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Showing posts with label vaccinations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccinations. Show all posts

Sep 11, 2022

the anti-vax party seemingly on death's door

That was about as short lived as any political party could possibly live.

Orly Vilnai just recently co-founded a political party called Ometz. Courage. The focus of the party was meant to be on personal rights, with it becoming a home for anti-vaxxers and the anti-5G community, with a special focus on people who refused to cooperate with the Corona rules in recent years.

Vilnai recently admitted in public that she herself got the Covid vaccine because she is in a high risk group. As soon as that became public knowledge, they basically forced her out of the party, essentially putting an end to the project that never even got off the ground.

Maybe the party needed a vaccine of some sort to protect itself from such an early untimely demise...

And I have no idea which side of the political map they were mostly going to be taking votes from so I do not know who this is good for and who this is bad for.

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Mar 6, 2022

Polio comeback in Jerusalem

Whoa... it is only one case, that we know of, right now of polio in Israel, and hopefully it wont make a comeback. No matter how hard the anti-vaxxers try to bring it back...

The news is reporting that a new case of polio has been discovered in Jerusalem. The polio was contracted in a 4 year old child from the sewage system. The Ministry of Health has epidemiologists investigating to see who else might have come into contact with this child.

According to the report, the child had not been vaccinated against polio.

Hopefully the case wont be too serious. There is no treatment for polio, only management. Do we even have any iron lungs left in storage, should it God forbid come to that?

It is only 1 case, but that is how it starts. And 1 case is a lot after years of no cases.

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Feb 8, 2022

Tweet of the Day

I dont know where this was originally posted but he guy who posted it with the comment on twitter claims it has been confirmed as real by the NJ Department of Health

It seems in New Jersey they could not find any real Orthodox Jews to pose for a picture... there must be a shortage there... and that is ignoring the question if such a campaign would even have any possibility of being effective... and not even just for Orthodox jews - for anybody. at this point, if someone has held out and refused to get vaccinated until now, what is going to convince that person that now is the time to vaccinate? Surely not this type of an ad.

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Jan 5, 2022

Proposed law: Sick Days for kids COVID-19 Vaccine

MK Tzvika Hauser (Kachol Lavan) has proposed a law that would give a parent the day off of work with pay, counted as an official sick day, for a day in which the parent vaccinated a child against CoronaVirus.

The law proposal today passed in its initial reading in the Knesset and will now be prepared for further readings and passage.

Between days off and in some places being paid to vaccinate each kid, I think it might be time to have more children....


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Nov 21, 2021

Interesting Psak: Chilul Shabbos for Vaccinations

About a million doses of Pfizer's vaccination for COVID-19 designated for children arrived yesterday morning - on Shabbos.  

In light of their arrival on Shabbos, Rav Binyamin Chuta, a renowned posek, noted that the opinion of the Ksav Sofer is that a melacha intentionally done on shabbos for other people is prohibited to benefit from forever. This is a form of a knas, or fine, so that people will not intentionally violate the Shabbos rules. According to this opinion, Rav Chuta says, one should prefer to wait for the next batch of vaccinations to arrive and be in use before getting the child vaccinated. 

However, according to the Shulchan Aruch a violation of Shabbos for other people is permitted for benefit after Shabbos. Additionally, even according to the Ksav Sofer above it might be ok because the people who brought the vaccinations did it on the premise that it was permitted due to being a form of pikuach nefesh - if they thought it was allowed it is not considered an intentional violation of Shabbos but would be considered a shogeg, an error, and then even according to the Ksav Sofer the vaccinations would be permitted for use. 

Rav Chuta concluded that one who wants to be strict and wait for the next batch will be blessed, but one who wants to be lenient has what to rely on. Another factor to consider is that we don't know at this time when the next batch will be coming to Israel and it might be dangerous to wait for that. Anyone wondering what to do practically should ask a rav.
source: Hamechadesh

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Nov 11, 2021

Dr. Albert Bourla, chairman and CEO of Pfizer, accepts the WJC Theodor Herzl Award (video)

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Nov 4, 2021

butting in

I was recently sitting at a bus stop waiting for a bus. Someone walked by and after he passed he did a double take and came back to ask me a question.

