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Showing posts with label Arabs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arabs. Show all posts

Nov 15, 2023

Interesting Psak: hiring Arab workers

Since the war began on October 7, Simchat Torah, a lot of industries in Israel have been negatively impacted due to the lockout of Palestinian workers. Among the hardest hit industries is the construction industry. Almost all construction workers were Arabs, especially Palestinian Arabs with work permits.

Even as kablanim try to find alternatives and hire Israeli Arabs and Palestinians with work permits (from areas other than Gaza, such as East Jerusalem along with some from Judea and Samaria), residents in the areas are nervous about these Arabs being employed in their neighborhood - much of the intel collected by Hamas that helped them in their attack on southern Israel was collected by [some? many?] Palestinian workers who just went to work on a regular basis in Jewish areas and then helped Hamas with details about people and houses and communities.

The question posed to Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein is if residents of the area have the right to complain about such Arab workers and demand that they not be allowed to work in the area? Regarding supermarket chains, the supermarkets can employ Jews in the place of their Arab employees even though it means paying a higher salary, but at least it is an option. In construction it is hardly a realistic option to replace the Arab workers with Jewish ones, and the entire industry will collapse if the Arabs are prevented form working. On the other hand, people are scared and nervous.

Rav Zilbershtein responded that he has already paskened in similar situations in the past in times of terror attacks when people were scared of Arab workers that we can rely on God protects the foolish, and that if the government says these employees are safe we can rely on that and Hashem will protect us. 

Rav Zilbershtein says that today things are different, as we have now seen their cruelty, they do not have the "form of a human being" and have justified the expression "pere adam - wild man" that has been associated with them. And the ones that came in to work who might have been safe helped the barbarians with their knowledge and information. The scared neighbors are correct and right.

Rav Zilbershtein paskens that whoever can employ a Jew now should, people should purchase only from shops that employ Jews even if it is a bit more expensive - this will prevent stores form hiring Arabs and then there will be fewer Arabs entering the towns, and that will save untold numbers of Jews in the future.

Regarding construction and other situations that hiring Jews instead of Arabs is not so practical, Rav Zilbershtein says that the kablan needs to hire an armed security guard to be present the entire time the Arab workers are there, and at the end of the day he should escort them out of the city. This will calm the neighbors and they would agree to let the Arabs work with these conditions.

A claim was made that treating them like this and having an armed guard at all times would upset the Arab workers and instigate them but Rav Zilbershtein said there is no choice at this time and this is the required hishtadlus, and of course we should also pray that this should pass peacefully.
source: Haredim10

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Oct 9, 2023

roll up your sleeves

just had to repair a puncture in a car tire. local tire shops are open and working but very slow. No Arab workers, who usually do the actual work and quickly. Owners are doing it themselves now, rolling up their sleeves and getting to work probably the way they did when they first went into business, so it is also much slower, with lines of cars waiting to be serviced... 

We are learning how much we rely on the Arabs.. off the top of my head, the public transportation systems are messed up because the Arab bus drivers are not working right now, some of the supermarkets are messed up because their Arab employees are not working, the mechanics and car places, garbage collection is slow and less frequent, probably road maintenance and many others things in our daily lives will be slow and different in the coming weeks and months....

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Jun 28, 2022

Tractor vs Car

Today in a construction site in Neve Shamir - RBS Hei a fight broke out between a couple different construction crews. I have no idea what they were fighting about. Not really important. 

The important part of the incident was that we got treated to an episode of Tractor vs Car

Tractor: 1
Car: 0

very cool

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Jun 7, 2022

be angry at Likud but don't blame Likud

People should be upset, unless you believe the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria do not deserve Israeli rights, at the Likud and Bibi, Smotritch and Ben Gvir and Hatzionut Hadatit, Shas and UTJ... Not for not supporting the government proposal but for voting against the needs of the settlers for the purpose of bringing the Likud back to power. This was the type of vote that should not have been partisan and should have been supported by right wing opposition parties. But the Likud already said explicitly more than once that they dont care about helping anyone right now - not women who need protection from rapists, not settlers, not anybody - their efforts are only to get back to power. People should be upset that they put their own interests before the interests of the country - especially on issues that they have always supported..

