Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts

Thursday, April 5, 2012

In a whimsy painting mode

I finally got out my acrylics and two 16 x 20 canvasses and committed to making a mess. I have been wanting to paint again for the longest time, and so I used some of my recent cat doodles for inspiration. Blythe, Alice in Wonderland and a certain kitty named Tinkerbelle also served as inspiration.
Some techniques used were learned in a February class, including stenciling,  mark-making and adding texture. Not sure either one is quite done yet as I usually like to add some tiny 3-D element. We shall see. The good news is I can't wait to paint again!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Almost lost Larry, too. An update

You may remember I posted about the tragic, sudden and shocking death of our beloved, five-year-old Lester (pink nose). In the past two weeks, shortly after getting Lester's autopsy report from Purdue University, we almost lost Larry. He is coming home from the hospital today.
Before I discuss that, the results of Lester's autopsy did support anaphylaxis- asphyxiation due to a sudden allergic reaction. Unfortunately, that's all we know. So we'll never know if it was to the rabies or the distemper shot or whether the shot was the correct dose or a wrong dose.
Since no explanation is forthcoming from our former veterinarian, we'll never know why no one was around right after Lester got vaccinated, why there was no crash cart, why no one was there to administer a shot of Benadryl or Epinephrine to stop the reaction. We'll just never know. We will always miss him. May he rest in peace. Hopefully he is hanging with his Great-Aunt Mookie in kitty heaven and listening to her stories about Myrtle, Murphy and Maynard.
Meanwhile, in an effort to give Larry lots of attention, besides tons of hugs and kisses and snuggling, it was discovered Larry liked chasing loose shoelaces. Since this was reminiscent of the famous time when as a four-month-old (or so) kitten he flew through the air like a squirrel to get a string that had accidentally flipped up on the blade of a fan on the cathedral ceiling, we were encouraged.
So, many nights of "playing shoestring" ensured. In the last week-and-a-half Larry started acting mopey again, then sluggish. Then he started throwing up. Then he wasn't eating or drinking, so off to the vet he went.
Not only was he severely dehydrated, necessitating an IV, but he still refused to eat, drink or poop (sorry) at the vet's office during an overnight stay. So they kept him; x-raying his stomach they saw nothing really, except a lot of constipation. Dehydration continued, along with vomiting, no eating, no drinking and nothing passing through. A barium enema x-ray still showed very little, and all that came back out was the barium.
So, unfortunately, but thankfully, Larry had to have exploratory stomach surgery Thursday where 19, yes, NINETEEN inches of shoestring were removed from his stomach in a wad. Turns out x-rays only show metal objects, they said. (?) The doctor measured the shoestring; that's how we know, and Larry's "Dad" got to see it.
We feel terrible, not dreaming he would try to eat a thick, 51" shoestring. We were trying to keep him playful. The veterinarian explained that a cat can slurp in a long piece of string just like we would slurp in a long piece of spaghetti or a giant snake would slurp in a person (okay, I made that part up, but that's what I envisioned). And I can joke a tiny bit, because Larry is now fine and headed home today, feeling so much better! His toy box, however, will be getting an overhaul.
By the way, this is the same Larry who spent a stay at the vet after a piece of black mesh fabric was removed under anesthesia from his butt (sorry again), where it had become lodged. We suspect a tiny fabric bow, that untied itself and got much larger after he "slurped" it. In a later adventure, Larry also had to be rushed to an out-of-town pet emergency room after quickly "slurping" a pill that was dropped on the floor before we could grab it. Oh, Larry!
So, pet lovers, use this as a heads-up to be aware of your pets' shot reactions and also to think carefully about the kinds of toys, chew-things and amusements you give them. Also, on a side and possibly related note, a mouse in the house was captured on one of the few nights the house was completely cat-less. Hmmm.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An update on our beloved Lester

Here are some scenes from the too-short life of our Lester, brother to Larry, and family member to us all. As I blogged about earlier, Lester died suddenly at the vet after routine vaccines and under unusual circumstances. This was a vet we had used many times before but not always. He has been in business at least 20 years and is in a large, clean facility. Warsaw, Indiana is not a town with a "bad side."

Unfortunately, the vet acted aloof, uncaring and even defensive when we attempted to question him more about this. We felt something was amiss when we were told Lester was done with his shots and to come pick him up. He was not in the room, nor handed to us in the carrier at the desk like normal. The vet and staff acted odd, but then acted "surprised" when they "discovered" Lester had died.

After several hours to think, we visited three other vets in town to ask about shot reactions, and we called Purdue University, home to a renowned veterinary school, and also the most likely location in the state to due any kind of autopsy or research.

Although Lester had already been frozen, we were lucky enough to get his body back from the vet before the animal cremation service arrived. My first cat, Mookie, who lived to be 18, is buried in our back yard, but Paul did not prefer this for Lester, and I respected that.

After suspecting something was out of the ordinary, we were pretty sure Lester's body would be gone, but by calling Friday morning (before things got ugly), we were able to get him back. I am out of state, so I applaud my daughter for bravely picking Lester up and taking him to our other, more regular vet, who was busy the day all this happened. Paul was still beside himself and blaming himself, and I didn't want to ask him to get the body.

Adrienne, who can be squeamish, stepped up. Our regular vet could have done an autopsy if Lester hadn't already been frozen. But they did call Purdue for us and make arrangements, and they shipped him. When they called the other vet for the rest of Lester's records, he initially refused. I have no idea what kind of "records" or notes on the chart we got for last Thursday.

We later talked to Purdue twice, and one of the two people said she had never seen a vaccine reaction in all her years there. The other said it can happen; it happens to people, too. But it is extremely rare.

