Showing posts with label Orwell's Picnic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orwell's Picnic. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

"The time has come to choose a side"

That line is taken from a post currently circulating.

Today it's the  'Disillusion of the Monasteries'
The subject of the post is the disgraceful attack on the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and the author opines that the time to choose between what she neatly dubs "Novusordoism" and "The Faith of our Fathers" is upon us.

To me, the only constant source in the Church that meets the description of "Faith of our Fathers" is the SSPX, ever steady as a rock.

As the nearest SSPX Church is about 160 miles from where I live, and, as we have a good priest who sees to our EF Mass needs within 65 miles or so, I am not inclined to jump - just yet!

What events would need to take place for Mrs L and myself to head for the SSPX fold?

Well, I do not claim to have any inside knowledge or, certainly, no special knowledge that allows me to see into the future, but, it does not take too much of an imagination to ponder on what the 'ungodly' may do ere long.

My fear, and it is just that, at present, is that the next move will be against the Fraternal Society of St Peter and its priests.

After all, if the FFIs are having to swear an oath of fealty to the Novus Ordo, it can't be too long before the FSSP will be pushed towards the same cliff edge.

Certainly, the time is drawing near when priests and religious, whether in an order or secular, will have to face up to an oath of modernism, if Hilary White is correct in her assumption.

Priests such as Fr Thwaites RIP and Fr Lessiter refused to obey their bishops long, long ago.

They chose obedience to God over obedience to their bishop and, when you assess the quality of the bishops, there is no doubt that they made the right choice.

The words "Come follow Me" could take on a rather more poignant aspect in the near future.

PLEASE NOTE: I fear I upset Hilary White by misinterpreting her words and I have amended the above post accordingly and apologise unreservedly to HJMW.