But I do not blame them for the failure of the government to pass the Judea and Samaria bill. 

This government is chaotic and has a difficult time passing bills because of the competing interests. In the best of times with this government it was a razor thin majority and they had a difficult time passing bills. Every bill was a battle and reopened coalition negotiations and threatened collapse. It is not the Likud's fault, nor Smotritch's nor Gafni's or Deri's fault. It is the government's fault. they have not been able to manage the coalition. This is exactly why 61MK majority governments are very rare - because they have a very difficult time functioning. every MK becomes the king or queen, any and every time a vote is required. A government cannot function for long like that. The government might survive, but it is not getting much done.

Likud et al should have supported this bill, but passing the law is the government's job, not the Opposition's. Bennett, Lapid, Lieberman and the rest of them get the blame for this. They haven't been able to manage their coalition, and they have not been able to get some support even on critical bills from Opposition parties. The Opposition is failing us in the hope of a short term victory, but the Government coalition is failing us worse, as it is their job to pass these bills and run the country, and they have not been able to do that.

And to add a note, I think this experiment has largely failed. At least int eh way it was formed. I would not say that we have learned that an Arab party cannot join a government coalition, but perhaps an Arab party cannot and will not join a razor thin coalition where they (like every other paty) hold the balance of power. if there would be a coalition fo 70 MKs, then maybe an Arab party would also be able to join and make it 74 or 75, but to rely on them for 61 - it wont happen again as the experiment has shown to be futile - the government cannot function like that.

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Apr 4, 2022

Is Hawil a Jew or not a Jew?

Remember the Lebanese fellow, Eliyahu Hawil, posing as a Jew who married a Syrian lady from NY until it was discovered he is not Jewish and that just blew everything up? Well, we thought the story was behind us but now it is all blown up once again.

Various outlets are now reporting that a rabbi, Rav Avraham Reich, has doen some research and discovered that Eliyahu Hawil, the chosson of the story above, is actually Jewish, as his mother, and her mother, and her mother, were all Jewish, despite being married to Muslims in Lebanon. Hawil spent time in Rabbi Reich's community and has undergone a giyur lechumra - a conversion lechumra, just in case, to remove any possible doubt. Rabbi Reich did not convert Hawil but witnessed the conversion performed by a beis din.

I heard Rabbi Reich speak about this in an interview on the Zev Brenner show called Talkline. Very interesting and a strange twist to the story. it is hard to believe that this fellow is already Jewish, considering he never mentioned it at the time and was clearly being deceptive and lying, but even if it is not true, he has now undergone a conversion, just in case. So he is Jewish now, regardless of whether the findings of the research into his family is accurate or not

What a mess. If he was already Jewish, the original marriage was valid. If she refuses to take him back, he will have to give her a divorce, a gett. Hopefully, if that's what she wants, he wont refuse and make her an aguna. If he wasn't Jewish, she remains legally divorced (if they went through a legal divorce) and no gett is needed. If they do not get back together, I assume a gett will be required lechumra, just in case.

Such a weird story, a weird situation. I am not sure how he will make it into Adam Sandler's next version of the Hanukkah song - will he be listed as a Jew or as not a Jew or as a maybe Jew?

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Jan 19, 2022

Let's not lose our humanity

Last night at 3am Israeli forces evicted a family from their home in the Shimon Hatzaddik, aka Sheikh Jarrah, neighborhood of Jerusalem. 

This is an old story, unrelated to the ownership fight happening in the courts right now regarding other homes in the same neighborhood. The courts actually ordered it to be evicted over a year ago after a long fight in the courts in which the courts determined several years ago that this family was there illegally. The City of Jerusalem had plans to use this structure for a special needs children school but, until now, had not been able to because of this family's illegal occupation of the home.

So after a long fight, last night Israeli forces evicted the family.
source: Ynet

I am good with all that. Actually, almost all that. This eviction was fair and just and the right thing to do.