Mind you, this is someone I know, not a total stranger, but we aren't chummy or best friends. Just acquaintances. 

So he comes back and asks me if I am vaccinated. Mind you, I don't know if he wanted me to say yes or no (though I have my suspicions). Ok, not too bad - maybe because I am waiting to get on a bus. I was not wearing a mask but holding one for when I would get on the bus. Maybe he was curious if I am not wearing the mask because I am vaccinated or if I am going to wear a mask because I am not. 

I answered his question, but that was not the end. He asked me if I vaccinated my kids. I answered his question saying those who are young enough and still under our care but qualify for the vaccine were vaccinated, though we still have one too young and not yet qualified, so some are and some aren't.

He then asked if we will vaccinate her or not when they open it for children (likely very soon). I answered that I do not yet know, we havent really discussed it, but we would likely first ask our doctor what he thinks before making any decision. He asked who our doctor is and I told him and he was happy because that doctor is know as being cautious and not rushing kids to get the vaccine but he waits a bit. I only now just realized that it is irrelevant because this child is recovered from a recent bout of Corona and probably cannot even get the vaccine yet. He seemed satisfied and continued on his way.

A woman standing nearby asked me if that conversation was really unsolicited, and was shocked that this fellow would stop people in the streets and ask questions like that (though to be fair, she did not know that he knows me somewhat and maybe she thought we were "just two strangers passing in the night".

I was a bit shocked that he would ask me all this like that. As mentioned, we are not good friends, just acquaintances. And we weren't having a conversation about it or anything else that he felt it appropriate to ask. I answered because I have nothing to hide so why not.

Very weird.

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Oct 25, 2021

Facebook Status of the Day

this is insane...

ok, there is a movement to only deal with shidduchim of non/anti vaxxers but turning down an organ donation????

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Sep 30, 2021

Interesting psak: vaccinating against father's agreement

Kikar is reporting on an interesting psak issued by the regional beis din of the Jerusalem area, presided by the honorable rabbis Rav Meir Kahn, Rav Yaakov Steinhaus, and Rav Yitzchak Ushinski. 

The issue presented was one of the mother of teenage children wanting to vaccinate her children against the CoronaVirus - a 13 year old and a 15 year old child, both qualifying for the vaccine. the father is opposed to the vaccines. The question is if she can take them to get vaccinated without his agreement.

The beis din decided that the opinion submitted by the father was overkill and in the 50 pages he submitted he was trying to convince them that the vaccines are bad and the children should not be vaccinated. The mother's submitted position was one based on the Ministry of Health's experts, encouraging the public, including children this age, to get vaccinated. 

The mother submitted a doctor's letter asserting the children are at no special risk as they have no underlying conditions and are in good health with the doctor's recommendation to vaccinate the children. The father countered that the doctor is not an expert in this matter.

The beis din concluded that the mother is allowed to vaccinate her children against the wishes of the father, as long as the children agree to be vaccinated.

Technically the psak might be right and just, but it seems like a recipe for the opposite of shalom bayis. The kids shouldnt be put at health risk to preserve the shalom bayis of the parents, but perhaps the beis din should mandate them finding a way to decide together and come to some compromise.

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Sep 12, 2021

tweet of the Day

Professor Galia Rahav (a Professor of Infectious Diseases, or something like that, at Sheba Hospital) said on the Kalman Libskind show that the ICU units are giving preferential treatment to young patients over older patients, resulting in young people who chose not to get vaccinated receiving priority treatment over older vaccinated patients. This is not ethical or proper. Somebody who chose to not get vaccinated, whether young or old, should wit at the end of the line.

My instinct is to agree, but I dont know enough about medicine or ethics to make such decisions. And thankfully or hopefully I will probably never be in a position to make such a decision. What do you think?

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Sep 1, 2021

Quote of the Day

I will not sit down to the holiday meal with any person who is not vaccinated. Whoever is not vaccinated should take responsibility and lock himself up in his own house

  -- MK Uri Maklev (UTJ)

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Aug 29, 2021

wasting the booster

I understand the need for a booster - for the 3rd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine starts to wear off eventually, providing decreased protection over time. How much time and at exactly what point does it become necessary are details for the scientists to work out, but the concept seems normal to me. For those of us who were vaccinated 5, 6 7 months ago, it seems reasonable to get the booster shot now, if deemed necessary by the experts. Initially they expected the vaccine would be good for about 6 months, pending further review, and it seems they were pretty close on mark to that estimate. That's al fine by me. 

