Showing posts with label arthurian legend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arthurian legend. Show all posts

21 June 2008

HRH Prince William: Is he the long awaited annointed one?

Within the British isles there is a legend that has spanned the ages, the legend from the past speaks of a time in the future when a King will arise at a time that the Nation and its people are in ‘Great Peril’. This King will be the long awaited one who puts on the mantle of the legendary King Arthur and lead his people to victory over the invading enemies and save the Nation.

Sir Winston Churchill once famously said that the further back in time you look the further forward you can see.

There are many stories surrounding King Arthur, fact and fiction that points to a great leader, and Knight, in the Middle ages who defended his people against the Saxons and Romans, who then went on to build his Kingdom which became known as Camelot. There is the story of the lady in the lake who gives Arthur the mythical sword ‘Excalibur’, his beautiful wife Queen Guinevere, his equally beautiful half sister Morgan le Fay who added a dark side to the story, and of Merlin placing the Kings sword in the stone that "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone is the right wise born king of all England." to which King Arthur was the one and became King of England. King Arthur also had his Knights who met around a round table, which is where the story of the Knights of the roundtable derives from.

Whatever is true about the real King Arthur from the Middle ages, is that the story and legend has withstood the test of time, with people within the British isles from every generation awaiting the return of a King anointed with the leadership skills and chivalry who will fit the legend and save them from the awaited future peril that is to befall these islands that has been spoken off from the distant past.

We cannot be certain about all of the facts surrounding King Arthur because of how far back into our history he lived, but we can look at the legend as a type of prophecy given to the people of his day that has reverberated throughout history up until today, and all along awaiting fulfillment, in a time in the future, for when it was given.

Myth and fantasy has surrounded the story throughout the ages but the core truth remains of a future King saving his people from great peril, and the one who has always represented this great leader and King has been King Arthur, the anointed one of the Middle Ages who saved his people and became King of England at that time, this is why the story of King Arthur returning has always been the central theme of Arthurian legend.

It is my personal belief that the time has arrived that the fulfillment of that ancient prophecy given to the people of the British Isles has arrived, and HRH Prince William is to be the anointed King of Arthurian legend, born, blessed and anointed to lead and save his people from the greatest of perils in hundreds of years.

In my mind the possible rule and timing of HRH Prince William ascension to the throne, including all of the conditions surrounding him points very clearly to him being one of the most important Royals ever to sit on the throne since Medieval times, because if we lose this War that is befalling this Nation now then there will no longer be a throne of England sitting over the people of these isles, it will be a distant memory, erased by the darkness of the new Moslem masters of this land if the military wing of the Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain succeeds in achieving their aims of flying the black flag of Islam over 10 Downing Street.

Do you think they are going to let a Christian King rule over them?

Exile awaits those too weak to defend England at a time when the defence of the land is the only option left because of the corner we have been forced into.

Al Qaeda has already stated that Our Queen is an enemy of Islam and a target for the Moslem armies in Britain, and more recently several Moslems have gone on trial for planning to kill members of the Royal family and having detailed private information about their movements and where they live.

The Sovereign Rule of the ‘House of Windsor’ over the people of Great Britain is in the greatest of perils for hundreds of years, and the Royal Families heads are just as much on the Islamic chopping block as the rest of us, if not more so because of who they are.

Can you imagine the coo for the Islamic World to have the head of Our Christian King or Queen on a stake somewhere in England?

Don’t say that that is rubbish because anyone who knows anything about Islam and Jihad knows that that is what they have in store for their enemies; look back into history to see what has befallen our Kings and their Knights at the hands of the blood thirsty armies of the devil in the embodiment of Moslems.

What we can say is that it will never happen, because we will never let it happen, and over our dead bodies they will have to climb first, and there are millions of us who they will have to climb over.

Last Sunday saw the 793rd anniversary of the Magna Carta, the same Magna Carta that this extreme Liberal Left Wing Marxist Government has torn to shreds since being in power. Totally destroying the British peoples ‘common law rights’ that have been with us for generations. This Labour government has also destroyed the safety and security of the British homeland by nurturing and feeding the blood thirsty Islamic beast that is now living in our midst seeking our complete destruction, and their eventual take over of rule of our land. They have stripped Our Sovereign Rulers of their rule over us the people by using the state apparatus that was entrusted to them for our protection, against us and against any sign of dissent from their political agenda and treason. High treason is what this government has committed against the people of the British Isles and against the Crown, but because they control the power of the State and have placed their robots in the overall positions of that power, there is nothing we can say or do without the fear of arrest by their private army the police force. They now have ultimate control over the British people and pass laws in government to stifle any dissent from their Marxist will. The House of Windsor is slowly but surely becoming obsolete because of the Marxist agenda being enforced upon us by the Marxist revolutionaries in power that the Revivalist Bishop Nazir Ali spoke of. There is also no greater example of complete contempt for Our Royalty and their place within our society than when Tony Blair’s wife refused to courtesy to the Queen. This was the ultimate disrespect and sign of betrayal to Our leader and showed the view of our Royal Family from the top tier of this Labour government seen as though she was Tony Blairs wife the then Prime minister and would have been informed of protocol.