The rule of law is important and this was purely a legal fight, not one of Israeli occupation and all that. People can't just steal property and then claim they have been wronged and play the sympathy card. I wish Israel would do more about that in other parts of the country.

That being said, I am not sure this had to be done in the middle of the night, and on the coldest, most dismal, night of the year. It could have been done a week or a month ago, or it could have waited a week, or a month. It could have been done by day (though I do understand the benefit of doing it at night to avoid protests and whatnot). While it needed to be done, it could have been done with some more humanity and decency. 

Let's not lose our humanity in the process of doing what must be done.

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Jan 12, 2022

the work of the righteous is done by others

I somehow missed this story until today, and I am having a hard time finding good and reliable information about it.

Every year in honor of Tu B'Shvat the State of Israel, and KKL, goes on a planting binge around the country. This year it seems that the RAAM party, headed by Mansour Abbas and a member of the government coalition, expressed opposition to planting trees in the Bedouin corridor down south, saying it damages the land and the livelihood of the Arabs in the area.

Some reports say that the Bennett government capitulated to the threats and demands and canceled the planting events in the area. Other reports say the planting is set to continue and was only paused for a couple of days but has been restarted. And other reports say that the planting was actually stopped by the Netanyahu government in December 2020 when Amir Peretz was appointed to be in charge of the development of the area.

The Likud has jumped on the issue and Likud MKs went south yesterday for a planting ceremony to protest the Bennett government, in addition to sharp criticism leveled at Bennett for caving in to Abbas.

And MK Uri Maklev (UTJ) then criticized his political partners for this form of protest. Maklev protested saying that violating the Shmitta is out of bounds even in the name of protesting the Bennett government.

Perhaps the real reason the Arabs were opposed to the planting is because of it being a shmitta year! As they say, the work of the righteous is done by other people - צדיקים מלאכתם נעשית יל ידי אחרים.

I dont know how far south they were though, as a good portion of the south is not even considered halachically Eretz Yisrael. It is possible they did not even violate the shmitta in the process!

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Dec 13, 2021

Picture of the Day

It is not every day you see such honor bestowed upon a Jewish and/or Israeli leader by Arabs/Muslims, let alone Arab heads of state...

And I love the swords...


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Dec 7, 2021


This is rich!

Remember the Lebanese Avreich that turned out to not even be Jewish? And then he told his sob story claiming he just got caught up in a web of lies he couldn't get out of, he had to keep making up lies to explain away things because of his previous lies, and he didnt know how to get out of the cycle...

Well, now he is appealing to the masses with a GoFundMe page. he wants the public to fund his travel to Israel and living expenses so that he can study for conversion to Judaism. Hawila is looking to raise $10,000.

Give, don't give, that's up to you, but I have better things to give to...

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Nov 14, 2021

The Other Side of the Story

By now you surely must have heard about the story in New York of a Lebanese Muslim posing as a Jew having learned in a Chabad yeshiva and even marrying a frum woman in New York until his identity was discovered.

Behadrei brings a report from Zeev Brenner on Talkline (I have not heard the interview yet) who got the other side of the story! Brenner interviewed Eliyahu Hawil (obviously not his real first name).

Hawil says that hisfather was very connected to Islam, but his mother was not, and while he grew up being taught to hate Israel and Jews, he never connected to Islam and doesnt consider himself a Muslim. Hawil says his father still lives in Lebanon (though he has US citizenship) but his mother lives in Texas. Hawil has no Palestinian friends and has no connection to Islam, never goes to the mosque (and has never been, which might be hard to believe).  he says he was curious about Judaism and did some research and connected to it when he found the Tanach. He says he learned Hebrew by himself while in Lebanon.

He liked what he discovered about Judaism and wanted to connect to it. He went to Chabad and told them his mother is Jewish (even though she is not) and that's basically the story - from there one thing led to another...

He was acting like a Jew while in Lebanon and was getting threats. When he went to the USA, he first went to a Reform temple but they rejected him, as he was from Lebanon, so after that he decided to just tell people that he is Jewish. Once that was his story, he basically just kept going and couldn't back down, even when he was dating and made up more stories to explain away other things, like why his family was not connected, why he was alone, etc....

