Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thank you, Indian Summer!

My morning glory vine and my petunias and geraniums and my SOUL are all thankful for the gorgeous 80F degrees and warmer the last several days here in northern Indiana. Warm and sunny is the forecast for the next several days also. It's sooooo pleasant!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Give Me My Art Time, and No One Gets Hurt

I've had no time for art the last few days; I haven't even made it to the studio, so I'm starting to feel a little out of sorts! The best I could do was another early morning with a few minutes to play with the camera. Still learning how to shoot into the sun.

Been doing "real work" projects and haven't even had time to blog or look at art magazines or even watch television. I would be getting cranky, but tomorrow starts the weekend - yay! For some crazy reason I agreed to babysit an unrelated toddler Saturday night, but I figure I am guaranteed free time when he goes to sleep because I won't be at my own house.

Some wonderful swap packages have arrived this week, and I need to take time to photograph everything. At least I got my thank-you's out; Martha and Emily would be proud. TGIF (in 41 minutes!).