Showing posts with label Portsmouth Diocese and the Latin Mass.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portsmouth Diocese and the Latin Mass.. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

EF Mass for Portsmouth!

St Agatha, patron saint of breast cancer sufferers and bell ringers

A commentator (John-of-Hayling) has flagged up the fact that the TLM is returning to Portsmouth City as of this coming Saturday 19th January. Many thanks JoH.

The Mass will be celebrated at St Agatha's Church at 11am and will be offered on every third Saturday of the month.

St Agatha's is part of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.

Definitely a hooray, hurrah and huzzah, thank you Bishop Egan.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

If you're Catholic, please state that Buddhism and all other 'isms' are bunkum

Tell that to your Bishops, please.

I have discovered (naively) that school visits (especially ones involving primary school children) to temples, shrines, mosques and synagogues are rampant.

What are our teachers thinking of?

At the risk of repeating myself; do we seek reciprocation in any form?

Do we ask Temple worshippers along to our Benedictions?

When did you last see a coven gathering around the sanctuary? (don't answer that, you know what I meant, let's leave the EMHCs out of this).

Seriously though, this appears to be endemic, no wonder we have much to worry about regarding Fatima.

And when please, if you are a headteacher or a school governor, tell me this; when did your school attend a Mass celebrated in the Extraordinary Form?

Let me answer it for you.......never!

You have never* taken your children to witness the greatest wonder of the Faith on earth, shame on you!

* I am excluding Cardinal Vaughan and The Oratory School from that statement.

And... you may like to know that I am writing this post from the heart of Portsmouth City...was that a knock on the door?

Pure coincidence that I find myself in Inman country. I fear now't from Bishop Philip but there may be a few of the old guard around who might be tempted to give me  Hampshire necktie, or worse.

Tomorrow on to Kingston sur Thames followed by Henfield and then, on Sunday, Mass at Taunton.
That's not on the LMS list, I wonder why, it is legit after all.


Thursday, 27 September 2012

Yoga banned from church premises

Fr John Chandler of St Edmund's Church, Southampton has cancelled a booking from a yoga instructor to hold classes in the church hall.

Predictably, this has produced squeals of outrage from those council run 'all faith' groups.

Fr Chandler is clear on his grounds for not holding yoga classes on church property, namely, that the classes were advertised as being "spiritual" in formation and, as such, would be contrary to the teachings of Holy Mother Church.

Well done Fr Chandler.

It will not have escaped anyone's notice that this church is in the Diocese of Portsmouth.

I believe that the new Bishop will approve.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

The best post of the year

I often complain (or whinge) about the lack of Latin Masses in Menevia and the distance that the faithful have to travel to attend one.

       Not a Latin Mass in sight

Not any longer. I read the current post on the blog 'A Catholic Comes Home' and felt very privileged, spoilt even.

You see, we have the makings of a community here in West Wales, not many of us, probably about twenty or so all told (many more in the Confraternity of the Holy Cross but not all are local).

But twenty good souls and true count for a lot.

I do remember the bleak, dark days of 1988 when there was no EF Mass and no EF Mass Catholics to be had for 200 miles or so. And that lasted for over 12 years.

But ACCH lives in a pleasant county of England that is also a black hole as far as TLMs are concerned. There are good Dominican sisters nearby but they do not have the Latin Mass  in their chapel.

If you read A Catholic Comes Home's excellent post about attending an OF Mass in her parish you will see precisely what she is up against.

Say a prayer for the Diocese of Portsmouth that, with the aid of their new Bishop, the Mass of all Time will be restored.

Here is ACCH's post........A Catholic Comes Home