Poor kid. I guess from here, if he is really serious and telling the truth now, he'll probably try to go through a conversion, which should not be too difficult. I wonder if his lies until now will prevent him from converting, sort of as a knas or punishment. .

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Nov 8, 2021

The Lebanese Avreich

crazy story in the news out of the New York Jewish community.

I'll just start off by saying that no system is perfect and mistakes happen in every system and things fall through the cracks everywhere . This incident indicates nothing about this community being better or worse than any other in any way.

A fellow from a well known Haredi community in Brooklyn, having previously learned in a known Hassidic yeshiva, got married a few weeks ago.

According to the report on kikar, this community is known for its level of strictness and refuse to allow its member to marry even converts.

For whatever reason, this yeshiva bochur was alone in the world. He must have had some story, but it raised no eyebrows when nobody from his family was coming to his wedding. This young man spoke fluent Hebrew and learned well in yeshiva and nobody doubted who he claimed to be. The rav and rebbetzin of the community led him to his chuppa.

According to the report, after they were already married, some of the bride's family members decided to look into him, though I don't know why at that point, and went into their house to look around. They found three passports of his each with a different name. They also found pictures of him with the appearance of a Muslim.

They went to the rabbonim who told the wife to leave immediately, while they work to clarify the situation.

They now believe that this young man is a Lebanese Muslim, who never converted to Judaism. They do not know why he would pose as a Jew, learn in yeshiva, etc. All angles, including criminal, are being pursued.


By the way, there is more information including names, pictures and names of the communities involved here:

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Sep 12, 2021

Facebook Status of the Day

Think about the terrorists running away, running all over the largest Arab city in Israel, Nazareth, like abandoned dogs unable to find anyone willing to give them a place to hide or food to eat! This is the same Nazareth that a month ago hosted in hotels, for free, tens of Israelis running away from the forest fires in the Jerusalem area and also acted immediately to help after the Meron tragedy.
This is the spirit of participation in the Arab Israeli community

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May 13, 2021

Tamra's confusing behavior

Just two weeks ago Israel suffered a horrific tragedy when 45 people were crushed to death at a religious festival in Meron on Lag B'Omer. It is hard to call anything a bright point in such a horrific incident but one of the bright points was when the Arabs from a nearby town called Tamra provided water and food to Meron survivors. They set up stations offering free food and drink to thousands of evacuees as they were trying to make their way off the Meron mountain in the chaos.

Besides for that there were other bright spots, like the outpouring of love and empathy among nearly the entire Israeli public, regardless of sector, and thousands in towns all over Israel lined up and waited hours to donate blood for the injured.

For the purpose of this post, the part of this under discussion is the Arabs from Tamra (and elsewhere) who were sympathetic and loving, and showed an amazing level of coexistence and care.

This morning, amid all the reports of violence around the country over the past day, news reports, both the Times Of Israel and The New York Times, reported on the violence and pointed out the following incident - "In Tamra, an Arab mob attacked a man presumed to be Jewish and nearly beat him to death, according to an Arab paramedic who saved him" (excerpt from the NYT)

How can the Arab residents of Tamra be so caring, so neighborly, so empathetic, so warm, and then just two weeks later join violent riots, join the tiktokifada, against people who did them no harm? How could such kind and caring people just go and assault other people?

It might not be the same exact people in both incidents, but both were the "Arabs from Tamra". By Meron we assumed it was the entire town that came out to help. It seemed like it was the nature of the people there, the humanity.

How could we go from one to the other, and so quickly?

Which is the more accurate depiction of Tamra? I don't know, and right now I am not sure it matters. As I said yesterday, the decades of coexistence has been shattered in days and I am not sure how we will go back to trusting our other neighbors without starting over and giving it a bunch more decades of work...

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May 12, 2021

the Tiktokifada destroyed coexistence

I honestly do not get what all this sudden violence, rioting, and rockets from Gaza is all about. I do not understand if they are connected or just a confluence of events with bad timing. Obviously, occupation and all that, but it was relatively quiet for a fairly significant amount of time and suddenly it exploded into a conflagration the likes of which we have not seen in a really long time.

