Showing posts with label Pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela. Show all posts

Monday, 30 December 2013

Something for the New Year perhaps?

No time to post at present but here is a video clip of a pilgrimage that fascinates me, El Camino de Santiago de Compostela - The Way.

It is not a pilgrimage for the faint hearted, it is well over 600 kilometres (according to which route you choose).

It appears to attract people in search of a meaning to life - possibly they find a sense of the sacred on their journey.

Somehow, I doubt that this is enough to bring about a conversion to the Faith but it must surely bring some graces, some spiritual awakening in those who have no faith.

And, for those who do, perhaps it deepens and strengthens their belief.

Watch the video and judge for yourself....