the share of the costs the state of Louisiana is going to have to cover up-front, approximately $300 million.

“The state's already going to have a difficult time coming up with its portion of the rebuilt Katrina levees,” Cassidy said, referring to the state’s $1.7 billion share of the recently completed $14 billion project. “Now we're speaking of more state money going forward” to cover the levee lifts.
If they wanted to bring the system back in line with the "250 yr" protection originally authorized after Betsy it would cost around $45 billion. But nobody thinks that's even a remote possibility politically. So unless a drastic change occurs like some sort of national political revolution ushering in a "Green New Deal" with a robust water management and flood protection emphasis... well, I'd get used to the sinking feeling.

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Paging Jackie Clarkson

In the year of our lord 2011, during the most recent time of river flood crisis, one New Orleans City Councilperson proposed a rather pro-active strategem.
Officials keeping watch over New Orleans levees have not reported any errant vessels on the river, though the matter is a top priority.

"One of the big issues that we're facing is motor vessles, barges in particular, we need to keep them off the levees," Susan Macclay of the West Bank levee authority said Thursday during a news conference.

All vessels are supposed to stay 180 feet away from the slope pavement, she said.

City Councilwoman Jackie Clarkson on Thursday barge owners and operators who don't moor their vessels that the city will sink all untethered vessles.

"We can't afford to have barges breaking loose, breaking levees," she said.
We never got any details about how Jackie's barge defense system was supposed to work. Would she fire the cannon at them from Washington Artillery Park? Are there still damnable torpedoes in the river somewhere?  It's probably classified.  But somebody knows the answer and we may have need of it now. According to Channel 6 we are already under attack. 
A dock along the Mississippi River was damaged Thursday when a pair of unloaded barges struck it. The dock is located at the Piety Street Wharf. The barges remain intact. Damages done to the dock are still being assessed.
Hopefully whatever naval forces we have to scramble aren't built by Metal Shark.  Because it looks like Plan A for taming the river is off again.
The Army Corps of Engineers has delayed opening the Morganza Spillway above Baton Rouge indefinitely in response to slightly better forecasts for water heights at the spillway and upriver, corps spokesman Ricky Boyett said Thursday (June 6).

But officials warned that future rainfall could still force the corps to operate the emergency structure to move part of the Mississippi’s high-water flow into the Atchafalaya River during the next two months.

“Operation of the structure will be a consideration until the Mississippi River crests and begins to fall,” said a press release issued by the corps. “The expected crest at Morganza is on about June 15th, but it will then remain high for two weeks or more.”

“The Army Corps of Engineers only intends to operate the structure when needed as to not put additional water into the Atchafalaya Basin,” the news release said.
Okay well we will stand by for whenever that is.  Maybe if the levees keep failing upriver, the problem will take care of itself.