Islamic terrorists revel in the glory of beheading infidel's because it is what their false paedophile prophet Mohamed did to terrorise his enemies. If I am right, it is said that he personally beheaded between 6 & 700 in one day before raping his War booty.
This shows the savage mentality at the core of the so called 'religion of peace' - Islam
In modern times the Jihad soldiers of Islam can go one better than their devil incarnate leader Mohamed by videoing their sickening atrocities and then placing it up on the Internet for the whole world to see, thus creating an image in the worlds eyes that will stand the test of time and bring glory in Moslems eyes to the perpetrators of the act.
We have seen this happening in Iraq with many high profile beheadings that still circulate the Internet reaching a global audience, something the false prophet Mohamed could only dream of in his Jihad 14 centuries ago when he was terrorising the infidel in his Holy War.
Now we have British born Al Qaeda trained Pakistani Moslems wanting to carry out such acts, film them and then post this savagery on the Internet within mainland Britain so as to spread fear and terror throughout our country.
The ring leader of this plot is a Pakistani Moslem called Khan, the same name as the Al Qaeda leader from Luton Mr Q Khan and the name of the mafia which controls a guerrilla army of drug dealers on the streets of Luton.
The Khan in this plot was helped by drug dealers, which proves once again the link between the Moslem drug gangs within Great Britain and the Jihad against our Country, exactly the same as what I have been writing about in Luton where I live, which I am now going to be arrested for.
In 2006 MI5 said they knew of 200 Islamic terrorist cells, that they are watching 1600 Moslem terrorists and that there are 30 plots in preparation against us - You can only imagine the scale of the problem now!
Can you imagine what terror is being plotted against you and me as you are reading this, the military wing of the Islamic kingdom within mainland Britain is at war with non-Moslem society, this plot which was once again thankfully prevented by our security services is one more plot to murder innocent people in Al Qaeda's Islamic inspired Holy War against the non-Moslem world.
How long until the security services are not successful in thwarting an attack considering there are so many aimed at us.
If this is not a 21st Century guerrilla War then could someone please leave a definition of what this really is in my comments section because from where I am sitting, this is Islams Holy War to take over rule of Great Britain and enforce an Islamic way of life across the land. They already have their Islamic way of life within their mini Kingdoms the length and breadth of Great Britain, now they want to take it all.
The British State also now wants to arrest me for writing words of truth about what threatens the life of my beloved homeland, and potentially place me in prison with these people below.
Thanks DC Ian Holden for placing me in this position, your Superiors who have obliged their masters will to have me arrested and the Head of the Crown Prosecution Service who is the one that will ultimately sanction my prosecution in an English court for speaking out in defence of myself, my community, my country and the civilised World, in the face of this modern global war.
Oops I forgot our Home Secretary has told us that this terrorist activity within mainland Britain is not Islamic terrorist activity, it is anti-Islamic activity, these men below must all be in disguise then, and are really a bunch of monsters who want to fulfil their blood lust by beheading someone and will dress up like good Moslems and grow long beards to cover their tracks.
What a pathetic excuse for a Home Secretary who is supposed to protect our homeland from mortal danger!
Some more monsters in disguise: Soldiers of Islam they all seem to like the same costumes and long beards though, I wonder if there is something in that? I am sure British detectives and our Security services could work out what the disguise mean so that they can tell us what really is going on for the sake of our personal safety and our survival on planet Earth.
Once these monsters in disguise kill us there is no coming back, just like the 52 innocent people who were murdered on 7/7 by remarkably similar looking men who were in disguise again - I wonder if there is a pattern to all of this disguise?
No there cant be, the Home Secretary knows best and she has told us that this is all called anti-Islamic activity, so if that's the case what activity is all of this terror, murder, bloodshed and carnage?
Considering large sections of Great Britain and its innocent populations are now surrounded by several million of these people in very similar disguises, it would be good to know what it means, I know that for my community there have been more savage acts perpetrated by the exact same type of people pictured below, with the exact same disguise they are wearing - Isn't a spade a spade?
Obviously not in todays Labour controlled Marxist Britain!
