Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts

Friday 26 March 2021

Dog in Acrylics and Sketchbook Revival

Acrylic Painting - Dog

I did this by watching an Angela Anderson video on UTube. I didn't like it when I had first done it but it's grown on me.

Sketchbook Revival

Day 4, session 2: Concertina Fun: Make a fun mini concertina book with Karen Stamper

Day 6, session 2 with Helen Wells. Expressive Sketchbooks: Seeking inspiration outside.
I used small sticks and the end of a feather to draw these with  ink. I used photographs of interesting trees for inspiration. I think this has been my favourite session so far.

I used two of the stick drawings to make a pocket in an altered book.
The pocket holds an altered postcard.
Day 5, session 1. Robyn McClendon - Altered Book as a sketchbook.

Day 7, session 1 with David Drazil
Drawing Perspective Made Easy
This one is 5 point perspective

Day 7, session 2 with Trupti Karjinni
Watercolour Summer Landscape

Day 8, session 1 - Shelley Klammer
The History and Practice of Automatic Drawing

I think you can still join in with these sessions if anyone is interested.

Happy Paint Party Friday!


Tuesday 4 February 2020

Friday 13 April 2018

Altered Book - Pages 65-74

More from the altered book Somerset Studio 2003 Art Journal Calendar. You can't tell on some pages that it is an altered book, it could be any sketchbook.
Don't know if you were expecting more than 6 pages, ie 65-74 - I'm just using the calendar pages and leaving the art pages as they were [in the book one side is art, one side calendar]

I remembered to join in with Paint Party Friday this week, go along to see more art.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Melted Pastel Painting

I had some cheap nasty waxy oil pastels that I didn't like to draw with so I thought I would melt them over a canvas. I used a heat tool and held them individually with some tea bag tongs.
Which way up?
I liked the colours but thought it wasn't quite right so I melted more and spread the melted wax over bare bits of canvas with an old paintbrush.
A close up
I still wasn't sure about it. Then I remembered that I've got a melting pot. I put a few similar colour pastels in at once to melt then poured over the canvas.
Either way up.
Close ups.

Still not sure but the pastels are all gone apart from black.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Altered Books [H of A and SSAJ]

Way back in 2012 I sorted some books for charity and this one [History of Art - Impressionism] was among them. The spine was disintegrating and not good enough to give away so I thought I would use it for art work. The idea was to be inspired by the art in it, although this didn't always work. The book is not finished but I keep having a dabble in it.

Another book I started altering in 2014 was a Somerset Studio art journal calendar from 2003. I'm just using one side and leaving the original art work on the other side. I've just taken photos of my art work this time.

Real plants under plastic

This one was a digital painting which I printed then cut up.

Sunday 28 May 2017

Watch the Birdie

I painted the parrot above but the bird below was taken from a greetings card. The vintage image was from a cookery book, I gave it a bit of colour with paint.

Friday 19 May 2017

More pages from Sketchbook 54

Vintage images as well as drawing and painting on the first two photos

An ink drawing of my friend's owl ornament