Showing posts with label Muslim Prayer Rooms in Catholic Schools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim Prayer Rooms in Catholic Schools. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Archbishop Cranmer was ahead of the game

Not allowed in multi faith prayer rooms
I have been banging on for the last six months about Catholic schools making what I consider to be a profoundly wrong decision to provide prayer rooms for Muslim male pupils.

Now I have discovered that the Archbishop Cranmer blog had it covered and covered well, no less than five years ago.

That fact, alone, is humbling but add to it the little matter that Cranmer blog is, of course, a Church of England one, then you do begin to think, if the CoE can see the dangers, why can't the Catholic bishops?

I have also read, in various places, that there is a call for the Catholic bishops to make Multi faith rooms available in every school

Does, whichever bright spark who dreamt up this idea, believe for one minute that Muslim students are going to use a room just vacated by Jewish ones?

Or Hindus takeover after the Sikhs have had a go?

And what happens when the Wiccan students fancy a dance of the circular kind?

Of course, what really would upset the episcopal apple cart would be Catholic students demanding a Latin Mass - a wailing and gnashing of dentures all round I think.


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Over 800 signatories opposing Muslim Prayer Rooms

                                                                                Photo: Rorate Caeli

Yes, I am pretty much confident that our list of names of those who believe that the provision of Muslim Prayer Rooms in Catholic Schools is nothing short of scandalous would include 'The Otranto 800' (read HERE) were they still on this earth.... well as St James Matamoros.....and quite a few others

Friday, 7 June 2013

Yes, we have no Madrassas....

.....we have no Madrassas today.....

Not that you would suspect, from our see.....we keep this one close to our chest.....prospective Catholic parents may not be too keen to learn of prayer rooms in our schools when we have a Catholic ethos and are bound by the teachings of Holy Mother Church.

But...hey....who gives a damn...we're all part of the same club....bring on the lay chaplains and the Reverend Mr Deacons, let's ignore the looming issue of Islamic fundamentalism and forget what goes on in Saudi, Kuwait, Pakistan and other Muslim countries and let's forget that we are the one true Church (so old fashioned and judgemental)....what does Our Lord want us to do?

Oppose heresy and error and embrace false religions?


Are these some of the schools involved? Does the Headteacher know?

Funny that one cannot find anything about Muslim prayer facilities on the websites of Catholic Schools; all that is on the websites is info about the school chapel and so on.

Would you suspect that this school is involved in prayer rooms for Muslim students?

Read the HMI report.

Friday, 31 May 2013

Oh no! I have got it wrong about Muslim Prayer Rooms!

I am sorry. So very sorry, so-oo sorry.

Hello - I'm your new parish counsellor

You see there are no Muslim Prayer Rooms in the Catholic Schools of England and Wales - I stand corrected.

I have been told this fact and I am sure my informant is correct.

He tells me that there are no Muslim Prayer Rooms in our schools....only rooms used by Muslim pupils for prayer.

Umm....just run that past me again mean there are only dedicated rooms for Muslims to pray Muslim Prayer Rooms?

Ooh, I'm feeling a bit funny, time for a couple of Mogadon and a lie down.

And, you may be surprised, dear friends (and others) to learn that I have been reading Twitter....yes, really.
 It's easy, just like reading haiku.
Anyway, some kindly old soul made a comment on this whole Muslim Prayer Room debate and tweeted the following:

"Maybe our own pupils would learn from the Muslims" (that's my paraphrase but accurate in essence).

Ah, well, that makes sense. Let's make Muslim Prayer Rooms mandatory in all Catholic Schools so that Catholic pupils can learn how to pray!

Stop the world, I want to get off!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

It's not that I'm paranoid......

....but someone's out to get me!

Oh no! Not the limp lettuce leaf...anything but that....please!

Observant readers may have noticed the rapid decline of my voting poll in the sidebar. Four days ago, the tally was 140 souls who had voted, virtually all utterly opposed to Muslim Prayer Rooms in Catholic Schools.
Roughly 5% were in favour (who they?) I think I can guess.