Is it any wonder this Labour government removed the death penalty for treason!

The following day from the anniversary of the Magna Carta saw HRH Prince William anointed before God as the 1000th Royal Knight of the Garter. A milestone figure placed upon the head of our future King, as he joins the ranks of one of the knobbliest Orders in the World. An Order of Knights that has withstood the test of time, that has absolutely no interference from the government, it is the Queen who picks and chooses on her own volition and this year the time was right to induct her grandson and heir to the throne into this most noble of orders, and a new commander within the realm.

We can only hope that HRH Prince William will see his new position within the Realm as something more than pomp and pageantry as his future Kingdom and inheritance burns all around him.

Everyone and I mean everyone I speak to about England says exactly the same, it is lost, this government has destroyed it, there is nothing left and people are getting out as quick as they can. While those who hate us and our way of life are jumping in as quick as they can because Britain is a free ride, paid for by the good decent hardworking British taxpayers who are left and have no other option but to pay their taxes that goes to feeding and housing their mortal enemies.

Nothing is lost though when there are people willing to fight for what is right and the preservation of everything they hold dear; they just await a leader with the keys to the Kingdom, a leader like HRH Prince William, the 1000th Royal Knight of the British realm who will arise and save the Kingdom and people from the darkest of perils that is befalling them and their homeland.

It was announced that Prince William was to be anointed the 1000th Royal Knight on St Georges day, the day of the English people, the day that this government spent a measly 230 pounds over the last few years to celebrate while they spent hundreds of thousands celebrating other peoples and Nations upon our land. What does this say about this government and their contempt for the English people who they rule over?

Thank God Our Queen knows exactly what she is doing by choosing to announce the induction of her grandson on St Georges day. She knew the hatred that would be aimed at her by the multi-culti leaders in government who would find this offensive to their new pet, but went ahead and proclaimed it anyway on the English peoples day. The Queen has clearly shown where she stands, and there are many millions across the land who stand with her.

This Labour government cares more about the block vote from the Islamic Kingdom than they do for the block vote from the English people whose Country this is. They bend over backward to appease and surrender like begging drooling dogs just for their votes. The sooner they are out of power then the better it is for England, that is unless they sell us out to Europe first and take their place within the new European government and continue controlling us from afar. Thank God there are people out there though who do care about the English people who are rising up to be a voice for the silent majority within this land. A people removing the shackles of the past to be relevant for the future, the uncertain future we are all entering.

It is my belief that depending on what the future holds, based on the decisions that are made about the future leadership over the people of this land, because those who sit on the throne are the leaders of this land and people, and the government works for both of them and not the other way round, will determine the outcome and future of this Nation and people. War has been declared against us and there can only be one winner at the end of it, them or us no middle ground. When HRH Prince William ascends the throne of England and takes on his responsibilities as ‘defender of the Faith’, if he serves God and his people faithfully through the dark days that lay ahead, and we come through as a people together, then he will become our future Patron Saint, a leader who arose at a time when the Nation was most in peril and through his bravery, courage and leadership saved the land and its people from a fate worse than death. He will always be remembered as the saviour of the British Isles, the same as King Arthur is always remembered from Medieval times, with his story reverberating throughout the ages. That is why Prince William fits the Arthurian legend as the awaited King who arose at a time when England and the British Isles needed him most. Almighty God blessed him, anointed him then sent him into mankind for the job that lay ahead. The question is; does Prince William stand with his people?

Only time will tell now as we walk into the future and all it contains.

May God bless Prince William and the True Knights and commanders of the Realm.


(A signed limited edition print of the King Arthur Chess board picture behind me is available for sale from my ebay shop)

Ebay please click: King Arthur & the chess game

The Code of Chivalry
Courtesy of Born a Templar

Live to serve King and Country.
•Live to defend Crown and Country and all it holds dear.
•Live one's life so that it is worthy of respect and honor.
•Live for freedom, justice and all that is good.
•Never attack an unarmed foe.
•Never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack.
•Never attack from behind.
•Avoid lying to your fellow man.
•Avoid cheating.
•Avoid torture.
•Obey the law of king, country, and chivalry.
•Administer justice.
•Protect the innocent.
•Exhibit self control.
•Show respect to authority.
•Respect women.
•Exhibit Courage in word and deed.
•Defend the weak and innocent.
•Destroy evil in all of its monstrous forms.
•Crush the monsters that steal our land and rob our people.
•Fight with honor.
•Avenge the wronged.
•Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.
•Fight for the ideals of king, country, and chivalry.
•Die with valor.
•Always keep one's word of honor.