Interestingly, the Ministry of Health has reportedly instructed the kupot cholim to expand the 3rd dose booster shots to be made available to everybody over the age of 12 as of tomorrow.

Now that makes no sense to me. Even if the 3rd dose is just as safe as the first and second, as I believe it is (as it is the same exact dose), what benefit could there possibly be to a 12-17 year old to getting the 3rd shot now? The first dose of the vaccine was only made available to them in mid-June, so the earliest any 12-17 year old could have been considered fully vaccinated was about mid-July, just 5-6 weeks ago. Why would they possibly need the 3rd dose booster now, and what benefit could it possibly provide to them? They are already fully vaccinated and the vaccine has not yet begun wearing off.

unless the new theory is that we all need 3 doses immediately (with x number of weeks in between them) and then the 3rd dose is not really a booster, as it has been called, but part of the initial dosage plan, but I have not heard it explained that way.

As it is, opening the 3rd dose to 12 year olds right now makes no sense to me.

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Aug 25, 2021

Interesting Psak: unvaccinated teachers

The Corona Czar Professor Salman Zarka went to pay a visit to Rav Chaim Kanievsky to discuss Corona issues in the Haredi community in regards to the current wave of Corona.

Rav Kanievsky said, in response to Professor Zarka's request for a bracha for success along with his own call for people to vaccinate, and 3rd dose if relevant, that we have the vaccines due to heavenly assistance and everyone should take them to prevent sickness and bittul torah. Additionally Rav Kanievsky said that every person should do everything possible to avoid getting infected and to avoid infecting others and to adhere to the guidance and rules of the Ministry of Health.

Professor Zalka asked Rav Kanievsky about the school system, with many teachers and other staff  - estimated at about 3500 people in the Haredi school system - still unvaccinated while coming into contact with children that cannot yet be vaccinated. Rav Kaniebsky issued a psak that all men and women, all teachers in the schools must get vaccinated, and principals of schools should suspend teachers who will not vaccinate.
source: Kikar

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Aug 24, 2021

Nurses Speak about the Vaccine (video)

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Aug 23, 2021

FDA fully approves Pfizer CoronaVirus vaccine

The biggest, and most reasonable, justification for people to refuse taking the CoronaVirus vaccine has been the emergency use authorization granted by the FDA rather than actual full approval. People said it is experimental, so they did not want to take it, as it is not yet authorized, and one can always debate whether it has been tested enough or not.

Well, today the FDA has announced that it has granted full approval of the Pfizer vaccine against CoronaVirus (for people ages 16 and older - for children between 12-15 years it is still approved as emergency use).

From the press release:

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

So will all those who have refused to take it until now because of the emergency use status now take it because of the full approval?

I don't know if Moderna will be fully approved very soon after, but Netanyahu bet on Pfizer and it worked out.

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Aug 19, 2021

Picture of the Day

After government approval, the campaign to vaccinate children in school has begun. the first school to begin vaccinating is Bais Yaakov in RBS. 

Mayor of Bet Shemesh Dr Aliza Boch said:
We are the first city in Israel to administer vaccinations in schools. Yes, vaccinations in schools. If you are not convinced, we will explain until you understand. It is our job to incentivize this. A school that vaccinates will be rewarded financially. It is important to note that I am vaccinated, I am concerned for myself and those around me. This is the meaning of responsibility in education.
We cannot force anyone to vaccinate, but we can explain. We are taking responsibility for the students and for all residents of Beit Shemesh. The policy is quite clear, and was the decision of the Israeli government. Beit Shemesh trusts the city's education staff.
We are not requiring anyone to be vaccinated. We encourage and explain. Remember that there are activities that require vaccination under the Green Pass rules. Thank you for your cooperation, I have no doubt that this message will be passed on

Bet Shemesh is a trailblazer!