• Extremist also sent supplies to terrorists in Afghanistan
• 'Incriminating' conversations picked up after phones tapped
• Khan was 'centre of terrorist cell in Birmingham'
An Islamic extremist admitted plotting to kidnap and behead a Muslim British soldier in Birmingham, a court heard today.
Parviz Khan, 37, planned to cut off his head "like a pig" in a garage and post film of the atrocity on the internet.
The former charity worker, a British citizen, wanted to "cause panic and fear within the armed forces and the wider public".
He was going to snatch the soldier in the city's pub and club area of Broad Street with the help of drug dealers, Leicester crown court was told.
Continue reading: Behead him like a pig
Please read this from BBC web site.
The muslim gang were going to use drug dealers to kidnap the soldier. Mate, you can use this evidence as proof that the Pakistani drugs gangs are behind the jihad. This evidence could be your way out my friend.
"The jury was told how Khan, of Alum Rock, intended to use drug dealers to kidnap the soldier while on a night out, behead him in a lock-up garage and then release footage of the killing to the public."
Don't you see, the BBC have stated the same thing that you've been trying to tell the British public, that Islamic drugs gangs are behind the UK infitada or uprising. Is the BBC racist for publishing this story? NO! and nor are you.
The government has no case against you, you are merely repeating what's out there in the press.
The thing that makes me mad about reports like this that are in every news paper printed in this country. Is that even though you see reports like this one day in & day out, you still get those in power saying that islam is a religion of peace. WHAT !!! when you read things like this day in & day out. It is starting to get beyond belief, those in power seem to think that us poor plebs, can not read nor can we see the news on TV telling us about another muslims terror strike. Be it in this country or any other, it all tells us the same thing. That islam is a religion of death, of oppression, of persecution, islam is pure evil & all those who worship within it. There are two sides of islam the Medina side & the Mecca side. When they come into a country they use the peaceful one, but when they are enough in power & size they then demand what they truly want & use the true islam. Those who believe the muslims have only been told what the peaceful one says, they are not told what the true quran says. I have said it again & again, God Help us all.
In a conversation at the end of 2006, Khan outlined to Mahmood two ways in which the soldier victim could be seized
One way was "having a chitchat with him and winning his interest by the white stuff (cocaine), then afterwards we can ambush him or whatever".
Parviz Khan said this in bugged conversation,it's on tape.
Where ever there is a large Islamic community they control the supply of street drugs, this is because it fits in with Jihad, it is the 'street Jihad' and through it they are destroying our society, making vast sums of money in the process which is then poured back into every other area of the jihad.
They have large organised gangs which supply the drugs, and is nothing less than a paramilitary army.
Don't you see, the BBC have stated the same thing that you've been trying to tell the British public, that Islamic drugs gangs are behind the UK infitada or uprising. Is the BBC racist for publishing this story? NO! and nor are you.
The government has no case against you, you are merely repeating what's out there in the press.
The BBC is part of the Ruling Junta in Britain, so of course they get a pass from the Government.
Lionheart enjoys no such status. He says what he thinks is the truth and doesn't give a damn what the regime thinks. This makes him a danger to the Establishment; a loose cannon.
Unstable is the word most people like to use against me to try and discredit me Ronbo.
God bless you
Where ever there is a large Islamic community they control the supply of street drugs, this is because it fits in with Jihad, it is the 'street Jihad' and through it they are destroying our society, making vast sums of money in the process which is then poured back into every other area of the jihad.
They have large organised gangs which supply the drugs, and is nothing less than a paramilitary army.
Interesting that the Communists did exactly the same thing in Vietnam and Germany during the 60s and 70s -- They allowed cheap illegal drugs to flow into those oountries to destroy the West's ability will to resist Communism.
It appears our ROP brothers found another old totalitarian play book to use against us.
Unstable is the word most people like to use against me to try and discredit me Ronbo.
God bless you
I'm sure you're aware of my run-in with the U.S. Secret Service back in the 90s and they attempted to have me declared insane! I kid you not! It was like something out of one of those GULAG novels by Solzhenitsyn about Soviet Russia.