Now, my poll has been snaffled, hacked, got at, knobbled......the votes have disappeared and only a few voters are appearing, something like 10, (sniff!).

I am, of course, not pointing a finger at any individual or coven group. It might well have been a blip on Blogger, who knows?

But, in the light of approaches that have been made to me, it may be worth repeating my new mantra, that names of signatories will not be revealed to any person other than their Graces, Smith & Mennini.

I know that quite  few Catholic teachers have signed up, considerably distressed at what is going on.

I know that the forces of greyness would not hesitate to bring influence to bear to persecute these good people.

It is an irony, is it not? That Catholic persecution in the western world today, is undertaken by those in authority within the Church and their insipid feminist hangers on.

On the plus side is the fact that, being attacked by these people is rather like going three rounds in the ring with a limp lettuce leaf!

If you have not done so, please sign by leaving your name in the comment box or by emailing me on

And - if you don't know what all this is about, please visit my more recent posts.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A call to arms!

It has been suggested that other Catholic bloggers might like to involve themselves with the issue of Muslim Prayer Rooms in Catholic Schools and help collect signatories for the letter that will be sent to Archbishop Peter Smith next week.

We do need your help....please link to my post or ask for those who wish their name to be added to the letter (not to be publicised) to email me on  or to leave their name in the comment box HERE

Thank you

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

More on Muslim prayer rooms and a letter to the Archbishop

I posted, a few days ago, on the apparent surge in Catholic Schools dedicating some of their hard won resources to providing Prayer Rooms for Muslim students.

That goes against all the mission statements that any Catholic School has ever know, the ones that state:-

The XXXX School is a Catholic secondary school for boys of all abilities and all backgrounds. It exists to serve the educational needs of the Catholic community of  XXXX and neighbouring areas. As such, it will at all times seek, via opportunities for worship and prayer, and via the teaching of its religious studies programme, to deepen and enrich the Catholic faith of all its pupils. Further we seek to provide for these same pupils, access to real academic, sporting, musical and artistic excellence.
We believe as well that all aspects of the life of the school should be lived in a spirit of justice and charity and that Christian selflessness should be part of all our dealings with one another.
OK, no mention of other faiths there. 
No mention of taking funds from the Catholic coffers to provide a room facing Mecca for its male Muslim students. No mention of the dangers of apparently equating Islam with Catholicism.
So now is the time for action against such silliness. 
I have composed a letter to Archbishop Peter Smith (copy to HG Archbishop Mennini) and I am collecting signatories so that I may present the letter (hard copy) with as many names appended as possible.
I hope that you will agree to join in and send me your name, either in the comment box or, privately by emailing me at
Your names will not be made public and only appear as signatories on the letter itself.....please help me on this one, we cannot allow this sort of abuse to continue.
Here is the letter:
"Your Grace

We have been made aware of a number of Catholic Schools in your Archdiocese, where, in conflict with Catholic teaching and in direct contradiction of their mission statements, resources have been allocated to providing prayer rooms for Muslim students.

This is not an issue with Muslim pupils attending Catholic Schools, always provided that there is a shortfall in places. Such attendance is an opportunity for the Faith to be spread by example and by observation on the part of the pupils.

It is concerned directly with the fact that this facility should not be provided on Catholic premises, especially, a school setting where young people could, quite understandably, interpret the provision as a signal that there is little or no difference between Catholicism and Islam.

We hope that you will act to put an end to this practice and inform Headteachers, Lay Chaplains and Deacons who may be involved in pastoral work in the Catholic School sector, to that effect.

We assure you of our prayers for you and your priests at all times."

So now, please send me your name if you agree with the content of the letter. It matters not whether you are from Southwark or, indeed from Britain, all signatures made with good intent are valid.

This needs nipping in the bud before it becomes the norm.