People are unsure about this, if it is the right thing to get the schools involved or not. Personally I think it is ok - in Israel all vaccinations and some other medical examinations (for school age children) are done through the schools, so this is really no different. It seems as reasonable as any other vaccine being administered in school, though I do think it is better that the policy is not to force but to encourage. If it were a mandatory vaccine that would be different but as long as the vaccine is not mandatory in the general public, it should not be forced on children either.

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Aug 17, 2021

Tweet of the Day

Yesterday we achieved the administration of the 1,000,000th 3rd dose of the vaccination.
I want to personally thank those who took the vaccine.
I want you to know that it is emotional for me and I see it as a statement of trust and faith, not just in me but in the government and in the health system. It is a statement that people understand that our decision to take the 3rd dose, even though the formal approval of the FDA to do so has not yet been given, is necessary right now.

Honestly, I think he is taking it a  little too far. People got vaccinated because they trust the vaccines to work and be safe, as they were after the first two doses and they want to be able to live their lives as normally as possible. This was so far only offered to the elderly and high risk, and they agreed to take it. Maybe it is trust in Pfizer. I don't think he needed to take it quite as far as he did and make into a show of support for his government.

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Aug 15, 2021

Quote of the Day

It bothers me that poor people around the world have not yet even received one dose of the vaccine, and I am going to get my third, therefore I will not get vaccinated with the third dose.

  -- Deputy Director of Shaarei Tzedek Hospital, Don Turner

I get the feeling, but he is not helping anybody by not taking the third dose. The State of Israel is not going to send his unused third dose to Australia or Canada or Africa for poor unvaccinated people - it will just go to somebody else in Israel or get wasted and expire at some point. In the meantime, one of the leaders of a major hospital will not have his booster and might end up being in a risky situation. 

Turner does believe that "rich" countries acquiring vaccines should condition that on an equal share of vaccines being sent to poor countries. That is a fair argument and worthy of discussion. I don't see it as realistic, but it is at least worth discussing. I am not sure why a private company, eg Pfizer or Moderna, would accept such a condition from any country demanding it - they sell vaccines, they don't give them away. if Israel or the USA or any other country wants to purchase vaccines and have them shipped as a humanitarian gesture to Haiti, to Tunisia, to the Palestinian Territories, to Congo or to wherever, that is the business of each country alone. Perhaps it should be an effort of the United Nations.

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Aug 4, 2021

Quote of the Day

A mask is more effective than the vaccine as it gives 98% protection. The vaccine is like a bullet proof vest - it isnt perfect, you can catch the virus even with the vaccine. The Delta virus is 1000 times more than what the Corona virus was. The vaccine is like your iPhone battery that finished and now you need to recharge it

  -- PM Naftali Bennett

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May 27, 2021

making it easy for anti-corona-vaxxers to marry

There is a new shidduch service in town (though it doesn't seem to be limited to any specific location)

We have already seen something similar, anti-vaccine based shidduchim services, though this is seemingly somewhat different. This service is for people who are not vaccinated, there will be no official shidduch fees - not for being set up or even upon getting engaged, and the nonsense of resumes will be done away with.

Also, this service is for non-vaccinated (specifically against CoronaVirus, not general antivax) people to be able to meet and date "like minded people". It says nothing about the shedding of infertility and thereby staying safe by only dating non-vaxxed people, so I guess this is already better than the other, or less weird.

It seems to me to be a relatively good thing. I don't care if non-vaccinated people want to date other non-vaccinated people. I guess it is a serious enough issue that it is reasonable for people to want to clear this one in advance, sort of like people who only want to date others who want to live in Israel or specifically others that do not want to live in Israel. So if someone out there wants to, or thinks he can, help these people meet and get married, maybe solve the shidduch crisis somewhat in some way, more power to him.

At the end of the day it does not seem to me that this is going to last very long. With the shidduch pool wide open people are having time finding their mates, with some sort of shidduch crisis supposedly happening. If they are going to limit the pool and make it really small, maybe it will help a few people find their mates but overall for most people it probably wont be overly useful, and at some point all this corona vaccine stuff will be forgotten or pushed behind us and people will want, or need, the larger pool of potential mates....

So anti-corona-vaxxers, go meet your mates easily now while you can!

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