Of course, they failed. I would not be writing these lines otherwise. The only thing that saved me from the Psycho Ward for life was an honest U.S. District judge who deep sixed this attempt after a year of hell spent in "analysis" by government doctors.
I wouldn't put it passed your government to pull something like this on you. All they need to do is find a government doctor to say you're a "threat to society" and they lock you up forever in some funny farm far from the public eye.
Cheers, Ronbo
Add them to the list anonymous.
Yeah i know what your saying Ronbo, but everything i write is based upon facts, so there is nothing they could label me.
Anon said:
The role of the police also has to be called into question. Since when, assuming this is verified, have the Police sent suspected criminals ‘e-mails’ to warn them of their impending arrest?
Check this out.
Police to avoid Ramadan arrests
Yeah i know what your saying Ronbo, but everything i write is based upon facts, so there is nothing they could label me.
Lionheart after the injection of court ordered drugs, the powers that be will be able to hang any mental label on you they want.
All the more reason not to go back.
With 700 people leaving the UK everyday because of what is happening to my country i am in good company.
The above link didn't work so here it is again.
them add stm after .
Lionheart, not everything you write is based on facts. It is not fact that those persons that committed rape in Luton were Pakistani Moslems, and it is not fact that Engalnd = Britain.
" and it is not fact that Engalnd = Britain."
I'm pretty sure that Lionheart knows where England is.
Anonymous, if the police are searching to eliminate 61 people from within the taxi community of Luton then it is a fact that the person they are looking for is a Pakistani Moslem.
I should know i live there.
At a guess there is not 61 white British taxi drivers, if it was a white British driver then they would have been caught by now.
These are the facts.
And i think i know that England does not = Britain.
I live in England which is a part of Britain.
Although most people want us to do away with England by making it racist if we state England.
Ok then, whilst the girl was being raped did she stop and ask him his religion? Or are you just assuming because his description is asian and he lives in your area that he is a muslim? Trust me, I am against extremist muslims - I am a close friend of 'TheStoff' who has a long post about you on his site - this is how I found this site, however sometimes you tend to go over the top.
And yes this is correct, but you are placing St George Crosses all over your site... is this site aimed at Britain or England?
If you live in Luton then i will listen to your argument, you do not so you do not know what you are talking about.
You think you do but you dont!
I live in England, not Wales, Scotland or Ireland.
Each of those areas have their own people speaking out and we join together and become Britain or the United Kingdom.
What has that got to do with you anyway?
'TheStoff' does not even know me!
Where else have i gone over the top then?
Why would the luton taxi cab companies hire non muslims? why would they risk an outsider, a non muslim from compromising their drugs empire.
No, im just not going to give you a platform on my blog Stoff.
Go do what you do and say what you have to say somewhere else because you will be deleted from here.
On the sidebars, you make pleas to the queen, don't you know she's part of the problem?
Plus the fact that she's filthy-rich monarchy, and you're a "peasant" to her.
She's above all the problems, and what would she care what happens to the "common" people?
Tell me the truth, about what you percieve. Does she look like she cares, or has ever cared?
The entire Royal family is strange - from way back. They're not like us.
Just another day in paradise.
Thanks Nu Labour, you've make parts of the UK like a hell hole.
Why is Queen Elizabeth 2 not behaving like Queen Elizabeth 1st, at least where defending her people and country by defeating England's enemies is concerned?
Perhaps this has something to do with her heir Prince Charles who, the rumours claim, prances around in fancy Moslem (Moroccan) gear and headwear.
He is also an expert on the Koran which he reads regularily and has a specially warm affinity with Islam, more so than with Christianity (let alone Judaism)
Some Moslems assert that he has actually converted to Islam, which I doubt, but still his interest in it is beyond normal.
Of course, if this claim is based on fact, the day will come when he dons white robes and makes Haj to Mecca. And on his death, will be flown on a winged horse's back to the Islamic Heaven to be served by those 72 virgins, and perhaps a few rosy-cheeked youths as well...!
Anonymous Lady
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