The other vets in town made several excellent points: a vet's normal policy is to monitor ALL animals after a vaccine is given; vaccines should not be given to sick animals (even one with a minor eye infection). We didn't even think of that, and as I was lamenting, I was reminded we shouldn't have had to. The veterinarian is supposed to think of that.

Another said a simple Benadryl injection could have stopped the reaction then and there. We didn't think of that either. Where was the veterinarian's crash cart for emergencies like this--since reactions can happen in surgery, too.

We asked the vet to pay for the autopsy at Purdue ($96) on principle. He got very testy and refused. Why wouldn't he want to know what happened, too? Why wouldn't he want to notify the pharmaceutical manufacturer of the vaccine and get them involved?

So, without any answers we have been forced to imagine all sorts of unpleasant and unthinkable things--from the simplest negligence, like injecting Lester and then everyone leaving for coffee to grabbing a dog- or horse-size dose, to accidentally snapping Lester's neck when grabbing the scruff. I am sorry to write these things. None of us can get them out of our minds because we don't know.

We have talked to the local animal shelter, and to a local attorney- not for money, but for answers. We are waiting until the results of the autopsy. So, although he never expected it, Lester, the sometimes basketball fan, is going to Purdue, home of the Boilermakers, sometimes a Hoosier Hysteria contender. We're pretty sure Lester was not a Purdue fan, and definitely is not now. However, if his senseless death can prevent this from happening again--whether it be a tainted vaccine, a mis-dosed shot, a negligent vet or worse--and if his death can help teach veterinary students, then we will be glad. Perhaps the results will help generate some answers since none are forthcoming locally.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The End of the Weekend

I finished these doodle cat ATCs last night during Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters. It's hard for me to "just" watch television. I like to be doing something, because, let's face it, one really doesn't 'have to concentrate' on those shows, as good as they are.
Had a hard time falling asleep, so I started recounting all the things that went on over the four-day weekend. When I reflect it always makes me feel like the days lasted a little longer, because they always seem to go so fast otherwise. Then for some reason, I woke up at 4 a.m. raring to go, whatever raring means.
So I did email, ate some Raisin Nut Bran, read my favorite blogs, looked at Flickr, and finally at 7 a.m. decided to take pictures of these cards. I found a "doodle" that works for me, and now I cannot stop doodling these cards. I'd given the previous cats all away, so I thought I'd make some for me. These are watercolor crayons and gel pens on heavy journal pages, cut out and mounted on various background papers, some from Shabby Cottage Studio where I am on the Design Team: The Seven Shabby Sisters. Watch for our next project of an altered paper house/hanger-upper-thingy.
I already was asked by the lovely Jade to swap a card I posted on Flickr last night, so they don't last too long! I'm hoping she will send me a Zentangle in trade. I am just learning about these here: and haven't tried one yet. Need to get a good pen- it is key.
Looking forward to today's mail arrival. With all of my swaps now sent out, it is fun to just sit back and see what comes. That's the benefit of getting done on time or early, I guess. Forgot to take a picture of the snowman swap I sent to Mary Isabella, but I guess that's a good thing because she's one of my regular blog visitors. So, no sneak peek for you, Mary! Ho, ho, ho.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Teeny Tiny Sewing Machine and Cat Shown Actual Size

Hello there...I was 'sew' excited to find my sewing machine arrived when I got home from La Florida yesterday. What good is this, you ask? It will sew through paper, fabric, do leetle repairs and most importantly, assist in all forms of altered art. Plus, it is the least intimidating sewing machine I have ever seen- considering I haven't seen one since eighth grade- and even then, I didn't like them. No blue ribbons in 4H for skirts and aprons for me. In fact, no 4H for me, which is why I "made" Adrienne do it. But that's another story. Even Lester is not intimidated by this. Got the little gem from Stampington for $10.95. (Go pitiful Notre Dame today). Off for a pedi.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pet Faux Postage Contest at ArtChix

Below are some ACEOs I drew or photographed for the pet faux postage contest. Can't decide which five to send off to enter!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I Saw A Spirit - collage

Here is a little collage I did for my ZNE Book Club assignment this week. We are to create a mixed media collage one step at a time, by drawing random tasks from a bowl and performing them in order. Mine were: write, use Twinkling H2Os, sandpaper, sand again, stamp with bleach, distress in some way, use water color crayons, paint, distress, apply a photo, scratch, apply a transparency, apply magazine bits, apply background paper bits, apply text, overstamp, seal.

I made this copy, and also a sepia one, before sealing as I think I will coat it with beeswax or maybe spooky beeswax drips, I haven't decided.
Next up is a numbers theme ATC for my ATC/ACEO Enthusiasts group on ebay, and the collage will also serve for the August month-end collage challenge for CaaT. I am continually amazed by all the talented people on ebay! It would be so great to do nothing but create, post, sell, buy, read beautiful blogs, rinse and repeat all day long!
Tonight I picked up some more art supplies. I am going to try my hand at acrylics, so I got some paint, brushes and thick little fat canvases (5x5). I also got a bunch of paint swatches (Lowe's) and will be collecting wallpaper swatches for my next endeavor.
Finally, I am awaiting some domino-size tiles in the mail from my BkNq (book-nique) group, out of which I am supposed to make a tiny book. Not sure what my subject will be! I have gotten lots of suggestions at home for verrrry short books, such as "Guide to Safe Hunting," by Dick Cheney and so get the idea...and I don't want a political blog!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Here are a few of my favorite pages. Larry the Cat was posted on Two Peas in a Bucket recently.