The recipe was for a custard tart from Delia Online and I planned to top it with some lovely cherries. I set about the recipe with some confidence as I have made both custard and pastry many times before and didn't envisage any major problems. I made the pastry and lined the tin as directed. Then Delia suggests cutting some leaves from the scraps of pastry to trim the edge with. I decided as it was summer I would use my mini butterfly cookie cutter as it is of a similar size to the leaves trimming Delia's pastry. I lovingly cut each one out and placed them around the edge. I was very proud of the pretty little creation lying in front of me.
The next phase of the recipe called for the pastry to be baked for 20 minutes. When I read this at first I questioned it as there was no blind baking required. I shrugged off my doubts thinking, "sure Delia would know more than me about these things", and popped it into the oven. Four minutes later the timer beeped for me to check the pastry was not bubbling and rising and to my dismay when I opened the oven it had indeed shrunk and all of my lovely butterflies were nothing but a gooey mess. *Sob* I threw it in the bin and started again whilst cursing myself for not trusting my instinct.
This time instead of just pricking the base with a fork I pricked it all over, the sides and each butterfly was forked, just to be sure to be sure. Again when checking it after 4 minutes for bubbling the case had shrunk, but not quite as much so I salvaged the case and continued to bake it. After 20 minutes I had a beautiful golden pastry case although sadly without my lovely butterfly trim as this had once again slipped into the case. Not to worry, I could live without that at this stage in the game.
I set about making the custard filling. The instructions for this were easy peasy so I had it done in a jiffy. I carefully poured it into the pastry case, dotted it with butter and toddled off while the cooker worked it's magic. Luckily I had a little of the custard filling left over so I popped it in a ramekin to bake for Mr. Boo as he is a bit of a custard lover. After 30 minutes I checked it and it looked pretty similar to Delia's, lightly browned on top and a little puffy, so I took it out of the oven and set aside to cool.
A few minutes later Mr. Boo came into the kitchen and enquired was the ramekin 'his' custard. I confirmed that it was and he set about making a dent in it. Two spoonfuls later and I knew we had a problem. His face read more yuck than yum so I asked was the custard nice. He said a meek yes and placed the dish down so I decided to investigate for myself. It wasn't good, there was no sweetness, and in hindsight only 50g of sugar would explain that. And the texture wasn't quite the smooth, thick custard I had imagined, more a blancmange. The bin got it's second feed of the day. I followed the recipe so I am not sure where I went wrong on this one. I am going to write this one off and continue the search for a custard tart recipe. When I have a bit of time I may even play around a little and try to come up with my own from the ideas I have in my head.
With not long to go we did a mercy dash to the supermarket and bought some ready made pastry which I baked and filled with custard but naturally that didn't set enough in the short time frame. I topped it with cherries, raspberries and strawberries and no one complained when the custard oozed out as each slice was cut. All I can say is thank God I always make more than one dessert as that saved the day. So there you have it, kitchen disasters happen everywhere and all of the time, I have had more than my fair share but thankfully I usually manage to salvage things to an edible standard. What was your worst kitchen disaster, if you are brave enough to share leave me a little comment.
Also on the menu on Sunday was:
Smoked Salmon Salad
Mini Organic Spelt Soda Bread Loaves (I used this recipe and baked in a mini loaf pan)
Roast Butterflied Leg of Lamb with Garlic, Rosemary & Maldon Sea Salt cooked over gratin of Potato
Leeks & Baby Carrots with Pancetta
Blanched Sugar Snap Peas and Green Beans tossed in Herb Butter
Hasselhoff (formerly known as Hasselback) Potatoes
Triple Chocolate Flower Pots
Delia's Custard Tart (the bin loved it)
Chocolate dipped strawberries
Top Secret Chocolate Treat (brother in law harrasses me before he comes to make sure this is made, everytime)