Assuming, of course, that we make it to Heaven and also that, our loved ones might be first on the list – so just who else would we most like to meet?
The question used to be asked of us boys in the RE class of Sister Paul OP.
The good sister, herself, had a burning desire to meet with Hereward the Wake (“after St Paul , of course, boys”). What? Hereward the Wake? What would a good old Irish nun be doing with meeting an 11th century marsh vaulting rebel – oh, it must have been the rebel bit!
"I'm as surprised as you are Lord, but shall I let him in?" |
But it remains an interesting question. Who would it be? St Thomas More ranks high in my shortlist which also includes St Cuthbert Mayne, St Edmund Campion, St Catherine of Siena, St Maximilian Kolbe and, of course, our own Bl Titus Brandsma. But we are not restricted to canonised saints; so my list could extend to include Fr Donald Proudman OP., J.R.R. Tolkien, GKC and Hilaire Belloc, Archbishop Fulton Sheen oh, and Keith who borrowed £5 off me in 1971….it would be good to meet up with him again!
But…I almost forgot. I just have to include my Guardian Angel on my list. My guess is that he/she will be found in Heaven’s version of Intensive Care – much needed after looking after me!