It started with several violent acts of Arabs slapping and hitting Jews and posting the videos to Tik Tok. Hence I am calling it the Tiktokifada. From that it went to the violence in Jerusalem with the Sheikh Jarrah dispute. From there to Har Habayit rioting and whatnot. Somewhere in there Ramadan was blamed for an uptick in violence. And then it went to rioting in mixed towns around Israel, and on roads near Arab towns, and nearly at the same time barrages of rockets from Gaza on Israeli cities was renewed.

This tiktokifada looks like it is a  hodgepodge of different causes and different acts of violence. Some people think there is a direct line from one to the other, starting with the Tik Tok videos and ending with the riots and rockets. Besides for general complaints about the "occupation" that don't really answer the question, I just do not understand what this tiktokifada is all about.

And I really do not know or see how many of the Israeli Arabs come out of this. Obviously not everyone, not every Israeli Arab and not every Israeli Arab town, was involved in this, and there are plenty that are as loyal citizens of the State of Israel as they can be.... but so many were involved in rioting, in attacking their Jewish neighbors and co-residents in towns and cities all around Israel. Decades of building up trust and coexistence all destroyed in 1-2 days. When all this calms down and life gets back to some form of normal, how do we get back to that coexistence? How will Jewish and Arab neighbors trust each other and be willing to live side by side again? It could take decades to get back to where we were just a few days ago...

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May 10, 2021

fire on Har Habayit with Yom Yerushalayim celebrations at the Kotel below (video)

this was happening just a short while ago.... the fire is out now

the imagery is shocking.

The celebratiosn fo Yom Yerushalayim below, at the Kotel, dancing, and the music happens to be playing Dov Shurin's "Zachreini Na" song, while a massive fire was burning on Har Habayit above. The fire was started when Arabs shot fireworks at policemen, and the fireworks caused a massive tree to catch fire. The optics though are surreal. It feels and looks like Al Aqsa is burning to the ground and the celebrations are heralding the coming of the new Temple....

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laundering RAAM

The attempts to form a coalition until now all seemed to rely heavily on the Arab party named Raam, led by MK Mansour Abbas.

It was problematic to begin with, as Raam always supported terror and Hamas, but PM Netanyahu saw the potential for using them to form a government and he laundered them, or kashered them, and turned them into a legitimate potential coalition partner. the explanation was that they have regretted their support for terror and now are putting it aside and advancing a civilian agenda to better the lives of Israeli Arabs, and that is fine to forma  government relying on them.

Once Netanyahu kashered them, once he laundered them and turned them legitimate, even though he failed to form a government (because Smotritch refused to sit in a government relying on RAAM), they were already legitimized for Lapid and Bennett to also negotiate with Raam to potentially include them or rely on them to form a government.

With the escalation of hostilities this evening, after rockets from Gaza and Israeli retaliation, with what looks to be a few heated days ahead of us, RAAM has now announced that they will not negotiate supporting a government until the escalation and hostilities are finished - they are freezing negotiations.

With Raam freezing negotiations, I think they closed the door on supporting a government. While I dont know why anyone thought it could even work as the first time the government would need to act against Arab hostilities or against Arab interests in anyway, Raam or any other party would vote against and topple the government. For them to be included above the 61 could work, but if they completed the 61, I think they now have shown they cannot be relied upon for support.

This likely kills Lapid's (and Bennett's) chances of forming a government, that were slim to begin with and increases the likelihood of going back to elections.. 

chances are pretty high, even higher than they were last week, that Rav Don Segal is going to be right about his prediction...


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Apr 4, 2021

Politics makes strange bedfellows

A lot of people are surprised, even shocked, even horrified, by what Rav Chaim Kanievsky was recently quoted as having said. 

There are slightly different versions of exactly what he said, so I'll just paraphrase the point of what he supposedly said.

Rav Chaim Kanievsky was, supposedly, asked if the Haredi parties should support a government that is reliant on the Arab parties, or if they should reject that and support a government of Jews but they are Leftists. What the exact wording of the question was, I do not know -I saw a few different versions, but that was the point of the supposed question (I keep saying supposedly and supposed because they video and publish everything about him nowadays. Anything that is put out in his name without some form of documentation is just supposed). 

Rav Chaim Kanievsky's answer was, again supposedly, that it is better to make a government with Arabs rather than Leftists because they do not want to create a melting pot and turn us all into secular Jews and also because their family values and respect for religion is a lot closer to our views than those of the seculars.

Supposedly he said something like that, with the point being (no matter what the exact words were, if he said it at all) that he has no problem with the Haredi parties being part of a coalition that includes, or is reliant upon, Arab parties and would prefer that over an alternate coalition that includes Lapid, Labor, Meretz, etc.

People are shocked and horrified over this, Rav Chaim Kanievsky is choosing the murderous and terror-supporting Arabs as coalition partners over his own Jewish brothers!?!?! Shock! Horror! See how much he/they hates the rest of us! So selfish for his narrow interests he will sell the entire country down the creek!

First, that shows how far the values of so many Jews has moved from his values, and seemingly from the values of the traditional Judaism that he represents. He does not have to prefer liberal values over traditional ones if he is opposed to them.

Second, as far as I can tell nothing new was said here (if anything was actually said at all). We have frequently seen the Haredi parties cooperating with the Arab parties to thwart potential laws that might hurt one or the other group, and in the other direction as well - cooperating to pass laws that help one or the other. They have found each other, for a long time already, to be convenient partners and on close enough to the "same page" that they have found it easy and convenient to work together often. As they say, politics makes strange bedfellows. The Haredi and Arab parties have been bedfellows for a long time already and this is nothing new.

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Mar 7, 2021

Switzerland bans face coverings

Switzerland voted today to officially ban facial coverings. While not mentioning Islam, the referendum was clearly targeting Muslims and showing Switzerland as not an optimal place for Muslims to move to. The referendum passed by a tiny majority - tiny but a majority nonetheless.
source: Reuters

My only question is, and I have no idea how or what Switzerland is doing regarding COVID-19, how do you ban face covering during a pandemic where one of the most common tools used around the world to combat the spread of the virus is face masks?

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Dec 8, 2020

Arab from UAE buys ownership stake in Beitar Yerushalayim

The irony is so thick it can be cut with a knife.

Since the Abraham Accords were signed, normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, it has looked like this could be the warmest of relations Israel has with any Arab country.

Since then, among the various business relations being created via the air train between the two countries, a member of the royal family of the Emirates has purchased a 50% ownership stake in the Israeli football/soccer team Beitar Yerushalayim.

Beitar Yerushalayim has the reputation of being an extremely racist team with an extremely racist fan base. This team has always refused to sign Arab players, at times due to strong protests by groups of fans..  

The new co-owners made a statement about showing the youth that we are all equal and can work together and do beautiful things together.

I hope the kids get the message. And I hope the team is successful and brings a lot of profit to the owners. It is still funny and ironic that of all teams for the UAE sheikh to purchase it was Beitar Yerushalayim.

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Jun 4, 2020

Arab MK bring down the Israeli government

It did not take long but a Member of Knesset from the United Arab List successfully brought down the Israeli government!

Well, sort of.

MK Sami Abu Shahada (UAL) has officially caught the Corona Virus.

After Abu Shahada tested positive he informed the powers that be, when trying to figure out with whom he has come into contact, that he has participated recently in many events, such as protests, condolence calls, meetings, family events, and his work in the Knesset which includes participation in Knesset committee meetings. Abu Shahada says he has been in contact with thousands of people recently.

"Thousands of people" (in a very short period of time) sounds like delusions of grandeur to me, but better safe than sorry.

While the authorities try to figure out who else needs to go into quarantine and where he really has been and with whom he has actually come into contact, all Knesset Committee meetings are being canceled, along with lots of other Knesset activities (though not all).
source: Walla News

It was not all that difficult but the UAL brought down the government!

More seriously, refuah shleima to MK Abu Shahada.

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